The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 869 Tongbaojue

Not long after the eyes of the Ming and Qing Dynasties were displayed, Han Li, who was staring at the little tripod, finally looked a little, as if.

Raise your hand.

At Xiaoding's solemn point, the blue color flashed at the fingertips, and several slender filaments shot out, disappearing in a flash.

The blue light of the virtual tripod flashed, and then rose wildly in the ice flame package. The original small tripod, which was several inches high, rose to a huge size in the blink of an eye. The flowers, birds, insects, fish, mountains and trees and other pictures on the surface of the giant tripod also became clearly visible.

Looking at the giant* changing in the air, Han Li stood up unhurriedly and waved his hand into the air. The giant tripod fell several feet and stayed a few feet away from Han Li's chest.

After re-exaing the tripod, Han Li raised his hand without thinking about it. With a bang, one palm directly passed through the blue ice flame and stuck to the wall of the tripod.

A strange scene appeared. The originally burning blue flame suddenly turned into a tornado wind and rose to the sky, and then the sound of the dragon came out. A long blue dragon appeared in the wind. After shaking his head and wagging his tail, the dragon's head suddenly pricked down. After a flash, it disappeared directly into the tripod cover and

At the same time, the light cyan surface of the giant tripod was instantly transformed into a blue color. The insects, birds and beasts on the four walls of the giant tripod suddenly came to life after a burst of light. It was really incredible to move around the wall of the tripod.

When Han Li saw this scene, his face did not move at all, but the palm of his hand pressed on the wall of the tripod kept flashing. Several wisms of Qingxia were quickly injected into the tripod through the palm of the hand. A continuous stream of appearance.

With the infusion of a large amount of spiritual power, the buzzing in the tripod gradually rises.

Under Han Li's gaze, blue ancient texts emerged from the tripod and floated straight into the air. After the blue light swayed, in the sky at a height of three feet, these ancient scriptures formed a strange legal decision**.

Han Li raised his head and stared away, and the aura injected into the tripod in his palm couldn't help slowing down. Suddenly, the words in the sky were dark, and they were about to collapse immediately.

Han Li was shocked. He hurriedly resumed the reiki injection.

The air** has regained its stability, emitting a faint light of light.

These ** are not long, only more than a thousand words. But after Han Li took a closer look, his face was first happy, but finally he smiled bitterly.

It seems that there is no need to try your best to crack it. This piece of ** directly writes the method that drives the virtual tripod calmly in it.

** It is very clear at the beginning that there are two major conditions to drive this tripod. First, we must first refine the tripod with the dry blue ice flame, and second, we must practice an ancient skill called "Tongbao Jue".

This kind of magic decision was specially created to drive the level of Tongtian Lingbao, and each piece of Tongtian Lingbao handed down from ancient times has different contents.

And among the Tongtian Lingbao, these methods are also completely unmixable. After all, every Tongtian Lingbao has local characteristics and power, and only by using matching magic decisions can it drive Tongtian Lingbao.

In this way. Tongbao Jue completely distinguishes Tongtian Lingbao from ordinary ancient treasures. Only the ancient treasure with Tongbao Jue can be called Tongtian Lingbao. Because after practicing this decision, Tongtian Lingbao can be sealed in the body and slowly cultivated.

Of course, this kind of companionship is not like an ordinary magic weapon, which integrates the mind and treasure, but is somewhat similar to the magic weapon, but temporarily put the treasure of Tongtianling in the body. It's just to use the Tongbao Juegong method to affect the spirituality of the treasure day and night. In this way, over time, the spirituality of Tongtian Lingbao will slowly change and become similar to the divine consciousness of the treasure, so as to reach the point of the unity of human weapons. Only in this way can we drive the power of Tongtian Lingbao to destroy the enemy.

However, because the power of the Tongtian spirit treasure is too great, the divine consciousness of the immortals can only occupy an auxiliary position when driving this treasure, so this treasure is not like the original magic weapon that cannot be captured. On the contrary, it can be easily taken away by others at a clever time, but others can't use it immediately when they get this It also needs to be cultivated with Tongbao. Only then can we change the original spiritual imprint of Tongtian Lingbao.

These are simply mentioned in *.

When you see this. Han Li was extremely surprised. But when he saw the legal decisions below, his face suddenly looked difficult.

Because this method seems simple, it is only divided into three levels of ordinary, but just practicing the first level of Tongbaojue requires the mid-term cultivation of the Yuanying, and the second and third levels actually have to enter the late stage of the Yuanying and the Huashen period before it can be cultivated.

In this way, even if he can practice the first layer of Tongbao, he can only borrow a little power from Tongtian Ding, which is very different from his original expectation.

He twitched his palm depressedly, cut off the spiritual power injected into the tripod, and ** immediately collapsed and disappeared.

Han Li stared at the giant tripod in front of him, his face was gloomy, and his lips were closed.

Although it's not **, how much power does it have? But Han Li doesn't have much hope for this.

Can these power be more powerful than his Da Geng Sword Array and Violet Tianhuo?

