The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 365 Wang Changqing

Han Li looked at the giant fish several feet long from a distance, and then flew to the sky of the sea ship. After two circles, he looked at the ship.

Obviously, the people on the ship also came to Han Li. After a few shouts, a large group of people gushed out of the cabin, as many as two or three hundred people, and suddenly filled the bow.

At the sight of Han Li, who was staying in mid-air, the group of people showed a little awe on their faces and bowed to Han Li one after another.

When Han Lizheng was a little stunned, a middle-aged man in the crowd took a few steps forward, said a few words nervously, and then stood still, as if waiting for Han Li's order.

Han Li touched his nose and smiled bitterly. Because of the other party's words, he couldn't understand a word. He can't communicate with words, which gives him a headache.

At this time, because he saw that Han Li did not speak immediately, the middle-aged man looked a little panicked and said a few words in a hurry. Although he didn't understand the meaning, Han Li also saw that the other party seemed to distinguish from him again.

Han Li frowned, thought for a moment, and then suddenly preached in ordinary Tiannan language:

"Is there anyone here who understands what I'm saying? If so, come out and explain it to me!"

As soon as he said this sentence, Han Li swept his eyes into the crowd below him.

The middle-aged man looked blank. Obviously, Han Li didn't talk about it. As for the confused appearance of other people, he was no better than him.

With a helpless sigh, Han Li changed several ancient sayings. I said this separately.

These ancient sayings were not learned in order to practice those tongue-twisting spells.

When he talked about one of them, a gray-haired old man in the crowd finally moved.

Seeing this scene, Han Li was overjoyed and immediately pointed to the old man.

"Old. Do you understand what I said? Han Li said slowly in that old language. After all, he doesn't often use this kind of language. He is also very strange.

When the old man heard Han Li's words, he hesitated for a moment, but still stood on the side of the middle-aged man and replied respectfully in an old saying:

"The old king, evergreen, did learn this kind of fairy language when he was young! I don't know what the fairy master told me to do?"

Seeing that the old man really understood the old saying, a few smiles appeared on his face. Suddenly, his figure flashed, and he stood in front of the old man. The old and middle-aged people were shocked at the same time.

"You must see that I don't know how to speak locally. Tell them, I'm just passing by here to inquire about something. Don't be so panicked!" Han Li said gently.

Just now, he has completely swept the giant boat with his divine consciousness. The ship is full of mortals, and no immortals are here. Only then did he feel at ease.

After saying this, Han Li ignored how the old man muttered and explained to the middle-aged man, and waved his hand in the wind in the sky. The white magic weapon slowly fell to the bow of the boat with the soul.

Then Quhun came out under the order of Han, and the boat quickly turned into a white light and flew into Han Li's hand and was put into a storage bag by him.

After finishing these things, Han Li squinted a little.

Although these mortals on the ship still look respectful. But no one showed any shock. This shows that they should often see the means of immortals, otherwise they will not be so used to it.

In this way, it is either that the people on this ship are not ordinary people, or there are many immortals here, and it is not a taboo for mortals to see it. Han Li thought thoughtfully.

At this time, the old man had passed on Han Li's words to the middle-aged man. The middle-aged man was stunned at first, but immediately showed surprise and said a lot of words to Han Li. The look was full of excitement.

Han Li looked like this when he saw the other party. I was stunned. I can't help turning my face to the old man.

The old man naturally understood Han Li's intention and hurried forward to explain to Han Li:

"Immortal Master. This is the owner of this ship. He intends to invite the immortal master to live on Kuixing Island, where he lives. He is willing to provide all the expenses and expenses of the immortal master's practice.

"Kuixing Island?" Han Li touched his chin and looked indifferent.

Seeing Han Li's indifferent look, the middle-aged man's eyes were even more eager, and a series of words came out in his mouth. From the way he smiled, Han Li didn't want the old translator to understand that this person probably said that he wanted to go to the Kuixing Island again.

