The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 1429 Flying Spirits

"Han Daoyou himself has refined a Kunpeng feather. In addition, we help it integrate into Kunpeng's true blood and relic, saying that we are the Tianpeng people, and other races have nothing to say. But one more thing is better than one less thing. Regarding the matter of Han Daoyou, it's better for the two of you to be quiet to the outside world. Just say that he is a member of his own people who have been trained overseas. I understand." The girl told her to say.

"I would like to obey the order of the elder." This time, a man and a woman bowed their heads at the same time.

The girl nodded with satisfaction and said solemnly to Han Li:

"Han Daoyou, I have invited the second volume of Tianpeng's oath out of the secret room, and Elder Shi also happened to return, just in time to participate in unlocking the seal on the scroll. You are ready to leave your name on the scroll.

The so-called "Elder Shi" is naturally the man in black robe beside him.

"There are several elders." Han Li was not polite and agreed, and his eyes fell on the wooden box on the table.

Seeing Han Li's move, Jin Yue made a one-handed wooden box.

With a "shh", the thing was taken directly and fell in the girl's hand.

This time, not only Han Li, but also the rest of the people focused their eyes.

Jin Yue's expression remained unchanged, and several jade fingers brushed the green leaves on the box.

Suptly, the green light was in full bloom, and these leaves were lightly taken down by her.

With a "pop" sound, without the suppression of several spiritual leaves, the red mahogany box actually burned turbulently. It turned into a red fireball.

Jin Yue held the fire in one hand, but trembled as if nothing had happened.

Under the firelight, a half-foot-long red scroll came out of it. At both ends of the scroll, there was a blue and a red ghost head bit there. It's lifelike, just like living.

He recited words in his mouth, threw the scroll in front of him, and immediately floated steadily in the low sky.

Then the girl's back wings one by one, one feather turned into a golden shot, and disappeared into the scroll in a flash.

"Elder Shi, you can also untie the seal later." After casting the spell, the girl turned her head to the man in black and said.

"This matter is related to the survival of our own people. We should try our best." The man in black smiled and said that the same black light shot out from the black wings behind him, and also shot a black feather into the scroll.

As for the red-bearded old man and the beautiful woman, they did not wait for the girl to take the initiative to say it and made an ordinary move.

Inhaled the scrolls of four Tianpeng elders Lingyu, and finally changed in the air.

Under a flash of red light, it swelled several times at once. At the same time, the ghost head at both ends closed its eyes tightly and opened, revealing its bright red eyes. The two mouths were loosened, and the originally locked scroll finally unfolded down.

The red glow flashes on the scroll, and there are countless symbols of different sizes rolling on it.

Han Li's eyes flashed with a blue light, and he saw the content of this scroll clearly.

In the red light, there are dense small characters, most of which are a personal name.

At the top of the scroll, the four golden characters of "The Oath of Tianpeng" are written in the Feiling language.

Below are light silver words with oaths. The content is generally the only one recorded in those Tianpeng classics.

Going down is a row of black and blue names.

Han Li's mind swept on this scroll.

As a result, as soon as Fang touched the red glow on it, a long clear sound suddenly came out from the scroll. Then the glow rolled and a cyan roc shadow flew out of the painting axis. When Fang Yi flew out, it was only about a foot in size, but immediately the whole body was full of light, and it suddenly became as tall as a mountain Li and others were all covered under it.

Han Li, Bai Bi and others were shocked, while Jin Yue and other elders remained calm. It didn't seem to be the first time they saw this amazing scene.


Jin Yue raised it with one hand, and there was an extra green bronze mirror in her hand, just shaking the bird's shadow.

Suddenly, the shadow whispered, and the body immediately broke inch by inch, and finally turned into a glow and sank into the scroll.

"The blood you used, sign it on it. Be sure to use your real name, otherwise no one can save you if you are sworn back. Jin Yue took the bronze mirror and said to Han Lida with deep meaning.

Han Li Yilin, a little other thought that he had, finally put it behind his mind for the time being.

He took a deep breath and strode up.

A gold wire spewed out of his mouth. The golden light flashed out a small mouth on one of the index finger. As soon as the spiritual power of the whole body was forced, a drop of pale golden blood came out of the wound.

"Well", the stone elder who was originally sitting there was a trace of strangeness in his eyes.

"Isn't it appropriate for Elder Shi to skip words? The old man with a red beard asked.

"No, Han Daoyou probably practiced special skills or swallowed some fruit, otherwise the blood would not show this color." After a moment of hesitation, the man in black said slowly.

