The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 1668 Magic Baby and Spiritual Body

Han Li looked at the magic baby with a smile and made a move with one hand.

Suddenly, the magic baby's body flashed, and it also turned into a dark light and sank into its body.

It turned out that Han Li used several rare materials to initially condense the magic gold body, but unexpectedly, the magic baby without a body could easily attach to the gold body, and could continue to practice the Xuanyin magic spirit that stopped at the beginning with the help of the magic spirit in the golden body. While practicing magic skills, Yuanying can also use the exhaled magic gas to constantly quench this body, which is also of great benefit to the condensation of the Dharma's golden body.

In this case, Han Li is naturally happy to let the magic eagle cling to it.

After all, the second Yuanying is almost an independent person. Whether he practices or manipulates the golden body, he doesn't need to spend any energy.

It's a pity that the cultivation of this magic baby is too low.

If you can also cultivate to a level similar to his body, and then rely on the golden body to respond to the enemy, it will immediately become an existence like an external incarnation, so that Han Li's strength will be doubled immediately.

Ordinary people step by step from Yuanying to the realm of emptiness, it is naturally extremely difficult.

However, Yuanying, the owner of Han Li, can directly transmit all kinds of high-level cultivation experiences to the second Yuanying. In addition, there is an endless stream of rare elixirs, and the cultivation speed of the second baby is definitely above the body.

Although the cultivation bottleneck can't be said to no longer exist for the magic baby, there is no doubt that it will be much simpler than normal monks. After all, the feeling of the previous breakthrough will be very useful.

This is also why whether the human race or the alien race has cultivated to a certain extent and it is difficult to make a breakthrough, the metropolis begins to practice external incarnation, the second genshen and other similar great powers.

But no matter which means of cultivating a second "", the cost is not small. It is often necessary to exhaust more than half of the remaining years before it can be expected to achieve great success.

This is also the reason why people know that the benefits of external incarnation are huge. Most people can only practice one or two incarnations, and most of their cultivation is far inferior to the ontology.

After all, they don't have a mysterious bottle, which can infinitely produce the panacea they need.

Under the immersion of the golden body magic gas and many elixirs, Han Li's second Yuanying has now been cultivated to the peak of the middle of Yuanying, and may advance to the later stage at any time.

Now that the wide cold world has been opened, he is not busy to let the magic baby practice.

After entering the wide cold world, he will let the second baby hit the bottleneck in the later stage.

In this world, there is a strong aura of advanced combination of deficiency, which is naturally hundreds of times stronger than the elixir for the bottleneck of a Yuanying period.

Han Li thought so much in his heart. As soon as he turned his eyes, he fell on another "Han Li". After a flash of light on his face, he showed a trace of heat.

"I didn't expect that Zhixian's body was an excellent thing to refine the external incarnation and double. What's more unexpected is that the ripening spiritual liquid can be directly absorbed into pure spiritual power by this Zhixian, making the mana of this body almost thousands of miles a day. In just a few years, it was simply forcibly upgraded to a higher level in mana. In the middle of the refining, there was no bottleneck at all. It's incredible! But it makes barely sense to think about it. These spiritual objects of heaven and earth, which are transformed by elixirs, originally took countless years to cultivate their wisdom. If you want to produce a great magic power, it will only be possible for hundreds of thousands of years. This process can only rely on the accumulation of years to slow down the refinement of mana. If there is a bottleneck in the advancement, the world is too unfair to this thing. However, the strange thing is that the same spirits of heaven and earth are also poured with spiritual liquid. Why can Jiuqu Lingshen only restore vitality? It can't be advanced at all. Is it possible that only a spirit like Zhixian can absorb this spiritual liquid? It is still this kind of elixir of heaven and earth spirit, which must be advanced to the degree of ontology illusion to have this talent. Han Li muttered, frowned, and shook his head after a long time:

"Hey hey, no matter what the reason is. Anyway, now there is a great opportunity in front of us. Although it is not possible to separate the genshen to practice the external incarnation in order not to be delayed, it is completely possible to refine it into a double. In the future, you can directly use Yuanying to control the spiritual body to respond to the enemy.

After Han Li's mysterious small bottle of spiritual liquid can improve the cultivation of Zhixian's body, it is very simple. He just wants to continue to pour this spiritual body with the ripening spiritual liquid to see if it can finally have such amazing mana in the combination period.

Although it is only the kind of "semi-holy step" with empty mana and no realm, when his Yuanying personally possesses the shell of the enemy, relying on his many magical powers and spiritual power, he will never be afraid of any combination.

What's more, the mana of this substitute spiritual body may continue to soar. In case he can even have a heavenly mana power comparable to the Mahayana existence in the end, he will hardly have to be afraid of any existence in the spiritual world.

Of course, all this must be based on his hypothesis.

