The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 1438 Spider Bee

Volume 9 Hundreds of the Spiritual World Chapter 1438 Spider Bee

It is said that there are seven layers of the abyss, and each of the following layers is much larger than the previous one. But even so, the area of the first floor is definitely not much smaller. It will take four or five days for Han Li to get to the planned entrance of the second floor.

The day before, everything went well. They have been flying all over the densely forest, and there have been no accidents on the road except for a few waves of murderous birds.

But in the early morning of the second day, the three of them only felt dark overhead, and the surroundings suddenly turned gray.

Han Li was surprised and raised his head.

As a result, the fog that had been emitting a faint light in the air no longer existed, but in the sky, a black stone wall appeared, and there were some stalactites-like stone bamboo shoots on it, hanging upside down one by one. Even from a distance, there are still some lush moss and vines in some places.

They flew out of the scope of the door of the abyss and finally officially entered the underground world.

Fortunately, many trees on the ground will automatically emit faint light because of the long-term deep darkness, plus some unknown minerals on the ground, which also emit more or less light,

In this way, the underground world is not really dark, and it can still be seen clearly from afar.

It just feels very different from the previous one, and it looks colder and darker around.

Coupled with bursts of black fog and cold wind from time to time, it makes people feel more creepy.

But it's not the most important thing. Not long after flying into this dark area, Han Li felt that his mind was suppressed and could only release dozens of feet away from the body.

This is the result of his practice of Da Yan Jue, and his divine mind is far better than that of ordinary gods and monks. Presumably, Bai Bi and Lei Lan can't be separated by a few feet from the body.

Thinking so much in his heart, Han Lishen swept behind him and really sensed the two holy sons behind him, and his face was a little ugly.

But the three of them were not surprised about this.

The strange situation of the suppression of divine thoughts. As early as when they set out from the holy city, several elders of the Tianpeng clan warned them.

It's not only these foreign intruders, but also the dark monsters in the abyss. It's just that those monsters have lived in the abyss for a long time, and this situation has long been regarded as ordinary, and the Feiling people who first entered this place naturally feel uncomfortable, and their magical skills will be greatly reduced.

Han Li doesn't care about this at all. He has encountered this kind of divine consciousness more than once. Fighting in this situation is a lot of experience.

After flying forward like this for a few hours, Han Li suddenly frowned, and then raised it with one hand. One finger rushed to the moonstones circling in front of him, and pointed to the void a few times.

"Bamp" made a few crisp sounds, and the moonstones burst by themselves and turned into existence.

Han Li's own blue light restrained and stopped the escape light.

It suddenly became blurred, and it seemed that even the black wind was a little colder.

Although Bai Bi and the other two subconsciously stopped to escape, they were a little confused.

Leilan's face was even more strange. When she was about to ask a question with her lips, she suddenly heard a slight buzz around her, and then the voice became louder and louder, and countless green light spots suddenly appeared in all directions, quickly approaching the three of them.

"The Spider Bee" Lei Lan was shocked at first, but immediately called out a name.

When Bai Bi heard the words, his face also changed slightly.

"No, it should be this kind of low-level demon bee, and it is also the most troublesome kind of all the low-level monsters in the abyss. This demon bee likes to attack all moving luminous objects the most. Han Li glanced around and said calmly.

In fact, there is no need for Han Li to say so in detail. Lei Lan and Bai Bi also saw the true face of those green light spots clearly.

In the green light mass, it is the size of a thumb. The front half of the body is like a spider, and the back body has a strange peak with poisonous thorns. The body is green, but with a circle of yellow patterns, which looks extremely ferocious.

From the distance, there are countless light spots, and there are more than ten thousand.

The number is amazing!

Even the first-level spiritual generals such as Bai Bi and Lei Lan have become dignified.

This does not mean that these two people are really afraid of the demon bees in these areas, but so many that even if they are all killed, I'm afraid that the cultivation will consume part of it. At this moment, they are still on the first floor, and they have only moved forward for two days. Naturally, they don't want to encounter this fight.

But these demon bees are aggressive and never seem to be easily defeated.

In desperation, Lei Lan and Bai Bi had no choice but to be ready to take action.

One of the wings spreads, and the slender silver arc on the silver wings began to bounce up, while the other hand pinched the formula with both hands, and a light golden silk appeared around the body. If it was looming, I don't know what kind of magic power it was.

Han Li glanced at the two of them obliquely, without saying a word, and a silver fireball spewed out.

After a flash, the fireball turns into a silver firebird the size of a fist.

This firebird just spread its wings and burst out in the air with a bang, turning into hundreds of silver sparks splashing out.

