The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 768 Battle of the Boundary 5

The five-color curtain condensed by the monk is obviously a kind of prohibition that specifically restrains spiritual skills. After the seemingly amazing attack, the color curtain does not shake.

When Long Han saw this, there was a trace of joy on his face.

More than a thousand monks who flew out are all the long-trained elite disciples of the Nine Nations League, so that they can skillfully arrange this magic array.

After seeing its power, Wei Wuya did not exaggerate.

The thin old man saw that his attack did not work, and his face was a little difficult to look. But he did not hesitate to issue the order to attack again.

In the spell of the magic camp, this time it is no longer a simple fireball and ice gun, but a fire crow and a crystal ice python, slowly beginning to take shape in the air.

Of course, it naturally costs longer than the first round of attacks.

At this time, there was a slight ** in the opposite monk camp, and a team of green-shirted monks flew out of the shield.

At the same time, they took off the spirit beast bag around their waist and sacrificed it to the sky. The mouth of the spirit beast bag was facing down, spewing out colorful glow, and dozens of monsters of different shapes flew out of the glow.

The three led by

are especially extraordinary.

A dragon horn with armored scales and white light flashes. It is a rare dragon and horse beast. The other is a two-headed lion with green hair.

The last one is even more terrible. It turned out to be a huge poisonous scorpion with a whole body red body, five or six feet long, and the scorpion behind it is black and purple, which makes people shiver when they look at it!

These monsters are a group of powerful spirit beasts carefully raised by the Demon Royal Spirit Sect. Once released. Immediately, under the leadership of the three monsters, he turbulently faced the virtual spirit beasts urged by the giant beasts and the maches who attacked the opposite side.

A demon wind bursts, and the beasts fight together.

Although only the leading three spirit beasts can fight alone and entangled in a wild beast, the good thing is that there are many other spirit beasts, and how long they have been trained to block the progress of the giant beasts, and even slightly have the upper hand.

At the same time as the monster flew out of the ground. Thousands of monks also rose in the air and rushed directly to the opposite side for five teams. On the way, they sacrificed their magic weapons and attacked the magician's camp like rain.

The spiritual skills condensed by the mage camp this time are obviously more fierce than the last time. They will not wait for the other party to finish casting.

The dense magic weapon is like a stormy wave, constantly hitting the protective array of the Mulan people.

The thin old man's face darkened. After snorting coldly, a large number of judges also flew out. The two sides fought together in the high air between the two arrays in an instant, and the spiritual arts, magic weapons and magic weapons were intertwined into countless fireflies.

After a little confrontation, hundreds of people's shield magic weapons were destroyed by the other party, and the body directly burst and fell from the sky.

It can be called tragic and abnormal!

But with this delay, the spiritual attack of the magic camp is ready.

Dozens of fire crows and ice pythons, as if alive, shot at the army of monks opposite.

But this time, the monk army is also ready to take precautions. Before these attacks fell, countless magic weapons rose to the sky and destroyed most of the fire crow ice python.

The few missing fish left are all blocked by the five-color light curtain. Although the light curtain shook a few times, it did not really pose a threat.

But Long Han frowned when he saw this.

It seems that the protection array of the Nine Nations League is powerful. It still can't completely block the more powerful spiritual attack.

So he took a deep breath and ordered it coldly.

The army of monks, with a five-color curtain, began to slowly lean towards the opposite magician camp.

At the same time, the monks sacrificed magic weapons and magic weapons, turning them into all kinds of spiritual light floating in the air or protecting the whole body. There are also all kinds of spells that sound, and these magic weapons are more powerful and can make a full blow at any time.

Seeing this, the old man in the machete camp flashed in his eyes, and the other party took the risk of taking the initiative to attack, but he didn't want them to have any more spiritual magic arrays. According to the situation, they did not make the next round of attack.

After the same order. The army of judges also wore a huge light mask. Move slowly to the opposite side.

The distance between the two sides has become sharply shorter.

When the two sides are only a hundred feet away, and even faintly see the face of the opposite enemy. Seven soft sounds came out of the monk's queue first.

The seven white jade charms were sacrificed by the seven elders of Luan Mingzong with a solemn look.

As soon as the jade charm got out of hand, it turned into seven white rainbows and flew over the magician's army, hovering at a height of dozens of feet, showing their original shape one after another.

Between shrinking and rising, the earth-shaking sound of a Thunderbolt suddenly came out of the jade charm.

Then seven jade charms broke apart, and seven dazzling white electric balls emerged.

Then it gets bigger and bigger.

In a blink of an eye, it turned into a huge existence like the scorching sun.

The white sun with a diameter of more than ten feet of seven wheels floated brightly over the army of monks.

This scene was really amazing. Many judges couldn't help looking up, and their faces were shocked.

