The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 1742 Encounter

Although the Jiaochi people have pushed the war to the vicinity of Yuncheng, as long as Yuncheng is not really captured for a day, the rear area is naturally in the hands of Tianyun people.

Therefore, after the flying car flew backwards, there were no accidents along the way.

More than half a month later, Han Li saw another big city of Tianyunren "Fu Jiao City" from afar in the car.

This city is completely different from the floating high-altitude cloud city, and is located in an endless mountain range.

The small half of the city wall is simply built by the connection of peaks, and the city is wrapped in thousands of large and small peaks.

Whether on the peak or between the peaks, houses of different sizes have been built.

Around these peaks, the curved streets are also dense and scattered, which is quite strange.

At this time, Fujiao City was obviously also affected by the Jiao Chi army in the direction of Yuncheng. Dozens of miles away from the city, you can feel a tense atmosphere.

Not only a wave of prohibition fluctuations came from the direction of the city, but a team, or more than a dozen people, or more than a hundred people, also kept patrolling back and forth nearby.

Even though Han Li and others' giant flying cars obviously had the symbol of Tianyun, they were stopped by several teams of armored soldiers and patrolled several times.

Of course, after carefully verifying that the black-faced man showed a token to prove his identity, they naturally left one after another.

So the flying car flew directly to the gate all the way without hindrance before falling down.

"It turned out to be the predecessor Ning, and these are the Taoist friends who returned from the Guanghan world. Several elders in Yuncheng had already ordered you to go to the Xingyun Pavilion to meet them as soon as you left.

is a virtual period warrior in charge of inspection at the gate. He recognized the black-faced man at a glance and said respectfully.

"Well, in that case, let's go straight to the city. I have something else to do. I have to go back to Yuncheng. The black-faced man was not surprised by this. The Jiashi who asked the question nodded, then turned to the moon fairy and others and said.

Naturally, the others had no objection. After thanking the black-faced man, they got off the flying car one after another.

The black-faced man shouted in a low voice, and the six spirit beasts immediately took off, and the flying car flew into the sky again, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

As soon as Han Li and others entered the gate, the streets in the city were bustling and bustling, but most of them had a faint look of anxiety and worry on their faces.

Think about it

Fu Jiao City is the nearest big city to Yuncheng. Naturally, most of the people of all ethnic groups in Tianyun who have been evacuated from Yuncheng have gathered here again, making the population so dense.

They stopped two snow-white beast cars on the street and said the name of "Xingyun Pavilion" to the driver.

The beast car flew straight to a spiritual peak in the city.

Han Li sat by the window of one of the animal cars and looked at the pedestrians in the building next to the street from time to time, but there was no expression on his face. I don't know if I was thinking about it.

Suddenly, his expression moved, and his eyes stared at someone by the street.

The man was dressed in a gray robe, with a white head and a slightly sick face. He was standing at the door of a shop selling materials and talking with another person in a low voice.

The man was dressed in a yellow robe, his face was pale purple, and his face was quite fierce.

Han Li frowned, and after a while, he suddenly opened his mouth and shouted:

"Park the car. I need to get out of the car. All of you Taoist friends went to the Nebula Pavilion first, and then I rushed there separately.

The other people sitting in the same car as him heard Han Li's words. Although there was some accident, there was naturally no reason to stop him.

So the driver stopped the animal car at his command.

Han Li flew down lightly and walked away.

The two people by the roadside obviously had some disputes, and their voices were a little louder.

"The spiritual stone owed must be paid off within three days, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless." The purple-faced man suddenly became a little gloomy and said coldly.

"I should be very clear about my situation. It is absolutely impossible to collect such a multi-spirit stone in three days." The sick old man shook his head repeatedly, and his face looked a little ugly.

"No matter what your situation is, you know the consequences of not returning the spirit stone. Three days later, if there is really no spiritual stone, hey hey..." The purple-faced man sneered.

When the old man's face changed slightly and wanted to say something more, the purple-faced man opposite suddenly looked stunned, and a trace of surprise appeared in his eyes. Then a faint man's voice suddenly sounded behind the old man:

"How many spiritual stones do you owe to your brother? I'll return them for him."

The old man was shocked, and the voice behind him seemed to be close at hand, but no one was felt at such a close distance.

In his heart, he hurriedly turned around and saw a man in a green robe standing in the distance behind him. He was young, with an ordinary face and a smile.

Isn't it Han Li, or who?

"Brother Han?" As soon as the old man saw Han Li, his face suddenly showed surprise.

"Brother Xiang, don't worry," Han Li smiled.