An incredible scene appeared.

The silver sparks sank into the green light spot in the distance. I saw all the silver flowers dripping down, suddenly like ghosts, and those nearby green light spots immediately flashed away after the silver flowers flashed.

More than a hundred silver flowers flew around, and so many green light spots around could not break through the interception. They were one step closer to Han Li and the other three.

Bai Bi and Lei Lan were a little surprised.

Since the spider bee can be famous for being difficult to deal with in the abyss monsters, it is naturally not so simple to be destroyed. These dark spider bees are condensed by a kind of dark filth, and it is difficult for ordinary attacks to destroy them. Even if they break or smash the bodies of these demon peaks for a while, they can recover as before with the help of the dark breath. Unless there is nothing left to kill them with one blow.

It's so troublesome. No wonder this demon bee won't have such a name. Of course, this bee can only have this magic power in a dark place like the abyss, and it will lose its ability when it reaches the ground.

In fact, it is not only a spider bee, but also many other abyss monsters are like a fish in water in the abyss, and as soon as they come out of the abyss, their ability is immediately doubled,

This is also the main reason why the Feiling clan can seal the entrance of the abyss. Otherwise, the abyss monsters without this weakness are really not easily trapped by the power of the Feiling clan.

The devouring fire looks light and seems to have no power at all, but in fact, as soon as each silver flower touches the spider bee, it immediately turns its whole body into flying ash, swallowing up the dark smell in the body.

In this case, these demon insects are naturally unable to recover.

And these spirit-eating fires originally have a trace of spirituality, and they can extinguish the enemy by themselves without being driven by his mind.

In this way, Han Li just turned his hands upside down in the air for a while, and tens of thousands of spider bees were killed by the devouring fire.

Then he just made a seemingly casual one-handed move. Suddenly, all the silver flowers gathered in the middle. After a sneer, he merged into a fisted big bird again, and disappeared into Han Li's body in a flash and disappeared.

"Let's go!" Han Li said lightly, and then turned into a mass of blue light and left.

Lei Lan and Bai Bi suppressed a trace of shock in their hearts and flew forward silently.

At this moment, no matter how conceited the two of them are and what they secretly think of Han Li, after Han Li's slight magic power, there seems to be not much resistance to Han Li's orders on the surface.

In this way, in this dense forest area with some gloomy tide, the three of them finally flew out of its edge after flying for a day and a night.

The scenery in front of him suddenly changed, and a strange silver-gray desert appeared.

From a distance, the sand grains of the whole desert emitted a cold light, and it was extremely desolate at a glance.

"Duld I remember it? According to the map, this should be an underground river. It has become like this." Han Li stopped in mid-air and kept looking at a magic wheel, with a trace of surprise on his face.

"Brother Han, you didn't do it. Our map also says that this place should be a river. After Bai Bi and Lei Lan looked at the map at the same time, they were also a little surprised.

"Is it possible that the underground river has dried up and the water has been lost to the second floor over the years?" Lei Lan said with a flash of eyes.

"It doesn't look like the traces. Even if the water is lost, how can this desert be? Han Li shook his head and disagreed with this statement.

"What on earth does Brother Han think happened here?" Bai Bi touched his chin and asked with a smile.

"No. There is no need to figure it out. We are just on our way, not to study the topographic changes of the abyss. Hurry up and get on the road, but after entering the desert, just add one or two more. After a moment of silence, Han Li said as usual.

"That's true." Bai Bi smiled dumbly.

Then the three of them turned into three spiritual lights and flew into the silver desert in front of them.

Although it was easy to say, as soon as the three of them entered the desert, they coincidentally accelerated their escape a little, and they all wanted to fly away from this strange place as soon as possible.

This time, the three of them flew tens of thousands of miles away in one breath, but their eyes were still full of silver-gray sand grains, and no vegetation had ever been seen.

"Is that?" Suddenly, Han Li's expression moved, and after a flash of blue light in his eyes, he suddenly looked at somewhere not far away.

"Brother Han, something happened!" Bai Bi was shocked and couldn't help asking.

"There seems to be an oasis over there, and there is a trace of blood." Han Li replied in a low voice.

"Bloody, I seem to have asked, too. It's really in that direction!" Lei Lan's nose wrinkled slightly and opened his mouth with some uncertain words.

"Is it left by some abyss beasts? Don't jump. Bai Bi hesitated for a moment.

"It doesn't look like it. The heaven and earth over there are obviously a little chaotic, which should be caused by the use of magic. Let's take a look and talk about it later. Lei Lan shook his head repeatedly and suggested.

(second update!)


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