The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 892 Tianlan Saint

This so-called "" is the tough young man who was captured by the monks of the Great Jin Dynasty. However, there is nothing wrong with a corpse being called.

Looking at the dead body of the young man with no breath on the ground, Han Li muttered a few words.

This is not his poisonous hand, but when he wanted to wake up the young man and ask these Jin monks about their origin, the man was already black and turned purple and committed suicide.

It seems that this young man is also hateful enough. This time, he was unable to escape the disaster, and he actually took the poison in advance before he came out to fight.

In this way, once you are captured, you don't have to be afraid of the pain of soul refining. However, the soul dissipated so quickly that it seemed that another move was done.

Han Li shook his head, and there was a feeling of crying and laughing in his heart.

If this person was underground, he could have been saved, but he had passed the vitality because of suicide. He really wouldn't show any expression.

However, Han Li and this person don't know each other, so naturally they won't have any special feelings. A small fireball shot out without much thought, and immediately turned the young man's body into a mass of ashes.

After a while, the magic cloud flew back, and the second baby came out with the black flag in his hand and gently waved the flag.

After a gust of wind, all the magic gas was put into the flag. One circled and shot at Han Litian's spirit cover, and disappeared in it in a flash.

Han Li then looked around and saw that those abrupt mortals were all standing far away and looked this way in fear.

"Okay. I can't stay here anymore. Come with me. Before you get poisoned. I also need to tell myself the address of the cave. Han Li said lightly to a carriage.

"It turns out that you are the elder of Yinluozong! No wonder it can easily kill Feng Zhen's old thief, as well as Haoyuan Dan, a rare elixir. The curtain was slowly lifted, and Feng Yue came out of it with a cloak. His voice was a little strange, faintly excited.

"Hey hey! Elder of Yin Luozong. Let's talk about this later. Let's go." After Han Li sneered, he released a flying sword without saying a word. The imperial weapon soared into the air.

After Feng Yue hesitated for a moment, he no longer hesitated to follow.

Suddenly, the two of them turned into light. It gradually faded away one after the other, and finally disappeared on the edge of the sky.

At this time, the mortals of the sudden clan in the distance boldly returned to the convoy. After several leaders looked at each other, they all looked at each other and smiled bitterly. Now the fairy master they employ is dying and walking away. And after all, what happened, they were still confused and couldn't figure it out at all.

A few days later, the matter finally spread.

Several immortals died at once. Even if they were all low-level immortals, it was not a small matter. In particular, it also involved the Jin monks who came to do business with the Tugu people and the temple. What's more, I can't wait to be idle.

Some immortals of the temple rushed to hear the wind, after some cross-examination and analysis. Finally, I recognized the murderer, and it turned out to be a foreigner who killed several Yuanying-level immortals in a row a few days ago.

Through witnessing this matter, the identity of this foreigner seems to have come to light. He is actually the elder of the Yinluo Sect in the top ten demon sects of the Jin Dynasty.

Since it was the destroyed monk of the Nine Immortals Palace who said this, probably not.

What's more, how can it be abrupt? The prestige of the ghost Luofan, the treasure of Yinluozong. This made the part of the immortals who participated in the national interception battle feel stunned.

It turned out that in the last war, the elder of Yinluozong had not done his best, and this kind of treasure had not been used. However, with such magical skills and ghosts, I'm afraid this is also one of the top important figures among the elders of Yinluo Sect.

As for why this person appeared in the grassland and took great action against them, the other part of the abrupt immortals suddenly realized.

After all, in the jihad decades ago, behind the sworn enemy Mulan people, there was the shadow of Yin Luozong. Could it be that this elder of Yinluozong deliberately sneaked into the depths of the grassland to kill people for revenge or have other plans because of the failure of the Mulan people? It seems that this is the only reason. It barely makes sense.

After getting a plausible reason. The abrupt person finally felt much more relieved. After all, no matter how powerful the enemy is, it comes to the end. But it's much easier to deal with.

On the one hand, Tianlan Temple immediately sent a large number of monks to inspect the junction of the Great Jin Dynasty and the grassland to prevent the people of Yinluozong from coming to pick up their elders. On the other hand, a group of Yuanying-level immortals with extremely fast escape were gathered to hang the Elder Yinluozong on standby at any time.

No matter what the other party's identity is, it is impossible to let the other party leave the Tianlan Grassland alive.

Otherwise, once the matter comes. The Tianlan grassland, led by the Tianlan Temple, is really ashamed to cultivate immortals.

So, on this opening day, the opening ceremony presided over by the saint herself in a temple somewhere took only two days to end.

A day later, in a heavily guarded forbidden place behind the temple, more than a hundred abrupt high-ranking immortals gradually appeared here after bathing and fasting.

