The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 1092 Three Demons

The famous body is as transparent as a jellyfish monster, moving forward looming in the snow against the white wind and snow.

This kind of monster called "cold charm" was born in the cold air of heaven and earth, so although it is only a five or six-level monster, it is not afraid of the flying snow all over the sky and the cold blowing into ice, but is energetic and comfortable like a fish in water.

Suddenly, the sixth-level cold charm of the leader was stunned, with several pairs of red eyes on both sides of the body. Some doubtfully stared at somewhere on one side of the wind and snow, and the other five-level cold charms were also stunned [img=/ss/guoquu.jpg],

The sound of breaking the sky suddenly came out, and then several red silks came out of the wind and snow, which was extremely fast. In a flash, it pierced through several cold bodies, and actually halved all the demon elixir in their bodies.

After a few "pops", these cold charms broke apart like ice cubes and fell to the ground.

At this time, the figure shook in the wind and snow, one. The little palace nun with a white cloak slowly came out.

Although this woman can't see her face clearly, her eyes are clear. He looked coldly at the broken ice in front of him, and his body flashed without saying a word. After a moment, he disappeared in the wind and snow.

In another place a hundred miles away, one is tall. The two-foot tauren monster actually walked alone on a crystal ice lake with his feet on the ground. His head had a pair of dark corners, and his fur flashed blue light all over his body, but he carried a huge knife half the size of a wheel on his shoulder, and his buttocks twisted forward, which seemed a little clumsy and ridiculous.

But if a human monk sees this monster, I'm afraid he will never laugh. Coming.

Because this is actually a seven-level monster that is about to turn into shape.

And due to the full opening of the air ban on Beiming Island. Except for those eight levels. The above monsters can ignore this prohibition and continue to fly away. If other monsters want to reach the Little Palace, they can only walk slowly.

Therefore, this monster, which is obviously not very proficient in escape, can only grow old. It's really moving forward step by step.

Suddenly this monster. The huge blade of the shoulder moved, as if [img=/sss/shenme.jpg][img=/sss/dongxi.jpg] disappeared in a flash.

Then a loud noise came from the side, and then a sad scream came from the bottom of the lake.

A sharp knife mark several feet wide and two feet long appeared strangely on the surface of the glacier, as if it were unfathomable.

At this time, the bull-headed monster slowly glanced at the knife mark.

In a blink of an eye, a large sum of blood gushed out of it, and a small half of the body appeared. Looking at the costumes, he is a male disciple of Xiaoji Palace.

It seems that this man originally used the water escape skill to hide under the ice and prepared to sneak up on the monsters passing by. As a result, he was recognized by the seemingly stupid seven-level monster at a glance, and then killed.

A trace of ferocity flashed in the monster's eyes, and as soon as he grabbed the void with one hand, he sucked the half of the body into his hand.

Then he grinned, and he gnawed the body directly.

After a cup of tea, half of the body entered the demon's abdomen. The demon rubbed his stomach contentedly and continued to move forward with a huge blade.

The same scene of similar killings occurred in all parts of Beiming Island. Either these low-level monsters were sneaked to death, or the small palace monks were killed and devoured by monsters.

However, both sides are all low-level monsters and monks below the Jindan period. The Yuanying period monks and the eighth-level monsters seem to have no end in these struggles. One side shrinks in the ice city at all, and the other side passes directly over the wind and snow, regardless of what happens below. What's the matter?

It's not that these high-level monsters don't want to kill these low-level monks in the small palace, but that they are now under the air ban. It's really not easy to search for those small palace monks who are proficient in all kinds of escape skills in the wind and snow. Some small palace monks also carry some special magic weapons Mg=/sss/faxian.jpg] It is more and more difficult to get up. And even if they occasionally kill a few monks, it has no effect on the overall situation at all. On the contrary, it is better to save mana and use it in the upcoming real war. After all, when it comes to life and death, a small amount of mana is extremely precious.

Just as the demons were gradually approaching the ice city, in a palace somewhere in the secret place of Hanli, the beautiful woman surnamed Liu sat on a jade chair in the hall, and in front of her sat two rows of Yuanying-level Xiaoji Palace elders, quietly listening to a disciple in white clothes and reporting on the situation of sending disciples to block the monsters.

"... The 100 high-level disciples sent this time have extinguished thirty-seven pieces. They got the exact news and killed a total of 128 monsters of all levels, most of whom were ice sea monsters. Now the disciples of the second team have also been sent out. It is expected that in an hour, they should meet the first batch of disciples and those demons. The beast came into contact. The disciple said respectfully.

"Thirty-seven disciples have been killed in battle, and it seems that [img=/sss/sjian.jpg] is almost done. They should also be within 100,000 miles of the Ice City. Inform Elder Ye that he began to use the Zhenhai clock an hour later. This time, we must hit the low-level monsters in the ice sea. Otherwise, when attacking our Little Palace, these cannon fodders are also annoying. When the beautiful woman heard this, she didn't blink and told her.

