The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 1420 Real Blood into the Body

Volume 9 The Hundreds of the Spiritual World Chapter 1420 True Blood Enters the Body

The girl made a pleasant spell sound in her mouth, rushed to the bottle with one hand, and a green silk shot out from her fingertips and hit the bottle.

The small bottle trembled, soared into the air and flew straight to where Han Li was.

Han Li also moved his body immediately and sat on the jade platform.

At this time, Elder Xu and the beautiful woman suddenly raised their hands and flew out of each other.

One is as red as blood, and the other is green. It turned out to be a palm-blooded lotus and an emerald green banana leaf.

The blood lotus dripped and turned into a ten-foot size, emitting a faint fragrance, and the banana leaves in the green, also turned into the size of one person, and strange green runes emerged one by one, shining and dazzling.

When Han Li's eyebrows moved and he hadn't seen clearly what the two were used for, the blood lotus fell on top of his head.

Han Li was first shocked and felt that his body was soft and had been gently lifted up by the blood lotus.

Suddenly, the mouth and nose were full of the faint fragrance of the lotus, which made it feel slightly drunk and drowsy.

Han Li did not panic. His eyes narrowed slightly in the center of the lotus, as if he had not fallen asleep, but he always maintained the last trace of clarity in his heart.

Elder Xu shouted in a low voice, and the blood lotus petals slowly closed to the center.

In a blink of an eye, all the lotus petals contract together and turn into a bright red bud.

As soon as she saw this scene, the girl flicked the small bottle with five fingers at the same time.

After a few "puff", several green filaments shot out, and a flash of them disappeared into the vial.

A green light burst out of the small bottle, and the cap flashed strangely, and a blue light soared from the bottle.

With a clear sound, the light mass restrained and turned into a several-inch-sized blue robind bird, and its wings were about to take off.

The girl has been prepared for a long time, with a pair of golden wings behind her facing the void in the air.

Suddenly, the golden light of the wings was put down, and the pieces of golden clouds rolled out, wrapping the cyan roc bird in it.

The bird rolled a few times in the glow and turned into a small ball of green liquid, with a faint silver light.

The girl's face followed with two hands, and the blue liquid rushed to the air again.

Jin Xia trembled, and then wrapped in green liquid and fell straight down the buds.

After a muffled sound, the green liquid disappeared into the blood lotus in the blood light.

At this time, Elder Xu beside him shook and ghostly appeared on the side of the blood lotus. He raised it with one hand and actually resisted the side of the lotus.

With a bang, a pair of silver wings spread out behind the old man, and the silver light rolled from his hand into the blood lotus.

The beautiful woman also floated to the other side of the blood lotus. Where the palm of her hand hit it, the white spiritual light gushed out. ,

Suddenly, the whole blood lotus made a buzzing sound, and the blood on the surface flashed wildly.

And at this moment, the emerald green banana leaves floated in the air and also floated down. However, as soon as Fang touched the blood lotus, it burst by itself, and then countless dark green silk threads shot out of it, and then sank into the blood lotus one after another, and there was no sight.

Then dark green patterns appeared on the surface of the blood lotus, with strange shapes. The next moment, the blood light restrained, and the buzzing sound also became silent.

Elder Xu and the beautiful woman turned a blind eye to all this in front of them and closed their eyes one after another, just carefully injecting the pure aura into the snow lotus.

When the girl watching saw this scene, she took a breath and smiled and said to herself:

"Sure enough, the breath in this person's body is enough to accept Kunpeng's true blood. The key is that as an alien, he can stimulate the blood of Kunpeng with some power.

After saying this, the girl glanced at the other senior officials of the Tianpeng clan standing nearby, and suddenly said in a cold voice:

"You have seen what happened this time with your own eyes. This person is related to the life and death of his family, so everything about this person must be kept strictly confidential. From then on, this person has been the third son secretly cultivated by his clan overseas. You all remember it."

"Don't worry, Elder, I will never leak a trace of it." Those virtual-level Tianpeng people are a promise one after another.

"I won't do anything harmful to my own people. In two months, I will choose a few people from you to take the Holy Son with me to participate in this abyss trial. The girl nodded and said slowly.

"Two months! It will be so early. Isn't there still a year left to skip words? Someone immediately lost his voice.

"Listen to the joint proposal of more than a dozen ethnic groups, such as the Chirong clan and the Raven clan, requesting that the trial be held in advance. Although the elders of our clan fought for this matter in the Joint Presbyterian Association, most of them still agreed.

"In order to agree, there should always be a reason." The other person became indignant.

"Of course there is a reason. They said that the abyss had been a little unpeaceful recently. It's better to advance the original trial date, so as to avoid late changes and big accidents. The girl looked calm.

