The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 877 The Heron Department

A fleet of more than 30 people is marching alone on the endless prairie.

There are not many vehicles, only seven or eight, but the people in furry around the vicinity are young and energetic, and several of them are even just eleven or twelve-year-old children.

At the front of the team, there is an old man with gorgeous clothes and a yellow horse.

He is an old man wearing a fiery red fox leather hat, with knife-like wrinkles on his forehead, and his face is slightly purple, but he is tied with a three-color ribbon representing his identity at his waist. This is the sign of the first place.

This place is already the southern part of Tianlan Grassland. This is an abrupt procession that went to the temple to pay tribute.

"Tianlan Grassland" is an abrupt name for Mulan Grassland, because abrupt people have always believed in the rumored "Tianlan Beast", and please treat it as the patron saint of your clan and support it for generations, so the grassland has this name.

Originally, the abrupt people only occupied the southern half of the Zhengtianlan grassland, but since the battle in the middle of the grassland 30 years ago, they defeated the enemy Mulan people in one fell swoop, and have occupied the whole grassland. Naturally, the power soared, and the whole grassland was invincible.

Of course, the sudden people are so huge that there are countless internal tribes. Small tribes as small as hundreds of thousands of people, super tribes with a population of about hundreds of millions, are all over the grassland. And because there were many people who made contributions in the last jihad, there were also many new independent tribes.

Some of these tribes are not small, but some are more insignificant, with a population of only tens of thousands.

The "Eron Department" where the old man is located. It is such a micro-tribe that has diverged from a large tribe. Although it can also be called a tribe, in fact, there are only 70,000 to 80,000 people in the whole tribe.

The old man's name is Yinglu. When he was young, he fought bravely. In the jihad, he defeated several small Mulan tribes in a row and captured many nobles alive, so he got his current status. But now it can't stand the devastation of the years, coupled with the hard work of these years. Although he is only more than 50 years old, his body has become old.

It's noon now. The old man looked at the extremely hot sun in the sky, and then looked back at the young children in the motorcade behind him, but sighed.

It is reasonable to say that no matter how big or small the tribe is, it must be dedicated to a certain immortal master. Otherwise, in case of natural and man-made disasters and monsters, ordinary mortals can't resist it at all.

But they are such a new little tribe. It is impossible to recruit any fairy master at all, and even the lowest-level fairy master does not want to enter such a small tribe.

After all, for immortals, the larger the tribe they join, the richer they will be, so as to provide them with sufficient resources for their cultivation.

Some small tribes can still have some low-level immortals, but these immortals themselves were born in these tribes, or their own cultivation qualifications are inferior, and the big tribes are unwilling to worship, so they have no choice but to stay.

The Heron Department where the old man is located. Yes, there is no opportunity to train the fairy masters in this department, so I have something to do these years, so I can only hire low-level fairy masters from neighboring tribes to help. But these immortals are also extremely expensive, and a few times they will cost the whole tribe a little and a half of a year's income, which makes the already unrich Heron Department even worse.

Fortunately, the Kailing Day, which is once in 20 years, is finally coming.

The flying heron who has been concerned about this matter for a long time. Naturally, it is impossible to let it go. He immediately led several tribal children who had been tested to have spiritual roots in the tribe to the Tianlan Temple closest to their tribe.

The Tianlan Temple was originally built to worship the holy beast of Tianlan, but after so many years of evolution, it has become a holy place in the hearts of the abrupt people and a place dedicated to the cultivation of low-level immortals of the Tugu people.

There are several high-level immortals in each temple, who are responsible for teaching some basic cultivation. After success, those with lower qualifications will return directly to each tribe and be worshipped by the tribe. If they have a future, they will be accepted as disciples by those high-level immortals and specially trained.

A mortal who has not passed the opening ceremony. It is strictly forbidden for high-level immortals to teach immortals privately.

There are not many of these temples. There are only sixty or seventy, but they are evenly spread all over the grassland. But almost each one is the center of a large area, surrounded by thousands of large and small tribes.

As the only temple in the area, the larger the tribe is naturally closer to the temple, and the heron tribe is assigned far away because it is too small. It takes three months to walk from the tribe to the temple.

In desperation, as early as four months ago, Yinglu led the team from the tribe.

Speaking of the last spiritual day, although he had made the tribe independent, he could not collect enough tributes, and he could only open his eyes.

This time, Yinglu said he didn't want to go through it again.

Even if the whole tribe wants to reduce its food and clothing in the next few years, it is necessary to let the local tribe have a land fairy master.

