The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 1156 Magic Lake Island

Magic Lake Island is a nameless island located near the edge of the Inner Star Sea. [ Img=/sss/zhido.jpg] This island is only for some loose repairs living on other nearby islands.

The reason why the island can still be remembered by these monks and has such a strange name is that there is a material called "copper" in several lakes on the island.

Although this material is not [img=/sss/shenme.jpg] rare, it is a necessary item to refine several unique weapons, so some low-level monks occasionally come to the island to salvage such materials.

And I don't know if these lakes are rich in emerald copper. All the lakes are as green as emeralds, which is far greener than ordinary lakes, and mortals can float on their own when they fall into the lake and never sink.

In this way, the reputation of Magic Lake gradually spread among the nearby islands.

However, there are few trees and no spiritual veins on this island, so it is rare for people to come here.

But on this day, fifty or sixty low-level monks gathered on the edge of a lake on the island, hurriedly arranging several complex and unusual temporary magic arrays. Most of them are gas refining monks, and there are only six or seven monks in the foundation period.

In the low air in the center of the lake, there are three Jiedanian monks gathered there, whispering [img=/sss/shenme.jpg].

"Brother Lei, you won't fail again this time. In order to break the ban, I put almost all my life into it. The spiritual stone spent before and after has been more than 200,000 yuan. If I fail again, I don't have the spirit stone to take out. An old man in a gray robe with a wrinkled face said to the other two with a sad face.

"Well, Brother Wu is too exaggerated. Of the three of us, I'm afraid that my brother has the most. The Jinming Building opened by my brother is famous in the nearby sea. How can there be some spiritual stones missing? Another handsome man in blue robe hummed and replied.

"Brother Lei doesn't know something. Although the Jinming Building opened for his brother seems to be very large, in fact, it has been crowded by several big shops such as Huoyun Pavilion for a long time. It's just barely maintained now." The old man in gray robe sighed and looked helpless.

" Brother Wu, why do you have to complain! It's not a matter of a year or two for your Jinming Building to open. If it's really unprofitable, how can it be opened until now? The last person is a gorgeous woman in a red shirt, with fat buttocks**, with a pair of watery peach blossom eyes. Between the flow of autumn waves, it is fascinating.

"Jin Minglou did earn some spiritual stones in the past few years, but that was when the master was still there. Since the barbarian suddenly disappeared more than a hundred years ago, without the trust of the Yuanying monks, my Jinming Building was immediately squeezed by other big shops. A few years ago, it was okay. The barbarian master Yu Wei was still there, and they didn't dare to score too much. But since the news that the master was seriously injured and died by the six extreme saints came twenty years ago, this business can't be done. If it hadn't been for my brother, I would have been a late-stage monk of Jiedan, I'm afraid that this family would have been swallowed up. How can a younger brother and a younger sister be so free? The old man in gray robe smiled bitterly.

"What Brother Wu said, I'm not interested in [img=/sss/zhido.jpg], and I don't want to [img=/sss/zhido.jpg]. I only [img=/sss/zhido.jpg] The spirit stone I took out is no less than my brother. Besides, after the master disappeared. It's not just you who are having a hard time. You are not [img=/sss/zhido.jpg] The master had a hot temper in those years, and there were countless monks who offended. Now he has disappeared. But I was regarded as the object of revenge by these people, and I was hunted down for decades before I finally got rid of them. On the contrary, Brother Wu has become a force of his own. In addition, he has some connections with the Blood Light Gate, which is the real peace of mind. The man in blue flashed his evil spirit, revealing a strong and bloody breath.

"What did my brother say! If I hadn't had a lot of disciples, I would have been anonymous like you. Why bother to support it? Now it goes without saying that the annual expenditure is huge. In order to get on the temporary backer of the Blood Light Gate, a large number of spiritual stones will be paid every year. My days are also very sad. It's my brother's reputation over the years, but I've heard a little about it. The name of the blood demon is already famous among our elixir monks. The younger brother's skills were originally advanced faster in killing. Now, isn't it from the early stage to the middle stage? Don't skip words. The old man in gray robe still looked like a sigh.

The blue-robed young man's eyebrows jumped, his face was very dissatisfied, and it seemed that he wanted to refute [img=/sss/shenme.jpg], but the gorgeous woman interrupted the argument between the two after "giggling" with a smile.

"Brother Wu and Brother Lei, why do you have to argue any more? Anyway, in the absence of the barbarian teacher, we will have a hard time. This must be true. But as long as the treasure in the secret cave is taken out, [img=/sss/xiaxin.jpg] as the middle monk of the master Yuanying, this thing is enough for us to share equally. At that time, we will either practice hard in secret, or use them to invest in other forces to protect ourselves. [img=/sss/xiaxin.jpg] is absolutely no problem.

As soon as they heard the words of the gorgeous woman, the old man and the young man in blue looked at each other and really stopped arguing, as if they were a little afraid of this woman.

But the three of them silently watched the low-level monks by the lake arrange the magic array for a while, and the young man in blue robe asked the beautiful woman again.

