The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 1705 Hongluo Xianjiu, Erosive Grass

However, there is a medicine park, and the ban set up is so difficult to deal with, which is really worthy of being a means of the fairyland.

And after leaving the square in front of the main hall, although the power of ground prohibition is still there, it seems that the power has been greatly reduced. Otherwise, even if it has just turned into a giant ape, I'm afraid the Yuan Magnetic Pole Mountain can't be thrown too far away.

Han Li thought so much in his heart that he went straight to the gate of the medicine garden without hesitation.

After the five-color light curtain dispersed, everything in the medicine garden was undoubtedly revealed.

The medicine garden is not big, but the fragrance of wood aura and elixir emanating from it comes to your nose.

Therefore, he has not yet entered it, and most of the time he has not come this time. It must have gained a lot.

The whole pharmacy is surrounded by a low fence made of an emerald green rattan, and the gate of the courtyard is just a piece of two simple and unusual templates, but it is three feet high and even half open.

Han Li saw the general situation in the medicine park from afar through the cracks in the fence.

Facing his side, there are obviously several relatively flat fields of medicine, which are all low elixirs that are only half a foot high.

As soon as his eyes condensed, Han Li saw the spiritual grass in the front of the medicine field clearly.

The leaves of the elixirs in this medicine field are pale yellow one by one, but in the center, there are fruits the size of a thumb, thin and sharp, like the most common red pepper in the world.

These fruits emit strange red light, and they look like mini lanterns the size of thumbs from a distance, which is really adorable.

Because the whole medicine field is planted with this kind of elixir, it seems that the owner of the pharmacy should pay great attention to and need it.

After Han Li saw the appearance of these spiritual grasses and fruits clearly, his mind turned quickly and vaguely felt that he had heard of such spiritual grass, but after thinking about it carefully, he could not remember it clearly for a moment.

So he walked into the medicine garden with a thoughtful expression on his face.

Just as he passed by the wooden door, Han Li's mind suddenly flashed, and he finally remembered the origin of this kind of spiritual grass.

This is also the mention of this kind of spiritual grass and fruit from a very ancient classic in the chaotic sea of stars in the human world.

It looks completely different from the record, and it should not be.

He paused, stopped by the medicine field next to the courtyard door, and looked at the hundreds of the same kind of spiritual grass, but his face showed a strange expression, with a faint wry smile.

"Red fruit is actually this kind of spiritual fruit. If some alcoholics get them for such a long time, I'm afraid some immortals will also regard them as treasures. Han Li muttered to himself.

These strange fruit are just the main ingredients for brewing some kind of peerless spirit wine.

When it comes to "Hongluo Xianjiu", I'm afraid that most of the practitioners in the chaotic sea of stars in the lower world will be one or two.

Because it is rumored that this wine is only predestined to drink one or two immortal wine in the fairyland. It seems that this wine is also famous in the fairyland, and it is not something that ordinary immortals can drink at will.

In the chaotic sea of stars and even the spiritual human race, there are many pondering legends of this wine.

But no matter which one, there is nothing on the ground boasted by this "red Luoxian wine", and it is rare in the sky.

Even in the mouths of some mortal fools, as long as you drink a mouthful of this spiritual wine, you can have the magic power and ascend to the fairyland.

Han Li has read the relevant classics, and naturally there can never be such an unnatural thing.

The main reason why this wine is so famous is that it is extremely mellow and difficult to find in the three worlds.

As long as you drink a sip of this wine, you can produce saliva in your mouth, and the fragrance of the wine will remain in your mouth for more than ten days. If you drink more than one pot, even the immortal will be drunk for three days and nights without waking up, and from then on, he will never forget to return to this wine.

Of course, under the frequent drinking of this wine, it can slowly improve the physique and play a certain role in prolonging life. It's just how useful it is. It's only a matter of heaven. Most of them are only for low-level practitioners or mortals.

But in this way, those who love the things in this cup naturally regard this wine as a treasure and salivate on it.

Therefore, it is impossible to say that these "red fruits" are useless, but for Han Li, who has always rarely drunk, it is really a little chicken ribs.

Fortunately, one point is also mentioned in the classics.

The mellowness and efficacy of Hongluoxian wine are closely related to the age of the main material Hongluoguo.

Even if it is the same Hongluoxian wine, because the years of Hongluo fruit are different, it is divided into numbers and so on.

And the red fruit blooms for thousands of years and bears fruit for ten thousand years.

It is extremely difficult to cultivate during this period, and it is very easy to die halfway. It requires special manpower to take good care of it day and night, and you don't have to take care of it until after the result.

So for people who don't like drinking, they will never bother to grow this fruit.

is a truly alcoholic immortal. Whether it is worth spending so much energy or not, most of them need to think twice.

