The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 2134 Six Youth Thunder Array

After the gray-robed man shook his big sleeve, he also suddenly disappeared in a glow. (ใ€Š.)

Two days later, Han Li took an animal car out of Blue Falls again and went straight to Guangyuanzhai by the lake.

In the attic in the dense forest, Han Li saw Lan Ying again and stayed in a secret room with him for several hours before he came out with a mysterious smile and returned to the city in a hurry.

This time, as soon as Han Cube entered the inn, he closed the door for several days.

Because Han Li paid the cost of the magic stone for a month at one time when he first came, the other demons in the inn didn't care too much at the beginning.

But it was not until the last few days of the month that there was still no movement in Han Liwu, which attracted the attention of other hot sweats

When the last day came, a demon clan who served as an inn clerk finally knocked on the door of the house and finally walked into it. Suddenly, the room was already empty.


Han Lipan sat on a dark gray flying car and closed his eyes to refresh himself.

Opposite it, a white young man and a beautiful girl were also sitting in the other corner of the flying car.

One of them looked calm, motionless like a wood carving, and the other kept turning his eyes, looking left and right.

It's the Crab Taoist and Zhu Guoer.

After Han Li quietly left the island that day, he came to the original agreed place, found the two of them, and went on the road without any delay.

After these days of flight, a few of them have left the Blue Falls area and entered other areas of the adjacent demon world.

In this way, Han Li was also relieved.

He has returned with a full load now. Naturally, he intends to leave the demon world and return to the spiritual world.

According to the plan negotiated with him by the ancestor of the Long family and others on that day, it is naturally impossible to return the same way, and it is planned to return to the spiritual world through another explored demon world channel once it is won in the Magic Source Sea. (" 7*

According to the ancestors of the Long family and others, the passage is not only located in a remote place in the demon world, and there are not many high-level demons stationed, and the end of the spiritual world is not in the area of the two races and demons, but in the adjacent wood field.

In this way, as long as they unexpectedly enter the channel, the demon clan can't stop them from returning.

Now the ancestors of the Long family and others have all fallen, but Han Li still intends to return according to the originally planned route.

After all, it is not clear where the rest of the channels lead to. In case they lead to other continents in the spiritual world, he will laugh and cry.

He doesn't want to toss around for another 120 years in order to return to the human race.

However, when Han Li thought of Ziling, he still felt a little painful in his heart.

It is naturally impossible to say that he has no feelings for this woman. After so many years, I have just met Ziling, but I can't be separated again in a hurry. The taste in my heart can't be expressed in various ways.

Of course, if the magic skills practiced by the purple spirit had not been restrained by the six poles, he would have taken this woman back to the spiritual world together, and he could find another secret skill to remove the magic qi in his body and let her repeat the human spiritual body.

At the moment, we can only let the purple spirit stay in the demon world for the time being.

Han Li thought silently while recalling all the scenes when he was in the human world. At the same time, another beautiful face couldn't help but appear in his mind, touching his mind.

I don't know how long it took, Han Li's expression suddenly moved, opened his eyes, and the light flashed in his eyes.

Almost at the same time, the light of the flying car below stopped and quietly suspended in the sky.

"Senior Han, what's wrong?" Zhu Guoer jumped up and asked in surprise.

The crab Taoist still sat cross-legged, and his expression remained the same.

"We seem to have inadvertently broken into a super array. The latest chapter of the Holy Church. The arrangement of this magic array is very secretive. Under one negligence, even I didn't notice it in advance. Han Li slowly stood up and said with a slight frown

"Super magic array, even the predecessors didn't notice it! Did you come here for us?" Zhu Guoer was a little uneasy.

"Brother Crab, what do you think of this magic array?" Han Li did not answer Zhu Guoer's reply, but turned his head and asked the crab Taoist.

When the crab Taoist heard the words, he also opened his eyes, turned his head around and looked around, and then replied calmly:

"This seems to be a six-jue blue thunder array, but it is a little incomplete. If I were a Taoist friend, I'd better continue to move forward and go straight to the eye. Although it is the most powerful place of the magic array, it is also the only place that can leave the magic array.

After saying these words, the crab Taoist closed his mouth again.

"Six unique green thunders? Although I have never heard of it, with the knowledge of Brother Crab, it is probably not. Then keep moving forward. Whether it's for us or not, since we are caught in it, we have no choice but to break through the battle. After Han Liluo pondered, he said decisively.

Then he gently flew the car with one foot, and suddenly the gray light burst out and turned into a light curtain over the car.

