The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 1056 The Devil's Qi

The two demons were also surprised to see two monsters that seemed to be condensed by magic.

The unthinking figure of the silver-winged night fork shook and disappeared with the wind in an instant.

The lion and beast turned around fiercely, and the rumble came out of its mouth, and a golden wave hit one of the monsters.

The monster just raised the big knife in his hand and blocked it slightly, and was immediately submerged into it by the golden wave. The body broke inch by inch and turned into a faint magic.

The other monster waved his hand and released a large knife, and the silver-winged night fork appeared strangely behind him.

Ten fingers and one bullet, ten gray evil soul silks shot out, instantly penetrated the monster's body and tore it to pieces.

Kill these two monsters so easily. The silver-winged Yasha stared at the magic spirit in front of him, frowning and showing a solemn look.

Obviously, this demon is not [img=/sss/xiaxin.jpg], so it really solves these two monsters.

Sure enough, the magic gas in front of me rolled and surged, black. When the light flashed, it condensed again into two monsters just now.

These two monsters appear as soon as they appear, one. He immediately rushed hard, and at the same time, a breath of magic went straight to the silver-winged night fork.

Silver-winged night fork frowned, raised with one hand, and the evil soul silk ejected again. Out, entangled with black gas one [img=/sss/sjian.jpg]. In addition, the monster, but changed its shape and turned into a giant eagle. It suddenly bullied the lion and beast. A pair of black claws and iron hook-like sharp mouths moved in unison, and actually started the hand-to-hand fight directly.

Suddenly, between the two giant birds, the black and purple feathers scattered down.

Lions and beasts obviously have the upper hand, but the black giant eagle no matter how much it is. Damage, under the black light around the body, it will immediately return as usual, as if it were immortal.

The same is true for the silver-winged night fork. No matter if the soul is destroyed. No matter how many times the monster is, it will re-condensate in the blink of an eye.

Obviously these two demons. The object is something similar to the external incarnation [img=/sss/dongxi.jpg]. If the subject is immortal and supported by abundant magic, it is an immortal body at all. No wonder the ancestor of Yuancha was distracted and used them to entangle the two demons. Obviously, we don't expect the monsters to defeat them, as long as the two demons can no longer destroy the stone pillar.

Silver-winged Yasha is also aware of this matter, but although the defense of the two monsters is extremely poor, the magic gas spitting out is the same as that of a giant wolf. The two demons had no choice but to avoid resistance, and they really couldn't distract others.

And the stone pillar, which was more than half destroyed, was repaired by itself in the flash of inspiration, and the broken part was restored as before in a blink of an eye.

This makes the silver-winged night fork even more depressed.

The situation of the two demons also fell into the eyes of the corpse bear, which also surprised the demon.

"Hua Tianqi" is condensing several big hands with divine thoughts, and keeps smashing the evil spirit below, but suddenly he said coldly to the corpse bear:

"Don't worry. This kind of temporary separation of divine thoughts, refining the magic skill of the external incarnation, distinguishing the gods by one, and releasing two is the limit. Otherwise, this demon doesn't have to be consumed like us at all, as long as a few more will come out. There is no doubt that we will be defeated. Now the important thing is that the devil actually forcibly demonized my body with magic. Although it is only temporary, it constantly absorbs the pure magic spirit in the altar and keeps tempering the body. It won't be long before the magic will really be fixed. At that time, the body of the demon soul was integrated, and I never had a chance to retrieve the body again. And with the recovery of this demon, we are by no means an opponent. It seems that I only took a risk."

"Dry an adventure! What does the princess mean? The corpse bear was shocked, but he asked respectfully.

"I will use occult skills to try to get into this wolf's body and forcibly compete with the demon soul for body control. Although the body has been demonized, it is impossible to have the upper hand. But it made the body of the silver wolf temporarily lose control for a moment. The following things should be done [img=/sss/zenme.jpg]. You should know it very well." Long Meng said calmly.

"I understand what the princess means. But isn't it too risky to do so? The corpse bear hesitated as he drove the blood light and split a large mass of magic gas below.

"Adventure? If we don't take the risk, once the seal of the altar is unsealed, we really don't even have a chance. Long Meng said angrily.

"What is sealed under this altar? The princess seems to be very afraid. Are they the powerful magic weapons left in the human world in the ancient demon world? The corpse bear couldn't help asking.

"If it's really [img=/sss/shenme.jpg] magic weapon, it should be good. No matter how powerful the demon is, we can evacuate here first, and then gather other human monks to besiege it alone. There is always a way to kill the demon. Will I continue to work hard here? Most of the seals of this altar are the true magic spirit transmitted by [img=/sss/guolair.jpg] after the ancient demon world opened the passage of the human world. Long Meng said with a gloomy face.

"The real magic spirit from the ancient demon world?" The corpse bear was shocked.