The old man met Yuncheng and Han Li at the beginning, but immediately separated for many years

"Brother, you have also come to Fu Jiao City. Before I left Yuncheng, I deliberately went to look for my brother, but his whereabouts seemed to be so secret that I couldn't find out at all. Xiang Zhili said with a smile on his face.

"It's really hard to find out about my recent whereabouts, but it's hard for me. By the way, how many spiritual stones do you owe to Brother Xiang? Han Li nodded his head and asked the purple-faced man again.

The purple-faced man is just about the same level as the current salute. He is just a person with cultivation around the elixir period. When his divine mind could not sense Han Li's unfathomable cultivation at all, his face had long turned white. Now when he heard Han Li's words again, he hurriedly trembling and /P>

"I dare not be a junior. I have such a relationship with Taoist friends and seniors. These Xu Lingshi can be counted again. Just be the younger generation and honor the seniors.

"Hey hey, do you think I'm a person who owes favor to others casually? How many spiritual stones, say it." Han's facade was completely colored, and his voice was a little cold.

"Not much, it's just..." Purple-faced jumped down from the heart and hurriedly said a number that was not worth mentioning for Han Li.

Han Li turned over the palm of his hand, and suddenly there was an extra leather bag. He threw it casually, and said with instructions:

"Take the spirit stone, you can leave."

After the purple-faced man nodded and bowed, he really didn't dare to say a word and left.

"It's really a shame that Brother Han spent money and saw his brother's embarrassment." When the purple-faced figure was far away, he held his fist in Han Li's hands and said with a wry smile.

" No, this spiritual stone doesn't count. It's a little unexpected that I can meet Brother Xiang here. However, I remember my brother mentioned to me that if I am about to return to Fengyuan mainland, I'd better see you again and have something else to tell me. I don't know what's going on. It's convenient for me to tell you now. Han Li raised his hand, and suddenly a gray curtain flashed away, and then asked with a smile.

Under the temporary prohibition of the formation of the metamagnetic divine light, Han Li was not afraid that the conversation between the two would be overheard by others nearby.

Although what kind of magic power does Han Li use, seeing Han Li's question so calmly, it is naturally a little mysterious. As soon as his eyes lit up, he asked excitedly:

"My brother asked, can you return to the Fengyuan mainland?"

"No. Not long ago, I did something for Tianyun people, and I can finally borrow their super teleportation array once. It won't be long before I leave the thunder continent. Han Li said calmly.

"Great. However, I need to give it to my brother, but I don't have it with me now. And this is not the right place to talk about these things. Otherwise, three days later, my brother will wait for me at Qing Jiaofeng, more than a hundred miles away from the city. Let's meet there and have a good talk. He said with great joy.

"Qing Jiaofeng? Since you said that to your brother, that's it. After listening to this, Han Li nodded casually after a trace of imperceptible color flashed in his eyes.

"That's it. That's right. Is Brother Han's cultivation improved again? Although I can't see the realm of my brother now, the feeling of depression given to me is obviously very different from the last time." After looking at Han Li up and down, Xiang Zhili asked again with a little exclamation.

"Talking about great progress in cultivation. It's just a little gain from practice. After Han Li smiled, he replied lightly.

In this way, after chatting with Xiang Zhili for a while, Han Li closed the Yuan Magnetic God Light, stopped a beast car and left.

The old man stood still, looking at the back of the beast car far away from the street, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, forming an unnatural and strange smile...

Although Fu Jiao City is equally huge, it is still slightly smaller than Yuncheng.

Han Li sat in an animal car and came to the bottom of a mountain after only more than half an hour.

Here, a large number of pavilions and halls rise one after another, encircling the whole mountain.

Han Li followed the driver's instructions and went up the mountain road, but on the mountainside, there were many more armored soldiers at once, looking very vigilant.

Fortunately, Liu Shuier and others have obviously just been there, so after Han Liyi reported his identity, it was easy to pass the interspection.

After a while, Han Li appeared in front of a huge pavilion at the top of the peak.

There is a golden plaque hanging on the door of the attic, on which the three huge words of "Xingyun Pavilion" are written in ancient books, which are silvery and quite eye-catching.

On both sides of the door, there are eight silver-clapped people standing there with long swords on their faces.

However, to Han Li's surprise, there was a chubby old man in a yellow robe in front of the attic, standing there with his hands upside down.

However, as soon as Han Li appeared, the old man in yellow robe immediately left with a smile on his face.

This old man turned out to be the "thousands of machines" of the ancient people.


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