The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 1318 Leopard Beast

Han Li's location is about 20 miles away from the Presbyterian Tower.

He looked at the towering blue stone tower from afar. The eyes kept flashing.

As far as he knows, whenever this tower is, all races of the shemales will send an elder to station in this tower.

Think about it, Han Li really sighed.

When I was in the human world, those gods and monks were all characters of dragons, and ordinary people could not easily see them. After arriving at Tianyuan City, the monks in the combined period were so close to him, and there was a great opportunity to ask him for advice in the future.

It seems that it is not possible to stay here before washing the alien breath on the body.

Han Li thought silently about the competition for the spiritual land with the hanging man. With the magic that he even played with the monks in the refining period, he naturally didn't pay much attention to it.

After a while, Han Li's blue light flashed, turned into a blue rainbow, and shot back to the Flying Spirit Hall.

When he returned to the room, Han Li immediately opened the ban. After feeling that there was no problem, he walked into the secret room and sat down cross-legged.

Although he is quite confident about the first battle in three days, he is naturally not ready to do anything.

But before that, he still has a small problem to deal with.

Han Lixiu shook his hand. A small silver round bracelet appeared on the other hand. This thing looks exquisite, but it is extremely light, like a hollowed-out object.

This is the spirit beast ring that is as famous as the spiritual world and the storage bracelet. It is divided into several spaces and can accommodate different spirit beasts and insects at the same time.

Since Han Li's trip to the tomb of the sunset, he has received the gold-eating insects, soul beasts, etc. The original spirit beast bag was naturally abandoned.

Now he brushed the ring with one hand, and suddenly a yellow ball of light from his fist flew out of it, and then it soared and became bigger, turning into a small beast tied by green ropes and flowers, about the size of a foot.

It was the mutant leopard and beast captured by the spirit clan in the tomb of the sunset that day.

From the memory of the inflammation, Han Li has already, this beast seems to be the same as an ordinary leopard, but in fact it is a monster with a little blood of a unicorn. In addition, this little beast is also a mutant leopard beast, so when he is still a minor, his strength is already comparable to that of Yuanying monk

On that day, during the period of recovering mana, Han Li naturally thought of subduing this beast. But this beast is extremely wild, and initially has wisdom, and it looks like it would rather die.

In desperation, Han Li had no choice but to put it in the spirit beast ring, intending to spend a while first and sharpen its wildness.

Now, this beast has been locked up by him for decades, and finally can't stand it. A few days ago, he was sent a message of submission in the spirit beast ring.

But Han Lizheng ignored it because of a series of things such as the disaster.

There are three days now. It's enough for him to subdue the beast first.

As soon as the little beast appeared from the ring of the spirit beast, it immediately whimpered at Han Li. A pair of green eyes actually showed an anthropomorphic pleading expression. Coupled with a small body like a big cat, it looks extremely cute.

"Now I want to plant a ban on you. If you let go of the myth, I will release the shackles on you and give you some benefits. Otherwise, I will be locked up for a hundred years. Han Li was not polite and threatened directly.

Although the little beast is not smart, it obviously understands Han Li's words. With a trembling body, it can only click the hairy head.

Han Li smiled and turned it over with one hand, with more than a dozen more slender silver needles in his hand.

Again, all the silver needles flashed into the body of the little beast.

Then Han Li took out another bright red rune, spit out a ball of blood on it, and then gently waved it with his fingers.

With a "pup", the rune turned into a ball of blood fog and did not disperse.

Han Li said something in his mouth, but he patted the heavenly cover with one hand. In the flashing blue light, a large baby with several inches stepped on the small tripod and emerged.

As soon as Yuan Yingfang appeared, he had a mouth and spewed out a ball of green light.

As soon as the blood fog saw the green light, it immediately rushed up. The two blended into one in a blink of an eye and turned into a green and red flame.

At this time, Yuan Ying pinched the formula with both hands and played several magic decisions one after another against the flame.

As soon as the flame absorbed those magic decisions, it suddenly trembled, and then rolled fiercely and turned into a fist-sized grimace.

ferocious and ferocious.

Yuanying's little hand gently hit the little beast!

The ghost head grinned, turned around as if he were alive, and roared into the head of the little beast and disappeared.

With a shout in the mouth of the little beast, it immediately fell to the ground and fell into a coma.

At the same time, a layer of green and red light appeared on the body, flashing non-stop.

Seeing this scene, Han Li showed his satisfaction and grabbed the void of the beast's body with one hand.

After the muffled sound of " Bang", the green rope wrapped around the little beast's body broke inch by inch and turned into invisible.

Then Han Li ignored the little beast, put his hands on his knees, and began to sit down with his eyes closed.

