The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 2205 Blood Soul News

After Han Li and others shouted a little less, he smiled and made a move with one hand. Suddenly, countless green silk flew down his feet in the void, and melted together in a flash. He turned into a green lotus again, and slowly fell to the top of the tower and suspended.

"The villain has gone! According to the usual practice, I will continue to talk about the supreme road in the next seven days and seven nights. How much I can understand depends on each person's chance. But unlike the previous celebrations, this sermon will be completely opened. Next, I will lift the ban, and anyone can come to the mountain to listen. After Han Li glanced around, he said slowly.

The sound was not loud, but in an instant, it rumbled in all directions and directly penetrated outside the peak, echoing over the whole Tianyuan City.

The practitioners of the whole Tianyuan City were stunned when they heard the words, but immediately the cheers of ecstasy came together again.

Whether in the house or on the street, the practitioners go towards the three-color peak like a tide.

Even those soldiers who originally maintained order near the transmission array were also surprised to join the flow of people.

At the same time, Han Li had already sat down cross-legged on Qinglian. Starting from the lowest-level gas refining period, he slowly talked about his experience.

Many practitioners in the square, whether human demons or aliens, began to sound in awe-inspiring.

A sermon in the existence of a Mahayana is a great opportunity for any ethnic group. Even if it starts from the lowest level that originally disdains to care, no one will let go of a word.

When Han Lilang's story echoed in the void, more practitioners had poured into the peak and quickly occupied the edge around the square, and soon they could no longer squeeze down any people behind them, so they could only begin to gather and stay on the mountain roads and buildings around the three-color peak.

After a few hours, the upper half of the three-color giant peak was full of figures, and more practitioners were still gathering towards the lower half of the peak.

But no matter where you are, as long as you are on the huge peak, Han Li's sermon will immediately echo in your ears.

Many people originally wanted to go further to the higher part of the mountain, but when they preached together, they couldn't help but stop and fall into a state of epiphany.

After a day and a night, the whole three-color giant peak is full of dense figures.

Everyone, whether standing straight or sitting cross-legged, was silent. Only Han Li's voice came out clearly from the top of the mountain...

After seven days and seven nights, the clouds suddenly rolled in the sky, and the rain of petals fell from the sky again.

Han Li's sermon suddenly stopped.

Some practitioners who were intoxicated were shocked. Many people came back from the epiphany on the spot, but most of their eyes were still at a loss.

After a while, Han Li's words sounded faintly in everyone's ears.

"Thank you (Bookstore, the fastest update all the Taoist friends participated in Han's Mahayana ceremony, but at the end of the celebration, you can go down the mountain."

Many practitioners who heard the key point heard this and naturally felt very reluctant to leave, but now Han Li is like a god in the eyes of others, and naturally he does not dare to disobey at all.

After everyone respectfully worshiped the top of the mountain, they withdrew from the giant peak one after another.

This is the end of the Mahayana celebration.

Half a day later, there was a roar in the sky, and the three-color peak was blurred and disappeared in the void.

Some of the soldiers who were still on alert near the square left in an orderly manner after saluting respectfully into the sky.

In a hall on the top floor of the stone tower, Han Li is already sitting on the main seat.

On both sides of the hall, several elders of Tianyuan City, such as the young master of Qilingzihai and the silver-haired old man, stood in hand.

Among the disciples of Han Li's family, Bai Guoer was also among them, and stood side by side with Zhu Guoer, who seemed to be about the same age, with a smile on her face, as if she were really a sister.

Bai Guoer finally came back safely before the Mahayana celebration.

At this time, Bai Guoer actually had a mid-term cultivation of Huashen, which was slightly higher than Hai Da Shao's cultivation.

As for the silver-haired elders and other elders of Tianyuan City, compared with before the Mahayana celebration, the respect in the face of Han Lishi is obviously completely from the heart, and there is no more perfunctory.

Obviously, Han Li's previous behavior of hitting the black oars, which made this joint monk completely convinced, and the real awe was increased.

In the middle of the hall, Li Rong, the daughter, also stood in front of Han Li, listening to Han Li's words respectfully.

"So, Elder Ao Xiao and Lord Mo Jianli have really entered the demon world and are ready to help the ancestors of the demon clan to solve the disaster of the demon world with other Mahayana." Han Li said with a slight frown.

"Not bad. Not only have the Mahayanas of several races in our region entered the demon world, but also many super races in the spiritual world have also sent the Mahayana strong to intervene in this matter. Therefore, under the intimidation of other Mahayanas, those demon clans had to give up the spiritual territory they had occupied and withdraw everyone from the spiritual world. Li Rong replied respectfully.

"So as a price, it is the Mahayana period of our clans. We must enter the demon world with those super Mahayanas to solve the disaster of the demon world. After all, if the demon world is really destroyed by the mother of the worm, the next one may be our spiritual world." Han Li sighed and said.