"That's true, this golden blood is indeed very rare, but most of the changes will only occur after the body is strong to a certain extent," the old man glanced at Han Li and said thoughtfully.

The man in black smiled and no longer interfaced.

At this time, Han Li came to the front of the scroll and quickly wrote the name with his finger in a blank space.

As soon as the light golden blood sticks to the scroll, the words immediately sank into it. After flashing again, it turned into black and cyan words and reappeared, dry and dull, as if it had been writing for many years.

At the same time, Han Li faintly felt that the motokami seemed to be watched, but it immediately disappeared without a trace.

Han Li was shocked. It seemed that Tianpeng's oath really had some way.

The more Dan is like this, the more reassuring he is.

With this restraint, it is not easy for these elders of the Tianpeng clan to cross the river and tear down the bridge.

Don't mention Han Li's heart muttered secretly, Jin Yue waited for him to write her name. Immediately cast a little on the scroll.

This thing trembled down, rolled up quickly, turned into a reel, moved the two ghost heads, and then bit the two ends.

With another move with one hand, after the scroll was reduced, it flew directly to the girl's sleeve.

"Well, now that it's over. Next, Elder Xu will talk about the trial of the abyss and what needs to be paid attention to during this period. Remember carefully, maybe any sentence will save your life in the trial. After the girl put away the scroll, she said indifferently.

"The trial of the abyss is the 72 main branches of our Feiling clan, which must be held every 300 years..." The bare-bearded old man beside him said slowly.

Han Li and the other three listened attentively...

A few days later, several snow-white giant birds flew out of the gate of the holy city, then flew out of the ban and went straight to a certain direction.

Han Li sat on one of the giant birds.

These white birds' wings flew out more than 20 feet at once. After a few fans, they flew to the end of the sky and turned into several black spots. After another flash, it disappeared without a trace.

Three months later, on the top of a huge peak.

Around a huge square in a large emerald green building. There are more than a hundred flying people with wings. In the middle, a big crane-like bird and a colorful strange bird are fighting with each other in mid-air.

The crane's action was extremely strange. As soon as it was caught and pecked, it all made a "sneer" sound of breaking the air, and it looked very sharp and abnormal at a glance.

And the gorgeous strange bird has a one-horned back and four wings, and its whole body is wrapped in a rosy haze. No matter what kind of attack the crane falls on the rosy, it will be as if nothing happened.

Seeing this, he was furious with the crane and suddenly flew backwards for dozens of feet, and then aimed his wings at the gorgeous strange bird at the same time.

Suddenly, dozens of long ones shot out. Then on the way, it turned into dozens of bright and sharp blades, and then pierced the opposite light at the same time.

Although the gorgeous Guangxia was wonderful, it was knocked down by such a sharp blade at the same time, and finally shivered violently with a muffled hum, as if it was about to be forcibly separated.

When the crane saw this, he was overjoyed. As soon as he wanted to cast a spell to urge those sharp blades, the mouth of the strange bird opposite suddenly made a shrill sound. When he opened his mouth, a yellow wind gushed out. Wherever he passed, he blew the sharp blades upside down, dripping in mid-air

The crane was shocked, and it also had the same mouth. A milky white beam of light flashed out, instantly pierced the wind and reached the front of the strange bird.

A pair of purple eyes flashed in the strange eyes of the strange bird, and the black one-horned red light on the top of its head flashed, and even spewed out a red light, which happened to collide with the beam of light.

After a rumble, the two died together.

"Brother Xun, you still have magical power. Just use it. If not, I will take action." A man's voice came out from the mouth of the strange bird.

"Well, you horned gulls are just these magical abilities, and what can you do with me?" He also made a cold word from the crane's mouth.

"Good, then let me see your newly cultivated magic power." The strange bird said rudely.

Then the four wings trembled at the same time, and the man turned into a mouthful of yellow in a phantom, which was very high and simple in style.

"It's not good!" At the sight of this scene, many people immediately retreated in surprise. Only some of them are self-cultivation and tall, standing still.

The yellow bell just shook by itself, and a dull bell burst out.

All the people who heard this sound were buzzing and greatly affected.

This kind of powerful crane is facing the front. Unexpectedly, the silent end fell from the air.

At the same time, the white light flashed on his body and turned into a flying man in his thirties, dressed in a white robe.

Another Feiling clan also hurried out of the nearby crowd, catched the man, and then fell to the ground lightly.

Huang Zhong shook and directly turned into another young man in a soap robe. He hugged his fist slightly below and said "Concession" calmly

Only then did the man who turned into a crane wake up. As soon as he left his companions, he looked at the young man in the soap robe in the air with an ugly face. (First update!)


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