The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 867 Win or Lose


Han Lichong casually pointed to the opposite side.

The blue firebird suddenly spread its wings and turned into a blue light shot away.

Seeing this situation, Jin Laowei's face darkened, and his heart suddenly became furious. The other party didn't even sacrifice a magic weapon, but only attacked by a firebird. This is too contemptuous of him.

The angry old monster laughed back. Without saying a word, he quickly made the decision to use the most powerful sword formula at the beginning, and the winner was decided with one blow.

The three golden rainbows above his head, a dragon-like clear sound came out, and suddenly disappeared in the air in a flash. Instead, a golden thread appeared in front of the golden monster out of thin. Although it was extremely slender, it was several feet long.

The golden light flashed one after another, and the gold wire rolled out one after another.

Hundreds of dense gold threads appeared in a blink of an eye, which looked gorgeous and brilliant.

"Sword into silk!"

Han Li's eyes flashed with a cold light, and his face showed surprise. Although the other party is a swordsman, it is really a terrible thing to be able to illusionate so many swords at a time.

It's really not the elder of Gujianmen. It's really different.

At this time, most of the monks watching the battle looked strange at the sight of the old man showing such magic power.

"Spring silk chop!"

"Jiang is still old and spicy, and it's a unique move."

"Han Daoyou is so careless that I'm afraid he will suffer some losses!"

The three old fire monsters in Baiqiaoyuan couldn't help muttering when they saw this situation.

A middle-aged monk who came with Jin Lao Monster. With a trace of joy on his face, Lv Luo's face changed slightly, and the old man surnamed Cheng and the nun named Mingxin looked calm.

At this time, the old golden monster shouted loudly in the air, and a series of methods hit the golden wire in front of him.

Suddenly, the inspiration flashed wildly, and the swords turned into a huge golden net rolling out, just covering the blue firebird coming to the opposite side.

The golden net is more than ten feet wide, and the firebird is only half a foot long. Anyone who sees it has a feeling of killing chickens with a cow knife. But after the firebird plunged into the golden silk mesh, there was a scene below. But it surprised all the monks below.

The blue firebird burst at the moment it touched the golden net, and then the light flashed, and a blue light lotus appeared in the flame. The lotus was dripping and spinning in the net, and countless golden swords cut towards this thing, but it just gave the a layer of ripples around the lotus, and it could not get close to it at all.

Familiar with all the monks who are powerful in "Chunsi Zhan". I was stunned in my heart.

Seeing this situation, the golden old monster was even more furious. He hurriedly put away the sword in his hand without thinking and urged it.

After the sword silk shook with a golden light, it was slender and long again, and each golden wire became bright and dazzling. Unexpectedly, he cut into the blue aura, and the fragments of these aura were cut directly to the lotus.

At this time, the lotus flower bloomed.

With a "p" sound. A blue cold light emanates from the lotus petals, covering the space within 20 feet. The light is so dazzling that people can't look directly at it.

The golden monster immediately felt that it was disconnected from the flying sword, but he could no longer feel it at all, and he couldn't help but be shocked. He stared at it in a hurry.

After a moment of the result, the old man's face was ugly.

At the location just now, the lotus has disappeared without a trace, but a huge blue ice appeared there. The three golden flying swords sealed it, and they couldn't move at all.

The golden old monster couldn't scream well in his heart. He patted the storage bag with one hand, and a white jade pendant appeared in his hand.

But before he could sacrifice this treasure, he suddenly heard a crack in his back.

Mr. Jin was shocked, but he had to fly out obliquely without thinking about it.

But at this moment, its protective light was easily broken by a blow like window paper. Then a palm with only a flashing blue flame strangely pressed on the right shoulder he was about to pick up. Half of his body was cold, and he completely lost consciousness.

"Jin Daoyou! This is the end of our game. I don't know what to do." Han Li's cold voice came faintly behind him.

"Han Daoyou is really magical. I'm willing to bow down!" The old golden monster was restrained in one move. First, his heart sank, but he immediately admitted defeat on the spot.

"Brother Jin gave up!" Han Li seemed to smile, patted his palm gently on his shoulder, and closed his palm.

After a pat, Jin Lao stood up and felt that his shoulders were warmed up, and his body immediately recovered as before. He turned around in horror and saw Han Lizheng standing calmly behind him. I don't know when there was a pair of silver-wing magic weapons behind him, and there was a silky arc on it that kept flashing.

The old golden monster exhaled.

It's incredible that the other party has controlled the power of the cold to such a delicate state. However, didn't I hear that this person's original magic weapon is a set of flying swords? It seems that the main skill is not an ice attribute. Is the secret skill used by the other party so powerful, which makes him really a little unbelievable!

