The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 522 Voyeur

Seven years later, in a sea area of the alien sea, a team of more than a dozen monks with different cultivations flew slowly at a low altitude, looking left and right from time to time, as if they were searching.

Most of these monks are in the foundation period, and only the first three are in the Jiedan period.

One in the middle of Jiedan and two in the early stage of Jiedan.

"Brother Qiu, is that level 6 monster really nearby? We have been looking for this sea for several days. The search scope has been expanded again and again. There is no mistake in the information, right? There are many words on No Novel Network. A middle-aged monk with a pale gold face asked with an impatient face.

And the object of his question was a gloomy-faced old man beside him.

The old man is the highest-cultivation of the middle-stage monk of Jiedan.

"Why are Min Daoyou in a hurry! The information we got is only the approximate location. Even if there is a few days of error, it is normal. This is better than us bumping around in other sea areas. The one who gave me the information didn't dare to deceive me," the old man said indifferently.

"Will the monster have left this sea, or this is not its nest at all?" Another man with a fierce face suddenly said.

"No. This is a rare glass beast. We just scanned the nearby seabed with divine consciousness. The bottom is full of the beast's favorite tricolor algae. Its nest will never be too far away. The old man with doo noodles calmly affirmed.

It seems that the old man with dove noodles is quite prestigious among the three. After hearing this, the other two stopped talking. Continue to let go of the divine consciousness and keep looking around.

As for the later foundation-building monks, most of them were their nephews and disciples who naturally did not intervene indiscriminately.

Under the leadership of the three people, the team of monks searched in this sea for more than half a day, but unfortunately they still got nothing.

Now even the old man with a doving face frowned slightly.

"Cough! I used to stay well in the abyss. Even if it can't be said that Yueyue has a harvest, it is still possible to get three or four high-level elixirs a year. But it's good now. Since we left there, we have only killed two high-level monsters in the past two years. He can't even do a demon elixir in his hand. The monk surnamed Min, with a pale golden face, complained again. It's like sulking.

"Okay. The current situation of the abyss, Brother Min is not. Going to the abyss now is not to kill monsters at all, but to seek to die.

"It's really evil! Although the original abyss is not safe, as long as it is smart and does not wander to the central area, it will also be moist. But it's good now. Since the monster riot two years ago, the whole abyss has completely become a forbidden area. Almost all the high-level monks who wear in have no return. It was last year that several old monsters of the Yuanying period joined hands and rushed into the central area to find out what was going on. As a result, he didn't meet the level of monsters, and finally escaped in horror. Even among the four magicians, only Yuanying was left to survive. It seems that this Qiyuan Island really won't last long. The fierce man at the interface has some lingering fears. He said with a slightly white face.

"There is some truth about what the Taoist preacher said. Although the monsters in the abyss are still honest and have not taken a step out of the abyss so far, these monsters will be crazy one day and suddenly gushed out. This is not impossible. I really have to guard against it!" After hearing the words, the old man was silent for a moment and said shamelessly.

It seems to be about the abyss monster. The old man also turned pale when he heard it.

"But now, the Star Palace and the Anti-Star Alliance are still fighting over there. The transmission array can still go out and can't enter. Even if we want to go, we can't go. The monk surnamed Min smiled bitterly, with a helpless face.

"Hmm! This is not necessarily true. The fierce-looking man showed a disapproving look.

"Oh? Is it true that Brother Xuan has another way? The monk surnamed Min was surprised at first, but then his spirit was refreshed.

"Hey hey! There is no other way. I just heard that someone on Qiyuan Island is selling teleportation symbols at a high price. Although the number is not large, someone has indeed returned to the Inner Star Sea!" The man's voice suddenly lowered and said mysteriously.

"Is there such a thing? Then we..." The monk surnamed Min was happy and wanted to ask more carefully. But the old man with a doo's face snorted coldly. I interrupted the words.