This medicine garden should have existed since ancient times. It seems that these red fruit has not been picked since the result. I don't know how many tens of thousands of years, and the length of the medicine can be imagined.

If Hongluoxian wine is brewed with this wine, there may be unexpected miraculous effects. Even if it is useless, selling this fruit or brewed spiritual wine to other people who like to drink is definitely an astronomical income.

Han Li thought about the details of the classics, and finally looked a little better.

He was not in a hurry to collect these spiritual fruits, but stood up and walked to several other medicinal fields nearby.

In other medicinal fields, there are also a large number of other two kinds of spiritual herbs planted in pieces.

A kind of grass that seems to be just an ordinary grass, but there is a faint gold thread in the green, emitting a strong fragrance. When you touch it with your hand, the leaves are as smooth and comfortable as warm jade.

The other one is completely the opposite.

It is about half a foot high, the imitation branches and leaves are messy, and the body surface is colorful, and each plant has several black and purple berries.

But the surface of these berries is pitted, with some various twitches, which are really ugly.

Because of the large number of these elixirs planted, they naturally first attracted Han Li's attention and attention.

Unfortunately, Han Li only recognized the latter of these two elixirs, but had no clue about the former.

But in this way, he was suddenly overjoyed.

This ugly elixir is the "erosive weed" recorded in a pharmacopoeia of Tianyuan City.

And this grass was extinct in the spiritual world millions of years ago.

Therefore, it is thought that this kind of spiritual grass is exactly a highly poisonous thing. It is said that the existence of the combined order of the body eats it by mistake, and it will also be in danger of death.

It is precisely the strange poison contained in the grass rhizome and the fruit, which are necessary materials for refining more than a dozen top-level elixirs. It also includes several kinds of elixirs that can directly urge the integration and other levels of cultivation.

This is also the main reason for the final extinction of heart-eating grass in the spiritual world.

Because this spiritual herb is also a difficult elixir to transplant for people in the spiritual world. No matter what means are used, once the grass growing environment is changed to a place, it may turn into a pool of black water in a few years, which has no effect.

As for cultivating new spiritual grass with seeds, no one has succeeded in the spiritual world in the future, and it all ended in failure.

Only tens of thousands of years after the use of this elixir, it was extinct, and no one had heard of it.

There are as many as 70 or 80 plants in the medicine field in front of us, not to mention the length of life. The elixirs refined from this material will increase the absolute medicinal properties by three points out of thin air.

In this way, get them. Naturally, it is an amazing harvest that makes Han Li happy to smile.

He no longer hesitated and immediately raised one hand into the air

A buzz

A black ring flew out of his wrist, and after hovering slightly in the air, a large area of Qingxia suddenly rolled out. After a few flashes, it suddenly appeared in front of Han Li.

Han Li rushed into the air with one hand.

Suddenly, after a buzz, a green glow spewed out of the ring and rolled out on the ground.

After the blue light flashed, thirty or forty ordinary half-two-foot long jade box suddenly emerged, flashing all kinds of inspiration.

He shook his sleeves gently, and at the same time, he whispered faintly:

"Come out, I have something to tell you to do."


A crisp and tender voice suddenly came out of his sleeve, and then a white light flew out of it, slipped in the air, and turned into a girl who was sixty-seven years old.

A snow-white dress with nine dark braids on his head, which looks so cute!

It is the "curd" transformed by Zhixian Yuanshen

As soon as the little girl was called out, she respectfully saluted Han Li first, and then stared at the big black and white eyes and waited for the master's order.

"I have seen you collect and plant elixirs in the medicine garden several times, and it can be completed in an instant. Please help me collect all these three elixirs and put them all in these box. Han Li was not polite. He rushed to the three medicinal fields and ordered without thinking.

"It's simple. Just wait a moment, master." Hearing this, Qu'er agreed with a small mouth.

Then she soared into the air. After a flash, she appeared strangely in the sky of a medicine field. Her arms were raised, and her ten fingers rushed down and bounced gently.

The sound of "Pu-Pu" was loud, and ten Bisi fingertips bounced out, directly rushing to the ten elixirs below.

After a flash, these bees fell into the stems of these elixirs one after another.

Qu'er's ten fingers moved slightly.

Suddenly, ten bees were pulled, and the ten elixirs that had been entangled before were immediately pulled out of the earth silently.

The elixir was pulled out, not only the roots were aligned, there was no damage at all, and there was no dirt on it, as if it had been cleaned for a long time.

When Bess moved again, the elixir was immediately pulled straight to one side of the jade box and accurately fell into one of them.

Qu'er's fingers bounced down one after another, and Bis kept spewing out.

The elixirs in the medicine field, ten of which are constantly pulled out of the earth, and then quickly fall into other jade boxes.

In just a few breaths, hundreds of elixirs in the whole medicine field were collected.

(second update)


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