The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 1579 Crystal Family

In the evening, Xiang Zhili really came, and he chatted with Han Li for a full night.

Han Li learned a lot of information about Yuncheng and the thirteen ethnic groups of Tianyun from Xiang Zhili.

It was not until the dawn that he got up and said goodbye.

But when Han Li sent it to the door, Xiang Zhili seemed to remember it. Suddenly, he turned around and said with a trace of hesitation:

"Brother Han, it's impossible for me to go back to the human race. But you may still have this day. If you want to leave Yuncheng one day and go to other places, can you come to my place first? I have left some for Brother Han, and there is one more thing to ask. However, the younger brother can rest assured that as long as he can return to the human race, this matter is just a piece of effort for the younger brother, and it is also of great benefit.

"Oh, can't we talk about it now? I'm really not sure. In case of an emergency, you may not have time to say goodbye to your brother. Han Li was stunned when he heard this, and after a little meditation, he asked like this.

"To tell you the truth, it's a little inconvenient to say this matter now. And I still need to spend some time to prepare some. It's better for you to come then. Otherwise, you and I may be very sorry after this. He shook his head and said with deep meaning.

Hearing that Xiang Zhili said this, Han Li naturally gave a promise of "I will try my best".

Xiang Zhili nodded, and then turned around and left the room.

Han Li looked at the salute and disappeared from the door of the house, but there was a strange color on his face. Suddenly, he grabbed the door with one hand, and suddenly sucked a huge force. The wooden door shook down and closed again in an instant.

At the same time, the four walls of the room were full of white clouds, and the first layer of prohibition stimulated itself, covering the whole room.

Han Li walked to the corner of the room in a hurry and sat down cross-legged again on a futon. For some reason, there was a faint smile on his face, but there was a faint cold flash in his eyes, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

The next day, Han Li stayed in the house to rest and had no intention of going out at all.

On the morning of the third day, the door opened gently, and he came out of it leisurely.

Instead of going to the hall below to find Xiang Zhili, he floated down directly from an exit on the floor to the street of the alien inn.

Han Li seemed to have figured out where to go for a long time. He casually stopped an animal car. After saying a place name, the animal car ran wildly on the street.

Through the window of the animal car, Han Li saw everything on the street.

When his eyes glanced at the huge sphere outside the wall far away again, Han Li's heart moved slightly.

After a conversation with Xiang Zhili last night, he naturally had the true face of these behemoths. These huge spheres turned out to be thirteen super-large war puppets. It is said that their power is so powerful that they can be worth the existence of one in the early stage.

And the thirteen puppets also happen to be responsible for controlling one of the thirteen Tianyun clans.

With such a terrible war puppet, the strength of the defense of Tianyun City can be imagined. No wonder the Tianyun clans will regard this city as the center of the resistance to the Jiaochi clan, at least they don't have to worry about the Jiaochi people sending strange soldiers to suddenly attack the city.

Han Li's eyes soon closed from the distant sphere and closed his eyes.

The place he went to was not too far away. The beast car only sped for half an hour and then arrived at a somewhat remote street.

Han Li casually threw out a few spiritual stones, jumped out of the beast car and looked around.

Although the streets are inconspicuous, the number of pedestrians on the streets is obviously much higher than those in the main streets.

The shops on both sides of the street are not big, but there are also many people going in and out, and the business is quite booming!

Han Li nodded, looked at a shop close to him, looked at the plaque hanging on the door, and immediately walked in with no expression on his face

The store is dozens of feet in size, surrounded by rows of shelves, full of dense stone pieces, jade plates, silver medals and other classics. But everything was covered by layers of crystal and shining light curtains.

This is actually a store specializing in the sale of classics.

According to Xiang Zhili, although there are many shops in Yuncheng, most of the more famous stores that Han Li is interested in are concentrated on this street.

Now that I look at it, it's true.

Although the store is not big, there seem to be a lot of classics.

And there are several other aliens in the store, all of whom are watching themselves in front of the shelves, all of which are Jiedan-level.

These alien races seemed to be choosing wholeheartedly, and did not notice that Han Li, a superior, came in.

As for the owner of the store, she is a young woman with a different surname.

It looks like only seventeen or seventeen or eight years old, but the skin is as clear as snow, the two ears are pointed, and the eyebrows are inlaid with a soybean-sized milky crystal. A pair of beautiful eyes flash deep eyes, giving people a very intelligent feeling.