"It's not good! It's the ancient rune!"

The thin old man, who was originally calm, was shocked when he saw this situation.

But before he could take action, the seven rounds of scorching sun burst one after another.

is the sky over the Fas, which is instantly full of sizzling white arcs, turning into seven huge power grids to cover down.

His monk seemed to have been awakened, and countless flowers, shining with all kinds of charms, were thrown out overwhelmingly.

At this time, the rumbling and muffled thunder sounded in a white light.


"It seems that it's very lively outside!" Han Li muttered to himself.

At this time, he stared at the blood-red wall in front of him with his hands upside down, and there was no panic on his face after being trapped.

Since the Dharma had been trapped in their calculations. The trace of worry in Han Li's heart disappeared.

Although the Mulan people used this method, they must be full of confidence in this shield, but Han Li is more confident in breaking the ban.

But when to go out and what means to break the cover is a matter of care.

The earlier you go out now, the better.

Although Han Li is willing to contribute to Tiannan's fight against the Mulan people, he also does not want to be cannon fodder. At the beginning of the confrontation, he died confusedly in the chaos.

After all, this is not a single fight. It's enough to deal with one opponent.

In case it just started. At the same time, he was targeted by several Yuanying monks, or attacked by dozens of hundreds of smen at the same time. Even if he was pregnant with thunder escape, it was still extremely dangerous.

Only when you avoid the chaos at the beginning and most of the high-level monks and smen have exchanged each other can you go out more safely. The possible surname of besieged will be greatly reduced.

Of course, if it hadn't been for the blood mask trapped, Han Li would have other ways. The beginning of the confrontation can be avoided.

But now it has changed its name to avoid the most dangerous time of this war.

And the roar of thunder just now is really amazing. Even if Han Li is here, he can still feel the slight trembling of thunder on the wall. It should be a harbinger of the two sides finally contacting each other.

didn't attack so amazingly, but it was released by that side. Presumably, the other party will never feel good after such a powerful attack.

Thinking of this, Han Li sighed, turned his head, and looked at the walls of other places.

This blood mask is indeed a little weird. With his divine consciousness, he could not penetrate at all, and this prohibition obviously seemed to be a magic skill, but the evil god struck it with lightning, and it had no effect at all, which made Han Li very interested.

Previously, he also explored all parts of the blood mask with the spiritual eyes of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

The result is except for the red one. Nothing has been achieved.

But Han Li is not in a hurry. Now that there has been a war outside, he has the ground to study the method of breaking the shield.

With one mouth, Han Li spewed out a small green sword.

Under the urging of his divine consciousness, the sword turned into a long blue rainbow and cut it on the wall of the cover.

A muffled sound of " bang" came, and the wall of the cover did not move at all. On the contrary, the flying sword was bounced back and went away.

Han Li did not show any surprise. After collecting the flying sword, he turned it over with one hand, and a black one appeared in his hand. It is the "Thousand Peaks" castle.

Han Li threw this treasure away. A trick with two hands.

After the black light flashed, a hill more than ten feet high. He appeared silently in front of Han Li.

Han Li stretched out his finger and rushed to the mountain gently.

Suddenly, the mountain trembled and rudely smashed down the wall in the distance.

A loud noise came, and after the black blood was intertwined, the mountain peak was also bounced back. The wall just trembled a few times inadvertently.

Han Li's face finally showed a trace of surprise.

After touching his chin, he suddenly went straight to the hill again.

This time, this treasure turned into a black light and flew to the center of the blood shield.

Then the sound of mantra came out of his mouth, and the hill rose sharply in the light. After a while, it was 70 or 80 feet high, and the top and bottom of the peak were about to hold against the ground and the top of the top of the mask.

Han Li didn't mean to stop at all. Instead, he raised his hand and shot a few more methods to Xiaoshan.

The speed of Xiaoshan's hugeization is three points faster.

After the rumbling shaking, the peak more than a hundred feet high stood straight in the middle of the blood mask like an Optimus Prime, and the black aura flashed all over.

And under this top of the blood mask, the top begins to slightly deform and protrude.

The whole wall of the cover shook violently.

Han Li was overjoyed to see this, and the spiritual power in his body flowed quickly, and all kinds of methods kept hitting on the hill.

The black peak is still slowly expanding, and the deformation of the top of the blood mask is becoming more and more obvious.

But when the raised part reached a certain extent, no matter how Han Li cast the spell to urge, the deformation of the blood shield stopped strangely. The hugeness of the black mountain was also abruptly stopped.

Han Li stopped the decision, stared at the top of the blood mask, and narrowed his eyes.

It seems that the idea of breaking through this ban with Qian Chongfeng is not work. Next, we can only try whether the dry blue ice flame and violet sky fire can break this cover.

(I'm a little tired, there is only one chapter.)


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