The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 2203 Bull Knife Test

Whether it was a five-color filament or a high-altitude electric snake, after being swept like a black sonic wind, it disappeared in an instant in the roar.

Then the giant shouted loudly and suddenly grabbed the void with one hand.

The dark wave suddenly retreated to the palm of his hand, and suddenly turned into a black unicorn shadow and rushed out.

Before the virtual shadow of Kirin really fell, a strange cold yin wind rolled down first.

Where the gloomy wind passes, the air is distorted and blurred, as if it can freeze the void directly.

The color of the Korean facade remains unchanged, but a finger rushes high into the air.


A silver flame flew out from the fingertips, and a circle turned into a huge firebird. It opened its mouth and rushed high into the air.

A red beam of light rose to the sky, instantly piercing the virtual shadow of the unicorn, making a thick hole in its body.

Kirin's shadow hummed, and the transformed body and the cold wind disappeared in response to the sound.

And the head of the silver firebird waved, and another red beam of light went straight to the giant and sprayed away.

The red light column is extremely fast, just a flash in front of the giant's face.

But the giant man with a big mouth actually sucked the beam of light into his abdomen and smashed his mouth and said, "It tastes good!"

When a practitioner below saw this, everyone couldn't help but be shocked.

But Han Li laughed.

"It's worthy of the existence of Mahayana. Don't use these small tricks below. Use your real magic power directly. Let's divide the winner."

"This is what I mean!"

The giant man was irritated by Han Li's attitude, and his face appeared ferocious. With another mouth, he spewed out a turquoise jade fan. After grabbing it with one hand, countless black clouds rolled and surged on his body, and his body instantly swelled into a real giant hundreds of feet long.

And the remaining fan in his hand also shook against the wind at the same time, swelled and turned into a hundred-foot-long giant.

The surface of the giant fan is green, and countless gold and silver runes are inlaid on it. During the glory flow, it is faintly divided into seven layers of flames.

It looks very magical.

The black otter shouted loudly, his arm muscles bulged, and he waved the huge fan with one hand, turned into a seven-color glow, and went straight to Han Li and the others in the field below.

[Guang] When the practitioners in the field saw this, they were shocked. In fear, they resisted one after another.

Suddenly, countless flying swords and all kinds of treasure magic weapons took off into the air, turning into countless auspicious clouds.

Seeing this, the giant man disdained to sneer and slapped the jade fan with one hand.

The black light flashed at the fingertips, and a black gas flashed away, disappearing in the fan.

Suddenly, the huge fan buzzed, and the seven-color glow rose, and the momentum was extremely amazing.

The glow of many treasures hit it, and the mud cow went into the sea and became invisible.

At the next moment, the people below were pressed by the huge spirit of the huge fan in the air. Under the addition of the magic power, nearly half of the people with weak cultivation turned pale and spewed out a ball of blood on the spot.

Other people, although they barely suppressed the counterattack, they also rolled their internal qi and blood one by one, and their mana was boiling, and they were unable to fight back against anything.

This black otter actually suppressed the [Guang] group cultivation with his own strength alone. Although it was only for a while, it was also appalling enough.

The giant was also proud and was about to laugh out, but his eyes turned to Han Li beside him, and his face couldn't help but condense.

Han Li, standing in the blue giant lotus, was soaring as high as a hundred feet in the sky, holding up the nearby seven-color glow, looking at the giant man with a smile, which did not mean to be suppressed by it at all.

The giant was immediately furious in his heart, and suddenly urged the formula. The thousand-foot giant fan was one of the side, and the seven-color glow below roared, and he actually poured down most of his power directly to Han Li.

Under the intertwined seven-color glow, a huge ball of light was vaguely formed on the top of Han Li's head, and the sound was amazing.

Seeing this, Han Li's smile on his face was also closed, but there was a cold snort in his nose: "It's really too much. As soon as the voice fell, there was a magic seal in his hand, and a golden light appeared on his back, and a purple-gold magic with three heads and six arms appeared.

This magic phase is not only covered with the light of purple gold, but also the surface is covered with silver spiritual lines, and after a blur, it turns into a physical existence of Van Gogh's golden body.

As soon as the golden body appeared, the six arms moved at the same time, pressing the six golden palms to the high empty sky.

The sound of bursting in the void suddenly rose!

Six invisible giants surged into the sky.

After the sound of "boom", the glow in the sky rolled and surged, and was unexpectedly resisted by these six huge forces.

The giant man's face changed, and his mouth roared one after another. He rubbed his hands and raised them down again. Suddenly, the dense formulas fell into the huge fan like a rainstorm.

Let the giant fan tremble, the glow is shining, but it can never fall any more.

