The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 321 Hidden Fighting


It seems that Chen Qiaoqian, one of the female double-cultivation partners, shouted in great grief. Then with a wave of his hands, a dark light flew around the woman's body and flew around the vicinity, trying to find out the ice demon who harmed the woman.

Speaking of which, this senior sister named "Xue Hong" died a little wronged. If you don't have the desire to be competitive for a while and use Fubao, you may still be in peace.

Because before using Fubao, she always had a gauze defense weapon floating beside her. But because she wanted to shorten the [img=/sss/sjian.jpg] of the driving rune, she planned to save some mana, so she carelessly took the magic weapon [img=/sss/huiqub.jpg]. As a result, she lost her life without protection.

However, it is really unfair to say that this woman has too little experience and is too careless to commit this [img=/sss/cuow.jpg].

She also saw that the enemies on the opposite side had turned into light cocoons, and she felt that she was surrounded by the same door, so she dared to drive the treasure so confidently. But who could have expected that the ice demon was semi-demonized and broke out of the cocoon, and immediately invisibly aimed at her.

At that time, this woman was at the last moment of inspiring Fubao. She wanted to stop and couldn't do it right away, which ruined her hands.

Speaking of which, Song Meng also did not use any means of protection when stimulating the long gun rune. It's just that Song Meng's Fu Baowei is small, so it stimulates success in advance. Otherwise, I don't know who the hidden ice demon will sneak up on?

And not to mention the two of them, even Han Li and others who attacked just now did not have a few to open the protective weapons. After all, the light cocoon just now is just a target that can't fight back. Of course, they don't want to waste mana to sacrifice defensive weapons.

But now when I saw the tragic death of this woman, and when I heard Han Li's reminder, the others sweated coldly behind their backs, and suddenly the protective weapons and shields all emerged to prevent this strange and ferocious enemy from attacking again.

But things that make them look at each other even more. No matter what kind of invisible spells and magic weapons they use, they can't trace the demon.

is an occasional sight. But before he was surprised, the demon suddenly disappeared again. It seems to be moving at high speed. At this time, the ice demon was completely translucent, and it suddenly appeared around them from time to time. Not to mention the naked eye, even the spiritual magic weapon could not play the effect of active tracking, and it was completely got rid of it a few times.

Now everyone has become in danger, and they keep paying attention to the movements around them. He was suppressed by the semi-demonized ice demon alone and couldn't move.

Only Han Li looked at the scene in the field, and a strange look flashed on his face.

Brother Wang, who fought side by side with Han Li, had never seen such a bloody scene. At this moment, his face was extremely pale and showed fear.

For him, not long ago, he talked and laughed with [img=/sss/ziji.jpg]. "Senior sister died so tragically, just like a dream, which can be imagined in advance [img=/sss/ziji.jpg], which showed great power and easily wiped out the enemy. People's expectations are completely different!

Think of this. He looked at the Shuangxiu brother of the "Xuehong" sister with a crazy expression, and his face was even more ugly.

Maybe the more afraid [img=/sss/shenme.jpg], the more [img=/sss/shenme.jpg]!

I don't know if his guilty performance was seen by the ice demon, but he still felt that he was weak and easier to do.

Therefore, when he was wandering, a transparent cold claw was revealed from behind him. And he grabbed it fiercely to his heart.

Brother Wang's protective weapon, a small bronze shield, is also full of spirituality. He didn't wait for Brother Wang to drive it, so [img=/sss/ziji.jpg] moved [img=/sss/guoquu.jpg] in a flash, just blocking the attack.

With a soft sound, although the ice-like claws were blocked [img=/sss/huiqub.jpg], the small bronze shield was instantly condensed with a thick layer of frost, and fell straight to the ground at the same time, temporarily losing its spirituality.

Brother Wang [img=/sss/faxian.jpg] just then did the shock behind him. There is no blood on the bottom of the face. People subconsciously turned around and kept looking around in panic.

See that there is no [img=/sss/shenme.jpg] nearby. After hesitating for a moment, he suddenly bent down to pick up the small copper shield. He wanted to unfreeze the magic weapon of [img=/sss/ziji.jpg] in time so that he could sacrifice it again.


Liu Jing, the neighboring place, shouted angrily at him after seeing his behavior at a glance.

[img=/sss/shenme.jpg]?" He couldn't help but be stunned. When he understood [img=/sss/zenme.jpg], the water attribute shield behind him made a crisp polar cracking sound, and then a cold wind that froze his heart and lungs hit his back.

