The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 267 Magic Fire

"Ret [img=/sss/huiqub.jpg], everyone retreats to the array!" Lv Tian blindfolded his eyes and saw that the cyan flames on the flags were getting thicker and thicker. In a hurry, he suddenly shouted, and took the lead in pulling back and sidden towards the large array behind him.

When the monks around him heard the words, they immediately subconsciously followed the leader back.

Seeing this scene, he also gave the order to retreat without hesitation.

However, except for a small number of monks on Han Li's side who have the upper hand, can get out at any time, but other people are coincidentally entangled by their opponents and can't get out at all. Han Li's opponent also launched an offensive crazily, trying to contain Han Li.

But Han Li sneered, took back other magic weapons and sacrificed the white scale shield, and returned to the array lightly against the opponent's offensive. The monk of Tianshao Sect had to stop outside the formation with a resogy face.

Xuan Le saw [img=/sss/ziji.jpg] that most of the people in this team could not get out of the battle. Instead, they fought more fiercely and knew it was not good. I just wanted to go out to help other monks, but as soon as I was moved, I was pulled by Lv Tianmeng.

"It's too late! Qingyang Magic Fire has been summoned by the other party!" Lv Tianmeng shook his head with a pale face and said.

Han Li, who also heard this, noticed that those people in red with big hands had shot out the blue flame with thick arms at the tip of their flags. More than a dozen blue fires rushed into the air, bringing together a huge green fire ball with a diameter of several feet, gently floating in the air and swaying, eye-catching.


After Xuan Le was stunned. Then I will say something [img=/sss/shenme.jpg]. But the next move of those people in red immediately made him look extremely ugly.

The men in red pointed the tip of the flag at the seven monks who were still entangled outside the battle, and suddenly the huge fireball made a muffled sound, turning into more than a dozen small ignition balls several feet long and pounced straight at the monks.

These blue fireballs were extremely fast, and in a blink of an eye, they galloped in front of the seven monks.

These people naturally [img=/sss/faxian.jpg] the mutant of the big fireball, and most of them coincidentally used various magic weapons to meet the blue fireball. Very few people used some runes to carry out Taoist attacks, all of which tried to shoot down the object.

Unfortunately. Since this blue flame is known as the "Qingyang Magic Fire", it is really terrible!

Whether it is a magic weapon or a Taoist attack, when you touch the cyan fireball, it is like a moth rushing into the fire, silently melting.

Seeing this incredible scene, these monks looked as pale as snow!

without waiting for them to think about it, more than a dozen fireballs hit them at the same time, and the shields and shields outside their bodies were all wiped out. People are instantly turned into nothing under the magic fire. There is no trace left in this world.

The rest of the monks who have not yet been attacked saw this horrible scene, and there was still a slight hesitation! He was hit hard by the monk of Tiansha Sect on the opposite side or simply didn't want the magic weapon in the entanglement, and went straight to the big array.

But in this way, the two or three of them panicked and died directly under the opponent's magic weapon.

In this way, as soon as the seven factions defending the spiritual mine came into contact with the other party, they had lost nearly a dozen gas refining disciples and a foundation-building monk, which can be said to have suffered heavy losses!

But the power of Qingyang Magic Fire is not just that!

These blue fireballs are manipulated by the man in red. Once again, a whole was synthesized, and then turned into a cyan flame wave and rushed straight to the four evils.

Now all the people hiding in the array changed their faces, and the fear spread to all the monks.

Xuan Le saw this, frowned, and asked Lv Tianmeng directly:

"Brother Lu. What is this blue flame [img=/sss/zenme.jpg]? How can the foundation-building monks release such a terrible real fire? The prohibition of this large array should be able to block the impact of this fire, right? No [img=/sss/cuow.jpg] Many words on the novel network"

After listening to the other party's series of questions, Lv Tianmeng couldn't help smiling bitterly. But seeing that the other monks were staring at him, they had no choice but to explain:

"To tell you the truth, when Lv was fighting on the border that day, he only occasionally saw the horror of the Qingyang magic fire! As for whether it can break the four arrays, I really can't speculate! However, I later heard some elders say that this kind of magic fire can not be released casually. It not only requires these flame monks to practice this kind of Qingyang magic fire. And each release is also at the cost of reducing one's own cultivation. That's why it's so difficult to resist!"

