The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 741 Breaking Battle 6

The snow sculpture body was naturally broken into countless pieces with those ice chips.

As soon as the green-shirted woman who had just appeared from the light wind saw this scene, she was stunned, but then sneered a few times. The jade foot stepped on the white lotus, and suddenly the wind on the lotus rose, blowing away the thick fog nearby.

Han Li narrowed his eyes, stared at the other party's unkind delicate face, and asked calmly:

"Taoist friends don't care that the treasure is destroyed? It's still Taoist friends who think that the next move can't destroy this treasure at all. After saying this, Han Li casually scattered in the air, and looked at the strange blue ice chips twice.

"What do you think?" The green-shirted woman replied faintly, and then pointed to Han Li.

Suddenly, the broken ice on Han Li's side flashed at the same time, and countless white light spots came out of these ice chips.

Han Li was stunned, but immediately raised his hand, and a piece of Qingxia shot out of his hand, sweeping towards these light spots.

The sound of "puff" was continuous. After the white light spots separated from the blue ice, they turned into milky white light one after another and rushed to the other side of the woman.

After the Qingxia rolled up, he got nothing.

Han Li saw that he didn't get a hit. As soon as his face sank, he stopped doing nothing in vain. Just look at the opposite side with cold eyes.

The spiritual light surged in front of the woman, immediately gathered together, and in a blink of an eye, it condensed into a white light mass the size of a head.

The green-shirted woman looked pale, and a method came to it.

The dazzling white light flashed, and a sculpt was uploaded from the horse in the light mass. Then the light mass deformed and elonged, and the snow-colored giant eagle was resurrected in Han Li's eyes.

Han Li saw this. He frowned, but then noticed that the eagle was not as energetic as at the beginning, but seemed to be a little depressed.

Now, Han Li showed a thoughtful look..

It seems that the act of killing this weapon just now is not ineffective. This eagle is not immortal, as long as the giant eagle is killed a few more times. It's enough to make it disappear.

Seeing that the white eagle was a little weak, the girl waved without saying a word.

Suddenly, the snow sculpture spread its wings and rose to the sky. After rolling in the air, it turned into the white ribbon and floated down.

fell on this woman and disappeared.

"You suddenly stopped and wanted to provoke me by smashing my magic weapon. It seems that there should be a puppet here. The woman held the lamp in one hand and brushed her shoulders to show off her hair. I asked indifferently.

Hearing this, Han Li was a little surprised, but after a moment of silence, his eyes flashed and said:

"Since Taoist friends are willing to chase after them, it seems that the treasures in their opponents are full of confidence. I don't know if you can tell me the origin of this lamp. It's the first time I've heard of the ancient treasures of lamps.

After saying this. Han Li didn't blink at this girl Yurong.

"I can't. Let's be a fool on the road!" The woman Yurong sank and said rudely.

Then a sandalwood mouth, a ball of baby fire spewed out of the mouth and sprayed on the copper lamp with one hand.

A little green light, slowly lit up on the lamp.

Han Li sighed and turned his hands over calmly.

A green flag and a red and blue array have already been prepared. At the same time, it came into my hands.

Looking at the woman opposite with deep meaning, Han Li first sacrificed the small flag to the sky, quickly pinched out a magic decision to hit it, and the deep spell followed.

After the light of the flag flashed, it burst in an instant, and a green fog appeared out of thin air, spreading dozens of feet in the sky.

A gust of wind swept over the clouds, and the fog suddenly turned into a green fog dragon with a body length of more than ten feet, and leaned down and rushed to the woman fiercely.

At the same time, the array in Han Li's other palm also emitted blue and red light. Throw it down your feet. It immediately turned into a white fog. He got under his feet and disappeared.

Immediately, the sea of fog rolled and surged on all sides. From it, countless blue and red filaments of light were shot out, and densely swept away towards the green-shirted woman.

Han Li shook his big sleeve, and a small silver bell soared in the wind, turning into a huge bell and buzzing loudly. While releasing the silver sound wave, he was urged by Han Li to escape to the head of the woman in green.

Since you can't get close to this woman, use the bell of the silver bell to carry out an invisible attack. Maybe it will work. It may still work.

Of course, in the face of the unpredictable white lotus of the green-shirted woman and the unknown ancient treasure of copper lamps in his hand, Han Li's real killers are not these.

Instead, the earth escape has long been used, quietly hiding into the silver moon under the ground.

At this moment, the silver moon has quietly unfolded the purple pocket and arranged it under her feet with this woman as the center.

Just wait for this woman to be a little negligent, and give her a fatal blow.

Although the green-shirted woman was not enough, there were still people secretly ambushing, but Han Li had already launched all the prohibitions and attacks. He just looked down at the faint green light in his hand, and the corners of his mouth sneered inexplicably.

She raised her unhurried bare hands and dexterous pinched the blue lantern with two jade fingers. A pea-sized lantern floated between her fingers and was dexterously picked up by it.

At this time, the sky was foggy, the blue and red filaments on all sides, and the silver waves attacked near it almost at the same time.

