The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 1829

In an instant, thirty-six pairs of seventy-two-six completely different treasures flew out of the sleeves of the man in black, flying all over the sky, covering half of the void under it.

These magic weapons such as swords, flying forks and so on are either cold and flashy or strange and silent, as if every bite has a lot of spirituality and has a great origin.

A man in black can manipulate so many treasures at the same time. The strength of the divine mind can be called shocking, which is by no means comparable to ordinary combined monks.

Han Li's mind turned sharply, and he was also a little surprised.

In this moment, the man in black robe laughed wildly, and seventy-two treasures suddenly turned into a glow in the sky, and the unstoppable rush to Han Li swept over.

Seeing this, Han Li raised his eyebrows and waved his sleeves.

Dozens of small cyan swords shot out, and one flashed and turned into seventy-two green rainbows to meet the opposite glow.

A crisp sound of "jingle" came out one after another, and the blue flying sword collided with many treasures, and they were intertwined into a ball.

Although seventy-two treasures either spewed out a mass of black gas, or turned into thunder and lightning, those cyan flying swords loomed in the flash of blue light, as if the invisible body were safe and sound in these power. Instead, they were entangled with these treasures like spiritual snakes and did not fall into the wind at all.

When the man in black saw this, he was a little surprised, and then urged these treasures to keep changing their power, but obviously it didn't have much effect, and he still stuck with 72 green bamboo bees and cloud swords.

The man in black suddenly became gloomy. Suddenly, he took a deep breath, suddenly took a step forward, and grabbed it with one hand to the opposite side.

With a "bang", the spirit of heaven and earth in the whole light mask stirred, and then countless black silk appeared in the void. With a trembling, it turned into countless black rays.

Where the black light passed, the whole void was dark. In a flash, it was strange to be in front of Han Li.

"Good to come"

Han Li didn't look confused. Instead, he shouted in a low voice. He wiped it in front of him with one hand, and a gray glow appeared out of the air. Then he condensed it and turned into a gray light wall.

The rainstorm-like black light shot into the wall of light and stagnate one after another.

Han Li raised his eyebrows, and a dark palm as ink suddenly pressed on the light wall.

It's just a flash of inspiration, and the gray light rises in the wall.

The muffled sound of " Bang Bang" is loud

The black silk fixed in the light wall burst one after another and turned into black smoke and disappeared by the glow.

As soon as the man in black robe saw this scene, his pupils shrank and couldn't help but lose his voice.

But the next moment, his solemn shoulder shook, and a large black fog came out of his back.

Under all the fog, a huge black sword was formed above its head.

The first half of the sword is as thick as an entity, but the second half is hazy and a little vague.

But the giant sword only trembled slightly at the tip of the sword, and a black ball of light immediately emerged from the air, and at the same time made a low buzzing sound.


The man in black, pinched the formula with both hands, solemnly rushed to the giant sword in the air.

Suddenly, the black ball of light flashed and immediately shot out from the tip of the sword. At first, it was only the size of a fist, but after a few flashes, it turned into a diameter of ten feet, like a black boulder and hit Han Li fiercely.

Where he passed, the void twisted and blurred, bringing out a light black light mark.

This black light ball actually has the terrible power to tear the space.

What's more shocking is that the same black ball of light shot out one after another from the giant sword, and in a blink of an eye, seven or eight of them flew out in a row.

"It's worthy of being a mid-term monk, and his magic power is really extraordinary." Han Li laughed without surprise when he saw this scene.

He raised his arm, and the other snow-white palm poked out of his sleeve, and quickly touched the black palm gently in front of his chest.

After a loud sound like a metal impact, a black and a blue hill suddenly emerged from the top of his head out of thin air, and then it just turned around, and then made two "pup" sounds.

A blue halo and a black air ring came out of the peak, intertwined and flashed, and turned into a black and blue giant ring, protecting Han Li in it.

At this time, the first black light ball flashed and hit the giant ring directly.

With a loud noise, the blue and black light burst out.

Then the void where it bursted suddenly seemed to collapse and form a big black hole.

With the successive subsation of the second and third photospheres, the black hole instantly soared more than ten times, almost all over the sky of the stone platform, drowning Han Li and the whole giant ring into the endless darkness.

The whole Wanling platform, under the slow pressure of this huge black hole, made a creaking sound and began to shake violently.

