The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 1272 Beast Tide

Han Li left the alley and continued to wander around nearby.

Soon after the result, there was a bookstore specializing in selling various classics on another street, leaving the real purpose of Tiandong Trading Company.

He walked in quietly.

The bookstore is not small, and there are many kinds of books in it, including astronomy and geography, and hundreds of miscellaneous studies.

Because it's just an ordinary mortal bookstore, naturally you don't want to have books such as jade slips and cultivation.

Han Li will not be interested in useless books, and his eyes are all on the classics that introduce the spiritual environment and customs society.

Only through these can he have a preliminary understanding of the situation in the spiritual world and no longer know nothing about everything.

He picked several thick books in a row, and finally bought a map of the nearby area from the bookstore.

Han Li did not have yellow and white things on his body, but the spirit stone was also extremely rare to ordinary mortals. After paying a low-level spirit stone immediately, the owner of the bookstore was overjoyed and found some silver for him.

He held these books in one hand, found a restaurant, sat down in an innoticed corner, ordered a few ordinary dishes at will, and quietly turned over the books.

Although Han Li's mind can't leave his body, his unforgettable ability still exists. Although several books are extremely thick and abnormal, under Han Li's slow reading, the speed is amazing, and every word is firmly and abnormally imprinted in his mind.

Han's facade has always been calm, but his heart has already been rolling with the understanding of the content of the book.

Among other things, the detailed description of the environmental geography of the spiritual world alone made Han Li extremely surprised.

It turned out that the Tianyuan Realm, which he often heard from the people of Tiandong merchants on the road, turned out to be the human area ruled by the Tianyuan Holy Emperor among the three emperors of the human race.

In addition, there are also Xuanwu mirrors controlled by the Xuanwu Emperor, which is controlled by the Tianmiao Linghuang. These two emperors are usually referred to as "overlord" and "spirit emperor". The Tianyuan Holy Emperor, who was originally a human refiner, but later modified the Confucian method, is known as the Confucian Emperor. The Tianyuan Realm he ruled is also the human world where Han Li is located.

This is also his luck.

These three areas of human beings are extremely vast, with thousands of large and small human cities set up in them.

According to the division of cities in the book, Anyuan City can live in a city with a population of nearly 100 million, but it is indeed a small city in the spiritual world. In other large and medium-sized cities, both the area and the population are far larger than that of Anyuan City. The Tianyuan City, where the Tianyuan Holy Emperor lives, is so large that it is even the same as a small country in the human world.

However, compared with the main human city of the other two realms, Tianyuan City is still the most normal existence.

Because the Xuanwu City, where the overlord lives, is actually built on the back of an ancient giant turtle called "Yingling", which is a sea city that can move slowly. And the Spirit Emperor's Tianling City is even more amazing. It is directly built on a tree with a diameter of 100 miles, which is said to be able to go directly to the fairyland.

When Han Li saw this, the embarrassment in his heart could naturally be imagined.

What surprised him even more is still behind.

According to these classics, in addition to the three emperors inhabited by human beings, there are also seven demon lands ruled by the seven demon kings nearby. The relationship between the demon clan and the human race is actually a half-enemy and half-friend relationship.

The reason for saying this is that even if the three realms and the seven demon lands are combined to occupy the area, it is just a drop in the ocean in the spiritual world.

In places outside some areas ruled by the two ethnic groups, it is the world of other alien creatures.

Most of these creatures are the original inhabitants of the spiritual world, such as countless wild ancient beasts in the spiritual world, ancient giants and other races, as well as other gregarious aliens who forcibly broke through the world and came to this world. Although these races do not have much contact, the known ones are all as powerful as the human race and demons. Races have unique magical powers, which are no less powerful than the two races of shemales.

In addition, there are many more powerful individuals in the spiritual world that are almost as strong as immortals in the real fairyland, such as the terrible existence of Luo, Kunpeng, Zhenlong, etc. known by Han Li, which can ignore the power of the interface to a certain extent.

Under so many dangers, although the two races of demons have emerged one after another, they can only gain a foothold in the spiritual world. Although they are usually hostile and occasionally fight a little, in the face of a powerful enemy, the two clans have to join hands to fight against the enemy.

This scene was not until the Three Kingdoms and the Seven Demons Land were officially established that it was finally much better.

Because the first three emperors and the seven demon kings, as well as the many great masters of the human clan and demons, they jointly set up a super-large magic array, covering all three realms and seven places.

It is said that this magic array is an ancient fairy array handed down from the real fairy world. It is specially aimed at those overly powerful alien creatures. The stronger the individual is, the more it will be blocked by this prohibition and cannot invade the area protected by the magic array. On the contrary, those aliens with the same strength as the middle and low-level monsters are not subject to this restriction.

This super-large magic array has a total of ten arrays, which are divided into three realms of human beings and seven realms of demons.