"Before you incarnated into a refining corpse, you should also be [img=/sss/zhido.jpg] some real magic. Unlike ordinary magic, they can not only defile the spiritual spirit of the human world, but also once a large number of them flow away, whether they are ordinary humans or low-level monks, they will be gradually demonized. Even [img=/sss/sjian.jpg] For a long time, the human world can be transformed into the existence of the ancient demon world. Long Meng said solemnly.

"But I heard that after World War I, these magic gases were completely purified by those ancient repairs. How can it still exist in the human world, still under this altar? The corpse bear still said in disbelief.

"Purification? If the ordinary magic can be purified with the magic power of the ancient monks. However, the true magic spirit contains the root of the demon element of the ancient demon world, which has been transmitted to the human world. It was originally intended to be used to transform the aura of the world of the human world. It's not so easy to erase. If it is in our spiritual world, there may be a way to completely eliminate it. But in the human world, it is very difficult. Before I was sealed, I heard what Kunwu Sanlao said once. After the war, most of the real magic spirit should be collected and detained, divided into several places with the most abundant aura in the human world, and suppressed with pure aura. And the ancient demon ancestor and I have once merged into one, and it is this kind of magic spirit that can be faintly sensed under the altar.

"It's not surprising that Kunwu Mountain was the most famous mountain of immortals in the human world at that time. It is a matter of course to use this mountain vein to suppress the magic spirit. They hope that after the washing of pure aura, these magic gases can be worn away little by little. And the aura of this mountain is really much thinner than when it sealed me at the beginning. It seems that it is mostly useful. However, without millions of years [img=/sss/sjian.jpg], these magic gases cannot really be purified. If it is released now and the human monks want to control and seal it again, it is just a delusion. Not to mention, after the incarnation of this ancient demon ancestor absorbs the real magic spirit, I'm afraid that the whole human world will be invincible.

Longmeng was silent for a moment and said it all in one breath.

After listening to this story, the corpse bear was shocked and his face became uncertain.

"Even if the human world is completely demonized, so what? What does it have to do with us? In those years, demons and human beings sent princesses and me to expel cross-border ancient demons. We have all done it. Now there are [img=/sss/shenme.jpg] things that can't be blamed on our heads. It's not as good as us..." A trace of coldness flashed in the corpse bear's eyes, hesitant advice.

"I just [img=/sss/zhido.jpg], you, a corpse bear, was a human spirit beast in those years. How could you run to the devil tower to save me? I still want to return to the spiritual world with the help of the anti-spirit channel. However, your cultivation has not surpassed the transformation period. Even if you enter it, you can only be nothing by the power of space. And how can you [img=/sss/zhido.jpg], where is my [img=/sss/zhido.jpg]? Long Meng suddenly asked with a sneer.

"The princess joked. Being a human spirit beast, that's what I didn't do before I started my wisdom. As for how to cross the channel, please rest assured. After preparing for so many years, I'm still a little sure. As the concubine of the Tiankui Demon King, if there is no [img=/sss/zhido.jpg] channel, I don't know who else [img=/sss/zhido.jpg]. The ten-thousand-year-old corpse bear's hairy face said with a little smile.

"Well, I'll just [img=/sss/xiaxin.jpg] you. Tell you the truth. Only when I completely retrieve the original body can I find the position of the anti-spirit channel again. So, don't think about the idea of slipping away. It's better to do what Concubine said honestly. Long Meng said rudely.

"Yes, as long as the princess can fulfill her promise, she really promised to take me back to the spiritual world together. A few villains will naturally try their best for the princess. The corpse bear grinned and replied without hesitation.

"That's it! You protect the law for me first." Long Meng nodded with satisfaction.

Then Hua Tianqi, who was possessed by this woman, suddenly pinched the formula with both hands, and a dazzling silver light appeared all over her body.

At this time, under the gaze of the seven mysterious real people, Han Li rubbed his hands without saying a word, and thundered down one after another. Destroy a mass of magic gas and disappear.

But the giant wolf below faced the joint hands of the monks. Instead, the magic flame had just risen, and the magic spirit in his mouth, and the black light column kept spitting out, attacking the yellow sword gas, blood light, etc., and retreated. Seeing that there are more and more magic, almost occupying most of the space, covering the world, there is a sense of besieging everyone.

At this time, the stone pillars around the altar gradually became dazzling and began to make a low buzzing sound. Strange ancient runes appeared on the surface of each stone pillar and trembled slightly.

The people and demons who noticed this scene were secretly surprised.

Qimiao Zhenren, who was holding a red drum in his hand, saw this and his face darkened.

Although he did not hear the dialogue between Longmeng and the ten thousand-year-old corpse bear, a bad premonition clearly appeared in his mind. As soon as he gritted his teeth, he finally threw the small drum in his hand and sacrificed it to the air. At the same time, he shouted fiercely:

"Xuan Qingzi Taoist friend, you are still waiting for [img=/sss/shenme.jpg] to sacrifice your new [img=/sss/dongxi.jpg]. Otherwise, it's really going to be a disaster!"

(First update!)


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