The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 1986 Late Combination 2

I don't know how many Taoist friends like us who are stuck in the mid-term realm of the body are among the two races of shemales. But those who can break through to the later stage are just a few. If Lao Qi didn't remember, Han Daoyou should have advanced to the mid-term realm for a short time. It began to hit the bottleneck of the later stage so quickly, and this kind of cultivation speed was too evil. Even the famous legendary figures in our family in ancient times, I'm afraid it's just that. Zen Master Jin Yue nodded and fully agreed with the silver-haired old man.

"But it is because Han Daoyou's talent is too amazing that this step is even more difficult to cross. After all, it is so short that Han Daoyou's foundation is too shallow, which will increase the difficulty of its impact bottleneck. The silver-haired old man said with his eyes narrowly

"Ha ha, all this is just your and my guess. What is the specific result? We need to wait and see. Han Daoyou may surprise you and me," Zen Master Jin Yue replied with a smile.

"I hope so. If there is one more late monk in the city, we will be much more relaxed in the decisive battle with the demon clan. With the magic power of Han Daoyou, it is comparable to that of later monks in the medium term. If you take another step, I'm afraid that the incarnations of those demon ancestors can also fight. The silver-haired old man said with a deep voice.

"Well, before the demon ancestor has arrived, its incarnation is the top level of the demon army. If Han Daoyou really has a way to get involved, we can give up the original plan and concentrate on dealing with those demon lords first. Hearing this, Zen Master Jin Yue's eyes suddenly flashed cold.

The silver-haired old man nodded, but no more interface, and looked at the celestial phenomena in the distance.

At this time, the fire clouds in the sky had turned into a red ocean, covering most of the sky.

And the gorgeous glow under the fire clouds began to condense into a group, transforming into colorful giant runes, floating lightly in the sky, blooming with dazzling light.

These runes suddenly shook down at the next moment, and suddenly rushed straight to the fire clouds above, as if they were going to pass through directly.

The freight buzzed loudly and rolled more violently. As soon as those giant runes touched the cloud, they immediately made a strange sound, and then trembled and broke up one after another.

These runes were crushed under the clouds by the fire cloud, and they couldn't rush out at all.

A cold snort suddenly echoed throughout the void, and then the blue light flashed in the void, and a vague figure of thousands of feet tall flashed out, and he rushed to the void in the sky with a few times with an expressionless face.

After an invisible ripple in the space, the condensation speed of the giant rune is far more than ten times higher than the previous one.

Millions of runes actually formed and appeared one after another in a few breaths, and the tide rushed high again.

The fire cloud doesn't know what to choose. Even in the face of the surge of runes, it is still as stable as Mount Tai.

However, both fire clouds and giant runes are continuing to expand at an alarming rate, as if there will never be a ban.

But the huge virtual shadow seemed to be a little impatient. Suddenly, one arm moved and rushed to the red cloud far away.

Although it seemed to be just a virtual shadow, this punch suddenly made a thunderous loud noise.

The cyan figure flashed and disappeared, but an invisible power easily sank into the fire cloud, and then burst out.

After a continuous "rumble", a fire cloud disappeared out of thin air, and there was a huge hole with a diameter of more than 100 feet.

Some of the runes flew out of the gap, and as soon as the fire cloud flashed, the void was bridged again.

These runes flying out are instantly condensed together, faintly forming another mu-sized giant rune.

A flash of light, this rune begins to become clearer and needs to be directly transformed into the appearance of the entity

But at this critical moment, there was a sudden flash of lightning and thunder above the fire cloud, and the rolling dark clouds condensed out of thin air, and they faintly transformed into black giants. Under the teeth and claws, they tore the five-colored figure that could not move for a moment.

Then the thunder shakes the sky

A strange thick silver arc emerged on the surface of the dragon's body, intertwined and flashing, so amazing

"It turned out to be ninety-nine and eighty-one. It's incredible that I remember the later disaster that the predecessor had in the past, and the Lei Jiao was only thirty-six. Han Daoyou's later disasters have attracted so many, which is also unbelievable." When Zen Master Jin Yue saw this, he couldn't help whispering.

Seeing this, the silver-haired old man also flashed a trace of embarrassment in his eyes, but said calmly:

"This later disaster is so severe that I don't know how Han Daoyou will respond. A bad one, not only can't advance to the later realm, but may lose its vitality greatly. It's a pity that outsiders can't intervene in such a disaster. Otherwise, if we help, Han Daoyou may still have hope.

