The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 2221 The Fierce Battle of the Sea of Bugs

This plan had been confirmed by everyone as early as before departure. Now that it comes to the front, naturally the Mahayana ancestors have no other opinions.

After a while, the demon army clustered over the ancient sky, after a roar, divided into several stocks and rolled in the same direction.

Only tens of thousands of the most elite demon guards and a large Mahayana are left in place.

And an hour later, the remaining elite demons also left the waste valley in some giant boats.

Seven days later, over an inch of grassy plateau, a large army of more than 100,000 demon warriors was struggling in the sea of insects.

This demon army has evidence of advance and retreat. Hundreds of giant boats are used as pillars to form a mysterious-abnormal circular array in the sky, and seven or eight defensive light curtains are arranged layer by layer.

Thick beams of light and dense black gas sprayed desperately from the curtain of light, and a large number of strange insect corpses fell from the sky almost every moment.

But there are too many worms in this sea of insects!

No matter how many deaths and injuries are, more monsters will immediately flock to attack the whole array desperately.

The demon team, which had been slowly going forward, had to stop in place under layers of obstacles, but the attack ejected from the round array became more and more prosperous, killing countless nearby worms at once, and the heavy pressure originally faced was reduced a little.

But the three demons on a giant boat in the array witnessed all this, but their faces were gloomy and there was no smile at all.

"It's not wise to use the backup force now. Next, we can delay the time, I'm afraid it will be greatly shortened. A demon man in red armor muttered. He muttered.

"Well, if you don't use it now, the whole array may collapse directly just now. If you can't even pass the current test, how can you talk about the future? Another thin old demon clan said coldly. "

"But several holy ancestors gave me orders, but I had to stay in the sea of insects for more than half a day, and now it's only a few hours. If I really want to go back alive, the Shengli Army will definitely reserve some. Otherwise, when everyone is exhausted, how can I kill the sea of insects just by waiting for me? The red armored demon clan asked rhetorical questions in disapproval.

"If we don't send all the strength, we will be in danger, and we will talk about killing the sea of insects. At worst, in the end, we will use secret techniques to stimulate the potential together, and we may not be able to get out safely. The thin old man doesn't care.

"Inspire the potential! What the Taoist friend said was easy, and there was a little difference in it, and we still couldn't escape being devoured by worms. The red man said coldly.

"I think it's not very difficult as long as you plan well and seize a good opportunity." The thin old man rolled his eyes and hummed.

The big man was furious when he heard the words and wanted to say something more, but he was directly interrupted by the last middle-aged woman-like demon.

"What time is it now that the two Taoist friends are still arguing. If you really have such leisure, it's not too late to wait for Anran to leave here. But before that, the three of us have to work together. Now that everyone has been sent out, it's too late to regret it. Let's think about whether there are other ways to kill the sea of insects in addition to stimulating the potential. The somewhat beautiful demon woman said with a blank face.

"Mrs. Tianmiao's words are reasonable. I'd better think about it again and see if I can find another way." After a change in the face of the red man, he suppressed his dissatisfaction and said with a forced smile.

"Indeed, I didn't expect that the worms here were much more fierce than those in the outside world. At present, we should work together." After coughing dryly, the thin old man also said slowly.

So the three demons carefully discussed the way out on the giant boat.

At the same time, several other demon armies were also under the siege of insect seas in a few other places. Similarly, there was also a demon leader who led the demon clans to resist waves of attacks of worms, which could only be supported with painstaking efforts.

However, at this time, the tens of thousands of elite demon clans, where Han Libaohua and others are located, broke through the interception of more than a dozen insects with the fastest escape, not too far from the place of the first seal.

But at this time, other worms also reacted, and they were finally surrounded by wormswarming in all directions, and like other demon armies, they fell into the blockage of the endless sea of insects.

But it's different from those demon armies!

Although Han Libaohua and other Mahayana ancestors have not yet taken action, tens of thousands of elite demons and nearly a thousand disciples under those Mahayana ancestors can do it together, but how can ordinary worms stop it?

Immediately, I saw countless sword blades rolling in front of the team, and the worms blocking in front of them suddenly turned into bloody splashes, which could not be stopped at all.

The whole demon team stopped for a moment under the rolling magic gas and pushed forward at an amazing speed. Even if there was a more powerful worm blocking the front, it was strangled by countless magic weapons in an instant.

