The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 984 Evil Moon Mirror

The beautiful woman in black beside her suddenly cheered up when she saw that Han Li could drive so many extraordinary treasures.

She raised her hand to sacrifice the small cyan shield, blocked it in front of her, patted the storage bag again, and suddenly two butterfly-shaped treasures flew out, dancing in front of her, like a living thing.

As a monk in the middle of the Yuanying period, of course, the treasures are more than this, but the monk's fighting method does not mean that the more treasures are sacrificed, the more advantageous they are.

Even if there are many treasures, the multi-treasure monks will not use other treasures after driving the divine consciousness used in the treasure to a certain limit. After all, when fighting, in addition to relying on treasures, you also need to retain a certain mind to cast spells.

As for how much divine consciousness is retained, it depends on the personal situation.

If you feel that the treasures are sharp and the spells are weaker, you will naturally have more divine knowledge on the sacrifice of treasures. If the treasure is ordinary and proficient in powerful secrets, it will also retain more divine knowledge to cast spells.

In addition, the more powerful the treasure, the more it occupies. The greater the divine consciousness, the greater it is. This is also the reason why there are few monks who can drive ancient treasures, and no matter how powerful the monks are, they will only choose a few powerful treasures to fight against the enemy. Han Li released so many treasures at a time. Even if he didn't retain much of the divine consciousness, he could see that the divine consciousness was strong.

But I didn't wait for Han Li to join hands, Silver Wing Yecha. A fierce light flashed on his face, and a huge breath suddenly came out all over his body. Then he bowed and slapped him hard.

With a muffled sound of " Bang", this one-handed five. Press it open on the ground.

When Han Li and the beautiful woman were stunned and did not understand what the other party meant. The rumble sounded from the whole square, and the huge magic array on the ground suddenly glowed in various colors, and the stone pillars bound to the mummified corpses around suddenly shook.

"It's not good!" Han Li's face changed, and his wings on his back trembled as much as he thought, and his body. The shape and the treasures disappeared in place in an instant, leaving only the golden clouds and soul beasts transformed by the gold-eating insects in place.

After the silver-winged night fork saw this ferocious smile, a dark light appeared in his body. The same meat wings disappeared in place as soon as they moved.

A loud bang,. At the edge of the magic array, a dark light and a silver light appeared at the same time. The two collided with each other and shot out ten thousand rays of light, and at the same time, a shock shot backwards respectively. Two winged figures appeared, which were Han Li and Silver-winged Yasha.

With this delay, a stream of black gas appeared from the mummified corpse on the surrounding stone pillar at the same time, and then turned into a black beam of light rose from the stone pillar to the sky. In a blink of an eye, a layer of black and huge light curtain covered the whole square.

Han Li and others were cut off for a while and were trapped in the light curtain.

When a vision appeared in the magic circle, the beautiful woman in black immediately turned into a escape light and flew out, but with her escape speed of more than 20 feet, the light curtain was formed, and she had no choice but to stop the escape light again, and her expression was uncertain.

Han Li looked at the silver-winged night fork in the dark light, his face was gloomy, and he was a little annoyed.

Because of the silver-winged night fork at this time, five blood-colored rings appeared at the same time in the limbs and neck, and the light on it flashed, which was obviously a kind of confinement magic weapon.

"You really can't leave here. Otherwise, with your magic, how can you be willing to stay here and not go out? I just didn't expect that this magic array could be activated by you without a spiritual stone. You can't leave the range of this magic circle!" Han Li exhaled and said coldly.

At this moment, the light of the magic array gradually disappeared, but the stone pillars around the light curtain were shrouded in black air, and the sprayed light column did not weaken at all.

"Hey hey! This magic array was indeed specially besieged by me, but the person who laid this array at the beginning did not expect that for so many years, this magic array can be used by me. Although I can't leave here, you are also trapped in it. After shaking his wings gently a few times, he let out a proud laugh.

The cold light flashed in Han Li's eyes, and the soul beast below suddenly snorted, and a dazzling Huang Xia spewed out and swept away directly into the air. The speed was in front of him in a blink of an eye.

The laughter of the silver-winged night fork suddenly stopped, and the wings suddenly waved, and the figure disappeared from the place before the contact of the glow.

But the next moment, this man reappeared on the green bamboo.

But the head of the soul beast swings, and a large area of yellow glow still follows.

This aroused the silver-winged night fork silver-eyed fierce surname. His eyes stared, and suddenly his wings suddenly waved. Suddenly, countless silver rays shot out of the wings, just like Huang Xia, the soul beast, bumping head-on. Huang Xia, who should have been unfavorable to ghost skills, was actually resisted by these silver lights and failed to go down.

Although Han Li's silver-winged night fork is not an ordinary refining corpse, he is also stunned to see this scene.

When the silver-winged night fork saw this scene, most of the original fear in his heart suddenly disappeared. After a ferocious smile, his body shook slightly and disappeared in a dark light, and suddenly appeared above the soul beast. Suddenly, he opened his mouth, and the black light flashed and was about to spit out.

