The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 2343 Nine-eyed Blood Toad

"The two of us originally came for Brother Xiao. Even if we didn't say this, we planned to disturb the Guidong Mansion for a few days." The Qingping Taoist replied with a smile.

After thinking about it, Han Li also nodded.

"All right, that's it. Let's go to the nearest competition field first. The matter here is left to my disciples. When Xiao Ming heard this, there was a trace of joy on his face. After looking at some of the guardians of the Blood Crane City that had appeared in all directions, he said so.

The old girl and the Qingping Taoist naturally did not mean to object. After Han Lichong Zhu Guoer and Huashi Laozu silently whispered a few words, he also followed the three people to somewhere in the city.

After Zhu Guoer and Hua Shizu looked at each other, they left the place silently and quickly disappeared into the nearby street.

Half an hour later, in the middle of a circular building with a diameter of thousands of feet, a white curtain of light rose up, and Xiao Ming and Lao Niu were facing each other in the air.

In the stands outside the light curtain, Han Li and Qingping Taoist looked at all this calmly.

After a moment, Xiao Ming exhaled a light breath and said "the first move" in his mouth. Suddenly, a blood light spewed out. After rising in the wind, it turned into a white bone blade.

At the tip of the front of the blade, it is inlaid with several silver rings, shaking in the wind and jingling.

After Xiao Ming grabbed the bone blade, he shouted in a low voice, waved his arm suddenly, and then directly threw the object in his hand at the old girl.

With a "p" sound.

As soon as the huge bone blade took action, countless bloody runes appeared on the surface, and after a flash, it crossed hundreds of feet and appeared directly at a distance of the old girl.

"Well, that's all the means."

The old girl snorted softly, as if she had a trace of disdain, but in fact she did not neglect it at all. After a lightning stroke on her head, she pulled out a seemingly quaint black wooden hairpin and scratched down against the bone blade coming from the opposite side. A clear sound came out.

The tip of the black wooden twig spewed out a black flame. After shaking, it was wrapped around the bone blade and burst into a dazzling luminance.

Amazing scene appeared.

The bone blade was only wrapped around the black flame a few times, then stopped abruptly in the distance and melted quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Second move"

Seeing this situation, Xiao Ming was not surprised at all. Instead, he took action again.

He used a finger to melt nearly half of the bone blade in the void.

Those silver rings, which were still bright and unchanged in the black flame, immediately trembled slightly. After a blur, they broke away from the black flame and disappeared in the same place.

The next moment, the old girl's face changed, and suddenly her body twisted and turned into a blue light rising to the sky.

Where she was, fluctuated together, several silver haloes silently emerged and shrank to the middle at the same time.

But under Lao Ou's preemptive move, it is now naturally empty.

However, Xiao Ming continued to read words in his mouth and pointed to these halos with his fingers.

After the sound of "boom", countless silver arcs on these smooth surfaces emerged and rushed away in the thunder.

Seeing this, Mrs. Wanhua's face darkened, and the wooden fork in her hand waved down again and again.

The black flame rolled down, but except for the slight stagnation of the halo for a moment, it couldn't help it at all.

Although Mrs. Wanhua flashed in the void, these auras also teleported and chased after her in the sound of wind and thunder.

After dodging several times, the old girl finally showed an impatient look on her face and shouted fiercely:

"It's true that with this strange treasure, you can restrain the magic flame of the old body. Mr. Xiao, let me show you the real power of the bone-eating magic fire.

As soon as she finished speaking, the old girl threw out the wooden fork in her hand, opened her mouth and sprayed a ball of essence on it. At the same time, the black light behind her shook, transforming into a virtual shadow of a black lion more than ten feet high.

The lion rolled with black flames all over, and as soon as Fang appeared, he exuded a frightening and strange atmosphere.

At this time, the wood fork glowed and directly turned into a black dagger.

This sword is only half a foot long, but it emits incredible high temperatures, giving the nearby void a burning smell.

Those haloes took this opportunity to appear again over Mrs. Wanhua after a flash, and they went down fiercely.

The black giant lion roared in a low voice, raised its head and sprayed high into the air. More than a black fire cloud rose to the sky, and unexpectedly raised several haloes at once. Mrs. Wanhua urged the dagger.

Suddenly, after the treasure sounded, it turned into a black light and put it into the mouth of the black lion.

Then a sneer appeared on the old girl's face, like a pinch of ten-finger wheels.

There was a loud bang.

The black giant lion's body was full of black flames, and then the big mouth flew quickly, and the halo in the sky spewed out a black light.

