The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 1598 Defects

"Glass Sky Fire Liquid", of course Han Li has heard of this name, and has even been thinking about it for a long time.

Therefore, the liquid is one of the main materials collected by Qingyuanzi, and it is a necessary item for refining several combined elixirs. It is said that this spiritual liquid does not enter the elixir refiner, and a drop of water can be taken out of thin air, which can also save years of hard work.

Therefore, the value can be imagined.

And this thing can be made of stone and wood, but is extracted from a rare outer fire. The number is more difficult to find than other spirits of the same level.

After reading the relevant classic materials, Han Lidang felt that it was the most unlikely to be collected among Qingyuanzi's many materials.

But now this fire liquid has appeared at this auction, and the reserve price is as low as an incredible price.

It is absolutely more than enough to take the rarity of the glazed fire liquid as the final auction.

Although there are a lot of 18 million, it is unbelievable that it is naturally cheap compared with the value of this spiritual liquid.

Han Li suddenly turned around and vaguely felt that the bottom of Xiao Buyi would definitely explain this strange price.

In the auction hall, Han Li is not the only one who has this idea. While others looked surprised, their faces were uncertain.

Sure enough, Xiao Buyi smiled as soon as he saw the Taiwanese reacted like this, and then said:

"The reserve price of my glazed heavenly fire liquid surprised all your Taoist friends. But there is a reason why the price is so low. Although this fire liquid is also extracted from the fire outside the sky, there are some defects when refining, which is a little defective compared with the real finished product. But there is one thing that Mr. Xiao can guarantee. There are several main effects of normal glazed fire liquid, which are absolutely available. It's just a big weakening."

"Dfects!" The crowd, which was originally **, suddenly became quiet.

Many people frowned!

Examples of elixirs and even magic weapons of defects auctioned at auctions have not appeared before.

But every item in the auction is said to be difficult to use, and most of them can't be compared with genuine products. After all, whether it is alchemy or refiner, the dosage and efficiency requirements of materials are extremely strict. With a little error and difference, it is also likely that the refining of elixirs and utensils will lead to failure.

Many people who were originally excited were splashed with cold water and became rational.

"Defective products also need to be marked with 18 million. It turns out that I think it's too low. But now it seems that it is much higher. Still the unknown man on the third floor, he sneered.

"Scorerce Taoist friends, if you really don't care about this fire liquid, why do you have to call for the price? But with the body of the Taoist friend, I'm afraid this glazed fire liquid is suitable, right? There are many words on No Novel Network. Xiao Buyi looked at a room on the third floor opposite and stared at it, and asked a question that was neither soft or hard.

"If it is authentic, Lie is naturally bound to win. If it is defective, it will have little effect on me. What do I want it to do? The man surnamed Lie replied rudely.

But this time, Xiao Buyi smiled and did not have an interface, but suddenly shook the bottle cap in his hand.

When the blue light flashed, the bottle cap suddenly flew to the sky.

With a "pop", a red beam of light shot out of the mouth of the bottle, followed by a small ball of red ** slowly flying out of the mouth of the bottle along the beam of light.

Crystal clear, bright red!

Xiao Buyi's eyes condensed, shook with one hand, the white light flashed, and there was an extra flying sword in his hand.

The cold light is shining, the style is simple, and you can see that the quality is not low at a glance

Xiao Buyi's wrist shook, and the flying sword suddenly turned into a cold light to cut into a red liquid mass.

An amazing scene appeared.

At the moment the cold light came into contact with the liquid mass, there was a strange sound of white gas, and then the whole sword turned red and dissolved, but after a few flashes, it disappeared out of thin air.

This group** has such a terrible power!

"You Taoist friends can see clearly that although the fire liquid is flawed these days, the nature of molten gold fossils is still there. It is also useful for alchemy refiners. Xiao Buyi saw the hesitation of the people present and explained.

Then the middle-aged man spit out another mouth, spitting out a green aura, and suddenly covered the fire liquid in it.

After a low and muffled sound, the fire liquid burned like a rebirth of a fire phoenix and turned into a fireball the size of a head.

A stream of heat emanated from the high platform and quickly rolled away in the distance.

1, the whole hall is in the high temperature, and the rows of aliens closest to the high platform even seem to be in the land of fire and lava.

The people in the hall are powerful one by one. Naturally, they will not be affected by this high temperature, but many people still change their faces again!

It can be seen naturally with the knowledge of the people present. Just now, Xiao Buyi just used a mass of pure aura yin* to make this wave of fire. Now the visions that have erupted are all the manifestation of the power of the fire liquid itself.

The flawed glazed fire liquid also has such great power, which is beyond most people's expectations.