But at this moment, it suddenly heard the buzzing on the top of its head. In a shock, its head was raised, and a dark pillar of ink sprayed directly. It was hitting a big golden cloud that fell head-on, which was Han Li's gold-eating swarm.

After Han Lilei's escape, this group of insects remained in the air. Now the flying corpse appears near them. Han Li's mind moves, and it naturally attacks rudely.

But the black beam of light is the corpse gas that has been cultivated for tens of thousands of years, which is not only extremely dirty and cold, but also accompanied by extremely powerful corpse poison.

Even if the body of the gold-eating worm is as hard as iron and invulnerable, under the rush of the corpse, it fell down from the air like rain, and in a blink of an eye, the swarm is one-third less.

Under the shock of the rest of the gold-eating insects, they all dispersed and no longer gathered together.

But at this moment of support, the soul beast has also reacted. After humming, another Huangxia flew up.

As soon as the silver-winged night fork moves its wings calmly, it appears more than ten feet away.

The glow naturally fell in the air.

At this moment, in the place where the silver-winged night fork originally stood, the silver light flashed, and Han Li appeared there in the sound of lightning.

As soon as he brushed his sleeve robe without saying anything, the flying swords turned into a large piece of golden light and swept towards the silver-winged night fork. At the same time, the purple mirror hovering on the top also flashed, and a purple beam of light spewed out and followed the sword light. And the fingers in Han Liyi's sleeve robe flicked his index finger quietly, and a red line disappeared in a flash.

Then he glanced at the ground blankly, and saw that the gold-eating insects that had fallen to the ground suddenly shook their wings and buzzed again, just looked weak and seemed to be a little weak.

Han Li's heart was slightly relieved.

At this moment, the beautiful woman in black not far away also took this opportunity to point at the two white jade butterflies.

The two jade butterflies soared in the white light, turning into the size of one person, and then the wings fanned a few times, and two white hurricanes instantly formed in front of the beautiful woman.

Then the hurricane turned into two white wind dragons in the sound of the beautiful woman's spell, pounced on the silver-winged night fork.

Seeing so many attacks coming at the same time, the silver-winged night fork grinned and suddenly raised his hands. The evil moon mirror appeared in one hand, and after a slap in the other hand, a fist-sized ball of light emerged.

This light ball is gray, shining with a cold light.

Leng Leng looked at the golden sword light that attacked first. Without hesitation, he closed his hands, and the light ball disappeared into the mirror. Then the dark light flashed in the mirror, and countless and previously ordinary light balls gushed out of it and quickly merged together.

In a blink of an eye, a huge ball of light with a direct diameter of several feet emerged, wrapping the silver-winged night fork rudely.

The dazzling golden light flashed, and the sword light cut fiercely on the ball of light.

After a soft bang, the giant photospheres broke apart like bubbles, but these fragments flashed and turned into more small photospheres.

But the golden light flashed past the silver-winged night fork, the golden light flashed, and dozens of flying swords were intertwined. The flying corpse was cut into countless pieces, and then the sword light flew out of many small light balls without hesitation.

Seeing this scene, Han Li was not happy but surprised. He can kill this man with a flying sword at all.

Sure enough, an incredible scene appeared immediately,

Those small light bulbs gathered in the middle at the same time, re-merging into a large light ball. At the same time, the corpse was blurred, and the silver-winged night fork appeared in the giant light ball intact, as if nothing had happened.

Han Li frowned.

At this time, the purple beam of light behind and the two wind dragonflies of the beautiful woman in black also attacked aggressively.

The same strange scene appeared.

The huge photosphere broke again, and the silver-winged night fork was torn to pieces by the wind dragon and the light column again, but when the photosphere was restored, the flying corpse appeared intact in the photosphere, just like an immortal body.

Silver-winged Yecha looked at the two with a sneer on his face, and there was no other move. However, the black mirror in his hand is still constantly gushing out of the photosphere, so that the volume of the giant photosphere has reached more than ten feet wide, and it is still rising rapidly.

Han Li's face showed a trace of solemnness. Although no, it will happen to be covered by this light ball, but it is definitely not a good thing.

While the beautiful woman in black was stunned, she did not think about it, and manipulated the two wind dragons to launch the second round of attack.

Suddenly, after the two wind dragons circled, they rushed into the ball of light again. It was also easily broken, and the silver-winged night fork was easily killed again like a phantom, but this time the wind dragon did not leave the light ball, but a big mouth. Countless white wind blades spewed out of the mouth and These small light spheres condensed and converged again, and were hit into smaller beings again.

1, at the core of the original light ball, the wind is raging and the shrills are loud.

Han Li did not urge the flying swords to hover nearby to join the attack, but stared at all this without saying a word, and there was a faint blue light flash in the depths of his pupils.

(First update!)


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