The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 2400 Chain of Law

After agreeing on a few more things, Han Li finally left the stone house.

After a while, after a roar over the hall, a black giant boat broke through the sky and shot away.

Han Li stood at the bow of the ship, looking at the void in the distance, with a look of meditation on his face.

"Husband, what's so important about that Ming Taoist friend looking for you?" As soon as the footsteps behind him sounded, a gentle voice came. Suddenly, Nangong Wanqiu came over and asked a question.

"It's a long story. After returning to the cabin, let me tell you in detail." After a wry smile, Han Li turned around and said.


A few months later, in a mysterious space, three ferocious giant beasts bit a purple-gold chain and stared at the other end of the three chains with uneasily. The same chain wrapped around the black-robed young man.

Although the young man stood still in place, he had no fear on his face. Instead, he kept looking at the three giant beasts around him with a sarcastic look.

I don't know how long it took, the young man in black robe finally opened his mouth, but his voice was extremely cold and there was no emotion at all.

"If the three of you are willing to surrender now, I can still fulfill my previous promise that you will not die, take you as spiritual servants under your command, and take you to the true fairyland with me afterwards. Otherwise, after the chain of the law is officially counterattacked, the three of you will fall under the power of the law together.

"No! The counterattack of the chain of law should obviously only be aimed at you, a fairyland fairy. Why would even the three of us be involved together? Even if this chain really reverses, it should be that you bear most of the power, and the remaining half should be shared by the three of us, which should be a big deal. One of the deer-headed monsters sounded with extreme anger.

"Hey hey, I don't know which fool gave you this method of stimulating the chain of laws. Obviously, it's only half-knowledge, but it dares to use it on me. However, if I hadn't reacted fast enough to pull you in with the space treasure in time, I'm afraid I might have been plotted by others outside. But now, under the control of each other, we can only wait for the power of the law to reverse. But the power of it is not the imagination of the lower-class real spirit of your district. Even if it is just a small half-reverse force, it is enough to annihilate you on the spot. Do you feel that the true source in your body is slowly swallowed up by the chain of law? And the strength of the immortals in this seat is not comparable to your lower-class existence. In addition, I also have the secret treasure of the fairy family. Even if I bear a greater counterattack, it is just a period of rest. The young man in black smiled and said contemptuously.

"Nonsense! This method was taught by Lord Golden Dragon King himself. How can it be fake? You can't use an elixir to provoke something among us. If that's the case, you just need to wait, and why do you say these words to the three of us!" The deer-headed bear monster snorted and responded with a roar.

When the other two beasts heard this, their faces were extremely difficult to look at.

"If I didn't have something to do, and I didn't want to waste any time on you, I would talk nonsense with you. Forget it, I will give you another promise. As long as anyone is willing to stop first, in addition to taking him to the fairyland, I can reward him with a real soul elixir, so that he can achieve the soul of the real fairy. But this promise is only valid for half a day. After this time, I can't promise anything again. The young man in black finally showed some impatience.

"True Soul Elixir"

When the other two monsters heard this promise, they were shocked, and a trace of fire flashed in their eyes.

This Dan is so big for them that almost all of them are moved in an instant.

"It is not long before the souls are destroyed, but it is up to you to go to the fairyland together as the servant of the fairy spirit to give the elixir. As for the constraints between you and the Kakushi clan and even all the connections with this world, I can also help you cut it off. And next, I won't say half a "word" anymore. After the young man in black said with a sneer, he closed his eyes and seemed to be comfortable in the heavy bundle.

When the three giant beasts heard the words, they looked at each other with faces. They couldn't help looking different, but for a moment, no one said anything.

With the passage of time, these three true spirits all felt that the chain of law was swallowing faster and faster, and they secretly used countless magical secrets to resist, but there was no effect at all. Instead, they vaguely accelerated the erosion of the power of the law.

At this time, the three beasts really began to panic.

If it goes on like this, when the formal counterattack of the chain of laws comes, their strength may have been weakened to less than ten. How can there be no chance to survive?

The faces of the tycoque and the ox head monster began to change uncertainly.

