The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 1417 Green Fruit

Han Li was not polite. He immediately followed a wave of Tianpeng people straight to a door on the second floor nearby.

As soon as he closed his wings and his body shook, he entered the back of the door like a real Tianpeng.

There was a hustle and bustle in his ears, and his eyes swept again, and Han Li's eyes flashed several times.

This is a small square with an area of hundreds of feet, surrounded by shops of different sizes, and hundreds of Tianpeng people are entering and leaving these shops.

In the middle of the square, there is a blue stone pillar more than ten feet high standing there, with the light flashing and faintly imprinted on it.

Under the stone pillar, more than a dozen people looked up at the pillar and talked in a low voice.

Han Li looked at the stone pillar and left curiously.

The surface of the stone pillar is divided into two from the middle, full of dense text, half flashing red, and generally full of green emeralds.

Han Li took a closer look at the two words. These words are actually the names of items, some are very familiar, and some are very strange.

And these words appear and disappear for a while, as if they were rolling on the surface of the stone pillar.

At the base of the stone pillar, there is a middle-aged man who looks like a guard, who is guarding there with his eyes half closed.

This is...

After Han Li glanced at the man's face on the two words and below, he was a little surprised.

At this moment, a man in a ruined robe was suddenly squeezed out of the crowd and raised his hand to a few spiritual stones guarded under the stone pillar.

The middle-aged guard opened his eyes, nodded, and then took out a short red stick from his sleeve and gave it to this person.

The person who appeared picked up the red stick and waved it a few times in the blank space of the stone pillar.

Although this man moved very fast, the blue light flashed in Han Li's eyes and he saw it clearly.

Where the short stick waved, a few red words suddenly appeared, which flashed into the stone pillar and disappeared.

And a moment later, these red words appeared in the original place.

A trace of surprise appeared on the Han facade.

After a while, another person came out. However, the man ignored the middle-aged guard, but soared several feet in the air with his wings, stretching out a finger and pointing to a few green words on the stone pillar.

Suddenly, the text glowed with a touch of emerald light, which quickly sank into the person's finger, so that his whole body was released.

The Tianpeng man who pointed to these words, his head was off, his eyes were slightly narrowed, and he seemed to accept the information. After a long time, he closed his fingers, turned around, and flew straight to the door of the hall.

Several people below also learned from the previous two people, either writing on the stone pillar, or directly on the flying knife stone pillar, touching the red and green words with their hands.

Seeing this, Han Li touched his chin, and his heart suddenly felt a little.

In order to confirm the speculation in his heart, he rudely stepped forward a few steps, and at the same time stretched out a finger, a row of green words that appeared at the bottom of the stone pillar.

Those words flashed, and a coolness came straight to his mind, and a line of information came to Han Li's mind.

"Sell first-class streamer wood, unlimited quantity, 30,000 spiritual stones per square, shop 31 in five halls on the fourth floor!"

Han Li moved the corners of his mouth and his body moved. He turned the other half of the stone pillar and pointed his fingers on a row of red words.

As a result, the same information came to my mind.

"Acquisition of a complete phoenix-tailed bird skeleton, the price is negotiable, shop No. 10 in the second hall on the ninth floor!"

The color of the Korean facade is a little strange.

I didn't expect these Tianpeng people to use this method to sell or acquire goods.

Obviously, what can be published on the stone pillar is something urgently needed or particularly rare, which can be regarded as a unique ingenuity.

In this way, as long as someone sees the news on the stone pillar, they can go directly to the remaining shops to trade. It's much more convenient.

And this method does not seem to be difficult, and it seems that it can be completely imitated in the human square city.

Thinking so much, Han Li stepped back a few steps and began to look carefully at the green words of the items for sale.

He plans to scan the above information first to see if there is anything of interest.

Although there are many names due to racial differences, they are called differently in the two races. But for some reason, the names of most rare items are almost small. In particular, some materials of great value in the eyes of the two ethnic groups are called exactly the same.

This matter surprised Han Li for a long time when he first came into contact with the language of the Feiling clan.

But even if this matter is a little strange, he will not find out the reason.

Now he just raised his head and stared silently at the stone pillar.

As soon as his eyes condensed, Han Li suddenly stared at a few new green words on the stone pillar, and his heart suddenly jumped up.

"Qingluoguo! There is such a sale here. There was a trace of blush on Han's facade, and it was difficult to hide his ecstasy in his eyes.

This fruit is the main material of the rumored Chinese holy medicine "Tianluodan", which is definitely one of the most desirable fruits for Han Li.