After only half a quarter of an hour, the demon team traveled a million miles away, killing countless kinds of worms along the way.

Suddenly, a strange hiss came from the sea of insects in front of him, and then the worms suddenly appeared a big green giant worm.

Each of these giant insects is more than ten feet huge, with its forelimbs in the shape of pliers, full of tusks, and its image is ferocious.

"Be careful that these are high-level worms. Their spitting can be equivalent to the full blow of the combined demon." I don't know which high-level demon clan recognized these giant insects at once, and immediately warned in surprise.

But at this moment, the giant insects in front of them had a big mouth, and the green beams of light spewed out in a flash.

Nearly thousands of elite demon clans in front of the virtual level were caught off guard and were directly hit on the body by these light aids to penetrate the defense magic gas, and they screamed one after another.

The power of these light pillars is extremely powerful, and the armor and body protection spirit of the demon guards can't be stopped at all.

"Haha, these high-level worms have been mobilized so many at once. It seems that they finally understand that we are the main force of this trip. In this case, what am I waiting for?" A demon ancestor standing at the front of the giant boat, who was covered with ink armor, saw this, laughed, raised with one hand, and a black silk shot out. Under the flash, it turned into a Qingtian net, which was several miles in size and would directly cover those giant insects.

At this time, several other Mahayana ancestors nearby also took action one after another.

One person just pinched the formula with one hand. Suddenly, the void wind in front of him came together, and more than a dozen thousand-foot-high hurricanes rose out of the air, and then rolled forward aggressively.

The other person was just a little empty with one hand, and the vitality in the sky was turbulent. After the thunder, countless thick electric snakes sprayed down like a rainstorm.

At the same time, under the dark casting of the remaining Mahayana ancestors, giant wind blades and basin-sized blue fireballs also emerged around the giant insects and shot at the insects without hesitation.

Even a Mahayana ancestor simply grabbed it in the void, and a crystal sword flashed, and then shook and cut it out directly.

The sound of breaking the sky was loud, and the dense crystal sword light flashed, and the sound of breaking the sky was overwhelming...

With so many ancestors, even if those giant insects were extremely powerful, how could they withstand so many waves of attacks? They were either directly torn apart in the screams, or turned into ashes one after another, and were cleared up in a blink of an eye.

Countless cheers suddenly came from the demon team!

"Don't stop, keep moving forward!" The demon ancestor in ink armor, with a ferocious smile, immediately rumbled and ordered.

Those elite demon guards did not dare to neglect. The team, which had slowed down, immediately moved forward quickly.

At this time, the other worms that had already retreated were rolling up again without fear of death, but they still could not slow down the whole team.

Han Li was in the hall of the giant boat, but his mind just swept out, but he could see everything clearly.

When those giant insects were easily destroyed by the joint blow of several Mahayanas, the corners of his mouth immediately turned up with a smile.

Although these giant insects are similar to those of the combined monks, their defense ability is very different, as if they are just some defective products.

Otherwise, even if several Mahayanas took action together just now, it would not be possible to directly erase such a large number of entities so easily.

It seems that these giant insects are not really the top worms!

Here, nine out of ten Mahayana ancestors gathered in the hall, and only seven or eight people stood at the front and back of the giant boat, so that they could deal with some accidents at any time.

Baohua sat on a chair in the center of the hall, playing with a palm-sized mirror in her hand.

It is the little magic mirror.

As for other Mahayana, they either get together and talk in a low voice, or close their eyes in the chair to rest.

Han Li's eyes flashed and fell on a woman sitting at the window, but it was the evil lotus ancestor.

This woman's face looked like a treasure flower. She looked out of the window at the situation of the war between the guard and the worm. She had no expression on her face, but she couldn't see what she was thinking.

not far from this woman, the old bronze crow was surrounded by several Mahayanas in the sky crow world, sitting on the floor, but there were faint light yellow crystals flowing uncertainly on his body, as if he was practicing some skills.

After Han Li turned his mind quickly, he closed his eyes and closed his eyes to refresh himself.

Beside him, the crab Taoist stood there, but there was no trace of the silver moon.

It was Han Li who felt that the trip was quite dangerous, so he did not take the woman with him and let her stay in the temporary cave in the desert for the time being.

Although Yinyue will be affected by forgetfulness as soon as she leaves her side, as long as it is not too long, there will be no real problem.