The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 608 Shaped Jade and Gold Rune Jade Box

Hearing this, Han Li's face turned slightly red.

"If it's just a letter, the younger generation will agree." Naturally, he will not refuse this kind of thing that can be done with all his hands.

** After hearing this, he seemed to be very happy. Without saying anything more, he raised his hand, and the black box was held by a ball of green light and flew smoothly to Han Li.

Han Li reached out and took over the black box. Under the divine consciousness, it was full of aura, which seemed to be the jade of the spiritual eye.

With his cautious heart, he naturally needs to test it with his own eyes before he can accept this thing.

So after a flash of blue light on his hand, he patted gently on the lid of the box, and the black box automatically opened.

A vast expanse of white in the box, a pure spirit filled the whole stone room in an instant.

Under the movement of Han Li's heart, he looked into the box doubtfully.

In the soft white light, there is a piece of white jade several inches in size, flashing in the light.

To Han Li's surprise, he saw at a glance that in this translucent jade, there was a blue calf the size of a thumb, shaking its head and waving its tail in the jade, looking vividly.

Looking here, Han Li looked shocked.

[img=/sss/zenme.jpg] sample. My spiritual eye jade is a baby that is about to give birth to a metamorphic thing. Those ordinary spiritual eye stones can't be compared with it at all. If you practice with this thing, you can definitely get twice the result with half the effort. ** Seeing Han Li's shocked look, a strange color flashed in his eyes, but then he said with a smile.

"No [img=/sss/cuow.jpg], if there is such a thing. It doesn't take decades for the younger generation at all. It only takes more than ten years to enter the realm of fake babies. Han Liduo looked at the eyes of the jade in the jade box, finally covered the box again, raised his head and said calmly.

At this time, he suddenly realized. It turned out that the snow cloud fox was contaminated with the aura of the jade of the eyes, so it had a faint spirit on its body. I'm afraid that it can evolve into a demon fox, which has a lot to do with this treasure.

Han Li's calm appearance. On the contrary, ** was slightly stunned, and I was a little surprised. I can't help taking a deep look at Han Li.

"Okay, the treasure has been given to you. Take this jade slip. In addition, behind the stone platform under me, there is another jade box. There is a sealed rune on the box. You can tear off the rune and hand it to me the jade box. There is a token in this box, and I want you to take it with you. ** Raise your hand and gently take the green silk in front of your forehead, with a faint tone. He seemed to say it casually.

"Let the younger generation get the senior's [img=/sss/dongxi.jpg]?" After Han Li heard this and was stunned, a trace of suspicion appeared on his face, and he became a little wary.

"Hmm! Are you afraid that your old body will hurt you? If I can [img=/sss/ziji.jpg], I will ask you to help. ** Hearing this, he sneered unhappily. Then she raised her hand and lifted the long lament under her knees.

As a result, after Han Li's eyes, his face changed greatly.

Two of them are as thin as firewood. Only the baby's arms-thick thin legs are sitting cross-crossed there. Except for the dry skin, there is no flesh and blood, which looks ferocious and horrible. But what makes Han Li more pale is that there are several silver-white crystal chains wrapped around these two waste legs. One head passed directly through the bone, and the other one was buried deep under the stone platform.

Han Li licked his lips and looked up at **. Although his face was full of surprise, he did not ask [img=/sss/shenme.jpg].

He [img=/sss/zhido.jpg], the other party will definitely explain [img=/sss/shenme.jpg].

Sure enough, although the mask on **'s face was frosty, after putting down the skirt, he still said dryly:

"I will build such a stone room made of lapis lazuli in this stone mountain, and I will also use these carefully to trap my feet [img=/sss/ziji.jpg]. It's just to be trapped [img=/sss/ziji.jpg].

"trapped [img=/sss/ziji.jpg]?" Han Li was stunned for a moment. It's a little puzzled.

"No [img=/sss/cuow.jpg], my major in "killing" is different from ordinary skills. Although this method is very fast to practice, it is also surprisingly powerful. But this skill has a fatal flaw. That is, once the practice is achieved, it will make the practitioner's mind easy to get lost and become bloodthirsty. In those years, because I had an adventure, I was so proud that my mind and consciousness were far greater than that of the same level of monks, so I practiced this skill regardless of other people's advice. As a result, when the skills were completed, as soon as they entered the Yuanying period, they finally began to kill themselves. At that time, the world of immortal cultivation had been ups and down for a long time. There are a lot of enemies. As a result, [img=/sss/ziji.jpg] was finally entangled by several infant monks by others, which was seriously injured and an arm was scrapped.