In the originally quiet hall, there was a low whisper again, and many people's eyes looking at the fire liquid became unusually hot again.

Xiao Buyi's goal has been achieved, and his sleeves are running and the fireball is brushed at will.

After a roll of glow, the hot flame went out, and the fire liquid that appeared again flashed into the mouth of the bottle again.

Xiao Buyi grabbed the empty space with one hand, and the bottle cap flashed down and closed again. And the bottle itself slowly fell into the palm of the hand.

"The next bidding of Liuli Tianhuo liquid begins!" The middle-aged man no longer hesitated to announce.

"Thirty million!" An amazing price came from a corner of the hall, which pushed the reserve price up by nearly half.

Many people who also wanted to bid were shocked and couldn't help looking at it one after another.

The bidner was a pale-faced man in a dark robe.

It's Han Li!

At first sight, he was a stranger, and many local aliens in Yuncheng muttered for a while, but they still gave up their intention to bid.

Although the defective Tianhuo liquid is still quite rare, the defective product is the defective product. When the price is mentioned at such a high level, I naturally feel that some gains outweigh the losses.

And Han Li sat still and did not move. He seemed to look very calm, but there was a trace of excitement in his heart.

Although this fire liquid is defective and the efficiency is greatly reduced, it is still the glazed fire liquid, which is mostly useful for Qingyuanzi. And if you let go of this opportunity, there is basically no hope of getting the genuine glazed fire liquid in the future, so even if it is a defective product, he is bound to get it.

Therefore, Han Li was not polite and pulled the price so high at the beginning.

He didn't hope that he could easily photograph this thing. But at least let's dispel most people's thoughts first.

He doesn't want to raise the price of this spiritual liquid to an unacceptable level in the coaxing of a group of people.

Obviously, Han Li's approach is indeed effective. After hearing this price, most of the surprises on their faces flashed, and they all returned to indifference.

The whole hall was quiet.

"This Taoist friend bid 30 million yuan, and anyone else bid for the code? After asking three times, this bottle of Tianhuo liquid belongs to this Taoist friend. Xiao Buyi glanced at Han Li's location and said loudly.

"First time!"

"Three thousand and twenty thousand!" As soon as Xiao Buyi asked, another old voice bid.

Han Li frowned and glanced at his head.

The bidant is an old man in a yellow robe in the center of the hall, with burnt yellow hair, but thick eyebrows and blue eyes.

"It turned out to be Mr. Fu, and he is also interested in this fire liquid." As soon as the other people saw the bid, many of them whispered in surprise.

It seems that the old man is very famous in Yuncheng.

"Fourty million"

Before Han Li thought about the price, another voice came out from the third floor. It's not the previous man with a strong surname, but a pleasant female voice.

As soon as the price came out, Mr. Fu, who was still calm, immediately showed hesitation and looked at the third floor of the bid. His mouth moved, and finally he shook his head and shut up.

"Fourty million, the first time!"

"Fourty million, the second time!"

Xiao Buyi quickly called the price twice with a faint smile. Obviously, the high price in front of us has exceeded expectations. In addition, the holy clan on the third floor will take action, and I feel that no one else will bid.

"Fourty-five million yuan"

Han Li called out the price again with a blank face.

Hearing this sound, not only the others in the hall, but also Xiao Buyi couldn't help looking at Han Li again, and his expression became a little strange.

The existence of the upper clan that dares to bid with the holy clan at the auction is really rare.

"Four or seven million!" The holy woman on the third floor seemed to be a little annoyed, and she offered another price.

When Han Li heard this price, the corners of his eyes jumped slightly, but the air did not hesitate to call out the price of "50 million".

There are so many spiritual stones, which are almost all the existing spiritual stones. If there is more, even if he is reluctant to give up, he can only give up.

But the woman on the third floor also seems to feel that it is not cost-effective to pay a higher price. After just snorting coldly, he stopped talking.

"Okay, 50 million spiritual stones, this half bottle of heavenly fire liquid belongs to this Taoist friend. Please go to the temple immediately to hand over the spiritual stone. After Xiao Buyi asked three questions quickly, he immediately made up his tone.

Han Li was relieved and immediately got up and walked to the front desk.

When he got to the stage, he took out a bag of the best spiritual stones that had been calculated for a long time from the storage bracelet and gave it to the other party.

Xiao Buyi swept into the bag, nodded with satisfaction, and handed the milky white bottle to Han Li.

Han Li just opened the bottle cap and took a look, showing a trace of joy. After bowing slightly to Xiao Buyi, he calmly left the stage and walked back to his original position to sit down.

In the process, Han Li naturally sensed that a lot of eyes glanced back and forth on him. Needless to say, there were a lot of bad intentions.

(First update)


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