The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 1818 Evil Cloud and Jingmingdan

Han Li narrowed his eyes and looked at the treasures taken out of the demons of the two races, and disappeared one by one.

The exchange was successful, and he smiled. If the exchange fails, you will be greatly disappointed and can only return from the platform.

But in general, most people have exchanged what they want.

However, it is obvious that compared with other auctions or exchanges, the proportion of finished treasures appearing on the stage this time is obviously more than that of materials and so on.

Obviously, everyone is preparing for the magic disaster that will happen soon. They want to try their best to replace it with finished treasures that can be used as soon as possible.

After all, no matter how rare the material is, it is useless in the magic disaster if it is not refined into magic weapons.

For the existence of the two ethnic groups present, it is impossible for ordinary magic weapons to enter their eyes, and the best treasures applicable to them are generally refined from dozens or even hundreds of rare materials.

Not to mention the possibility of failure in the refining process, it is normal for such a large number of materials to make ordinary people busy for hundreds or even thousands of years.

Otherwise, how could it be all kinds of rare materials that appeared the most in previous auctions?

After more than half a day, most of the people in the hall took out the prepared and completed active exchange.

Although Han Li was greedy for many of them, he could only look at the two minds when most of these people asked for other finished treasures by name.

But he doesn't really have nothing to gain.

He not only used another elixir from the Guanghan world in his hand, but also exchanged several sets of powerful flags. He also used two bottles of red Luoxian wine to change from a demon-cultivation drunkard to more than a dozen elixirs that were not in his hands.

Not long ago, when he came on stage, he took out some ten-thousand-year-old elixirs to exchange several uncollected monster materials.

As a result, it was easy to change the required materials from several demon monks who covered their deeds.

This made Han Li take a long breath and finally relieved.

In this way, as soon as the Marlboro Conference is over, you can try to refine the second polar mountain.

His strength can be increased a lot.

Just when Han Li consciously exchanged that it was impossible for him to have anything to do, a man with black air flew to the stage and slowly took out a dark round bowl from his sleeve.

"The sea of evil clouds condensed by tens of millions of beast souls can ensure that the beast souls used in this evil cloud are the souls of fierce beasts, among which there are 100,000 souls of low-level monsters. I want to use the evil cloud in exchange for an attack on the chaotic all-spirit list. As soon as the man opened his mouth, everyone, including Han Li, changed their faces greatly, and all kinds of daring eyes fell on each other one after another.

Even the golden-faced man, who had already retreated to the corner of the golden array and looked at the exchange of people with a smile, suddenly flashed in his eyes, staring at the black man, looking in surprise.

But with everyone's eyes like a knife, the mysterious man in the dark atmosphere stood there firmly, and moved one arm to hold up the bowl. With the other hand, take off the lid of the bowl.

In an instant, a ghost crying wolf howled through the whole void, a dark cloud like ink, hurricane-like rolled out of the bowl, scattered, turned into a black pressure of several mu, and covered half of the void under it.

The blue light flashed wildly in Han Li's eyes, and he saw the true face of this black cloud clearly in an instant.

is actually condensed by countless black shadows. There are not only familiar beast shadows such as jackals, wolves, tigers and leopards, but also some strange and strange beasts that have never been seen before.

The bodies of all beasts are constantly changing and biting each other. For a while, most of their bodies collapse and disappear, and for a while, they condense solid clarity. But no matter what form it is, it is abnormally fierce, but even if the body is torn into countless pieces, it will condense as before in a moment.

These beast shadows are the beast spirit souls that have been specially refined by people. The evil clouds condensed from dozens or even hundreds alone are not very valuable. But once tens of thousands of souls are condensed, the value will immediately be different.

Because the more soul condensed in this evil cloud, the greater the utility, and of course, the more difficult it is to do.

If it can condense more than 100,000 evil souls, it is enough to make those who practice ghosts and magic skills be moved by it

As for millions of evil clouds, those ghost and demon monks in the combation period will also be crazy about it and flock to it.

As for the evil cloud of tens of millions of souls, it seems that it has not appeared several times in the history of the two races.

But for some people who practice related skills, whether it is used for their own cultivation or directly used to refine ghost weapons, the utility is almost unimaginable.

However, this level of evil cloud, not to mention that there are already few people in the method of condensing, the collection of tens of millions of souls alone is almost an impossible task to complete.

After all, if tens of millions of creatures are killed, even the combined monks can't bear it alone.