** He turned his head and looked at the empty space on the other side of his body, looking expressionless.

"After I recovered from my injury, I thought hard. If you can't go out like this, it will happen sooner or later. Therefore, he asked his relatives and friends to build a 'sky fire god chain' and this lapis lazuli stone house, trapping [img=/sss/ziji.jpg] here. Because he was afraid that [img=/sss/ziji.jpg] would not stand loneliness, he suddenly regretted [img=/sss/ziji.jpg] untied the chain and ran out. So the old man handed over the key of the Tianhuo Chain to a close friend. And I have agreed with him that every paragraph [img=/sss/sjian.jpg], let's see if my situation has improved. If it's good, you can let me out."

When he said this, **'s face began to gloom.

"But I didn't expect that after my good friend came a few times, he suddenly found no letters. There is no more message. I don't know if he himself had an accident [img=/sss/s/shenme.jpg], or another [img=/sss/shenme.jpg] accident. But in this way, I have been trapped here until now. Because the house is refined from lapis lazuli, even if I practice to the middle stage of Yuanying, the divine consciousness can only extend hundreds of feet outside the house. Even if you want to ask someone for help, you can't do it at all. This Tianhuo Shenlian has sacrificed with a very strange mind method, which is connected with my Yuanshen's heart. Although I have made great progress in my cultivation, I can barely refine it with real fire. But when this chain is broken, it is also the moment of my death. Now that Taoist friends have come here by chance, it's really an eye-opener. Finally, the old body doesn't have to be in this stone room. It has been a long time.

Black coat** said these words in one breath and told Han Li the general origin of [img=/sss/ziji.jpg] to dispel Han Li's concerns.

After listening to what the other party said, Han Li was a little stunned.

If what the other party said is true, the other party's experience is really incredible.

But after thinking about it, he still asked hesitantly.

"The senior meant that I was asked to send a letter to your best friend. But now it has been so many years [img=/sss/guoquu.jpg]. That senior's possible surname in the world is not high!"

"No [img=/sss/cuow.jpg], it is to send a message to this person. Ask him to get the key to the fire god chain. As for whether the other party is dead? Please rest assured. I made an appointment with the other party. In case of [img=/sss/shenme.jpg] accident, he will give it to future generations in advance. If you can't find my good friend, it's the same for his descendants. ** He sighed and smiled bitterly.

Hearing this, Han Li thought about it again and felt that it was reasonable. It seemed that there was no [img=/sss/shenme.jpg].

So, he walked a few steps forward without talking nonsense, circled a little, and walked around the stone platform, where there was indeed a deep hole.

Han Lixian carefully explored with his consciousness, then raised his eyebrows, stretched out his hand and took out a jade box.

This jade box is antique, slightly yellowed, and the surface is carved with a strange flame pattern. In the flame, there is a faint human figure standing inside it, as if roaring in the sky.

On the front of the jade box, there is a golden charm, faintly emitting an unpleasant atmosphere.

He couldn't help frowning subconsciously.

"That's it. Han Daoyou tore open the charm and give me the box." When he saw the jade box in Han Li's hand, he couldn't help but get excited and urged.

Han Li was ready to tear off the rune and put his palm on the jade box. But when he heard **'s voice, he trembled slightly and couldn't wait. Suddenly, a trace of inexplicable uneasiness rose in my heart.

He hesitated for a moment and pulled back his outstretched palm. Instead, he raised his head and looked at **.

The result entered the goal, which made Han Li's heart "cluck" in his heart.

The other party's eyes became abnormally green, and his face was slightly distorted, giving people a fierce feeling. There is no such thing as the elegant demeanor of the predecessor just now!

** As soon as he saw Han Li look up at him, he was stunned, and immediately realized [img=/sss/shenme.jpg]. The green light in his eyes and the fierce face disappeared in an instant, and said slowly:

"What does Han Daoyou do when he looks at his old body? Why don't you tear off the charm so that you can pass me the jade box? Don't forget, I gave the jade of spiritual eyes, such a treasure that is hard to find in the world, to my Taoist friends first. Taoist friends also have [img=/sss/shenme.jpg] so hesitant!"

Han Li looked at the black clothes**, looked down at the tight jade box sealed by the golden rune, and didn't say [img=/sss/shenme.jpg]. Instead, after narrowing his eyes, he suddenly held the jade box with one hand and walked directly to **.

"Han Daoyou! You have to do [img=/sss/shenme.jpg]. Stop! Stop! Don't walk [img=/sss/guolair.jpg]..." Originally calm and calm **, when he saw Han Li walking with a jade box with a golden charm [img=/sss/guoquu.jpg], his expression immediately changed greatly, and he stopped drinking and showed a look of panic.


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