The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 2156 Mu Ling Ba Zi

From the day when the eyes were formed, Han Li and the other three of them no longer lived in the Yuntuan building for fear of high-level demon attacks, but sat on their knees under the giant tree of the sky.

Since the array eye is arranged on the basis of this reserve sacred tree, the array of eyes will naturally be safe and sound before it is destroyed. [ Search for the latest updates at www..]

As for the thousands of guardians of all ethnic groups who followed, they were also evenly assigned to several nearby hills, just to arch the valley where the eyes were located.

And the crab Taoist, Han Li has been hiding in a building with a huge cloud. Medium.

With the cultivation of this golden crab, it is naturally easy to simulate the breath of a middle-level monk of the human race. Except for the Mahayana period, ordinary practitioners can't see their real cultivation at all.

Therefore, although Caoji and Fei Xiaoxi had seen the crab Taoist around Han Li several times before, they didn't care at all. Instead, they regarded it as a relative of Han Li.

Since the formation of the big array, information about the battle between the front coalition and the demon clan has been coming every day.

Although Han Li and others are sitting in the eye, they can also grasp the situation ahead in time.

According to the information obtained, the allied army and the demon army launched a fierce battle at the border. After both sides damaged nearly one-fifth of their strength, the allied forces began to retreat without leaving a trace.

This time, the three holy ancestors still appeared on the demon clan, more than 20 holy ancestors were incarnated, and there were hundreds of demons and other levels, steadily suppressing the coalition in the high-level power.

In addition, the military has already used countless confusing means, so the retreat of the army did not arouse the suspicion of the demon clan. As soon as the other party showed a slight appearance, it immediately suppressed it aggressively. The allied forces did not show the trend of **, but retreated from the battle after that, still constantly organizing forces and chasing the favorite demon army to fight every day, making the battlefield unconsciously approach the wooden array,

A little bit, the transmission of the message has also changed from once a day to twice or three times a day... The demon army has gradually approached the desperate array arranged by the power of the whole Mu clan.

In a huge peak in the area of the wooden circle, on a huge temporary platform built, the temporary elder of the wooden clan stands straight on it.,

not far in front of him, there is a magic array that is only four or five feet in size, surrounded by eight old wooden people who are full of your wrinkles, all with their eyes closed, holding a white wooden plate in one hand and rushing to the middle of the plate in the other hand.

From these wooden disks, white beams are emitted from time to time, condensing a mass over the magic array, forming a lot of light curtain. The temporary elder of the wooden clan was attentively looking at everything on the curtain of light.

And in the light curtain, there are countless dense light spots all over it.

Most of the light spots are divided into two colors: green and purple, sometimes intertwined and mixed, sometimes flying away quickly, as if marching and fighting, unpredictable. No matter how it changes, the two light spots slowly retreat in the same direction, and finally fall into a huge pattern, and then flash at the same time, all the light spots disappear out of thin air.

At this time, the eight wooden elders opened their eyes, and after the light of the wooden plate in their hands was restrained, the light curtain suddenly scattered inch by inch.

"No, this calculation result is still very smooth, and several masters have worked hard again." Seeing this, the temporary elder of the Mu clan showed a smile on his face and said very politely to the eight elders of the Mu clan.

"no. This war is related to the survival of our Mu clan.

As a far away member of the clan, we should do our last strength. However, the current result is only the calculation made under the current conditions. If the follow-up conditions or the action of the demon army changes, the result will be very different immediately. But one of the wooden elders replied with a slight cough.

"I'm natural about this matter, so it's extremely critical in the next few days. I have to ask the eight elders to calculate it once a day to prevent the direction of the war from going beyond control." The temporary elder, holding his fists in his hands, said in awe.

"Although the eight of us have some talents in divination, we can also predict and calculate some things at ordinary times. But this war involves countless powerful existences, and there are too many other factors beyond the calculation. The eight of us can only do our best, and the calculation results can only be a reference for the Presbyterian Association. The old man of the wooden clan shook his head and said.

"I also know this in my heart, but with the help of eight Taoist friends, I can finally be a little more secure in my heart." The temporary elder replied with a wry smile.

Although it is impossible to directly predict the outcome of the victory or defeat with the art of divination involving more than one million people, it is completely possible to deduce the direction of the war with the help of a little power of calculation and prediction, and make some more accurate halves in advance.

And these eight elders of the wooden clan are the eight most famous people in the wooden clan, and they are directly named as the eight sons of the wooden spirits by the Presbyterians. I don't know how much they have made for the wooden clan.