The black light was suddenly transformed by the black dagger, but at this time, there were countless flame-like strange spiritual lines on the surface, and after a long sound, it turned into a rainbow of more than ten feet, pierced through the fire clouds and flashed past several halo rings. "Bun" and "Bun" a few crisp sounds!

After the lightning flashed, the auras were cut open from the middle one after another, turning into a little aura and completely scattered.

"Good means, this is the famous treasure of Wanhua Taoist friends. Kill the magic sword. It's really extraordinary. Even my Taiyue rings can't resist. However, in this last move, you have to use some real magic, and Taoist friends should be careful. Seeing this, Xiao Ming was not angry but happy. After the last sentence of some solemn words came out, he suddenly moved one arm and slapped Dantian fiercely with one palm.

After a muffled sound, countless blood suddenly drilled out of Xiao Ming's body surface, and thousands of times, the rolling fog completely drowned his body into it.

Seeing this, the old girl was awe-inspiring and looked a little awe-inspiring, but at the same time, the black lion's virtual shadow behind her condensed, and her body shape was three points larger than before.

A strange scream suddenly came out of the blood fog, and then after a few heavy footsteps, there was something faintly going to come out of it.

When the blood fog completely opened, a huge toad that looked like a hill jumped out of it.

This toad is as tall as a hundred feet, its body surface is as oily as blood, and there is a head-sized bulge on its back, but the front end of the head is covered with nine golden demon eyes, flashing with amazing cold light.

"Nine-eyed blood toad, you really refined the true blood of this ancient true spirit." As soon as the old girl saw the huge blood toad, she suddenly lost her voice, and at the same time, her face became extremely ugly.

Outside the light curtain, the Qingping Taoist saw the appearance of the nine-eyed blood toad, and his face also changed slightly.

On the contrary, Han Li saw this, his eyes lit up, and his face showed a smile.

In the name of the nine-eyed blood toad, he has naturally heard of it for a long time, and even some large-scale auction houses, and from time to time some of this real blood will appear. However, unlike other ancient true spirit real blood, which will be crazily scrambled by many high-level beings, few people will ask for this blood, and there will even be a shooting.

This situation will occur. After all, it is that the nine-eyed blood cicada's blood is actually extremely poisonous. Even when Mahayana refines this blood, it will probably be unbearable, and the toxicity in the essence blood will be counterattacked. Those with lower cultivation will die immediately if they are contaminated.

In this case, in addition to the fact that there are many other choices of true spirit blood, naturally few Mahayana will be interested in this true spirit blood.

Therefore, the Mahayana of the blood bone gate exists and dares to take such a risk. It is really a terrible thing to really refine the real blood of the nine-eye blood cicada.

"Wanhua Taoist friend, it is also the first time for me to fight with people since my real body has been refined. However, I can only let Taoist friends experience it in person." Xiao Ming's cold words came from the giant toad's mouth, and then suddenly there was a sound of breaking through the air, and something faintly ejected out of it.

The old woman opposite immediately hummed, and her body trembled as if she had been hit by a huge *. She withdrew for a few steps, and then stood up again in anger.

In front of her, a head-sized golden meat ball was hitting a green wooden shield.

Behind the meat ball, there is a blood-colored meat column with a wrist thickness and countless blue veins.

Just now, the nine-eyed blood toad spewed out its tongue and reached the front of it at a strange speed that the old girl could not see with her naked eyes.

If it hadn't been for her caution, she would have quietly clothed the wooden shield in front of her, I'm afraid she would have been unable to resist the blow just now.

But in this way, the Mrs. Wanhua also looked quite embarrassed.

Lao Ou shouted angrily, and the black giant lion behind him had a mouth, and a black rainbow shot out, straight to the blood toad's tongue rolled fiercely.

But at this moment, the thick blood toad's tongue just moved slightly and disappeared strangely.

At the same time, the body of the nine-eyed blood toad, which was originally standing hundreds of feet away, suddenly exerted force on its lower limbs at the same time. After a "swish", the huge body also disappeared out of thin air.


Mrs. Wanhua is also a person who has gone from a low level to a person who has gone through a hundred battles. As soon as she saw this situation, her face changed and her body was twisted, and she was about to escape and leave the place immediately.

But it's too late!

I only heard a loud noise in the sky, and the huge shadow suddenly appeared above her. It was the nine-eyed blood toad that disappeared.

As soon as the blood toad appeared, it suddenly poked out a huge palm and slowly leaned down.

After the sound of "p", a blood-colored halo ten feet in diameter emerged from the palm of the pup and pressed down fiercely.

Before the halo really fell, the old girl only felt that the void nearby was tight, and her body suddenly became extremely heavy, and then there were countless roars. RS