For the rest, Han Li did not leave the secret room in one step, and the three-day scene naturally passed in the blink of an eye.

In the early morning of the fourth day, a firelight ignored the prohibition outside the door. He flew straight into the living room, and then rushed to the secret room.

But when the firelight hit the door of the secret room, a faint white glow suddenly rippled on the door, blocking the firelight.

The firelight circled outside the door several times and tried again. After it couldn't rush into it, it immediately made a buzzing sound.

Suddenly, the door of the secret room flashed, and a figure flashed strangely from the door. As soon as he raised his hand, he caught the firelight in his hand.

It was Han Li who was closed for three days.

At this moment, he looked pale, with a little beast like a civet cat lying on his shoulder, and he hurriedly immersed his consciousness in the fireball.

It is the note sent by Yuque Pavilion to compete for the spiritual land.

"Guangwu Hall"

Han Li muttered, rubbed his hands, and the fireball disappeared.

Then he strode to the gate.

Two hours later, over the open-air square of a huge hall, Han Li's clothes floated in a huge white light curtain. Outside the light curtain, there was a scar-faced man in golden armor, standing there with his arms around his arms, looking unusually cold.

A little bit, Han Li waited for a meal like this, and even the golden armored man showed a trace of impatience on his face, looking at the seven hot suns in the sky from time to time. It seems to be calculating the time.

Suddenly, the spiritual light flashed in the sky, and a blue escape light came. In a blink of an eye, it was near the light curtain, and a monk appeared.

"Forgive my sins! The younger generation came a little late because of the sacrifice of magic weapons. The younger generation has never fought, has he? He saluted the golden armored monk and said with a smile on his face.

This person is the man surnamed Weng.

"Hmm! If you come a little later, you will be disqualified. You're lucky to get there at the last minute. Go in right now." The scar-faced golden armor monk swept the man's eyebrows and said impatiently.

Then he pinched the formula with both hands and aimed at the white light curtain with a golden method.

Suddenly, the light of the curtain was released, in a violent tremor. A wide passage was opened in front of the man surnamed Weng.

"Thank you, senior."

The man surnamed Weng was overjoyed. As soon as he shook his body, he turned into a blue light and rushed into the curtain of light.

When he reappeared his appearance on the opposite side of Han Li, he glanced at Han Li, and his face showed a twisted smile.

"Very good! You're really here. It seems that you really have some courage. How dare you fight against me in the early stage. The man with hanging eyebrows said gloomily.

Hearing this, Han Li raised the corners of his mouth slightly, but smiled lazily, as if he was too lazy to talk to the other party.

Seeing this, the man with hanging eyebrows suddenly became furious in his heart. He had already suppressed a little murderous intention, but suddenly rose another point.

"Listen, there is no limit to the spiritual struggle. As long as you leave the forbidden range, any means can be used. And unless one party takes the initiative to admit defeat, I won't stop it at all. If you think your strength is not good, you should admit defeat as soon as possible. Although there are not many things that have fallen to death because of spiritual struggle, it is common to be knocked down to a realm because of serious injury. If there is no objection, it will start next. The scar-faced monk said routine words with a blank face.

Han Li and the man surnamed Weng looked at each other from afar and didn't say a word.

The golden armor monk nodded and spit out the word "start" in his mouth.

In an instant, Han Li and the man with hanging eyebrows took action at the same time.

In the face of an opponent who was treated very politely by the late monks of the Huashen, Han Li naturally did not despise him. Under the shaking of his sleeves, seventy-two inches of swords surged out wildly, turning into golden lotus and hovering around his body in the golden light flash.

At the same time, he made another mouth, and a small tripod was sprayed out, and then turned into a ten-high giant tripod in the inspiration, and the soldiers made bursts of buzzing.

It's the virtual tripod!

However, the hanging eyebrows on the opposite side pinched the formula and a little blue light came out of his body.

These blue light spots are only the size of rice grains, but they are surging and dense in a blink of an eye, almost all of them are submerged into it.

Then the man grabbed the void with his other hand. A dazzling silver light flashed, and a silver ** appeared in his hand. It was the size of a palm, but it was unusual, and the surface of the silver wheel was engraved with layers of charms. At first glance, it was a small thing.

threw the silver wheel into the air, and immediately turned into a silver ball of light dripping in the air, and began to rise wildly with the sound of spells.

After a moment, the silver wheel turned into a giant of three or four feet, as if a silver sun was suspended above the head of the hanging eyebrows.

After casting the spell, the man looked at the opposite side and couldn't help but be slightly stunned.

The seventy-two golden flying swords are just enough, but when I saw the buzzing giant tripod, I couldn't help but feel a thor!

(second update!)


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