"It's broken!" Brother Wang almost [img=/sss/zhido.jpg] [img=/sss/zenme.jpg], the invisible ice demon did not leave with a blow, and then turned behind him to launch a fatal blow.

At this moment, Brother Wang's mind was blank, and the only thing that came to his mind was the scene of the "Xuehong" sister lying in a pool of blood and dying tragically.

"I didn't expect that it would be [img=/sss/ziji.jpg]'s turn so soon!"

What Brother Wang can think of is just such a sentence.

But at this moment, his eyes saw a flower, and then his body was light, and his whole body flew out like clouds, and then a series of roars of wind and thunder and angry roars came from under his body.

Then his feet touched the hard ground, and he stood so firmly.

"Brother Wang, are you all right? No [img=/sss/cuow.jpg] Many words on the novel network"

I couldn't figure it out. I didn't know whether [img=/sss/ziji.jpg] was dead or alive, and a voice of great concern came.

Hearing this familiar voice, this person turned his head in a daze, and Liu Jing was looking at him with a worried face.

Seeing this face, Brother Wang [img=/sss/zhido.jpg][img=/sss/ziji.jpg] was really intact, and he couldn't help but be surprised and grateful:

"Brother Liu, did you save me?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, Brother Wang [img=/sss/ziji.jpg] was shocked, and his voice was extremely hoarse. It can be seen that he was really shocked just now!

When Liu Jing heard this, he showed a little embarrassment and said shyly:

"I'm ashamed, it's not my credit that my brother survived, but that Brother Han just saved you, and now he is still fighting with the demon! Well, I heard what you said before, but it was not very [img=/sss/xiaxin.jpg] Brother Han was very young and really killed more than a dozen foundation-building monks. Now it's an eye-opener. Brother Han's strength is really unfathomable!"

"Brother Han?" Brother Wang was stunned when he heard this.

He clearly remembered that Han Li was five or six feet away from him at that time, [img=/sss/zenme.jpg] had time to take action!

After thinking about it, Brother Wang hurriedly turned around and looked at the place where the sound of fighting. The result was a sight, which stunned him.

In the place where he was attacked, there was no one in the air, but he made the sound of ping-pong fighting and a person's low roar, and flew out a few sharp and swords [img=/sss/dongxi.jpg] for no reason, cutting out the nearby ground. Countless or deep or shallow grooves come out.

Brother Wang came to his senses after a long time.

He was so surprised that when he was about to ask, a gust of wind suddenly blew in the open space there, and then a white translucent figure appeared out of thin air, and it was strangely inverted, which shocked Brother Wang.

This figure is the semi-demonized blood servant who attacked him, but at this time he looks more demonic, and his whole body is like a crystal, extremely transparent.

"Impossible, you [img=/sss/zenme.jpg] can see through my invisibility and keep up with my speed!"

The monster's crystal face can be seen full of anger and even a little fear.

But after he said this from his mouth, he let out a beastly low roar, and the man rushed forward quickly, and the whole person disappeared again.

Then Han Li's cold hum came, and the stopped fighting sounded again, and it was even more intense, and it was no longer limited to the same place, but began to spread around. Liu Jing and others, who only heard the sound but did not see the shape, all changed their faces and kept retreating.

It is the double cultivation partner of the tragic death female monk who is eager to revenge, and he has no choice but to avoid some for the time being, for fear that he will be unconsciously affected by the battle between Han Li and this demon, and the death is unclear.

They knew that they couldn't get involved in this invisible battle for a while.

"Look at the ground!" Song Meng exclaimed.

The others listened and couldn't help looking down. As a result, everyone was a little upset.

On the ground in front of me, I don't know when a thick layer of crystal ice condensed, shining in the moonlight, looking extremely smooth.

"This demon is so cunning that he turned the ground like this, which is not good for Brother Han!" Song Meng looked anxious and said worriedly.

"No sight, although it is not [img=/sss/zhido.jpg] The [img=/sss/shenme.jpg] escape technique used by Brother Han actually makes us the same [img=/sss/faxian.jpg], but from the sound Brother Han did not fall behind. Obviously, the ice field had little impact on him. However, the strangeness of these demons after transformation is really beyond our surprise. It's really hard for me to kill a fellow family here!" Liu Jing was silent for a while and said slowly.

After listening to this, the others looked at Liu Jing's heavy face and didn't know how to comfort him for a moment.

These people don't know that Han Li, the brother of Han in their mouth, is cursing in his heart while fighting with the ice demon at this moment.


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