"Senior Mingjian! If not, not only will the demon clan not retreat, but also other Mahayana strongmen will not agree. Li Rong replied helplessly.

"I said that the situation between our two races and the shadow clan Yasha clan is imminent, but why hasn't the war really broken out? It turns out that those Mahayana have all entered the demon world. The black king of the Yasha clan is the Mahayana that the Yasha clan deliberately concealed. It seems that he originally wanted to keep it as a killer, but suddenly made trouble for us. If I hadn't suddenly advanced to Mahayana, I'm afraid our two races would have been a little troublesome. Han Li muttered thoughtfully.

"Indeed, if Elder Han hadn't suddenly become Mahayana, ordinary combined monks would not have been able to resist the Black Ocher King. However, after the magic of the celebration was spread back to several ethnic groups, Elder Han thought that he would borrow the courage of these foreign masters, and he would never dare to make any more ideas to our clan. Li Rong replied with a smile.

"The Elders of the Holy Island asked me to go there. On the one hand, they discussed dealing with other ethnic groups, and on the other hand, they wanted me to explore the whereabouts of the two seniors of Ao Xiao." Han Li asked quietly. He asked quietly.

"All Taoist friends on the Holy Island, that's what it means." Li Rong lowered her head and said.

Obviously, this woman was completely conquered by Han Li at the celebration, spitting out everything she knew and everything.

"Well, after a while, you can accompany me to the Holy Island. In addition to having to agree on something with the Taoist friends on the Holy Island, I am also quite interested in the Tianshu Pavilion, which has secrets on the island, and the famous chaotic list. After meditating for a while, Han Li said slowly.

"Yes, the younger generation will definitely take the seniors to the island." Li Rong was overjoyed and replied without thinking.

"Gu Daoyou, in the future, I'm afraid that my disciples will have to take more care of you." Han Li turned his head and said Elder Chonggu and others.

"Senior, don't worry, as long as the weapon Lingzi and other Taoist friends are in the city for a day, the junior will ensure that they will be safe and sound for a day." The silver-haired old man bowed and said in awe.

Several other combined elders, the same continuous name is.

"I believe in the promise of your Taoist friends. You don't have to worry too much. Yuetian, I will take him out of here first. In this way, no one will easily trouble Tianyuan City. Erlingzi, Zhu Guoer, you can go on the road with me later. After Han Li smiled, he turned his head and said.

"Yes, senior."

"Dealed, Master."

When Zhu Guoer and the weapon Lingzi heard the words, they agreed with one voice.

The time below. Han Li asked Elder Gu and other disciples such as the elders of Tianyuan City and Hai Da Shao to withdraw, but he finally left the weapon Lingzi and sent a message.

The instrument spirit looked a lin, and immediately said yes and left the hall.

Han Li sat quietly in the hall and meditated.

It didn't take much time. The footsteps outside the door came again, and a slim figure quietly appeared.

As soon as she entered the hall, she saluted Han Li and said respectfully, "Xu Qianyu pays a visit to the senior!"

"Get up. I'll leave you for the reason this time. I think Xu Daoyou should also understand a little." Han Li nodded to the woman and asked.

"The senior wants to ask the junior about the virtual tripod." Xu Qianyu didn't dare to look directly at Han Li, and replied with a low head.

"Not bad. We are wrong. Xu Tianding is not an ordinary treasure for your Xu family. How can it suddenly be given as a congratulatory gift to Han? There are some reasons. Han Li stared at the woman and asked.

"The seniors learned that the younger generation was ordered by the blood and soul of the ice soul ancestors, so they presented the virtual tripod as a congratulatory gift to the predecessors." Xu Qianyu replied with some uneasiness.

"Blood soul? The blood soul of the ice soul Taoist friend has returned to the Xu family. Han Li was stunned, but his face was not revealed at all.

"Exactly. The blood soul senior suddenly returned with a serious injury half a year ago, but as soon as he returned to the clan, he immediately fell into a coma. However, before that, the senior of the blood soul ordered the disciples of the clan to send this virtual tripod to the senior immediately, and hoped that the senior could take this tripod to the Xu family. Xu Qianyu no longer hesitated to reply.

"So that's it. So, the blood and soul Taoist friend first knew that I had advanced the Mahayana before asking you to send me this tripod. Han Li asked with a frown.

"It's true, senior." Xu Qianyu replied honestly. He replied.

"Didn't your Xu family save your blood-spirited Taoist friends?" After pondering for a moment, Han Li asked again.

"In return to the seniors, many elders of the Xu family have exhausted all kinds of methods, but there is nothing they can do about the injury of the seniors. When I left, the blood senior was still in a coma. Xu Qianyu replied.

"I know. You go back first. I'll go to your Xu's house in a few days. After thinking about it, Han Li nodded slightly and replied.

When Xu Qianyu heard the words, he was naturally overjoyed and hurriedly thanked him again.