At the same time, the flying car trembled and turned into a long rainbow to break through the air again.

The escape speed is much higher than before.

Zhu Guoer opened her eyes wide and kept looking left and right, as if she wanted to see some traces of the magic array from it.

But there is an empty area around the flying car, and you can't see any abnormality at all.

"Don't look at it. Your cultivation is not enough to ban the illusion around!" Han Li saw this and said something.

Then he shook his sleeve outside the car, and a golden sword spirit rolled out of it.

There was a loud bang.

Where the golden light passed, the void broke apart like paper, and the surrounding scenery changed greatly, transforming into a boundless sea of white fog.

The flying car is driving forward with great difficulty in the fog.

"Ah, this is..." Zhu Guoer was shocked.

"This is just the beginning. If we had returned the same way, we would have stimulated the powerful prohibition in the magic circle, and it is impossible to calm down like this." Han Li explained a few words faintly.

"But even so, soon after, the Liujue Qinglei array will begin to take the initiative to attack. With the magic power of Han Daoyou, he has to guard against one or two. The crab Taoist still closed his eyes, but he said a reminder.

"Thank you for your advice. Han will add more." Han Li's expression moved slightly. After saying thank you, he suddenly put his hands together, and dozens of spiritual lights shot out at the same time, and suddenly disappeared everywhere in the flying car.

It is exactly dozens of inch-sized array plates and other arrays.

The next moment. Dozens of dark magic lines gushed out of the flying car one after another and turned into a large array of rune arrays, condensed on the four walls and did not move, as if they had been engraved on it.

After the array was set up, Han Li stood at the front of the flying car with his hands upside down, looking into the distance without saying a word.

And in the depths of the pupil, the dazzling blue light flashed, and he faintly saw some through the layers of white fog.

Suddenly, his face darkened, he pinched the formula with one hand, and began to read words in his mouth.

Suddenly, the black runes on the four walls of the flying car flashed black, and the runes gushed out one by one. Under the dense, they instantly turned into a black rune net, all over the gray light curtain.

And a moment later, a slight thunder came from the originally quiet sea of fog on both sides.

At first, the sound was not loud, but as the white fog rolled around and began to roll like waves, the thunder immediately roared.

In the sea of fog on both sides, cyan lightning began to flash.

At the same time, the white sea of fog also suddenly became swamp-like viscous, which made the flying car tremble and slowed down quickly.

Han Li snorted coldly, and suddenly took a mouth, and a ball of green essence spewed out. It flashed away, and disappeared in the flying car under his body.

At the same time, his feet were blue, and powerful spiritual power was poured into the flying car.

A buzzing sound came from the flying car, and at the same time, the black rune net on the body surface trembled, and the nearby white fog was shattered one after another. The escape speed was mentioned again, and the crossbow arrow-like shot forward.

The sound of "rumbling" suddenly rose. As the flying car suddenly accelerated, the blue arcs in the sea of fog around it also appeared one after another in an instant, turning into countless blue electric snakes, rushing into flying cars.

Every cyan electric light hits the black rune net, which makes the object tremble, and the rune is a flash.

Hundreds of bombardment at the same time made the black rune net tremble violently and flash wildly, as if it could not be supported at any time.

But Han Li turned a blind eye to this, and just continued to urge him to get off the car and escape all the way forward at an amazing speed.


The black rune net was finally broken by the blue arc with a muffled sound, and dozens of cyan electric lights rushed straight to the flying car without any obstacles.

Han Li raised his eyebrows slightly, and his ten fingers suddenly bounced out of the void around him.

In an instant, the same roar suddenly rose, and golden arcs ejected out from the fingertips, forming a golden power grid, smashing the cyan arc one after another.

And after this moment of delay, the black runes on the flying car flashed again, and countless black runes gushed out again, and then condensed into a black rune net.

In this way, although the cyan arc is extremely powerful, it is still lightly solved one by one under the use of Han Li's use of the magic array and the evil god thunder one after another.

In a blink of an eye, the flying car flew more than 10,000 miles away, and the sea of fog in front of it began to thin, but at the same time, the cyan arc became more and more dense, faintly approaching the center of the magic array.

Soon after, in the roaring electric light around, blue thunderballs of fists began to appear, but each of them was quietly suspended in the distance and did not join the attack of the cyan arc.

At this moment, in the extremely thin sea of fog in the distance, a woman's voice suddenly came:

"Baohua, at this time, you have done your best, even if you have great skills, it is difficult to fly now. If you are willing to arrest, the little sister can leave a wisp of soul in the past and let you enter the way of reincarnation again.


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