The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 2080 Get it

He suddenly pinched the formula with one hand, and the black gas behind him rose to the sky, and a golden magic phase with three heads and six arms faintly appeared in it.

The four arms of this magic phase waved slightly, and suddenly four golden blades emerged in their hands, and lightningly split a golden blade light.

After these blade lights flashed out, they were ten feet long and the momentum was amazing. Even if the demon men, women and the warcraft used their own means to resist them, they were also shocked and retreated for a while.

Taking this opportunity, Han Li quickly closed the Dharma phase and the silver firebird, and his body suddenly turned into a prickly rainbow and flew out of the door.

As for the leopard and the beast, after collecting the virtual shadow, it also turned into a golden light and followed closely.

When the demon man and the woman in the blue skirt saw this situation, it was naturally not good. After a quick sentence, the man immediately chased out with the magic bird, and the young woman hurriedly flew to the residence of those core disciples.

After a while, when the woman appeared in front of a side hall, her face suddenly became extremely gloomy.

Not only is the gate of this hall broken, but the several layers of prohibitions arranged nearby have been completely destroyed.

There are also several demon guards in green armor, lying on the ground outside the gate.

There was a curse in the population of the green skirt woman, and she opened her mouth without any hesitation and let out a sad roar, which went straight to the sky.

In an instant, the whole incense village was boiling, and the young-winged people with low cultivation immediately closed the door, while some high-cultivated demons came out of the house in surprise and flew straight to the sound of the roar.

At the same time, Han Li has joined with the leopard and Lin beast, and did not hesitate to go straight to the remote corner of the village.

not far behind him, the demon man rode on the white magic bird and chased after him desperately.

When he heard the woman's roar, Han Li frowned slightly, and the demon man behind him looked fierce. After taking a deep breath, he was about to make the same long roar.

But at this moment, Han Li in front of him suddenly threw backhand, and hundreds of gold and silver runes shot high at the same time, and disappeared in the void in a flash.

A roar

The atmosphere of heaven and earth in the sky trembled, and a magnificent palace shadow emerged in the five-color glow and rumbled down.

The demon man was shocked and couldn't care about anything else. He waved the white feather fan in his hand a few times in the air, and hurricanes gushed out and ran away from the palace.

Under the flying sand and the stone, there is a tendency to blow away the virtual shadow of the palace

But Han Li sneered in the distance and rushed out of the virtual shadow of the palace in the sky.

Tens of thousands of rays of light burst out in the sky in an instant, and the five-color glow went to the next volume, rolling all the wind out of nowhere.

And after the palace shadow roared, it covered the unprepared demon man.

The demon man only felt that there was a flower in front of him, and he was already in a gray fog. In the distance, there were vague shadows such as pavilions and pavilions, which made him not know where he was for a while.

The demon of the Qingyi clan changed his face. He did not hesitate to throw the feather fan in his hand into the air, directly transformed into more than a dozen gray wind dragons, and went straight to the virtual shadows in the distance.

This demon is very clear in his heart that even if he can get out of trouble, he obviously can no longer catch up with Han Li.

That's true

Han Li saw that he temporarily trapped the demon man with a rune, and immediately pinched the formula with one hand.

A Thunderbolt 1

A pair of blue and white wings immediately appeared behind Han Li. With a slight fan, they turned into a blue and white ray of light and shot out. With just a few flashes, they disappeared into the dark.

After a while, an earth-shaking noise suddenly came out of the milky white fog between the three peaks.

A huge sword light of one person suddenly came out of the fog, and where the cold light passed, it actually split the whole sea of fog.

The fog scattered around like crazy, as if the whole town of the incense village was forbidden, which was shattered by the sword light.

But when the blue sword light flashed away, two long rainbows shot out from the corner of the fog sea, and one circled and shot into the sky.

After a while, a few roars came from under the sea of fog, and several colorful escapes also shot out of it, chasing the two long rainbows in front of them.

A small figure in the two long rainbows in front of him is a girl in feather, and the other figure in a green robe is Han Li.

The girl in feathers looked back at the five or six green-wing demon lords who were chasing behind several miles away. The corners of her mouth moved slightly, and there was a slight smile.

"Brother Han, it's almost done. I'll get rid of them."

"All right, let's start casting." Hearing this, Han Li glanced back, nodded quietly, and then paused. Countless silver arcs gushed out of his body and turned into a ten-foot-sized silver Lei Peng.

This Peng's wings suddenly fanned, and the surface of his body roared around the electric light. His body suddenly rose ten times and turned into ten feet long. Then the giant wings turned into a silver arc of sharp shot out, just a flash, disappearing in the edge of the sky.