So, don't wait for the old man to translate. Han Li waved his hand rudely and said:

"Tell the owner first that I'm new to your place and I'm not familiar with the situation here, so I won't promise it. After I know more about something, I will decide whether to go to his Kuixing Island or not. And now I don't understand your words. I hope he can let me follow this ship for a few days, let me teach me some local words and learn about local customs by the way.

Hearing this, the old man did not dare to neglect to explain truthfully to the middle-aged man.

After hearing this, the middle-aged man obviously showed some disappointment on his face, but he still respectfully saluted Han Li. Then he shouted a few words to the others behind him. Suddenly, everyone retreated to the cabin, and after he said something to the old man, he went backwards.

In this way, there are only two people left in the bow of the boat, the old man and Han Li.

When the old man saw this, he smiled and said to Han Li:

"Master Xianshi, Lord Gu agreed to your request and vacated a room for you. The fairy master can be with me.

Han Li listened and nodded faintly in agreement.

So, the old man named Wang Changqing was in front of him, and Han Li and Qu Hun followed him into the cabin.

"It's really big!" This is Han Li's first feeling after entering the cabin.

The cabin is well connected, with corridors everywhere, and there are not many rooms.

During this period, several mortals that Han Li met automatically made way for Han Li with a look of awe.

After following the old man around a few times, Han Li and Quhun arrived in front of a larger wooden door.

Wang Changqing pushed it away without hesitation, and then asked Han Li to go first.

Han Li was not polite to him. He walked into the room one after another with Quhun, and then looked around.

Don't mention, this house is really not!

Not only is the space large enough, but also there is no feeling of stuffiness. But the most strange thing for Han Li is that there is a strange tree planted with potted plants in the corner of the room.

This tree, with a straight trunk without any branches, is full of palm-sized triangular leaves. And the whole tree is shining with silver, as if it were made of sterling silver.

Looking at this book, Han Li showed curiosity.

"It seems that the fairy master has never seen this silver horn tree before! This tree is indeed not a common thing. It not only looks gorgeous, but also puts it in a stuffy place, which can make the air fresh and pure. It is really a rare treasure for people who run the sea. Even such a rich and powerful person as our owner has only got three or four. The old man saw the surprise in Han Li's eyes and respectfully explained to Han Li.

Han Li smiled faintly and didn't say anything. How could he not hear Wang Changqing's intention to please his lord?

Han Li asked Quhun to stay at the door and sat down on a chair in the room.

Wang Changqing stood in front of Han Li with some restraint and did not dare to sit down at will.

Seeing the other party so restrained, Han Li smiled and said to him pleasantly:

"Wang, don't be so polite. Please sit down. I still have something to ask for advice.

When Wang Changqing heard this, he repeatedly said "dare not", with a look of fear.

Seeing this situation, Han Li frowned slightly and stopped forcing the other party.

So, after thinking for a moment, he asked directly:

"I am a monk who has just arrived here from his place. I wonder if the king can introduce me to the nearby terrain and local customs first. Of course, it would be better if we could talk more about our immortals. I will definitely thank you again!"

When Han Li said these words, he looked extremely calm.

After thinking about it, Wang Changqing said slowly:

"Since the fairy master came here from the outside, it should be the sea of the chaotic sea of stars, and this is the southwest corner of the chaotic sea of chaotic stars. There are three large islands nearby, including Weixing Island, Kuixing Island and Sangxing Island. Of course, there are dozens of other small and medium-sized islands, all of which are inhabited by immortal masters and mortals.

"In fact, like the customs of other seas, each island will have a magician with the highest magician as the island owner, responsible for guarding the island. If other immortals are willing to settle on the island and hold certain positions, the island owner will distribute a certain amount of spiritual stones for them to practice every year. But from now on, we must follow the orders of the islander. Of course, if you want to live on the island but don't want to hold a position on the island, you will not only have a spiritual stone supply, but also have to pay a certain amount of spiritual stone to the island owner every year, so that you can stay on the island.

At this point, Wang Changqing paused, with a look of envy on his face, as if he yearned for immortals.


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