But it is extremely dangerous for these people to cross such a vast grassland with tribute.

After all, tributes are useful for immortal masters, and almost for mortals, they are extremely precious. There are many bad-minded people who take this opportunity to rob the weak team, and even some unscrupulous immortals may take action. This is a common thing during the Kailing Day over the years.

The tribes closer to the temple are better. They are finally afraid of the name of the temple and dare not be too presumptuous.

But a tribe as far away as them is extremely dangerous.

I heard that last time, a medium-sized tribe in this area had an elixir of nearly a thousand years because of tribute. As a result, after the news leaked, the whole team disappeared strangely on the way to the temple. A single figure can't be found.

As a result, many people were rumored to say that it was a high-ranking fairy master of a large tribe who was jealous of this treasure and killed the treasure. The people of the temple were naturally annoyed by this matter. I heard that they also sent the immortal master in the temple to investigate, but they didn't know it.

So although the tribute is ready this time. But there was no fairy master to suppress the battle, which made it difficult for the leader of the heron to sleep and eat since he set out.

During the Kailing Day, the immortal masters of various tribes were also busy going to the temple with the team. Even if there is a spiritual stone, there is no one willing to be hired. Occasionally, several wandering immortal masters were also hired by several larger tribes nearby with a lot of money.

As the weakest tribal leader, the heron can only stare.

Thinking of this, the old man sighed. I couldn't help looking back behind me.

Of the seven or eight cars behind him, four of them are full of tributes. The carts are all carefully selected horses from the tribe. These cars are also preshold, made of the strongest red birch of the tribe. Of course, in order not to attract attention, the surface of all vehicles looks tattered and extremely old.

However, thanks to these measures, otherwise something might have happened a long time ago.

That's it. The last time I met a small group of wild wolves, there was almost a reduction in the team.

But in order to rush out of the wolves, the team had to discard the two slowest cars. Only then can we get here safely.

Although the two cars are not valuable, they are full of most of their food in the next two months. It seems that they have to pause on the road these days.

Remember that in two days, there will be a canyon nearby.

There are few people there. Maybe there are some bison and sheep, and you can hunt some prey first.

Thinking of this, the old man looked back and touched the hardwood bow hanging on the saddle, with a look of meditation on his face.

"Wow! Is that?" Suddenly, there was a crisp female voice next to the old man. The voice was full of surprise.

This is the voice of a beautiful girl following the old man.

This woman's name is Yingshan. She is fifteen or sixteen years old. She is a junior of the heron and one of several people in the tribe who have been tested to have spiritual roots. Naturally, it is deeply favored by the heron.

The old man was shocked when he heard the words and hurriedly looked up.

The result is not far ahead. In a dense bush, there are indeed bursts of blue light flashing, faintly inside. And he remembered clearly that before he just turned back, there was no such light in that direction.

The old man's heart is aw.

As a tribal leader, it is not strange to naturally release the earthlight when casting spells on the immortal master.

Is there really a fairy master who wants to attack such a poor team as them?

The heron's heart sank, and he suddenly raised his hand, and the team behind him suddenly stopped. Everyone else also saw the blue light in the bushes ahead, and their faces couldn't help showing some panic and vigilance.

The old man forced to tie the reins calmly. Stand still.'s still. But all kinds of thoughts in my mind have turned sharply, and I have been thinking hard about the strategy of self- protection.

But a moment later. There is something wrong with the old man.

Although the blue light in the bushes kept flashing, no fairy master appeared and no fairy magic came out.

The heron's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly looked carefully at the bushes. The bushes were dense and there was a person with high roots, which could not be seen clearly.

"The earth is fierce! Look, is there really a fairy master there? After the old man's eyes flashed a few times, he suddenly said.

"Yes, patriarch!" A strong and powerful young man in the motorcade was stunned when he heard the words, but he hurriedly agreed, and then diseed his horse and went to the bushes more than 20 feet away.

When he was only five or six feet away from the place of blue light, the young man hesitated for a while and subconsciously restrained his footsteps.

"I don't know which fairy master is here? I'm waiting for the land of the heron, and I'm here to visit the real face of the fairy master. The young man seemed to have some status in the Heron Department, and his words were also very kind, with a respectful look on his face at the same time.

But there is still only aura in the bush, and there is no sound. Seeing this, the young man couldn't help looking back at the old man.

The old man thought backwards, but still nodded silently. The young man suddenly had a little confidence in his heart and walked forward quietly.

When he walked to the bushes, the young man hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth and reached out to separate the bushes in front of him.

(First update!)


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