"The monsters in the abyss and our flying spirits are the enemies of life and death, and the time is peaceful. It's just for a few weak branches of us. Tianpeng people are extremely angry.

"Don't talk nonsense anymore. Since most of the Co-Psbyterian Association has agreed to advance the trial, our clan can only accept this matter. In addition to the trial, people of other races have frequently appeared in our Tianpeng jurisdiction recently, and they have plundered and robbed. One of you is divided. I will lead the team immediately and kill all these people who take advantage of the fire to rob, not one of them. To teach other branches a lesson, they dare not make their own ideas before the end of the trial. When the girl said the last few words, her voice suddenly became cold.

"It's up!"

These days, Tianpeng people bowed their heads and agreed one after another.

Then, the girl began to assign her tasks, and everyone left one after another.

On the jade platform, it was empty in a blink of an eye. Except for the girl who was carrying out her skills, the three elders of Elder Xu, and the maid standing behind the girl, no one stood on the stage.

The girl's eyes turned and fell back on the blood lotus beside her.

This lotus is constantly injected with spiritual power at the combination level of the two people, and its volume is actually larger and half smaller than before. At the same time, the dark green patterns on the surface of the lotus also began to flash, as if they were alive.

The girl suddenly rushed to the other silver plate in the hand of the maid behind her and grabbed the void.

The sound of breaking the air came out!

A milky white ball shot out of the plate and was caught by Jin Yue.

The woman took a round bead with her jade finger, sent it to her in front of her, and gave it a closer look.

She suddenly showed a strange look on her face,

"Which generation of elders is this relic?" The girl asked.

"It is the relic of the ninth generation of elders. According to the order of the elder, this is the longest-serving relic. Most of the power inside should have been lost. The maid replied respectfully.

The ninth generation! It is the Elder Hongyun who created the magic of the Waking of Insects, but finally died of madness. The girl's face changed slightly.

"It is the relic of the elder of Red Cloud. Because of the strange death of the elder Hongyun, the relics he left behind are not only the power of Kunpeng, but also mixed with the power of his divine thoughts before his death. Once they are inhaled into the body, they may leave future trouble for the refiners. Therefore, this relic has been stored in the secret room, and no one dares to refine it easily. If the elder thinks it's not appropriate, the little maid will change it immediately. The maid explained uneasily. "No, this one is fine." The girl glanced at the blood red lotus and looked back as usual.

At this moment, the green lines on the surface of the lotus begin to twist and thick, and the whole blood lotus begins to swell and bulge...

Two days later, over the Jade Platform.

A big blue bird turned into a shadow and suddenly went up and down in the air. A golden arc and a green glow appeared on the body surface. Suddenly, its figure did not move in place, and the void in the distance with two claws was fiercely grasped.

Ten white claws shot out, drawing faint white marks in the void, and disappeared in a flash.

The wings suddenly turned forward again, and the cyan glow rolled forward, turning into a palm-sized wind blade, and densely covering more than a hundred feet of space in front of him.

With a loud "Boom", the big blue bird spewed out a mass of golden thunderballs, hitting each other, turning the other place in front of him into a place of thunder.

After another sharp long song, the big blue bird's wings suddenly disappeared in a strong wind.

The next moment, the wind sat in the higher void, and the figure of the blue bird appeared again. However, in a circle of green light, the bird's body rose wildly. In a blink of an eye, the size of the bird turned into a huge giant of more than a hundred feet. With its wings spread, the huge jade platform below was covered under the black pressure.

And the three people standing on the jade platform looked at the huge figure of the roc bird in the air, and their faces changed a little.

"Elder, what you gave him was really just the damaged relic of the ninth generation of Elders." When Jin Yuezheng looked uncertain, the incredible voice of the red-bearded old man came to his ear.

"Elder Xu suspected that I had given other elixirs to this alien." The girl's face darkened and she replied coldly.

"How dare Xu think so. It's just that this person has mastered the art of transformation so quickly, and the real body of Pengniao has changed. I'm afraid that the level of Lingshuai is just like this. Does this man really come from the human race? The old man looked suspicious.

"You help the true blood of Kunpeng, who has self-helped. Is this person a member of our Feiling clan? Don't you know? However, it was beyond my expectation that this man had such a great magic after transformation. Maybe the Kunpeng feather refined by this person really contains the spiritual blood of Kunpeng's true saint, which has changed some of its systems for a long time. After mediting for a while, the girl found such a reason.

"If that's the case, it barely makes sense." The beautiful woman also said with a sigh.

The old man still looks suspicious, and he is obviously not convinced of the girl's reasons.

(second update!)


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