"Han boy, you didn't waste my advice. You can manipulate the dry blue ice flame to such an extent. It's a pity not to major in ice attribute skills." Dayan Shenjun suddenly said with a smile in Han Li's mind.

"Senior, don't joke. Although the ice flame is powerful, it is not enough to let the younger generation re-cultivate the main skills." Han Li replied faintly, and then the wings behind his back disappeared silently. The man then shook and turned into a blue rainbow and appeared beside the blue ice.

The sleeve robe seemed to be casually brushed, and a piece of green glow swept out. The blue ice dissolved and shrunk in the glow and turned into a blue lotus flower again.

This light lotus flew lightly and shot at Han Li. After a flash, it disappeared in the forehead. It seems that it has never appeared.

When the three of them regained their free golden swords, they buzzed and weakly turned into three golden lights and flew back to the golden monster.

It seems that although it has not been sealed by Blue Ice for a long time, it has still damaged the spirit of the flying sword.

Mr. Jin's face looked strange. Naturally, he couldn't look good. He was gloomy and put away the three flying swords. And at this time. Han Li has fallen lightly towards the peak.

From the light lotus melted by the dry blue ice flame to the flying sword, to Han Li's strange use of wind and thunder wings to float behind the golden old monster. He easily restrained his opponent and divided the winner almost in an instant, which disappointed several Yuanying old monsters who originally wanted to watch a big battle, but at the same time they were afraid of Han Li's magic.

What's more, Han Li's attack magic weapon has not been used, which shows that the disparity between the two is not certain.

When Han Li fell on the peak, although the monks had different thoughts before, they did not dare to neglect to welcome them at this time.

"Han Daoyou is really powerful. The rumor is really worth it at all.

"Congratulations to your clan for being the first sect of Yunmeng Mountain from now on!"

Those who say these words are naturally several old monsters in Baiqiaoyuan. Although he is also at the bottom of the ranking, he doesn't seem to care about this matter at all. Instead, he said very enthusiastically.

The middle-aged Xiu of the ancient swordsman looked a little ugly, but he could only barely smile in the face of Han Li's strength, but he opened his mouth and still didn't say it. Mingxin, except for the terrible flash in her eyes at the beginning, she looks calm at this moment.

The old man surnamed Cheng and Lv Luo are naturally overjoyed. After looking at each other, they all saw a gratifying look on each other's face.

After this war, I'm afraid that Luoyunzong can beat the other two sects within a thousand years.

These people gathered around Han Li and asked about the magic power that Han Li had just displayed.

Han's face is no different from the previous look to everyone, but it is only a gentle sentence about the dry blue ice flame and wind and thunder wings.

Naturally, none of these people dare to ask carefully.

After a while. The golden monster also flew down from the air. The elder of Gujianmen has now returned to peace, as if there had never been a fight just now, and he still laughed with everyone. This makes Han Lifu secretly admire this person!

After re-establishing the division of interests of the three sects in Yunmeng Mountain, these old monsters began to exchange some cultivation experiences and take out some rare treasures that were not used.

But with such a small range of item exchange, Han Li naturally doesn't like it. In terms of cultivation experience, other people have learned a lot from each other.

The following things did not happen. After most of the day, the communication finally ended smoothly.

From the cultivation experience of these Yuanying old monsters, Han Li really got some experience that he had not noticed before. This makes him think to himself that it is very beneficial to practice a few more times after such pure practice and local communication.

After the communication. Han Li offered to visit the lungs and fire veins of Baiqiaoyuan. This made the old fire a little stunned. I agreed in one bite.

When he saw the unfathomable ground fire pool in front of him, Han Li stood aside and couldn't help meditating for a long time.

After half a day. After all, Han Li, Jin Laowei and others left the Baiqiao Academy.

Han Li and the three of them turned into three rainbows and flew away in the direction of Luoyunzong. But on the way, Lv Luo kept talking excitedly and talked directly with the old man surnamed Cheng about which spiritual stone mines to accept and the origin of some rare materials. Some of these places are occupied by Gujianmen, and some are occupied by Baiqiaoyuan. But soon, some of them will become the property of Luoyunzong.

Although the old man surnamed Cheng is not as excited as Lu Luo, he is also in a good mood.

Han Li was not interested in talking about these things, but just listened to the two people's discussion with a smile. But I didn't expect that when I was about to return to the sect, the old man surnamed Cheng suddenly said to Han Li in the escape:

"Brother Han, thanks to you! To tell my brother, it is the wish of several generations of elders of this sect to make this sect become the first immortal sect in Xi Kingdom. Now that it can be achieved in the hands of my brother, it is enough to comfort me in this life. After discussing with my brother and Brother Lu, I plan to give the position of the elder of this sect to my brother after sitting down. I don't know what the younger brother wants?

(First update!)


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