The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 2169 Wood Wars (Thirteen)

Half an hour later, a buzzing sound came from the void. As soon as the blue light flashed, a green array appeared in the palm of one hand, and a magic decision flashed into it.

The next moment, the happy voice of the wooden man immediately spread:

"Brother Han, how are you doing over there? I'm ready to urge the ban. Now you have introduced the incarnations of those holy ancestors into the mountains, and I will urge a large array to trap them.

"Don't bother like this. Let's keep the ban for the time being and use it for the next wave of enemies. It's all right here." Han Li held the plate in one hand and replied faintly, but with a black axe in the other hand, he looked at it with great interest.

This axe is the demon soldier used by the previous golden armor demon clan.

And in the nearby void, there is no one except the crab Taoist and the scarred spiritual body.

On the ground within a hundred miles, there are potholes and potholes everywhere, and no place is intact.

Obviously, not long ago, a more fierce war broke out here,

"The meaning of Brother Han's words is..." After a moment of silence in the battle, the questioning voice of the wooden man sounded, which looked unbelievable.

"The incarnations of those holy ancestors just now have been solved by me and Brother Crab and others. The prohibition that Taoist friends control now will naturally be kept. Han Li shook his hand, and the black axe in his hand suddenly disappeared vaguely, and replied with a smile.

In the battle just now, he and the crab Taoist easily defeated the golden armored man and other three demons.

It's just that the three of them escaped with one mind, but it took a lot of effort to really kill them one by one.

"Brother Han and Brother Crab's magic power is really not what I can imagine. But in this way, our No. 2 array is safe. The big man of the Mu nationality was ecstatic when he heard the words, and the voice from the array did not feel a little respectful.

Obviously, the strength shown by Han Li makes this Mu clan no longer dare to treat each other as an ordinary generation, and there is a faint trace of awe in his words.

Han Li smiled and was about to recover through the array, but suddenly a muffled thunder came from the sky. The white light flashed wildly in the void in all directions, and bursts of fluctuations swept from the sky in a certain direction, but a few shakes passed by him.

Almost the same, there was also a low cry of the wooden man in the array.

Han Li smiled at the corners of his mouth, and his eyes flashed for a moment before slowly asking:

"Cao Taoist friend, was the vision of No. 1 also broken just now!"

"Brother Han didn't guess. The reserve holy tree showed that the No. 1 eye was indeed destroyed. Those demon ancestors really attacked the three eyes at the same time. The bitter voice of the wooden man came from the array.

"This is expected. I think there will be a second group of guests coming to our house soon." Han Li replied with a sneer.

"Brother Han, you and your crab friends should take a break first. If you really wait for other holy ancestors to incarnate, I'm afraid it will take Brother Han to resist. Now it's better to recover more mana. After meditated for a moment, the wooden man said so loudly.

"This is reasonable. Let's take a break with my crab friends." Han Li's eyes flashed, and he nodded and agreed happily.

So he said nothing more. As soon as he closed the array in his hand, he greeted the crab Taoist and soared into the air.

In an instant, the two turned into two long rainbows and went straight to the center of the mountain and flew away.

And under the void they were waiting for, the ground suddenly glowed, and the originally damaged land was green in an instant, covered with countless grasses and shrubs.

Countless trees grew wildly at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning back into giant trees covering all traces on the ground.

Half a day later, the void tens of thousands of miles away from the mountains suddenly rumbled, and a black line flashed down in the sky, and the boundless black air gushed out and rolled straight to the mountains.

In this amazing black gas, there is a dark mountain-like palace hidden in it.

On a platform at the top of the hall, there are seven demon men and women with different costumes standing in a row and talking in a low voice.

These seven people are all extremely powerful, and obviously they are not ordinary demons.

"The extravagant old ghosts are really useless. Both of us have successfully succeeded, but there is no news about them. Up to now, we have to go one more time." A tall demon man, who was covered with blue light, was complaining dissatisfiedly.

"In terms of real strength, the strength of the five luxury friends is probably not much less than that of our seven. Otherwise, they would not have made their own way to solve the problem alone. As for the fact that it has not been successful so far, it is mostly trapped by some kind of severe prohibition. A graceful woman in palace dress replied with a smile.

