The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 1222 Tianji Hall

Han Lizheng turned into a rainbow. Fei Dun is on the way to Mulan Grassland.

This time, the goal is naturally to return to the Great Jin Dynasty and try to get the ghost flags from Yin Luozong.

Although he did not succeed in advancing the gods before, his cultivation has already reached the peak of the real Yuanying's later period, and his grasp of this industry naturally adds a few points.

If he didn't remember [img=/sss/cuow.jpg], the original Yinluo Sect had fallen behind in the Qian Laomo, and only the Yinluo Sect in the sect should be the late Yuanying monk. As long as he doesn't fight stupidly, it shouldn't be a big problem to win the ghost flag.

And this suzerain of Yinluo, who personally led the team to Tiannan once in those years, seemed to have a great hatred with him.

If so, it is also a matter of killing two birds with one stone to take this opportunity to solve this person, otherwise there may be endless trouble in the future.

He also wanted to get rid of this enemy before, but at that time, he had not advanced to the later stage, and he was not even unable to protect himself, and he did not dare to take risks easily.

Now he has great magic power and wants to seize the ghost flag. Of course, he will not let this person go.

Otherwise, in case [img=/sss/shenme.jpg], he did not stay in Luoyunzong, but before the arrival of the Shouyuan period, the great monk suddenly went crazy to avenge his wife, and secretly came to Luoyunzong to kill.

Isn't it dangerous for Nangong Wan and others?

Han Li thought so in his heart. I can't help but feel the murder in my heart.

Speaking of which, although he did not succeed in turning into a god with the help of the cold flame five demons, he was very disappointed, but because of the backhand of the meta-magnetic god light, he was not really completely depressed.

He went to Dajin this time. In addition to robbing Gui Luofan, there were actually two other things to deal with together. Otherwise, once he really cultivates the meta-magnetic divine light, he is equivalent to being trapped in a living place. Except for the cultivation of the meta-magnetic divine light, [img=/sss/shenme.jpg] he can no longer do anything in person.

Naturally, we should prepare for everything before we are free.

It is naturally the top priority to find the sun essence fire and use the cold marrow to make the 'back to the sun water'.

As long as you have Huiyang water, it is equivalent to a quarter increase in the longevity of [img=/sss/ziji.jpg]. This kind of unbelievable [img=/sss/dongxi.jpg], I'm afraid that any equivalent monk will not give up. For Han Li, a monk who is already at the top of the human world, ** is even more incomparable.

Last time, he searched for the soul of Yuanying in the Little Pole Palace, [img=/sss/zhido.jpg] to find the clue of sunglasses fire. In this way, everything is naturally ready, and I only owe the east wind.

As for another thing, it's not very important to compare with this. It's just on the way. It is a blessing to succeed, but failure has little impact on it. This is the Tianji Pavilion that went to sell Tianji Mansion and asked them for the secret of refining the mustard space.

When he participated in the big auction in Jinjing, when he heard the shopkeeper of Jinjing Tianji Pavilion say that the space cracks could be refined into mustard space, he was moved and there was a space that might be the wreckage of the Lingyuan that he saw in the Devil Valley that day. The idea of refining into an exclusive space.

After all, in addition to the caves in the open caves like him, there are almost all the secret caves of [img=/sss/ziji.jpg], and some even have several places, in which the heavy treasure of [img=/sss/ziji.jpg] is usually put to prevent [im G=/sss/ziji.jpg] In case of [img=/sss/shenme.jpg] accident, there can be a way out.

And Han Li has been busy practicing, but he has no time to think about it.

Han Li suddenly thought of this now. Naturally, he doesn't really want to [img=/sss/ziji.jpg] to leave [img=/sss/shenme.jpg] for reasons, but feels that it is an excellent place to practice meta-magnetic light. If the mustard space that can be refined into [img=/sss/ziji.jpg] is only connected to a secret transmission array left by the outside world, as long as he controls the transmission array in the space, even if the god-level opponent finds it, I'm afraid he can only stare.

Even if the enemy destroys the transmission array outside in anger, with his current magic power, tearing the space again, it is not [img=/sss/shenme.jpg] difficult, and he is not afraid of being trapped in the space by the enemy.

On the contrary, the monks outside the space, even if they have the ability to tear the space, it is impossible to find the mustard space that has been bridged without [img=/sss/zhido.jpg] specific space.

These [img=/sss/dongxi.jpg]. Naturally, it was all painstakingly studied by Han Li.

Of course, if it doesn't work, Han Li will find another secret place to practice, which is not impossible. It's just that the stability is naturally far less than the mustard space, which is suitable.

However, when the method of refining the mustard space is the original creation of Tianji Pavilion, I'm afraid it will be quite troublesome to ask for it. But by the way [img=/sss/huilaim.jpg], a big monk asks any force for [img=/sss/dongxi.jpg]. Even if this force is very reluctant, I'm afraid it will try to be satisfied.