The old man seems to have determined that Han Li can't get through this disaster

"Brother Gu, you don't have to worry too much. Since Han Daoyou chose to hit the bottleneck in the later stage at this time, he should be sure. I'd better take a look first." Zen Master Jin Yue took a deep breath and preached solemnly.

It seems to be to confirm the words of the monk, a Thunderbolt in the clear sky

Dozens of golden electric lights as thick as water tanks shot out of the air from below. Under one flash, it directly penetrated the rune fire cloud and hit the black giants fiercely.

The roar

Where the golden light passed, the huge body of the black dragon had a huge hole out of thin air, and the silver arc wrapped on the body surface was sucked out by the golden light like a dragon returning to the sea. If the golden light hadn't only lasted for a moment, it would have disappeared. I'm afraid these dragons were really scattered by one blow.

But Jin Guang's move also angered these dragons.

All the black dragons roared in their mouths, and the wind was blowing nearby. Countless fogs gathered at the damaged part of the body, making up for it in an instant.

With another mouth, a gray wind surged out and went straight down.

The fire cloud below was swept under the wind and burned with a "wow" sound.

The fire borrowed the wind, the wind borrowed the fire, and the wind and fire helped, a vast sea of more than a hundred miles of fire was formed at once, and it came down directly from the air.

Before the sea of fire really fell, the void below was reflected in red, as if the whole space was ignited.

Seeing this situation, the Zen master Jin Yue and the silver-haired old man couldn't help but change their faces slightly

According to the breadth of this fire, if a person who has survived the disaster can't cope with it well, the number of ordinary monks affected may be far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Other monks nearby also took a breath of cold air.

They didn't expect that there would be such great power at the beginning of the disaster.

Ask yourself that if it were them, I'm afraid that this wave of fire alone would be enough for them to extinguish them.

In the center of the landing of the sea of fire, it is the stone pagoda that Han Li closed.

Even if this tower has some forbidden protection, if it is really pressed by the sea of fire, it will naturally only end up being destroyed by the tower.

At this moment, a silver light flashed out at the top of the tower, and then a clear sound came, and a silver flame dripped out of the spiritual light. It slowly turned down and turned into a huge firebird covered with silver feathers.

This firebird was only about ten feet in size at the beginning, but after spreading its wings, the silver flame rose ten feet high, turned into a hundred times the original behemoth, and rushed to the sea of fire.

A muffled sound '

As soon as the silver bird contacted the sea of fire, it silently sank into it, but the next moment, the sea of fire boiled.

The red flame seemed to be attracted by an irresistible force, rushing to the huge firebird's sink, and the light flashed and disappeared quickly.

In the short time of the whole sea of fire, it was immediately less than one-fifth.

And at this speed, the disappearance of the sea of fire is simply an instant.

But before this time, the black dragonfly in the air shook its head and waved its tail.

This time, it was a stream of white gas sweeping down from the air.

These white gas seemed to be ordinary, but when the cold air dispersed, it turned into a crystal ice cone more than ten feet long out of thin air. The front end was extremely sharp, and the whole body was extremely transparent. However, before these ice cones really fell, a ghost cry and wolf howled came from the stone tower below, and then five With his mouth open, five strands of cold flames turned into a flying roll of ice and snow waterfall.

As soon as the ice cone was rolled by this cold flame, the ice melted one after another, and was restored to an extremely pure aura, wrapped in the cold flame and disappeared. Two attacks were broken in a row, but those black dragons were indifferent. As soon as they twisted their bodies, they burst out one after another at the next moment.

Their broken bodies only flashed in the air and turned into countless huge stones of different sizes.

The small one is not the size of the head, but the big one is thousands of feet, as big as a hill. So many boulders smashed down, as if the sky collapsed and the earth were cracking, which made the ordinary monks under the cover of stones suddenly look pale one by one.

In the deepest underground room of the stone tower below, a figure is sitting on a yellow futon with his eyes closed.

His body is full of aura, his face is red, and his temples are sweating, as if he is at an extremely important juncture.

In front of his body, there are two small peaks about ten feet high standing side by side, and there are seventy-two small blue swords on the top of his head, turning into a cyan sword lotus hovering around it.

The body is rolling with layers of black runes, faintly shrouded in a dark armor.

But strangely, on the periphery of so many magic weapons, there are dense gray light spots everywhere, each of which is only the size of a thumb, but it exudes the smell of yin and cold, and makes a low buzzing sound.


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