"Two Taoist friends, don't dream! Even if you get the teleporter, do you really dare to go back to Star City? Now it's the sea of stars. It's more dangerous than our Qiyuan Island! He must have been caught by both sides as a substitute. Although the abyss monster here seems abnormal, at least everything is fine outside the abyss. Something really happened. At worst, we just find a desert island to hide. It's much better than the mixed war. The strange light flashed in the old man's eyes, and it seemed that he had already been confident about this matter.

After hearing this, the other two looked at each other for a while and felt that although the old man's method was a stupid method, it seemed to be really feasible.

When the two people wanted to discuss the matter with the old man again, suddenly a rough roar came from a certain direction, and then in the same direction, bursting roaring sounded at the same time.

"Glass Beast!"

The monk surnamed Min and the fierce man looked at each other and shouted almost at the same time, and their faces were full of surprises.

"It's really the cry of glass beasts. It seems that someone found it before us. Let's go. Don't expose your tracks. Do everything according to the opportunity. A sharp look flashed on the old man's face and said coldly to the two of them.

The other two nodded understandingly, and the three immediately turned into Changhong and flew away, but disappeared after a flash of light on the way.

As for the group of foundation-building monks, they immediately began to chase after them nervously.

After a while, the dove-faced old man and three other elixir monks flew silently to the vicinity of a coral island several miles in size.

The roar of the shocking monster came from here.

As a result, the current situation did not go out of their expectations.

A white and crystal clear sea beast is trapped in the prohibition of a red glow on the island.

The monster's body, more than ten feet in size, radiated countless milky white filaments, desperately cutting the red glow swarming all over his body, which looked extremely fierce.

But all this is not what the three people are most concerned about. Their eyes are all in another place.

Over the island, a young man in a light blue robe stood motionless in the air. He carried his hands on his back and looked leisurely on his face.

"Brother Qiu, this man is just the cultivation in the early stage of Jiedan. Shall we do it? There are many words on the No Novel Network. The fierce-faced monk surnamed Xuan was a little excited, and his words were full of surprise.

"Don't worry, see if there are other people hiding nearby? Don't be trapped!" Hearing this, the old man with a ferocious look flashed on his face, but he still suppressed his desire to take action and preached cautiously.

"Min Daoyou! Brother Qiu's words make sense. There was something wrong with a monk in the early stage of Jiedan who dared to trap the glazed beast alone. Don't have Xuanxu in it. The monk surnamed Min seemed to be equally careful, warning.

When the fierce man heard this, his heart was also stunned. He hurriedly let go of his consciousness and searched nearby, but there was nothing at all.

At this time, the young man in blue in the air also took action at this time.

He raised it with one hand, and seven blue lights flew out of his hand. After hovering in the air, it merged into a blue light sword about ten feet long and fell from the air.

The glass beast below seems to be powerful, spitting out a white crystal ball in one mouth.

After the crystal ball rose in the wind, it turned into a huge sword in the air, unceremoniously facing the air.

The speed of the falling giant sword has not changed, but there is an amazing thunder.

After a loud bang, it collided with the crystal ball.

But at this moment. The giant sword seemed to be blurred.

After a "sigh", a like-like giant sword flew out of the blue light, and then disappeared from the spot in a flash. The next moment, it suddenly appeared on the head of the glazed beast and cut down silently.

The monster roared hoarsely, and the white silk on his body suddenly shot up. Unexpectedly, he wanted to take the blow and escaped.

As a result, after a sound, the giant sword cut off the huge head of the glazed beast without hindrance.

Green blood splashed everywhere!

See the scene of the young man destroying the demon at this moment. The three old men were a little stunned.

Is that really a glass beast?

This beast is also famous among the six-level monsters.

But now he has been killed by this young man's instant sword.

This is unbelievable! Isn't the other party a monk in the early stage of Jiedan, but a monk in the later stage of Jiedan?

The three people, including the dove-faced old man, confirmed it repeatedly with divine consciousness again, but the young man in blue who was landing next to the corpse of the monster was indeed the cultivation in the early stage of Jiedan.

is a six-level glazed beast. Even if it is not difficult for the three of them to win together, it is impossible to kill it so easily.

Isn't it possible that the young monk pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger and has the secret skill of hiding his true cultivation?

The three old people with dodied noodles are suspicious!


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