After all, even if there is a late Yuanying monk in the same town, no one is willing to easily complain about such a big enemy.

As for the Tianji Pavilion, which can still maintain the method of refining, most of the time, this secret method is too useless to arouse the interest of the ten sects of Zhengmo. Otherwise, he won't [img=/sss/xiaxin.jpg], a Tianji Pavilion can really keep the real important secret skills for such a long time [img=/sss/sjian.jpg].

Of course, he naturally needs to pay some attention to the method of asking for it.

Han Li sneered and thought to himself, and the escape light suddenly flashed a few times, and disappeared without a trace in the nearby sky.


More than half a year later, it was drizzling in a small mountain town in Yuzhou, a big Jin Dynasty, thousands of miles away from Tiannan.

On an oily bluestone street washed by dripping rain, few pedestrians passed by, and occasionally some of them hurried by with a cloth umbrella, and no one was in the mood to stay in the street.

A yellow-shirted man with a white tarp umbrella in his hand suddenly stepped on this stone street.

But this man acted calmly and was not in a hurry, just like walking in the suburbs. The umbrella in his hand leaned forward slightly, which just blocked most of his face. It's impossible to peep into its true face.

However, judging from the slender and white palm of the umbrella, this person seems to be in his prime, and he is not an ordinary poor people.

Some passers-by who occasionally pass by saw that this person's behavior was so strange that they couldn't help but look at this person curiously. But this man is indifferent. The pace is still not slow.

When the man walked to an inconspicuous alley, he changed direction and stepped into it in a flash.

Although this alley is quite far-reaching, it has only taken dozens of steps. Anyone can see that this is a dead alley with no exit, and there is no door on both sides. It is all a wall about several feet high, which is really a rare place for people to come. But a strange scene appeared. The yellow-shirted man turned a faint eye on these and just walked forward on his own.

When the person holding the umbrella was about to walk to the end of the alley, when he hit the seemingly hard stone wall, suddenly the whole person's white light flashed, and the whole person strangely disappeared into the wall, just like a ghost.

[img=/sss/xiaxin.jpg] When mortals pass by here and see this scene, they must shout that they will see ghosts in the daytime. And if a monk sees it, he will naturally only curl his lips disdainfully. It's just the simplest way to make a blindfold. What's the fuss?

If the monk who said this also penetrated the wall into it, and then passed through a few layers of mysterious prohibition, I'm afraid he would be completely stunned.

Because behind these prohibitions, there is a building of more than 100 feet. The Qingtian Jade Gate almost goes straight to the sky, and after the huge Jade Gate, there is a first-level white jade ladder, all suspended in mid-air, and then straight to a turquoise hall in the air.

And the milky white spiritual fog near the hall, some rare and rare spiritual birds slowly circled in the sky, looking carefree, and there are many strange flowers and plants planted on the ground, which decorate it like a fairyland.

But if someone sweeps it with a divine mind [img=/sss/faxian.jpg], it seems to be white and wide. But in fact, this is not a very large closed space, only more than ten miles in size, but the height is hundreds of feet, which is really amazingly tall. But if it hadn't been for this, it would have been impossible to build such a strange air palace here.

Under the huge jade door at the entrance of the space, there are two rows of warriors with golden armor on both sides, one of whom is two feet tall, motionless and pale.

But among these warriors, there is a big man dressed as a general in armor. His face is dark, but he sits on the stone pier next to a pillar without any image. He is talking lazily [img=/sss/shenme.jpg] with the man who walked in the umbrella.

"No, it's a big deal, and I can't disturb the cabinet owner to meet the distinguished guests now. Otherwise, if the cabinet owner blames it, I, Lao Cao, can't afford to suffer. Why don't Zhang Daoyou wait here for the first half of the day and talk to me for a while. These days, it's my turn to take turns in this Tianji Hall, and I've been with these wooden pimples for more than half a year [img=/sss/sjian.jpg], which makes us bored. The general dressed up as a big man and said with a smile.

This man is a monk in the later period of Jiedan, but he is only a gatekeeper here, which is really shocking. But listen to his words, those huge warriors on both sides are just some puppets. But if it hadn't been for this person's explanation, these puppets were all lifelike and really couldn't be easily distinguished by the naked eye.

The monk who originally entered the space with an umbrella had already put away the white umbrella, revealing a majestic face with white and thin eyebrows.

'Cao Fengwei! What Zhang said this time is not a joke. There are really extremely important things that must be handed over to the cabinet owner. Even if I can wait, that person may not be able to wait. If I really delay the big thing and bring a big disaster to this cabinet, this is by no means what you and I can bear. The middle-aged man looked a little ugly and said a little annoyed.

"That man? Who is Brother Zhang talking about? The black-faced man was stunned when he heard the words and asked in surprise.

"It's very simple. He said something about Han. Suddenly, a strange man's words came over their heads, and clearly and abnormally came into their ears.

(second update!)


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