The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 962 Fighting

Now they are searching for a large sea area to the west of Qiongying Island, tens of thousands of miles away from Qiongying Island.

A few days ago, a group of monks were attacked here by the eight-level blue dragonfly, although they felt that the dragonfly was so cunning that it was unlikely to stay nearby for them to kill. Nanhaimen still sent their group of people to come here to search again to see if there could be any unexpected gains.

In front of so many people, Han Li will naturally not open all the divine consciousness, so as not to arouse the suspicion of the Yuanying monk who led the team. He just covered everything in the sea within a radius of ten miles with divine thoughts. This range is enough for him to act in advance, and not be afraid of being attacked by him.

More than ten monks flew forward. Even if the sea was vast enough, they were allowed to search most of the area as planned after half a day, but as expected, the group had nothing to gain.

"Is that?" A monk flying in front of him suddenly exclaimed.

is carefully searching for the sea. When Han Li heard the words, he looked up at him.

I saw the edge of the sky in front of me and suddenly appeared. A large gray demon cloud, several acres in size, is flying slowly towards this side.

"Great. There must be high-level monsters in it. Don't let her go," a monk shouted in surprise in the crowd.

"There is something wrong. Those evil dragons didn't run away as soon as they saw us in the past. Let's go? How can we take the initiative instead? Don't have a trick." Another monk was obviously more steady and said hesitantly.

The Yuanying monk who led the team is a middle-aged man dressed in golden clothes. Han, after listening to the words of these two people, he frowned and subconsciously looked in the rest of the direction. As a result, his face immediately changed and he shouted in a hurry:

"There are also monsters flying towards us in other directions."

As soon as they heard this, the monks were shocked and in chaos. They spewed out one after another. The magic weapon made a state of alert and looked around at the same time. But there are no clouds in the distance, and there is no shadow of the monster.

Some monks look to each other. At a glance, when he was so surprised that he wanted to ask the big man, there was a harsh sound in the sky around him at the same time, and then a demon cloud of different colors appeared in the distance, rolling uncertainly, and the body of the dragon faintly appeared, full of ferocious scales, and quickly surrounded them.

But these are not the most important. The important thing is that a demon cloud appears from each side, which is obviously several times larger than the demon cloud in the other direction, showing blue and red colors respectively, which is extremely bright.

"Maybe there are two level 8 monsters?" At such a close distance, with the divine consciousness of the monks present, he sensed the shooting of the monsters in the two demon clouds at a glance, and some people shouted with a faceless face.

The rest of the monks were also pale and panicked.

Obviously, these evil dragons unknowingly summoned another level 8 of the same kind. Now they are not satisfied with sneaking on them one by one, and instead of the idea of gathering and annihling the whole group of monks.

The host and guest turned upside down!

"Panic, quickly send notes to the other groups for help, and immediately face the enemy separately. If these evil dragons gather together to make waves, they will only be more powerful. Don't think about running away. With these evil water escape skills, we will only be defeated one by one. The man in the Yuanying period could still keep calm. After shouting fiercely, he ordered loudly.

As soon as he heard this, the elixir monks present calmed down a little, and suddenly several people released several passing notes and flew high into the air.

"I'm going to deal with one of the eight-level evil dragons, and the other one, which two flexible Taoist friends will entangle for a moment. There is no need to fight with this monster, just delay a little. The rest of the repairs deal with those seven-level evil dragons. The big man then said in a low voice.

But this time, the practitioners looked at each other in consterance.

It's okay to deal with the seven-level evil. Although most of the monks present are not opponents, they still have some confidence in self-insurance. But let the two of them join hands to deal with the other eighth-level evil dragon, isn't it a joke? Even if they fight, how long can ordinary monks support under the eighth-level monster?

"Two people can't do it, then three people!" Seeing this situation, the Yuanying period was a little anxious to add another person.

This time, the voice fell, and suddenly the sound of breaking the air sounded, and a scene that surprised everyone appeared.

I saw an inconspicuous monk on the side, and suddenly there was a momentum rising to the sky, and then turned into a dazzling blue rainbow and went straight to the fire clouds in one side.

"Yuan Ying monk, or the middle Yuan Ying monk!" The monks were in chaos, and everyone was surprised.

The big man in the Yuanying period was stunned and was also overjoyed. Could it be that Nanhaimen noticed and deliberately arranged another Yuanying monk in the team?

I guessed like this in my heart, but when I saw that the demon cloud was about to gather around, the big man didn't think much.

After turning around, it also turned into a group of blue light and rushed to the blue demon cloud on the other side.

When the rest of the monks saw that the Yuanying monk resisted the two eight-level monsters respectively, they also suddenly became confident. They turned into all kinds of escape lights and flew in the other directions, stopping the demon clouds halfway.

Soon after, it was in all directions, and at the same time, the sound of the rumble was continuous.