Lv Tianmeng said this. Let Xuan Le and other monks look at each other in consternation and look depressed!

At this time. The cyan flame finally collided with the four-color prohibition of the array, making a low bursting sound, which immediately attracted everyone's attention [img=/sss/guoquu.jpg].

I saw that the blue waves kept hitting the four-color light curtain one after another, making the light curtain ripple, but finally the terrible magic flame was at the moment, which made the monks of the seven factions in the position relieved for a while.

But Han Li and others did not have much time [img=/sss/sjian.jpg], so they became worried again.

Because with [img=/sss/sjian.jpg] a little bit of [img=/sss/guoquu.jpg], the four-color light curtain has gradually faded under the repeated washing of the cyan flame, which is obviously a sign that the array will break. Although those people in red also waved the flag with a sweaty face, it is obvious that there is no problem to support it for a moment.

All the monks in this battle are trying their best to use their brains and think hard about the strategy of retreating from the enemy or getting out!

According to the situation of other spiritual mines being attacked, although the seven sects of monks who fell into the hands of the devil were not killed immediately, they would also be immediately escorted behind the enemy. No one knows how he will be dealt with by the devil after being a prisoner?

But the seven sects and the six sects of the devil have fought until now, and it can be said that the hatred is as deep as the sea! How could it be so easy to give preferential treatment to the other party's prisoners? In particular, the other party is also particularly good at the poisonous means of drawing souls and refining gods, which makes the seven sects of monks very uneasy!

Therefore, the matter of surrender was not a last resort, and no one mentioned it at all.

"I [img=/sss/zhido.jpg] an underground passage, which can directly lead to dozens of miles away, which should be enough for us to escape!" Yu Xing, the old man who had been stationed here for more than ten years, suddenly said calmly.

This was like a boulder stirring up thousands of waves, which immediately surprised Xuanle and other monks at first, but then became excited.

"Brother Yu, really, don't skip words.

"Great, now you can get out!"



The originally panicked monks of the Seven factions were angry in a blink of an eye, and they were overjoyed!

Han Li is also a surprise. After all, he also has nothing to do with those blue magic flames. I'm afraid he can't fight if he wants to work hard.

Xuan Le and Lv Tianmeng, who were excited in their hearts, once again confirmed the authenticity of the underground passage from Yu Xing's mouth, and then he hesitated to order to retreat!

As for the spiritual stone mine, don't worry. At most, the other party will only completely destroy the hole, so that the source here can no longer recover the spiritual stone supply in the short [img=/sss/sjian.jpg]. The spirit stone contained in the mine can't be taken away by the devil. Even if you are a mortal who digs mines, the warring parties will generally not do harm!

So all they have to do is pat their buttocks and leave.

In this way, Han Li and more than 50 other monks guarding the mine, under the leadership of Yu Xing, entered an underground tunnel of the spiritual stone mine. But as soon as they entered the ground, everyone felt that the whole canyon trembled slightly.

"The four evil arrays have been broken!" Xuan Le said such a sentence with no expression on his face.

Surely, the monks' footsteps were much faster.


In the tunnel, it was illuminated by the moonstones in the hands of the monks. From the potholed walls around the tunnel, it can be seen that the tunnel was completely excavated manually, which surprised the monks.

According to Yu Xing, this tunnel was originally a very long spirit stone vein, so the people who unconsciously collected the spirit stone dug out such a long underground tunnel and directly opened the exit at the other end.

Fortunately, this tunnel is too long, which is still fresh in my memory. Otherwise, there is really no way to escape today!

Other monks nodded in agreement.

But at this moment, the tunnel suddenly shook violently and collapsed little by little in a few loud rumbles.

In the frightened eyes of the monks, countless earth boulders directly buried the people under it, and the whole underground world became dark again.


A few hours later, the stone wall of a natural stone cave in the underground world broke a big hole with a "clap", and then a lizard-like puppet rushed out of the cave, poked his head and looked around, and then jumped into the hole again.

After a meal [img=/sss/sjian.jpg], the lizard organ beast jumped out of the hole in the wall again, but at this time, a person climbed out immediately after it. It was Han Li who suffered a collapse and died.

Han Li stood up and looked at the surrounding environment, showing a happy expression on his face for the rest of his life after the disaster!


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