"Yes, palace owner!" As soon as a crane-haired and childlike elder heard this, he immediately raised it with one hand, and a note shot out of his hand. After hovering, he flew out of the hall.

"Brother Ding, open all the forbidden array. I guess you have used this treasure. I'm afraid that the group of high-level monster rabbits in the ice sea will go crazy." The beautiful woman ordered indifferently.

"Yes!" Another elder got up and agreed, turned into a escape and went out.

"In addition, inform the disciples who are out of the city [img=/sss/xiaoxinyy.jpg], the utility of Zhenhai species can only maintain one column of incense [img=/sss/sjian.jpg] at most, and use it once to sleep for more than a hundred years [img=/s An.jpg], once this [img=/sss/sjian.jpg] all the disciples Ma uploaded back to the city, and then immediately closed the secret transmission array everywhere. The province was used by monsters to invade the palace..."

"It's up!"

After the beautiful woman ordered a series of exits, the figures shook one after another, and the Yuanying monks were ordered out one by one.

Almost at the same time, hundreds of miles away from the Ice City, a large group of high-level monsters arrived at the same place and fell off on a small iceberg.

In front of him is the large array of the small palace. Looking at the white and large cold fog, all the monsters at the level of transformation are solemn.

This group of monsters is obviously divided into two groups, one group of only more than ten, surrounded by a tall and one short old man and a young child, and the other group has more than 20, but surrounded by a slender silver-shirt woman.

But strangely, the group of monsters with few people were all dressed neatly. In addition to their strange appearance, their behaviors were the same as those of human monks, and they looked at the other group of monsters with a trace of contempt.

The other group of monsters with a large number of monsters are all evil, and most of them wear simple clothes such as fur, and some even go straight to the upper body.

They also have some weapons-like swords and axes, either on their backs or directly in their hands. Although there are storage bags made of animal skins in their waists, I don't know why they don't put these weapons in them. Each of these monsters exudes a ferocious atmosphere. Looking at the eyes of another group of monsters, it is not [img=/sss/zenme.jpg] kind.

These two groups of monsters stood on both sides of the top of the ice mountain, with distinct boundaries and unexpected appearance.

However, if an unknown monk accidentally passes by here and sees these two groups of monsters, I'm afraid he will immediately be scared to cuddle

Because this group of monsters are all deformed monsters above level 8, and the old man, the young child, and the silver fir woman are up to level 10 monsters.

I'm afraid that such a powerful power is more powerful than most of the top ten sects of Zhengmo. What's more, the high-level monsters are a little more powerful than the same-level monks.

The old man in a soap robe among the monsters, with a square and majestic face, bright eyes, gray hair and faint blue light, giving people a feeling of not being angry and domineral. The boy, who seemed to be only six or seven years old, had beautiful eyebrows, as if he were a jade boy in the sky, but his eyes were slightly red, as if there was a layer of blood on his pupils, but there was always a faint smile on the corners of his mouth.

As for the silver-shirted woman on the other side, she is elegant and her skin is like snow. She is actually a beautiful woman.

However, such a delicate beauty, with a slight turn of her eyes, the fierce and extremely high-level monsters surrounded by him nearby bowed their heads and did not dare to look directly, one by one.

"Feng Fairy, I didn't expect that the human monks of this small polar palace would really give up their action and release the coldness accumulated on the island for nearly a thousand years at one time. Xiaoji Palace will encounter [img=/sss/shenme.jpg] enemies in the future. I'll see how they deal with it. The old man suddenly said with a smile.

"Why do young Taoist friends ask knowingly? We didn't come to the cold marrow this time. The human monks of the Little Pole Palace did not [img=/sss/zhido.jpg] this matter. Naturally, you will fight against the enemy desperately, and the magic weapon will be exhausted. Otherwise, once we attack, even if they save more cold air, what's the use? The silver fir woman in the name moved and replied coldly.

"However, this time Feng Daoyou will come out in person, and I'm really a little surprised. I heard that the fairy had been closed 2,000 years ago and would not leave Bingyuan Island again. The child also opened his mouth, and he really spit out an old and abnormal voice, like a 70-year-old man, which really doesn't match his appearance, which is extremely strange.

"If there are other things, naturally I won't be moved, but it's about the matter of the soaring spiritual world, how can the owner of the island rest assured that he will only let his hands down? Aren't Taoist friends also sent out the incarnation in person? Don't skip words. The silver-shirted woman turned her eyes to the young child and said calmly.

"Haha, I didn't expect that the fairy would agree as soon as I said this. This is my accident! It seems that Feng Daoyou has also been dissatisfied with this small palace for a long time. He has long wanted to take the opportunity to get rid of the monks who used to be left by the ice fairy in the human world. Speaking of which, this time Feng Daoyou has borrowed the power of our Ten Thousand Demon Valley!" The young child narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.

(second update!)


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