After silently thinking about it in place for a while, Han Li sighed and planned to understand the first level of skills of this tripod treasure first. Even if there is only the first layer of magic, you can seal the virtual tripod in your body first and cultivate it first.

Thinking of this in his heart, Han Li's robe brushed, and a stream of blue light gushed out, sweeping the giant tripod into it.

The giant tripod in the glow quickly shrank and returned to its original size in an instant.

As soon as he reached out, he caught Xiaoding in his hand, and then the inspiration flashed, and Xiaoding was put into the storage bag by him.

After doing this, Han Li sat down cross-legged again and slowly closed his eyes. The first level of the magic decision of Tongbaojue appeared in his mind, and he silently realized it.

This skill is not complicated. Han Li estimated that he could fully understand it in more than a month at most, but it was the length of the spirit of the virtual tripod, which was not said on **. Maybe a year and a half, Jesus is ten years and eight years. Fortunately, Tongbaojue is also running on its own. As long as the Tongtian Lingbao is sealed in the body, it can let the divine consciousness affect its spirituality by itself.


More than two months later, Han Li came out of the retreat.

Enlightenment is much faster than he expected. In just more than 20 days, he realized it thoroughly and successfully sealed the virtual tripod into his body.

For the rest, he used the materials sent by the old man surnamed Cheng and some puppet remnants obtained in the Xutian Hall in the past to refine a Yuanying puppet.

This is not Han Li's material, which is only enough to refine one. However, the failure rate of the Yuanying-level puppet is really surprisingly high, and it could have been refined with three or four materials. Unexpectedly, only one succeeded.

This made Han Li feel very sorry and had a deep headache for a while.

Needless to ask, the puppet to be refined by Dayan Shenjun must be more complex and advanced than this puppet, and the success rate is even lower. Can't the original materials be doubled several times? This is simply impossible.

Fortunately, when he mentioned this matter a little, the god Dayan explained it proudly.

It is said that this refining method was developed by him himself, and the success rate does not need to be considered at all under his guidance. Basically, it won't fail. If the refining really fails, it is mostly because there are still defects in this puppet refining method. Han Li will not be asked to prepare more materials.

Hearing this, Han Li was relieved.

Now, in addition to the secret room, he first went to the forbidden place to see Nangong Wan, inspected the beauty's spell, and returned to the cave for a few days to refine a batch of elixirs that were useful for the elixir and sent them to Mu Peiling. Then Han Li said goodbye to Brother Cheng and Lu Luo. I'm going to the appointment of the sun.

Although the old man surnamed Cheng and Lv Luo were extremely busy receiving resources and spiritual mines, when they heard about this, they still sent Han Li out of the Yunmeng Mountains.

This made Han Li smile in his heart.


Leaving Luoyunzong, Han Lihua turned into a shocking rainbow and flew all the way to the north.

The Qiling Sea is in the boundless sea in the north of the Xi Kingdom. It is said that as long as you reach the seaside. The big whirlpool and the seven spiritual islands can be seen in only one day's journey.

With Han Li's current terrible cultivation, even if he did not do it with all his strength, the speed of escape is amazing.

Seven days later, Han Li appeared on the sea. Before the so-called Qiling Island, it has already felt the amazing changes in the nearby sea.

Although the originally turbid sea water is not that clear, it has already looked a little blue. Under the sweep of divine consciousness, some sea creatures such as small fish and shrimp appeared in the sea, and the fierce sea beasts that should have existed were nowhere to be seen.

The aura nearby is also very different from the original. It seems that the rumors are really worth it.

After more than half a day. Han Li finally felt that there was a huge source of aura in a very distant place. It is obviously very flamboyant.

And near this huge spiritual source, there are still seven smaller aura fluctuations. It seems to be the so-called Qiling Island.

Han Li's curiosity was so great that he couldn't realize that he was three points faster.

When I faintly saw a black spot on the sea, there was a small group of monks in front of me, about six or seven people, most of whom were foundation-building monks. The first one was from the Jiedan period, and it turned out to be a somewhat beautiful palace-dressed woman.

Han Li did not mean to hide his deeds. This team of oncoming monks naturally saw Han Li at a glance and directly greeted him.

"See the predecessors, the disciples of the junior Hehuan Sect. He was ordered by several predecessors to blockade the sea here. I don't know what the seniors have to do here. Can you let the younger generation tell you? After the palace woman's eyes swept over Han Li, she suddenly changed her face and saluted deeply and said respectfully.

"Blocking? It seems that Zhiyang Taoist friends have no false words. There is really something wrong here. Han Li did not answer the woman, but frowned and said to himself.

"Are you Han Li's predecessor of Luo Yunzong?" After observing Han Li a few more eyes, the palace-dressed woman suddenly asked cautiously after being stunned.

"No, it's Han. I was invited here by the Supreme People of the Supreme of the Sun. Do I have to report it? Han Li said with a faint smile.

As soon as the monks opposite heard Han Li's name, they immediately ** for a while.

(First update!)


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