This time, the giant was really surprised, but before he could take any more actions, Han Li ignored the golden body behind him, but made a move to Qinglian under him.

Suddenly, the blue lotus burst and opened, and seventy-two blue sword lights rose to the sky at the same time. They suddenly gathered in the void and merged into a green giant sword light, and went straight to the giant turned into a black owl at an incredible speed and went away.


The roaring sound of the giant rolled down, and a small mountain-like hand actually grabbed the blue sword light in his hand, and the five fingers suddenly pinched hard.

With a bang.

The blue sword light was blown out by it.


Seeing this, the giant immediately laughed wildly.

But the next moment, a wisp of crystal silk suddenly shot out of the bursting blue light, and it circled around the giant palm wrist.

The blood light sprayed more than ten feet high, and the huge palm of his hand slid down silently.

The giant screamed, and the other palm hurriedly threw the jade fan, lightningly fishing for the broken hand.

At this moment, Han Li's body below was blurred and disappeared in the same place.

The next moment, next to the broken hand fluctuated together, Han Li appeared silently, raised his arm without hesitation, and pointed a finger on the broken hand.

With a muffled sound, the broken hand turned into a burst of blood fog.

"I'm going to smash you into ten thousand pieces!

Seeing this, the giant man of the black otter's eyes suddenly turned red. With a roar, the giant hand he had grabbed sneered and popped out five silver nails several feet long. The five fingers suddenly closed down, as if the five bright and sharp blades were cut down.

Han Li smiled and did not dodge. He moved his arm again and again, and then clenched his fist and hit the air again.

Countless silver lines appeared on his body in an instant. At the same time, a layer of purple-gold spiritual light curtain spread all over his body. The sound of "ga-pop" came out one after another, and the five sharp armors were turned (bookstore the fastest update and the A group of dazzling purple light, and then the five nails rebounded and broke in an instant.


The giant was so shocked that he could hardly believe his eyes.

The Yasha clan was originally known for its physical strength. As a Mahayana period, after the secret operation, the physical body was naturally strong to the extreme. The five nails were refined by special sacrifices, almost comparable to the sharp blades such as Lingbao, but they were broken by Han Li's physical body.

This really makes it impossible for him to believe the scene he just saw.

However, just as the black otter felt bad - when he wanted to take back the intact giant hand, it was too late.

Han Li's arm exploded and soared a few feet by himself. The seemingly light fist was just a blur, and it hit the huge hand that was not proportional at all.

After a halo broke out, the roar of the giant came again.

Han Li smiled softly, his body floated gently, and somehow flew backwards, and flashed into a place dozens of feet away, re-stabilizing his figure with a trace of sarcasm.

At the same time, after the halo under the giant disappeared, it revealed a scene that made tens of thousands of practitioners overjoyed.

On the side of the giant's shoulder, there were blood stains, and the palm of the palm and the small half of the arm were lost. The remaining part was also blurred, and it was obviously damaged.

"Mex, you are actually based on the advanced Mahayana of the occultivation!" The giant looked down at the miserable look of his arm, and there was an incredible low roar in his mouth, and for the first time, he was afraid.

"The secret art of refining the body, that's all. Now that you have started, the black otter Taoist friends are not in a hurry to leave. Let's stay in my human race for a few more days. Han Li smiled faintly and said without hesitation, "Well, you really think this injury can help me. The show has just begun. I just didn't beware just now. A new Mahayana magic ability, how can it really be my opponent? After the giant man's face changed for a while, he suddenly said fiercely, and then his shoulders trembled, and a black gas gushed out of his [body], instantly drowning his huge body.

The crisp sound like firecrackers came out of the black gas.

Seeing this, Han Li's eyebrows moved and showed an unexpected expression.

The next moment, the black gas dissipated, and the giant reappeared, but the original cut palm and the damaged arm recovered intact.

He looked at him again with a gloomy look.

"Immortal body!" No wonder you dare to fight directly with your body. It turns out that you still have such a talented magic. After Han Li glanced at the giant, he sighed and said.

"Well, since your body is strong enough, try my other magical powers. It's heaven and earth!" After the giant shouted fiercely, he pinched the formula with one hand. The originally huge body was a little huge. At the same time, his arms stroked in front of him, and suddenly an indespeakable strange fluctuation scattered.

"The Power of the Law"

Han Li's pupils shrank slightly and muttered in his mouth.

"As long as you know. I don't believe how much you can understand the laws of heaven and earth. The black owl laughed wildly, and where his fingers crossed, there was a slender black line suddenly in the void.

Then the line was blurred, and there seemed to be a sudden reversal between heaven and earth. The sky suddenly became as dark as ink, but the earth was suddenly empty, and there was a faint light.