The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 390 Giant City

After a while, the black spot slowly became bigger from far to near, gradually showing a big blurred shadow.

Although it is not clear yet, the huge outline like Optimus Prime has made Han Li feel a magnificent and shocking momentum.

When Han Li flew closer in surprise, he finally saw the shadow clearly.

is indeed a city, and it is a super city that occupies the whole island.

But what shocked Han Li was that the main body of the city was completely different from the city he had seen before. It was not built on the flat ground, but on a towering mountain in the center of the island, which was built in circles on its surface.

At the bottom of the mountain, there are various buildings layer by layer, extending to the edge of the island, with almost no gap.

There is no doubt that this is definitely the "Star City", the largest city in the chaotic Star Sea.

Looking at the dense house that has been reaching into the sky, as small as an ant, Han Li was surprised for a long time [img=/sss/sjian.jpg].

Until the divine wind boat approached the island for dozens of miles, he came to his senses and couldn't help slowing down the magic weapon under his feet.

Because of the nearby air, it was no longer Han Li flying alone in the imperial aircraft, or a few luminaries began to appear from time to time near or far away, looking in its direction towards the Star City.

Han Li sighed in his heart that he really deserves to be a Star City! Unexpectedly, I saw other immortals in such a distant place.

After flying forward for another one or twenty miles, there were more colors in the sky. There are even some huge sea boats below, also riding the wind and waves.

What makes Han Li more speechless is that there are still some monks who do not fly in the sky without imperial weapons, but either ride a flat boat, or ride a low-level monster on the sea.

Han Li shook his head, sighed a little in his heart, and then turned into a white light. Speed up.

After a while, Han Li reached the edge of Star City.

At this time [img=/sss/faxian.jpg] the city in front of you. Unexpectedly, it was surrounded by a towering stone wall tens of feet high along the coast.

And under the endless high wall, what Han Li can see, there are more than a dozen doors, large and small.

There are not only docks for mortal sea ships, but also bays where all kinds of monsters can live. Of course, the most of them are small gates that monks can pass alone. Han Li flew to one of the small gates with a blue light.

It is said to be short! But when Han Lifei [img=/sss/guoquu.jpg] fell. When he looked at the huge door as high as seven or eight feet, he couldn't help laughing at himself with a slight movement at the corners of his mouth.

In front of Han Li is a dignified woman in blue, and her cultivation is in the middle of foundation.

She said a few words gently to the two white monks standing under the gate [img=/sss/shenme.jpg], handed out a few spiritual stones, and picked up [img=/sss/guolair.jpg] from the other party. A blue ring was casually held in her hand

Then Lian Bu walked in lightly.

Han Li left in a hurry with his soul [img=/sss/guoquu.jpg].

"The two of you stay temporarily and live in the city for a long time, if..."

"Oh, it turned out to be a senior! Welcome this senior to Star City. According to the regulations of this city. All the predecessors of Jiedan can live in the city for a long time for free. This is the identity ring, please put it away!"

A monk in white almost blinked and wanted to say what he had said many times, but only halfway through, he was identified by another monk [img=/sss/faxian.jpg] beside him, and hurriedly pulled this man's sleeve. . This person looked at Quhun again in surprise and hurriedly changed his mouth with a trace of respect. He took out a red ring from his arms and handed it [img=/sss/guoquu.jpg].

"This is my first time to Star City. Is this ring dry [img=/sss/shenme.jpg]?" Quhun said hoarsely.

"This is the spiritual ring to prove your identity. The blue one is worn by the monks who are temporarily staying in the city. You only need to pay three spiritual stones. The red land is a permanent residence, indicating that ordinary monks need to pay 800 spiritual stones to stay in the city for a long time. Therefore, the aura of the blue ring can only flash for seven days. Before the aura goes out seven days later, the owner of the ring must leave the Star City or change a new ring at the gate. The red ring is permanent, but the red ring. After dripping into the blood, you can recognize the Lord's glow. Don't be afraid of being robbed by others. This monk in white at the beginning of the foundation was neither humble nor arrogant to explain to Quhun. And lift a palm of [img=/sss/ziji.jpg], and there is the same ring with red light on one of his fingers.

Quhun nodded silently and immediately took over the ring. After a little hesitation, he dripped the blood on it, and then put it on his hand.

"Please give it to the next red one! I also plan to live in the city for a long time. Han Li smiled and took out eight middle-level spiritual stones from the storage bag and handed them to one of the monks.