The monks who witnessed all this outside the light mask couldn't help taking a breath.

The ancestor of the Long family turned his hands upside down and looked at the situation in the mask. There was still no expression on his face, but if he looked carefully, his eyes flashed slightly, as if he was not very calm.

The girl in feather clothes of the Ye family blinked a pair of dark eyes and kept sighing with old-fashioned sighs.

Other monks of the true spiritual family naturally look very different.

Fairy Xiaofeng and Elder Xiao looked even more ugly.

Fortunately, those blue flying swords entangled with 72 treasures are still flying up and down and have not lost control. In this way, it shows that Han Li is not really enough to fight back, so that they can still feel a little at ease.

It is obviously not easy for a man in black to cast spells to stimulate so many black light balls from the giant sword.

At this moment, not only his eyes are much dim, but also his breath is weakened, and even the purple scar on his forehead is slightly twisted, as if it is a little bigger than before.

But just as he breathed a sigh of relief, he spewed out a blue seal, as if he was going to make the last blow, suddenly a faint voice came out of the black hole:

"Is this Brother Hui, the best magic power? If so, it's really interesting, but if you defeat it, it's not enough.

As soon as the voice fell, there was a harsh shrill sound from the black hole, and then there was a loud rumble in the black hole. A seven or eight-foot-long silver figure suddenly opened the black light, and then the blue light flashed, and a figure was about to fly out of it.

The man in black was really a little surprised. He didn't think about it. Suddenly, the big silver seal suddenly turned into a hill-like huge, and the flying figure hit his head.

But Han Li, who flew out of the black hole, smiled softly. With a movement of his mind, the two peaks hovering above his head were slightly blurred, and disappeared in the flash of blue light.

Under the shaking of the other seat, the whole body of the black glow flashed, which suddenly turned into a giant of more than a hundred feet, and countless silver runes gushed out of it, directly facing the falling blue seal.

Two huge objects hit together. At first, they were silent and silent at all.

The next moment, a layer of gray air waves burst out in the void, sweeping away in all directions.

The man in black was gloomy, and his sleeves waved against the air wave, so he easily opened it one by one. Then he narrowed his eyes and planned to carefully look at the opponent on the opposite side.

But at this moment, his face suddenly changed, and then the sound of sneer broke the air, and an invisible sword spirit almost flashed past his shoulder.

Its protective aura can't be stopped at all. If he hadn't reacted fast enough, I'm afraid he would have been pierced through his shoulder on the spot.

The man in black robe was secretly shocked. When he was about to look back and see what the invisible sword spirit was, the same sneer sounded next to him one after another, and a moment later it was stormy.

The man was shocked, and his body suddenly turned in place. Suddenly, a black shield and a golden ancient mirror shot out of his body at the same time, turning into a golden light curtain and a dark light, protecting his whole body.

At the same time, the black sword above his head also burst in an instant and turned into a black fog to drown it.

But immediately, countless divine thoughts and invisible sword spirit that could not be seen by the naked eye will sink into the black fog one after another.

First, a muffled sound came, but it immediately turned into the shrill sound of metal collision.

At this time, suddenly in the high sky above the black fog, the cyan glow rolled, and a green hill flashed out and kept turning rapidly.

Every time he turned a circle, a circle of cyan glow flew out, but as soon as Fang left the mountain, the glow turned into a dense invisible sword spirit, and disappeared into the void.

At this time, Han Li shook his body in place, and after a few flashes, he suddenly appeared on the top of the blue hill.

He stepped on it with one foot, stood firmly on it, and looked down with a faint look.

The black fog below has become scattered under countless sword holes, and the man in black can no longer hide in it.

But at this moment, a golden beam of light spewed out of the fog and directly aimed at the blue mountain peak in the air.

Seeing this, Han Li raised his eyebrows slightly and stepped on it with one foot.

The rotation of the blue mountain immediately stagnated, and at the same time, after a layer of green glow flew out, it immediately turned into a crystal light shield, protecting the peak behind it.

But because of this, the sound of the broken sword stopped.

At the moment when the golden light beam touched the light shield, the shield shook slightly, and the small half under the golden light column trembled and disappeared. After most of the shaking, it actually rebounded back according to the original path.

It flashed away and disappeared into the black fog.

After a rumbling explosion, there was an angry low shout of the man in black

The black fog finally dissipated.


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