This wooden spirit also

Ye Fang used to calculate too much, Shouyuan consumed too much, and the outer buds became so old.

But because of this, the wooden clan has been hiding these eight people in the previous confrontation with the demon clan, and did not dare to use them easily.

But this move made the original elder of the Mu clan accidentally fall into the trap of the demon clan. He was not only seriously injured, but also lost most of the territory of the clan.

So in this war related to the survival of the Mu clan, the elders of the Mu clan could no longer care about anything else. They invited the eight sons of the wooden spirits again to calculate the situation on the battlefield in case of accidents.

When Mu Ling's eight characters quickly left the high platform, several other Mu elders nearby rushed up and surrounded the temporary elders and began to discuss some important matters with a solemn look.

In the same way, in the high air at the junction of the original Mu clan and the demon clan, Mo Jianli's whole body turned into a silver shadow, and there was a mu-sized thunder cloud around his body rolling around. Countless silver arcs burst out of the clouds and turned into countless electric arrows to shoot at the opposite side.

In an instant, the air was full of thunder, and the lightning flashed wildly.

On a mountain of more than ten miles, there is a huge black sword more than a hundred feet long, firmly inserted upside down on the peak.

On the hilt of the giant sword, there is a thin demon man with a dark green cloak, who is releasing a cold sword spirit with both hands!

Each lane is dozens of feet long. Under the crisscrossing of the nearby void, all the silver arrows shot are swept away.

Over a huge lake, two giant wolf shadows like a hill are intertwined and biting crazily.

A whole body is silvery white, three hundred feet long, four claws are windy, and the mouth is sprayed with white light.

One head is dark all over, his eyes are spitting fire, and his mouth is full of evil spirit!

The two giant wolves grabbed it with one claw, sneered loudly, and there were several long white marks in the void, as if they had been directly torn apart.

After another bite, there was a loud sound in front of him, and a wave of air rolled out, creating a vast white hurricane out of thin air.

Under the close fight between the two giant wolves, it is obviously extremely tragic, but no matter what kind of huge trauma the huge body receives from the other party, as long as the light on the surface of the body circulates, they will recover as before.

And this violent struggle has spread to a wide range, turning almost all the peaks and dense forests within a hundred miles into flat ground.

In the belly of a small mountain nearby, Ao Xiao's ancestor sat in a temporary magic circle, clenched his hands, his eyes closed, and his body exuded a faint silver light.

In a swamp thousands of miles away, Yuansha also sat motionless in a temporary secret room, surrounded by darkness, but purple and black magic lines appeared on his body, and flashed slightly.

In a mysterious space, two giants exist far away from each other.

He is ten feet tall, with abnormal red skin, a pair of dark corners on his head, a pair of red wings on his back, and his pupils are light gold, and he looks at each other coldly with his hands in his arms.

Opposite is a savage-like giant with dark skin and gold and silver magic patterns all over his body. ** on the upper body, except for a leather skirt, there is nothing to cover his waist.

And the savage clenched his fists in both hands and stared at his opponent with two huge bull-eyed eyes.

Although both of them are motionless in the void, they both exude amazing momentum.

And in the void between the two, the two blood-red, wolf-like ape-like monster is entangling with three golden giant tigers.

On the one hand, his body seemed to change like a ghost in the demon spirit. At the same time, the roar in his mouth shook the sky, and his golden claws shot out like a rainstorm, and he could not tell the heights.

Obviously, just like the joint military rules, the three ancestors who appeared on the demon side were all abruptly delayed by the three Mahayanas such as Mo Jianli at this moment.

They were afraid of each other, and they were unable to help their respective armies.

At this time, tens of millions of demons are being led by the allied forces to the direction of the wooden array.

Once the demon army without the holy ancestor's body falls into the forbidden system, the super array is fully opened, and it can be imagined that the demon side is killed and injured. It seems that everything is developing in the direction of the favorable coalition army.

But in almost the same, a demon team composed of thousands of demon flying cars is sneaking along the edge of the battlefield to the rear of the coalition.

These flying cars are all triangular, gray, and the surface is engraved with strange magic lines like clouds.

Nearly ten thousand demons on the flying car are uniformly masked and robes, with empty hands, a trace of skin is not exposed, and only two cold blood-red eyes are exposed on the face.

What's more strange is that so many demons stood motionless in the flying car. Under the silence, the whole team did not make a sound, and it seemed to move forward silently like a ghost.


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