And because there are too many spirits used by evil clouds, which is too harmful to heaven and earth, it has been one of the forbidden objects strictly forbidden to be refined by the two tribes since ancient times. And the refining of evil clouds above all souls will produce celestial phenomena. And even more than a million evil clouds, it is even more difficult to avoid people's eyes and ears, which is almost legendary.

And the evil cloud that the man in front of him claimed to have the souls of tens of millions of beasts has changed everyone's color.

If it weren't for the black domain, but in the outside world, I'm afraid someone can't help grabbing it soon.

"Tens of millions of beast souls? Taoist friends' words really don't look like that. A dry voice seemed to swallow the saliva, and there was a trace of doubt in his words.

"I just released one percent of the beast soul. If all of them are really released, how can this small hall be put down? However, Taoist friends who want to exchange can naturally verify in person whether there are so many beast souls in this ghost bowl. The man in the dark said calmly.

"The Tongtian Lingbao on the Chaos Wanling list also needs to attack the type. Your request is a little too high. Why don't you use two pieces, not three of the top-level spiritual treasures, in exchange for your evil clouds. One person said eagerly.

"Except for the attack type Tongtian Lingbao on the Wanling list, I will not agree to the exchange." The man in the dark air refused faintly.

"The Taoist friend said this a little too fast. It's not too late to look at what's in your hand before making a decision." The voice of another old man also suddenly sounded.

Then a blood light flashed and rushed to the stage, and a tall and thin figure wrapped in a layer of blood light appeared. He raised his hand and threw a jade bottle directly.

Some of the shadows in the black gas reluctantly took the jade bottle, opened the lid and looked inside, and took over the shock of the body like an electric shock.

"Sample, this elixir represents, you should be very clear. If it hadn't been for the greater value of this evil cloud, I would never have taken out this elixir to exchange it with you. The tall and thin figure looked at the medicine bottle in the other party's hand and said reluctantly.

"If it doesn't work, I still need to exchange it for Tongtian Lingbao." After hesitating for a long time, he still shook his head and threw away the medicine bottle.

"It's not that Taoist friends don't know the goods. In my bottle, there is a Jingmingdan that can increase the chance of breaking through the bottleneck during the fit period. The tall and thin figure first was stunned, and then said loudly in disbelief.


" Even this elixir has appeared"

"Tao friend, your Jingming Dan is willing to exchange other treasures. I would like to exchange this Dan with you."

As soon as he heard the name of Jingmingdan, the others were just enough. The old monsters in the combination period of the two races of human and demons suddenly became a sensation.

Immediately, several people immediately rushed to the tall and thin figure regardless of the others and said directly and loudly.

This elixir is obviously more popular than that evil cloud.

No wonder, even though the evil cloud condensed by tens of millions of souls is definitely a rumored wonder, it is only useful for magic practitioners and ghost monks. The holy medicine of Jingmingdan, which is only recorded in the classics, is useful for all monks in the associative period, so that those old monsters who have been stuck in calm for many years can no longer do it.

"Well, you can think of my Jingmingdan. Then help me change the evil cloud of this Taoist friend first, and then I will immediately exchange it with the elixir. It seems that the evil cloud in front of him is extremely important to the tall and thin figure, which makes him look at the mysterious man in the dark and say such words.

The person who heard the words of the tall and thin figure immediately made the whole hall silent.

In the hands of the old monsters present, there are usually a few Lingbao, but there is a ranking of Tongtian Lingbao on the chaotic list, and the sum of the two shemales will never exceed the number of ten fingers. And there can't be two or three pieces of attack Tongtian Lingbao. And even if it is true, its owner may not come to the Black Domain Conference.

What's more, the value of the spiritual treasure that can have a name on the chaotic list is not under a pure elixir. Whether you are willing to take it out and exchange this elixir is still a matter of two things.

Han Li looked at the medicine bottle in the hand of the tall and thin figure, but his face couldn't help but show an uncertain expression.

The figure in the dark air, at the sight of such a long time, no one opened his mouth, it seemed that no one would exchange with him. Immediately, the one-handed trick of the distant head, immediately closed the black clouds in the air, and the meaning of leaving the stone platform.

"Taoist friends and slow"

The tall and thin figure was in a hurry, stamped his feet, and his body flashed to stop the mysterious existence in the black gas.

"What do you mean? I still want to force the exchange. Seeing this, the man in the black gas was furious, and his body suddenly emitted a strange cold.


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