Although this kind of elixirs is not as unbelievable as the effect of black fire elixir, three can increase the probability of breaking through the number of monks in the later stage of Huashen, but in the eyes of most high-level monks and even those old monsters above, the value is absolutely far higher than that of the level

Taking Tianluodan alone will help the monk break through the bottleneck, but in fact, most of this elixir will not be used in this way. Most people who get this elixir are used to take it together with other elixirs.

This is because Tianluodan is very strange and can be perfectly integrated with most elixirs without any drug conflict. The most incredible thing is that if taken with other finished elixirs, there is a certain chance to increase the efficacy of other elixirs by 30% to 50%.

That is to say, Han Lifu has some kind of elixir that can increase mana for ten years in one breath, but if mixed with Tianluodan, there is a certain probability of increasing the cultivation of 12 to 15 years. And this effect, except for several rumored elixirs that have not been tested, is useful in any other elixir.

In this way, the more valuable and rare the elixir in the hands of the human monks, the more they want to take it with a Tianluodan. In case of good luck, the effect of the elixir will increase by several times out of thin air, and it will naturally make you laugh in your dreams.

As for the probability of Tianluodan's effect, it is really hard to say.

Someone once took three or four of these elixirs in a row, and as a result, each of them greatly increased the effectiveness of the elixirs taken together.

Some people have bought seven or eight Tianluodan in one go, ready to make a desperate bet. As a result, every blood that made this person spit out failed to take effect.

Although the auxiliary probability of Tianluodan is so strange, countless monks have been crazy about this elixir since its birth.

The Qingluo fruit near the human race has been excavated for more than a thousand years.

What is depressing is. This kind of green fruit has been mature for as long as five or six thousand years. And each spiritual tree can only produce such a fruit. Once picked, the whole fruit tree has completely lost its aura and has since become an ordinary tree.

Therefore, even if there are large factions and forces that want to spend a lot of effort to cultivate this fruit, it is simply a matter of loss.

Therefore, in the coming years, only occasionally someone can find a few of these fruits from the depths of the wilderness, and every appearance of Tianluodan will make those high-level monks grab their heads. Most of them fell into the hands of those old monsters above the fit.

When Han Li heard about this kind of spiritual fruit for the first time in Tianyuan City, he was naturally very interested in it. He dreamed that he could use green liquid to cultivate such spiritual fruit in large quantities.

But unfortunately, Qingluo fruit is also its seed, which is also a rare elixir and cannot be preserved for too long in the world. Therefore, even in Tianyuan City, where almost all the spiritual flowers and fruits are concentrated in three realms and seven places, such a spiritual fruit seed can not be found at all.

Therefore, Han Li could only look and sigh with depression in his heart.

Now when he sees this elixir on the stone pillar, how can he make his heart jump wildly and can hardly comperce himself?

First, Han Li didn't care to look at others carefully. As soon as he spread his wings behind him, he immediately flew up. After a flash, he went to the middle of the stone pillar and put his finger on the text marked Qingluoguo.

Cui Guang put it down, and a row of information came to his mind in an instant.

But after seeing the content of the information clearly, he frowned.

"I'm afraid it's a little troublesome to have an interview." Han Li muttered, and most of the excitement on his face immediately restrained.

But since there is hope to get Qingluoguo, no matter how tricky it is, he will never give up.

Therefore, after thinking about it in the air, Han Li turned into a ball of blue light and flew out of the place.

As soon as he got out of the palace door, he flew straight to the high place. After reaching the ninth floor in one breath, he flew forward along the passage.

After a while, Han Li glanced at the number marked on it above the door of the hall somewhere and flew in without hesitation,

The hall is the same as the previous one. No matter the size and decoration of the hall, they are copied in the same mold.

The Tianpeng people here are obviously much rarer than those in the lower levels, with only 20 or 30 people.

After Han Li glanced at the surrounding stores, his eyes flashed and acquiesced that he walked to a medium-sized store in the corner of the hall.

The store is divided into two floors. The door is covered by a green light curtain, and there is a light red jade card hanging at the door, flashing with words such as "Wanleifang".

Han Li's eyes swept on the jade card, a trace of surprise flashed, and then his face was calm as usual.

With a flash of body, people did not hesitate to enter the behind-the-scenes of the door.

As soon as his eyes lit up, an empty room of 30 or 40 feet appeared in front of him.

A dark and shiny wooden table, a number of light yellow wooden chairs, and some dilapidated wooden shelves, which are full of some messy goods. This is all the decoration here.

In addition to a thin middle-aged man standing behind the wooden table and looking like a shopkeeper, there are two other Tianpeng people in the room.

After Han Lishen quietly swept the three people, his face couldn't help but change slightly.

(First update)


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