This is a huge square with an area of nearly a thousand feet. There is a huge array in the center. There are more than a hundred middle-level spiritual stones everywhere on the inlaid array.

In the middle of the French array, there is also a gray-white rectangular altar five or six feet high, which is simple and simple, made of ordinary white stone, and the four walls are engraved with several unknown rune signs, and there are no other inscriptions.

At this moment, around the magic array, there are more than a dozen upper-level immortals in the Yuanying period alone. These people are all standing quietly in awe, as if waiting for more people.

After the silence of a meal, two women and a man came in side by side from outside the ban.

At the middle was a slender woman in silver robe. The white veil covered most of the jade face, but her hair hung down her shoulders like dark clouds, her skin was as crisp as snow, and a pair of beautiful eyes were clear and dreamy, which made people intoxicated.

The man on the side of

. He is a handsome young man. He looks only more than 30 years old, but his eyes flash, but he gives people a feeling of extraordinary vicissitudes.

The woman on the other side is a plump and seductive enchanting woman, dressed in yellow clothes with strange long hair like purple satin. Red Luo's exposed arms each have a fist and a big black ghost head bites on it. And this beautiful woman was in the middle of the autumn, and there was no pain at all.

"See the saint, the immortal master!"

There were all the sudden fairy masters around. As soon as they saw these three people coming in, they all bowed slightly and expressed their respect.

The three also nodded to the people around and walked three or four feet in front of the altar. I just stopped and turned around.

"You immortals, you don't have to be polite. This summoning ceremony is not only to chase and kill the foreigner, but also the first attempt to let the holy beast stay in the temple forever. I hope you will try your best to help me. In order to have a higher success rate of this ceremony, the two immortal masters specially spent more than ten years to find two suitable sacrifices for this casting. Two immortal masters, let's offer the sacrifices first. The woman in silver robe turned around gracefully. Like the pleasant voice of nature, the pleasant voice came out slowly, and clearly and abnormally spread into the ears of everyone present.

The rest of the abrupt immortals, when they heard this, most of their faces showed excitement.

After the handsome young man and the purple-haired beauty looked at each other, they smiled and patted their palms at the same time. Suddenly, a heavy sound of footsteps came from outside the square. Even the ground trembled a little.

At this time, some people couldn't help but be surprised and hurried to follow the voice.

From both sides of the square, a team of huge bronze people two feet tall came in. Each team had eight bronze people, shining with golden light all over, carrying a huge wooden frame and slowly walked to the center of the square.

And there is a huge object hidden on the wooden shelf.

When the wooden frame was carried to the altar step by step by the bronze man, it was firmly put down.

Even if the calm person sees the things above clearly, he can't help taking a deep breath.

A blue-lighted bison-like monster and a snow-white python that circled several times. The volume is as huge as a hill. But they were all drowsy and unconscious on the wooden shelf.

It's not just that. Based on the demonic spirit emitted by these two bodies alone, the people present can judge that this is still the terrible existence of two seven-level top-level monsters that are about to enter the eighth-level monsters. No wonder even the two immortals have to take so long to capture them alive.

"This green wind ox and ice armor python are also wild and alien species, which is just in line with the use of sacrifice. But whether the holy beast can really be separated and left in the human world depends on the opportunity of the family. Let's start the sacrifice. After the woman in silver robe glanced coldly at the people present, she said calmly, and then waved a giant beast on the wooden shelf with a jade hand.

A silver silk jade shot out of his hand and instantly turned into hundreds of silver ropes, which made the monster sleepy and solid. Then under the silver light flashed, the huge body of the giant cow gently floated up and slowly moved to the altar.

At this moment, the originally unconscious green cow woke up. As soon as I saw this scene, I suddenly trembled all over and wanted to struggle. But there have been several extremely powerful prohibitions on his body, plus hundreds of silver chains, how can he move at all? I could only be furious to witness that it was suspended and moved to the altar.

It opened its mouth to roar, but it was silent in its mouth, and no hissing could come out.

The woman in silver robe twisted her waist and suddenly turned to face the altar. She shook her silver sleeves, and a group of fists and big blue light flew out of it. After hovering, she hovered on the huge body of the green cow. It turned out to be a mini tripod wrapped in light cyan flames, dripping and turning, which seemed

This woman pinched the secret with both hands, and the pleasant spell slowly spit out from the sandalwood mouth. The green flame rose high, and the small tripod gradually began to grow larger and turned into an ancient tripod ten feet high.

If Han Li is here and sees this scene, I'm afraid he will be stunned immediately.

In addition to the ground flame attached to the tripod, this ancient tripod actually looks similar to the virtual tripod. The same shape, the same patterns of flowers, birds, insects and beasts.

It's incredible!

(First update!)


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