Unlike the rest of the direction, Han Li was motionless in the demon cloud. His body was wrapped in a lavender ice flame, surrounded by a purgatory-like sea of fire, making a sizzling sound from time to time. Some sounds naturally don't count compared with the earth-shaking sounds in other directions.

And dozens of feet away from the opposite side, a half-human and half-human monster is looking at him coldly in a pillar of fire. Although the demon's figure is very similar to a man, it is covered with red and crystal fists and large scales, spraying out wisps of red flames of different thickness.

"It's really a red dragonfly. It seems that I'm really right this time. Level 8 red fire dragonfly, which is much better than the original level 7. Presumably the scales on your body are also more effective. Han Li suddenly smiled.

"You're here for me." The human-shaped red fire dragonfly was stunned at first, and then the green light flashed in his eyes, and his big mouth opened slightly, revealing snow-white fangs, which made people tremble. At the same time, the pillar of fire around him rose by three points, and the momentum became more and more amazing.

However, even though he looks so ferocious, he is in the midst of uneasiness in his heart.

This human monk, who plunged in, is not only a middle-stage monk of Yuanying, but also an ice attribute purple flame is even more unpredictable. He is not afraid of the demon fire that he has been cultivating for many years, and this time he has abolished most of his magic power.

And somehow, when he saw Han Li's calm appearance, his heart was cold, and there was a faint feeling of great disaster, which made the demon more uneasy.

"When I came, I heard that there were only seven-level red fire dragons here. Now with you, the little guy is naturally not interested. But you have practiced, and I don't have much interest in taking the initiative to kill. How about this? If you are willing to automatically send me a few of the birth scales on your neck, and then leave with a group of dragonflies. How about I let you go?" After a smile, Han Li said quietly.

"I'll give you the birth scales? Your tone is really big. A mid-year Yuanying monk dares to be so rampant. Let me turn you into flying ashes and go underground to daydream. As soon as the red fire dragonfly heard Han Li's words, it was like touching the reverse scales, and immediately jumped up like thunder.

The original scales are attached to the birth of the dragonfly, which is more or less different, but with the growth of the years, these original scales are infused with a lot of essence and mana, which is almost second only to the demon elixir. Once lost, they will immediately lose more than half of their cultivation, which naturally immediately angered the demon.

In rage, the dragonfly rolled in the pillar of fire. After a soft bang, the pillar of fire scattered in all directions, with a head seven or eight feet long, and a few feet thick red dragon suddenly appeared in the flames. Now it puts the original consideration behind, and just wants to tear Han Li to pieces and then cremated it into nothing with demons.

As soon as this dragonfly showed the monster body, it was fiercely, and a lava-like red ** spewed out, and went straight to Han Li.

When Han Li saw this scene, he raised his eyebrows slightly:

"It's really not easy to turn into fire condensate and practice the demon fire in this step. But it seems that I'm the only one who can do it myself.

He said this, but Han Li did not dare to neglect it. He raised his hand and patted the back of his head. A snow-white crystal bead spewed out of his mouth, which was the cold magic weapon that had been refined.

After the pearl blurted out, after soaring in the wind, it turned into the size of a fist and went straight to the opposite side to shoot. At the same time, Han Li shouted in a low voice and reached out to the pearl far away. Suddenly, a clear sound came out, and suddenly a large purple flame came out of the beads, condensing Bead.

As soon as the purple dragonfly took shape, it immediately jumps unceremoniously, shaking its head and swinging its tail and hitting the red fire liquid.

The sound of "Zila" was loud, and then the white gas of the group quickly rose, drowning both of them in it. I vaguely saw that the purple dragon seemed to be spitting out purple flames with round beads in his mouth, forcing the fire liquid to retreat.

Seeing this, the red fire dragonfly showed a trace of fear in its eyes, but then the fierce light flashed, the red light on its body was released, and there was a fierce roar in his mouth,

The sea of fire near Han Li was in the sound of the tsunami, and the flames kept rolling, and then a huge fire wave more than ten feet high blew down from both sides to Han Li.

Seeing this, Han Li sneered, rubbed his hands, and then gently wiped it on both sides.

The purple light flashed in the heart, and the crisp sound rose loudly. Two crystal ice peaks 20 or 30 feet high rose from the ground, and the lavender cold light flashed on it, blocking the fire waves on both sides.

At this time, the fire dragonfly in the distance suddenly shook its body, and its body shape was shortened by several times, turning into a size.

Then the fire in its mouth stopped. After a "shh", it turned into a red light and went straight to Han Li's shot. The speed was so fast that it crossed a distance of more than 20 feet in the blink of an eye. At the distance of Han Li, it was not far in front of Han Li. At the same time, his claws

It turned out that when he saw that the demon fire was invalid, he planned to rely on the demon body to approach Han Li, and then catch Han Li with an unexpected claw.


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