The eyes of the land of monsters are not mentioned in the book, but the eyes of the Three Emperors are the Tianyuan Holy Mountain where Tianyuan City is located, the ancient turtle in the Xuanwu Kingdom, and the Qingtian spirit tree where Tianling City is located. Unless the holy mountain, ancient turtle and spiritual tree can be destroyed, the prohibition controlled by human beings will be safe and sound.

The arrays in human territory are incredible, and the other arrays in the seven lands of the demon clan will never go anywhere.

Those powerful creatures really want to invade the area where the human race and the demon clan are dominating. Unless they can fight against the power of the top ten arrays at the same time, it is delusional.

With this super fairy array, the human race and the demon race can prosper in the great spiritual world and finally occupy a place.

As for how big the whole spiritual world is, since the human race began to appear in the spiritual world, no one has ever explored it clearly. It can only be used to describe the vastness of the spiritual world with boundless and endless heads.

When he saw this, Han Li had a trace of doubt in his heart. Since the area controlled by the human race occupies such a small area in the spiritual world, how to ensure that the monks in the lower realm can accurately fall into the area controlled by the two races. Isn't it extremely dangerous outside the super-large fairy array?

This doubt in Han Li's heart was not mentioned in these books, so he had to put it aside for the time being.

Through some descriptions in the book, Han Li returned that the overall strength of the demon clan in the spiritual world is slightly better than that of the human race. But the high-level monks of the human race seem to be slightly stronger than the demon clan.

In this way, the two races formed a strange balance, and then the first three emperors and the seven demon kings sat down and jointly concluded a series of agreements to safeguard the interests of the two communities.

It includes that high-level immortals in the human race are not allowed to arbitrarily suppress those low- and middle-level monsters living in remote places, and are not allowed to participate in the fight against the regular outbreak of beast tides in cities and small cities, and the demon area is not allowed to arbitrarily abively abive and murderers. Wait.

The reason why such an agreement appeared is naturally because when the two tribes divided the three realms and the seven demon lands, the area where the two demons lived was very chaotic. Although the most dense areas of humans and monsters have been selected to divide as much as possible, there are naturally a large number of races in the two ethnic groups.

To those high-level human monks and demon demons, this is naturally not a problem, and you can easily move away.

But for those ordinary monsters who are not wise, and ordinary people in the human race, they can't easily travel such a long way. They can only stay where they are and continue to live and accept the rule of other races.

At the beginning, there was naturally a bloody matter of wantonly killing the other's race. The two races of the shemales had fought several times for this reason, and finally signed the current agreement after many twists and turns.

Of course, these classics in Han Li's hand only mentioned the most important agreements, which are not very clear. But about the beast tide, he deliberately picked a relevant book and understood it quite clearly.

The so-called "beast tide" is just that some ordinary beasts have too strong breeding ability, coupled with the protection of the agreement between the three emperors and the demon king, the high-level magicians of the human race cannot be arbitrarily defeated, and every other they have to fight with each other because of regional territory problems to maintain their own survival

But if there are human cities near these areas, the low-level monsters born in these beasts will coincidentally guide the uncivilized kind and launch a semi-suicidal attack on the human city.

In this way, except for some particularly huge cities, most human cities will be regularly affected by animal tides. The more remote small and medium-sized cities are, the more frequent they will encounter animal tides.

Although there are not many cities that have been broken by beasts over the years, every time the beast tide breaks out, the low-level existence of the human race will definitely suffer huge casualties.

However, because of this, those low-level chemists and immortals have repeatedly raised the bottleneck between life and death. Compared with the casualties of ordinary people, these people's bottleneck breakthrough has greater natural value, which can increase the strength of the whole human race in the spiritual world.

In such a situation where misfortunes and blessings depend on each other, the high-level existence of the human race in the three imperial realms acquiesced in the continuation of the beast tide, and did not change the meaning of the agreement with the demon clan.

The outbreak of beast tides in every city is not certain, but the most frequent and common is only two kinds of beast tides, that is, the wolf tide living on the grassland and the snake tide that can survive in various areas.

Both herds are famous for their strong breeding ability, and they are bound to set off a wave of beasts almost every hundred years.

If it is a city, if it happens to meet two or more beasts in the beast tide at the same time, it will naturally become a big beast tide, and the danger can be imagined. In the past, human cities were broken by beasts several times, almost all of which were caused by the tide of big beasts.

Therefore, once the city is found out that there will be a tide of beasts nearby, the high-level officials in the city will naturally be frightened. They desperately summon nearby refiners and low-level monks, and immediately shrink the defense to prepare for a life-and-death battle.

When Han Li saw this, he sighed and finally closed the last book slowly.

There is no doubt that the city is about to experience the tide of beasts, and the city is so close to the grassland that it is probably the most famous tide of wolves and beasts. However, looking at the nervous appearance of this city, don't really let him encounter the tide of beasts.

He silently drank a glass of water and wine in front of him, and his eyes narrowed and thought to himself.

(First update!)


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