"Well, we and Sha Daoyou are easy to do both, but there is a problem on the side of the luxury old ghost. Naturally, it is because the five of them are useless." The tall demon clan rolled his eyes and said, obviously not in line with the "luxury old ghost" in his mouth.

"If the five of them are really just trapped, it will be better. Don't encounter a strong enemy, all of them have encountered accidents. If so, we will have to add seven more. An old man with yellow hair said coldly.

"That's impossible. With the magical power of the five of them, as long as they don't encounter the existence of the Mahayana period, no matter how bad they are, they can protect themselves. As for the inability to contact, it is mostly the effect of the ban here, which is not too strange. The palace-dressed woman said with a smile, as if she didn't care.

"Anyway, most of the people who defend here can stop the extravagant old ghosts. We are cautious, and we don't always have it. The yellow-haired old man continued with a blank face.

"Since Mr. Ji has said so, I will add more later." Some of the other demons lightly agreed.

Most of the other demons also nodded.

The yellow-haired old man nodded and was about to open his mouth to tell him a few more words, but the next moment his face changed. He suddenly raised his head and his eyes swept away from the sky.

"Is Ji old?" Other demon clans naturally felt a little strange when they saw this, and the tall demon clan couldn't help asking.

But before the yellow-haired old man answered, an incredible terrible fluctuation suddenly appeared in the sky. Under the flash of blue light, a strange layer of blue and blind light curtain emerged strangely. In a flash, it turned into a huge net covering the sky and went down.

"It's not good, flash!"

The yellow-haired old man's face changed, and he shouted loudly. At the same time, he rolled to the ground and turned into a yellow eagle. His wings suddenly turned into a ball of yellow light and flew away from the hall.

The other six demons were also shocked, and they also used their escape skills to soar into the air and fled in all directions.

The high-altitude green curtain covers a hundred mu, and the falling trend is as fast as lightning. After a flash, it swept the black gas below into it. There were even four demons who failed to escape and were trapped in the blue curtain together.

The three old men who escaped hurriedly urged the escape to circle back. Without saying anything, their breath suddenly rose, and they were about to launch an attack to save the companions inside.

But the falling curtain of light instantly released its light, and in the flash of light, it turned into a huge ball of light. With a long sound, it rose to the sky and disappeared in the sky in a flash.

The three demons outside were stunned at first, but they immediately got angry and wanted to catch up with them together

But at this time, after the slight fluctuation in the sky again, the shadows of one blue and one gold flashed out strangely, just blocking the way of the three demons flying.

The yellow-haired old man was shocked and immediately swept away the two shadows with vigilance.

The cyan figure is Han Li who came across the air. After also looking at the three demons, he spoke faintly first:

"Since the three of you narrowly escaped the ban, let's send you on your way first. Don't worry, when the three of you are solved, you will naturally send your companions on the road together, and you will never feel lonely.

As soon as the words fell, Han Li suddenly patted the sky with one hand. Suddenly, a golden Yuanying flew out of the middle, and then the clear sound in his body sounded, and another five golden lights flew out of it, directly transformed into five shadows such as giant ape, colorful phoenix, Yinpeng, peacock, golden Stop.

Yuan Ying did not hesitate to move around with his little hand!

The virtual shadows of the five true spirits flashed away and disappeared into Yuanying's body one after another.

A roar!

A dazzling golden light broke out on Dan Jin Yuanying's body, and when the golden light restrained, Han Li and Yuan Ying disappeared at the same time, replaced by a tall demon figure.

The figure was golden all over, and both the skin and face were covered with a layer of pale golden scales. A blue single horn was born on the head, and a dark demon appeared strangely between the eyebrows.

Han Li actually directly urged the skill and performed the first-order transformation of the Nirvana Holy Body.

As for the crab Taoist beside him, after the thunder all over his body, he also showed the original shape of a hundred-foot-long giant crab in countless silver arc interweaving.

The three demons below witnessed this scene, and their faces suddenly became extremely ugly!

A few hours later, at the first eye of the wooden array, it has been completely covered by the rolling magic gas, and countless demon armors can be faintly seen below, which are densely arranged neatly.

And above this demon army, a high-level demon clan is looking at each other with gloomy faces.

"Ji Daoyou and others have also lost contact! It seems that there is something wrong with the No. 2 array. Otherwise, it is impossible for two groups of Taoist friends not to send a message back. A demon youth in beautiful black armor said slowly.


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