"Crystal Family"

At the sight of the young woman, Han Li was shocked.

Nowadays, he naturally has a lot of knowledge about the Tianyun clans.

The "Jing Clan" is also one of the thirteen clans of Tianyun. However, this clan is very strange. Not only is the number of people surprisingly small, but it is said that the total number is not more than one million, and the individual strength is also relatively weak compared with other ethnic groups. However, this clan is extremely long, almost three to four times that of the human race, and each Jing clan is handsome and beautiful, with high wisdom. Almost everyone can easily have great attainments in alchemy, formation, runes, etc.

Therefore, the Jing clan is very popular with other clans. Even if it is not interested in fighting for power, its ranking is not low among the Tianyun Thirteen Clans.

The Jing woman also noticed Han Li. After a pair of dark and beautiful eyes swept Han Li's body, there was a trace of surprise on her face, and she seemed to see Han Li's cultivation.

She immediately walked together and left, with a delicate gift:

"Welcome the seniors of the clan to the shop. I don't know if the younger generation can help!"

The woman is very elegant. I don't see how abnormal her movements are, but every move gives people an extremely elegant feeling.

Sure enough, this clan is really different from other alien races seen in the past.

Han Li was surprised, but there was no expression on the surface, but he just said faintly:

"Don't be so troublesome. Let me take a look first. It's just a matter of Taoist friends.

"Then please watch it by yourself!" The Jing woman nodded neither humble nor arrogant. Without saying anything more, she retreated on her own.

However, the behavior of the Jing nationality woman shocked those players who were picking classics.

With a "slap", they looked at it with surprise.

As a result, they all took a breath of cold air. Naturally, they can't see any of Han Li's realm, but the unfathomable cultivation is enough to make Han Li's realm high, which is not what they can imagine at all.

These aliens became uneasy one by one. Some people immediately turned around and left quietly, while others randomly selected some classics and left here in a hurry.

In a blink of an eye, there were only Han Li and Jing women left in the whole store.

Han Li turned a blind eye to all this and walked to a nearby shelf and looked at all kinds of classics above.

The light could not be seen from the surface. As soon as Han Li's mind moved, he immediately immersed in the light curtain and swept away one of the stones.

These light curtains are really strange. Shennian can only see some of the briefly introduced information in the stone. When he wants to see the official information, he faintly feels the obstacle of the prohibition.

Of course, with his powerful mind, if he wants to invade by force, these microblog prohibitions can't be stopped at all. But in the same way, such a move is naturally not likely to be done by the store owner. With a little identity, who would do such a thing?

Han Li only read a few bookshelves in front of him. Most of them were introduced the customs and habits of various ethnic groups. Naturally, he was not interested. Immediately, he took a few steps faster, earned his body in front of another shelf, and scanned with his mind again.

This time, he seemed to have found the right target. Han Li only looked at two, and his face showed a trace of joy. He immediately waved to a blue jade plate in it with one hand. Suddenly, the object flew out and reached his hand.

In this way, Han Li searched one by one in the store, and in a blink of an eye, he collected more than 20 classics.

Then he walked to the Jing woman with satisfaction, put all of them on the table in front of him, and asked calmly:

"How many spiritual stones, I want all of these!"

The crystal woman looked at the pile in front of her, and she couldn't hide a trace of surprise on her face. But after a burst of beautiful eyes, she suddenly smiled and said something that surprised Han Li:

"These are not worth many spiritual stones. Senior, just take it."

, do you think I can't afford this spiritual stone? Han Li was stunned at first, but then his face darkened and he said coldly.

"Of course, that's not what the younger generation means. But there is another thing for the younger generation, and maybe the seniors will be interested. If the senior wants it. These classics are even given to the younger generation. The Jing woman smiled and said so. How could she say.

"Oh, let's take it out and have a look." Han Li was stunned and said slowly.

"The younger generation will wait for a moment. This is more expensive. The younger generation has left it in the house." The Jing woman listened to Han Li's reply with a smile on her face, and then immediately turned around and walked to the inner hall of the store.

Han Li didn't care and waited there quietly.

After a while, the woman came out with a black metal box in her hand.

The surface of the box is actually crossed with two cyan charms, which looks solemn and unusual.

"Senior, take a look at the things in the box. The younger generation is extremely useful to the seniors. Otherwise, the younger generation will not take the initiative to take it out. The Jing woman said to Han Li with a smile, as if.


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