Somehow, he vaguely felt that it was impossible for such an extreme thing to happen. Maybe this spiritual body can only make the mana have the degree of combination or even the peak of refining.

After all, when he uses a small bottle of spiritual liquid to ripen the golden thunder bamboo for ten thousand years, nothing will change.

With such a special example, Han Li is naturally not sure whether the absorption of this spiritual liquid by Zhixian's body will also have such restrictions.

And once the pure spiritual power transformed by spiritual liquid is accumulated to a certain extent in this body, it must be refined by mobilizing the mana in Dantian and the meridians.

This Zhixian's body can't do these things by itself.

Fortunately, in his hurry, he came up with another way.

Han Li thought of this, with a wisp of smile on the corners of his mouth, and ordered "Han Li" in the purple light:

"Qu'er, you have worked hard these days. You can also come out of this body, and you don't need to refine the spiritual power for the time being. In the next month, I will stop giving birth to all other elixirs, and pour all the spiritual liquid into this spiritual body substitute first, and then you will slowly refine these spiritual powers.


A crisp and tender voice suddenly came out of Zhixian's body. Then he saw "Han Li" patting the Tianling cover in the purple light, and his eyes slowly closed. At the same time, a white light flew out of it, dripping in the air, and turned into a girl who was sixty-seven years old.

Dressed in a snow-white dress with nine dark braids on his head, he looks extremely cute!

Han Li saw the girl appear and said with a smile:

"This time when you enter the world of the world, you will also go with me. I will take your body with me. Now you have a good rest first."

"Can I go with you? Don't skip words. The girl was overjoyed when she heard the words, and the smile on her face was extremely innocent.

"I don't know what will happen to me when I enter the world of Guanghan this time. Now that the primordial spirit has become a human form again. How can I rest assured that you are alone here? It would be terrible if an outsider broke into the cave after I left. Han Liwen explained.

"Great. I don't know why, after I became like this, I not only had a much better mind, but now I want to look outside. The boy said happily.

"Ha ha, it's not long before you start your intelligence. It's not uncommon to have this idea. However, you'd better stay in the medicine garden and don't let anyone see it. I'm afraid my cave will not be too peaceful during this period. Han Li said solemnly.

"That's right, Qu'er is going to the medicine garden to have a rest." As soon as the girl heard that there might be outsiders in the cave, she couldn't help but be shocked and immediately became extremely timid.

Then the girl's figure blurred and turned into white light and shot down again. It was just a flash, and disappeared into the ground.

This girl is naturally transformed by the nine-song spirit ginseng god.

At the beginning, Zhixian said that he wanted the Zhu Jiuqu Lingshen to open the wisdom earlier and teach it some.

But Han Li did not expect that this spirit would turn the yuan god from the body of the white rabbit into a girl just a year after the Zhixian soldier entered reincarnation.

It seems that Zhixian must have given her great benefits in addition to what she has done, so that she can have such an unexpected advancement.

Han Li is naturally happy to see this kind of thing.

and gave the Jiuqu ginseng, which opened the wisdom, a name of "qu'er".

Then he Qu'er, because he belongs to the spirit of heaven and earth, he can also directly enter the body left by Zhixian, and can operate and mobilize the huge mana in his body.

In the process of refining spiritual power, Qu'er itself can also benefit a lot from the strong aura.

In this way, he naturally completely left the matter of refining the spiritual power of the Zhixian's body to the girl.

As a result, he was very satisfied that he had really done it in the past two years.

Now Han Li saw the girl suddenly leave. After laughing softly, he rushed to the "body" in the distance with one hand and grabbed it.

Suddenly, a gray haze rolled away and covered the spiritual body under it.

The body of Zhixian in the purple light quickly shrank, and finally turned into a few inches in size. After the glow rolled up, he took the spiritual body back to Han Li's front and disappeared in the cuffs.

After dealing with all this, Han Li's eyes swept in the empty secret room, and he turned around without hesitation and strode out of the gate.

In the following month, Han Li frequently appeared in major stores in Yuncheng and began to collect some materials and relatively remote magic weapons.

In the following days, Duan Tianba, Qianjizi and others really came to the door one by one. They didn't know what they had said to Han Li, but they all left with satisfaction after half a day.

A month is naturally not too long. In a blink of an eye, it passes quickly.

On this day, Han Li was closing his eyes in the cave hall. Suddenly, a red light flew in from the dense outdoor and circled around it.

He raised his eyebrows, raised his hand to take the red light into the palm of his hand, and then immersed himself in it and checked it.

"It's finally started." Han Li said to himself in a low voice, suddenly stood up and walked out of the cave.

(Ha ha, some book friends have made mortal electronic magazines, which are very exquisite. If you are interested, you can go to my Tencent Weibo to have a look. There is a link over there. If it's not my Weibo address, you can find it by searching for "forgotten language" directly on Weibo)


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