As for the girl in feather clothes on the other side, she also rolled in the escape light and turned into a five-color phoenix,

This phoenix body surface is a roll of five-color glow, which also disappeared into the void.

After several escapes chasing behind him, he couldn't help but stop and showed his real body one after another.

One of the women is the woman in the blue skirt.

These green-winged demons looked at the empty void in the distance, and their natural faces were extremely green.

"I actually let the two thieves run away to see their transformation. Are they the old monsters in the Beast Hall?" An old man with a red beard suddenly stamped a dark crutch in his hand and said angrily.

"The art of change is not necessarily the person in the beast hall. The key is that these two people ran to our village to do it? Young Elder, you are the first person to warn, what is it? Another demon, who was dark and couldn't see his original face, asked the woman in the blue skirt coldly.

"A real-blooded disciple of the Qingling Hall was robbed by these two people." After a little hesitation, the woman replied with some shame.

"Sure enough, only one disciple who came for the true blood of Qingluan was robbed. Is it okay for the others? The dark demon snorted coldly, not too surprised, and asked.

"The other disciples are fine, but they are just confused. It's just that the disciple who was robbed is a person with enough potential to rank in the top five among the real-blooded disciples," the woman shook her head and said.

"The top five, so we can't ignore it like this. After that, contact the Holy Ancestor immediately. These two people are so magical that only the Holy Ancestor can stop these two thieves. The dark demon said gloomily.

"That's the only way. If these two people are not captured, their reputation will be destroyed. The last time the real blood was stolen was more than tens of thousands of years ago. It seems that many people have forgotten the matter of Lord Lingyuan's family. It's time to remind them again. The red-haired old man also agreed.

So after these demons muttered a few words in place, they finally turned around and went back to the original way.

At this time, after Han Li and the feather girl transformed, they flew out for more than half a day, and finally found a hidden cave and temporarily hid in it.

"These core disciples may be tampered with the real blood, and I will leave this area immediately." As soon as Han Li entered the hole, he immediately said to the girl in feather clothes.

"Of course, as long as Brother Han waits for me for half an hour, I can take out the real blood." The girl in feather replied with a smile. One sleeve trembled to the ground, and suddenly a blue brocade flew out. After turning down, a young man of the Qingyi clan appeared unconsciously on the ground.

"OK, hurry up, fairy. I'll protect you outside the cave." Han Li's secret skills are not easy to be disturbed. After saying something, he consciously walked out of the cave.

The girl in feathers smiled softly. Naturally, there was no other opinion. She turned her back palm and immediately took out a pile of flag arrays and began to arrange a mysterious magic array.

Half an hour later, Han Li, who turned his hands upside down at the mouth of the cave, heard a light sound of footsteps. After his expression moved, he immediately turned around.

The girl in feathers is leaving with a happy face.

"Look at the fairy's look, the real blood should be in hand." Han Li asked with a flash of eyes.

"It's not only the real blood of Qingluan, but also the purity of the real blood is far beyond the little sister's imagination. It seems that the demon clan caught is not unknown among the core disciples of the Qingyi clan. But the more so, the more we have to leave immediately. This is Brother Han's real blood. The Taoist friend has received it." The girl in feathers smiled, raised her hand and threw a small white bottle, and said cautiously with a condensed look.

Han Li's eyes lit up, and as soon as he grabbed the empty palm of his hand, he took the small bottle into the palm of his hand, uncrewed the lid, and swept it away.

"No, it's true that Qingluan's blood is true. Very good. Let's go. Let's leave Tieshaling now. Han showed a trace of joy on the facade. After collecting the small bottle, he immediately said.

So the two immediately disappeared together, turned into two faint escape lights again, and flew away in the same direction.

Two days later, a team of demons of the Qingyi clan found the unknown demon youth in the cave.

Although his life is still there, there is not a drop of real blood left in his body.

This naturally caused the ** of many Qingyi clans, but soon after, a more amazing news quietly spread among the high-level demons.

The incarnation of the Lingyuan Holy Patriarch, whose family regarded as a backer, returned to his residence with a serious injury after a long trip not long ago, and immediately announced that they would no longer meet any outsiders.

Some demon lords, who knew the context of the dragon, were shocked after confirming this matter. Almost all of them kept silent about it, and issued an order for the rigorous people to talk about the relevant matters.

In this way, such a thing that should have attracted the attention of many demon forces was so hardly suppressed. Only a few days after it was spread among the Qingyi clan in Tieshaling, no more information came out.


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