This woman was not worried at all. She just had a jade foot and gently clicked the white lotus under her feet. Suddenly, the white light of the white lotus flashed, and it rotated and flew quickly. The white lotus petals gradually contracted, and the woman was protected in an instant.

The green fog dragonfly that has been banned was the first to jump in front of the light curtain. In its rude mouth, a green fog column rolled out and hit the white light curtain.

As a result, it was gently swept away by the lotus petals in the light curtain, and the smoke dissipated.

The blue and red light silk then attacked, but also refused. Only the sound wave does not seem to be blocked by the white lotus petals, but it is directly immersed in it. As for the effect, it is impossible to judge.

Han Li saw this scene. A trick in the unceremonious hand.

The blue and red light no longer rushed on, but crossed and tangled to form a big net, covering the white lotus and wrapping it layer by layer in an instant. The fog also rolled out of thin air and turned into a large area of green fog, drowning the white lotus light silk in it.

As for the silver bell, it also flew over the white lotus. Under the urging of Han Li's full force, the silver wave suddenly rose three points, and passed through the prohibition one after another. Directly attack the green-shirted woman in the mainland.

One, it seems that the woman in the green shirt in the middle of the white lotus has been banned.

Can Han Li see this. There was no joy on his face, but his eyebrows were locked.

It seems to prove that Han Li's worry is not groundless. Originally, it was closed and contracted, but only the size of the white lotus flower bloomed again without any sign.

Pieces of white lotus petals are like a sharp blade, just a few turns, just the green fog outside. The cutting ground is fragmented.

Seeing this, Han Li's face was cloudy.

And the green-shirted woman stood in the center of the white lotus, with no sadness or joy on her face. Holding the copper lamp in one palm and holding the seemingly ordinary cyan lantern in the other hand, he looked at Han Li coldly, and his eyes suddenly fell to the silver clock that was buzzing on the top of his head.

The silver wave it released just covered the woman under it.

The cold color of the beautiful eyes flashed. She suddenly raised her hand and sent the cyan lantern to the small mouth and blew it gently.

With a "pooh", the lamp trembled slightly, and disappeared from the palm of the woman's hand.

The next moment, the silver giant bell merchant in the air. It was strangely covered by this blue light ball out of thin air.

When the woman saw this, she said something, and the surface of the silver clock burned an unknown blue magic flame.

The silver bell wailed, and a dazzling silver light burst out to resist for a moment. But in an instant, the silver clock melted and deformed in the green flame and turned into silver juice.

The cyan mask then broke itself and disappeared without a trace.

Seeing the destruction of the ancient treasure, Han Li's face turned a little pale.

At this time, the woman in green outstretched her hand. He skillfully picked a cyan lantern from the copper lamp. Then he looked at Han Li with bad intentions.

Han Li shouted in his heart that it was not good, and he didn't want to think about it. As soon as the thunder sounded, it disappeared from the place in a blink of an eye.

Seeing this situation, the woman didn't care at all. She still pinched the blue lantern flower in front of her mouth. With one lip, she was about to exhale aura.

At this moment, the purple light flashed under the woman's foot, and a large purple net about ten feet in size suddenly appeared on the ground from the bottom up.

Just as the woman was stunned, in the light laughter of the woman. Ziwang quickly covered the woman inside her.

"Since Taoist friends like to play with fire so much, why don't you taste the Yuyang real fire of my 'purple pocket'?" A beautiful **, after the yellow light flashed, followed the purple net emerging from the nearby ground and said with a smile. But there was no hesitation in his hand. His slender hand was raised, and a magic decision was hit on the purple net.

The flame on the purple net flashed, and a layer of strange blue and white flames spread all over the purple net, and even several blue and white fire snakes suddenly appeared in the net, pounced fiercely at the woman in the white lotus.

The blue and white flame flooded the white lotus in the net.

At this time, Han Li also emerged more than ten feet away from the green-shirted woman. Seeing this, his face was overjoyed.

He immediately shook his sleeves, and seventy and twenty green bamboo bee cloud swords flew to the sky from his body, and several methods followed.

After the flying sword made a dragon's roar in the sky, it gathered in the middle and turned into a huge sword six or seven feet long in the blue light.

Under the movement of Han Li's mind, the thunder roared loudly, and the thick golden arc ejected from the surface of the sword. The golden arc was wrapped and turned into a thundering sword.

But Han Li still refused to give up. He suddenly inhaled and exhaled in his mouth. A wisp of dry blue ice flame spewed out of his mouth and shot just above the giant sword.

Immediately, in addition to the seemingly amazing arc, there was a layer of light blue flame on the surface of the giant sword.

Han Li's eyes flashed with a cold light, and he pointed to the sword.

Under the shaking of the giant sword, it turned into a blue rainbow and went straight to the white lotus in the purple net.

At this moment, the green-shirted woman covered by the purple pocket finally came to her senses.

Extremely angry, she suddenly sacrificed the blue lantern in her hand to the top of her head.


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