"Two Taoist friends, you won't be really moved by his words, will you?" The fierce beast of the deer head looked at the change of his companion's face. Suddenly, he was not good at roaring at the other two beasts, and subconsciously pulled the chain in his mouth, and suddenly the law fluctuated and disappeared.

"How is this possible? Although the real soul elixir is rare, it does not allow me to do such things, but it seems that we should not ignore the chain of the law mentioned earlier. After all, this is a matter of life. The other monster, which had two huge cow heads, was covered with dragon scales, said hesitantly.

"Yes, although we have made an ancient contract with the Jiaochi clan using the power of Xuantian's treasure, there is no reason to really bury ourselves here. We really want to plan for rebirth." The other giant bird, which is more than ten feet big and covered in gray flames, also opened its mouth with confused eyes.

"I understand what you two mean. In this case, I will really discuss it, but before that, I have a proposal that is very good for us." The deer-headed bear monster meditated for a long time before sighing. It suddenly passed on to the other two beasts helplessly. At the same time, his body moved and slowly drifted away to the nearest giant sparrow.

"Brother Lu, stop. If you have anything to say, just say it. You don't have to lean over." When the gray giant finch saw this, his eyes flashed and he stopped shouting harshly.

"Why, Taoist friends can't even trust me." When the fierce monster of the deer head heard the words, his face immediately sank.

"Hey hey, how can I think so, but at this time, it's better not to get too close. Brother Hoolong, what do you think!" The gray giant sparrow smiled and asked the two-headed bull beast on the other side.

"Well... Everyone has been worshipped by the Jiao Chi clan, so why do you have to do this..." After the two beasts laughed dryly, they wanted to say a few words sadly and muddyly, but before the words fell, the purple chain he bitten suddenly trembled, and an irresistible force suddenly gushed out from above, The words dispersed, and the mouth was full of blood.

After an unexpected scream, the beast was forced to break free by the purple gold chain in his mouth. When he was about to be shocked and bit it away, suddenly a sneer came from the top of his head, and then he felt that the air was dark, and a bloody seal like a huge mountain had no sign. It emerged close to its head and pressed down in the countless gold and silver runes.

The beast was shocked, and it was too late to avoid it. After a roar, his body suddenly increased several times, and his two big hands turned into dark giant hooves and went away with a huge blood-colored seal.

A shocking sound of "boom".

As soon as the two giant hooves touched the blood-colored seal, they immediately turned into a burst of powder and opened. After the blood light flashed a few times, they immediately broke up and dispersed.

At this time, the top of the blood-colored giant seal fluctuated, and the young man in black flashed out with a sneer.

At the same time, another young man in black robe, who was originally bound by layers of purple gold chains in the middle of the three beasts, passed away with the wind with a strange face.

"Impossible, how can you break free from the chain of the law!" The huge gray sparrow was shocked and frightened at the sight of this. After a scream, it hurriedly spit out the chain in its mouth. After a sudden flash, the two gray wings turned into a gray light and shot backwards.

There was a muffled sound.

A huge palm full of black hair came head-on, like a fly-like blow, so that the unprepared tychinch was forced back. After more than a dozen heels in a row, it barely stabilized its shape in the void behind him.

At this time, the deer-headed bear monster slowly took back an arm with a ferocious face.

"Yanglu, you're crazy... Oh... I see, you actually turned to the other party first, and the chain of rules has already been tampered with by you." After the gray giant finch shook his head vigorously and was still a little dizzy, he woke up and shouted in anger.

"You just realized that it's too late." The deer-headed beast did not speak coldly, and the young man in black robe on the blood seal smiled gloomily.

"Sir, as long as you surround my life, I am willing to submit to you and be your spiritual servant..." The gray tychinch said in horror and slowly retreated.

"It's too late. I only have one real soul elixir, and I only have the ability to take one person back to the fairyland. Yanglu, since you are going to submit to me, kill it as if this is the first order I gave you. If you can't do it and be killed by it, this real soul elixir can only be given to the winner. Don't worry about what I will regret. I'm missing a driver when I come to the lower world this time. Only the most powerful among you are qualified to be my spiritual servant. After the young man in black sneered, a trace of viciousness suddenly flashed in his eyes. RS