"Sister Cai, it's really the master's treasure cave after the ban below. You won't do it [img=/sss/cuow.jpg], will you? Although the ban is indeed the work of the master, the barbarian master has always liked to set up temporary caves on some small islands. It's not just one of them. If so, we have spent so much effort in vain these days.

"[img=/sss/zenme.jpg], Brother Lei doesn't believe his sister's words!" When the gorgeous woman heard this, she looked a little unhappy.

The young man in blue robe licked his lips and continued with a blank face:

"My sister found me and Brother Wu, saying that there was a treasure place in my hand, and took us to this island to pick up the treasure a few months ago. But I have never mentioned [img=/sss/zhido.jpg] where the treasure cave is located. Although the master spoils you, according to his old man's temper, it is impossible to bring this matter to you. Now that the ban can be opened, the senior sister might as well explain this matter to the two of us, so that I and Brother Wu can feel at ease.

"No [img=/sss/cuow.jpg], there is some truth in my brother's words. In addition, my sister has been without a word for so years. She suddenly came out and took me and my brother to get the treasure, which made my life a little suspicious. The old man in the gray robe said quietly.

[img=/sss/zenme.jpg], if I don't make this clear, you two want to do it. Do you want to bully me, a little woman in the early days of Jiedan? The gorgeous woman's face darkened, raised it with one hand, gently pulled a wisp of green silk on her forehead, and the flower suddenly became as cold as frost. But on the jade wrist of the snowy skin, there is a purple bracelet, flashing mysterious runes.

When the old man and the young man saw the bracelet, their faces changed greatly at the same time.

"I didn't expect that the master would give his purple ice bracelet to his sister! With this ancient treasure alone, I'm afraid that my brother and I are not the opponents of the senior sister. The young man in blue robe took a long breath, and there was a faint look of anger and jealousy in his eyes. I don't know whether the anger is at the woman or at the barbarian in his mouth.

The old man in gray robe beside him changed his face a few times. After his mind suddenly changed, he also laughed:

"Sister is really funny. How can I have such a thought? It's just that this time, in order to break the ban under the lake, we have really taken out a little money, and it seems to be exasible to be cautious. My sister didn't take out a single spiritual stone.

"Since I took you to the treasure cave and only took one-third of the treasure, why did you come out of the spiritual stone again? However, since Brother Wu and Brother Lei have some questions about the location of the treasure, it's not that I really can't say. After a moment of hesitation, the gorgeous woman finally calmed down a little.

"Then the two of us will listen attentively." The old man was happy and said with a smile on his face. Qing

Nian also looked gloomy and speechless.

"My name is a female disciple of the barbarian teacher. But in fact, it's just his concubine, and you two know it well. I just accidentally got this treasure place from his dream when I was with him once. He also [img=/sss/zhido.jpg][img=/sss/ziji.jpg] Soon, Shouyuan seems to be planning to sit down with these treasures in this cave. The gorgeous woman said without changing her face.

"It's so simple!"

The old man and the young man looked at each other and couldn't help looking at each other. The young man in blue couldn't help asking.

"How complicated do you think it is? I've already said that it's your business whether you believe it or not. Besides, if it's not the treasure place below. Do you think the barbarian will set up such a complicated forbidden array outside a temporary cave? With the power of the three of us, it can't be completely lifted for a few months. In addition to the Treasure Cave, are there any other explanations? Don't skip words. The gorgeous woman sneered.

"There is some truth about what my sister said. It seems that my brother and I are a little over-thortioned. Fortunately, there is only the last layer of the ban below. As long as the ban is lifted, our hard work in the past few months will not be in vain. Let me go and have a look first. They will arrange [img=/sss/zenme.jpg] to break the forbidden array. After the old man in gray robe flashed his eyes and meditated a little, he then hugged the two of them and said with a dry cough.

Then he turned into a yellow light and went straight to the shore.

"I'm also going to confirm the ban under the lake!" The young man in blue raised his eyebrows, looked at the gorgeous woman, and said lightly.

Then the young man's body flashed with blood, and a layer of blood-colored light mask emerged. His body sank down, and he fell directly into the lake and disappeared.

When the gorgeous woman saw the other two people leaving one after another [img=/sss/ziji.jpg], the corners of her mouth were slightly curled, but an imperceptible cold light flashed in the depths of her eyes.

After a meal, the old man said a few words to the low-level monks by the lake, and then he flew to the woman in the center of the lake again. Almost at the same time, the lake rolled, and the young man in blue robe also flew out from below.

In a blink of an eye, the three people gathered together again.

"Brother Lei, Sister Cai, the magic array has been arranged... Oh, is that [img=/sss/shenme.jpg]?" The old man just smiled at the other two and wanted to say something [img=/sss/shenme.jpg], but his face suddenly turned his head and looked at the sky in a certain direction.

Both the gorgeous woman and the young man in blue robe were shocked and hurriedly followed the voice.

The blue light flashed in the distance, and a dazzling green rainbow shot in, and the target seemed to be the lake where we were in.

(The first update, and another update. In order to keep making updates for everyone, we gave up the great opportunity of the annual meeting. It's the middle of the month now. Give us a few more votes, so that we can feel a little comfort. Ha ha, let's continue to work hard to code words!)


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