The two monks in white looked at Han Li unexpectedly, but did not say [img=/sss/shenme.jpg] to take over the spirit stone, and then handed [img=/sss/guolair.jpg] a red ring.

After Han Li also dripped the essence and blood, he smiled and walked into the city gate with Quhun.

The street behind the gate is neither small nor wide. Basically, it is more than enough to walk with four people side by side or two animal cars.

And the rows of bluestone houses next to the street are mortal shops at first glance, and the [img=/sss/dongxi.jpg] are also mostly mortal goods, and there is no [img=/sss/shenme.jpg] to see.

There are almost no monks on the street, only some ordinary people are buying [img=/sss/dongxi.jpg] or talking [img=/sss/shenme.jpg]. There is no [img=/sss/shenme.jpg] strangeness and curiosity for the two monks Han Li and Quhun.

Han Li looked at the sky inadvertently and looked up at the sky. [img=/sss/faxian.jpg] There were a lot of light flying around in the sky, and there were monks flying in the sky.

Han Li was surprised that there was no ban on the sky in the largest city in the chaotic Xinghai Sea.

However, this also facilitated him and Quhun, so as soon as he raised his hand, he released the divine wind boat and wanted to go up and fly with the Quhun imperial weapon.

"Two immortals, wait!"

Suddenly, a male voice came from the side of the street, and then a thin man with two beards walked from a nearby shop [img=/sss/guolair.jpg] and saluted Han Li respectfully.

This man's eyes flashed, and he looked like a very lively person. But there is no mana fluctuation on his body, and he is obviously a mortal.

Han Li showed a trace of surprise and asked with a slight frown:

"[img=/sss/shenme.jpg]? Do I know you? I don't skip words.

"Hehe! In Xia Lu Er, I also saw the two immortal masters for the first time. The thin man said with a smile on his face.

After hearing this, Han Li's face darkened and showed displeasure, but before he could say something [img=/sss/shenme.jpg], Lu Er hurriedly said:

"The two immortal masters are coming to Star City for the first time, right? No [img=/sss/cuow.jpg] Many words on the novel network must be very strange about the road and situation of this city, and the small ones are the native residents of this city, and they know the city well. If the two immortals go to [img=/sss/shenme.jpg] or do [img=/sss/shenme.jpg], if there is a small help to lead the way, it will definitely save a lot of trouble. And as long as the fairy master gives the small two spiritual stones, it will be fine.

After saying this, Lu Erlu looked at Han Li with anticipation.

He has seen that it seems that the young man in front of him is the one of them.

Han Li smiled softly.

"Lu Er, right? If it satisfies me, I will give you five spiritual stones! But if I'm not satisfied, I won't pay for a spirit stone!"

After Han Li said with a smile, he no longer paid attention to the other party's Shenfengzhou, and Quhun also went up.

Standing on the magic weapon, Han Li looked at Lu Er beside him.

At this time, the mortal's face was uncertain. As soon as he saw Han Li looking at him, he gritted his teeth and said:

"Okay, just do what the immortal master said! I will definitely satisfy the two immortals.

Han Li nodded faintly, without showing [img=/sss/shenme.jpg] surprise. As soon as he stepped on the magic weapon under his feet, the divine wind boat immediately lowered a few points and almost pressed against the ground.

Seeing this, Lu Er hurriedly [img=/sss/guoquu.jpg], [img=/sss/xiaoxinyy.jpg] stood up.

Then the kami wind boat slowly took off and slowly flew to the huge mountain in the center of the city.

When he flew dozens of feet into the air, Han Li looked back at the mortal named Lu Er. Although he had a little fear on his face, he finally did not show a more unbearable look. He couldn't help nodding secretly and asked casually:

"Looking at you, it doesn't seem to be the first time you have flown! In the past, I used to help foreign monks as guides, but I didn't skip words.

"I did help Master Five or Six Immortals before, but it's only the second time to fly in the sky like this." Lu Er said with a reluctant smile that the height of dozens of feet seemed to be stronger for mortals.

Looking at Lu Er's blue face, Han Li smiled slightly. Suddenly, he raised his hand and flashed a blue light, and then a layer of blue shield appeared around the kamikazen boat, covering all three people.

Suddenly, Lu Er's face looked much better.

Before waiting for Lu Er, he said [img=/sss/shenme.jpg] thank you with a grateful face. Han Li asked:

"Tell me first where I can find a place where the monks can practice without being disturbed."

(It's the end of the month! Let's roar, too. Let's count the tickets!)


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