The mage is fierce

Chapter 11 The Desert Town

As soon as you enter the canyon, the warm sunshine in winter began to become cold, and the temperature suddenly dropped.

There was a heavy snow before the year, but the snow in the canyon basically did not melt. The whining northwest wind formed a roaring echo between the cliffs on both sides, completely blowing away the snow on the west side. However, most of the snow on the east side of the rock remained, with strips of ice hanging upside down. There are many strange pictures in the original black and red rock murals.

This road is downhill. Su Minghai looked up and looked far away, penetrating the whole canyon, as if he had integrated the whole world into his eyes.

He has removed the makeup from his face 40 or 50 miles out of the village.

Liu Xinchen's appearance when he was a teenager was also relatively detailed and regular. At this moment, his eyebrows flew diagonally into his forehead, moderate in thickness, and slightly curved. There is no longer the original intention to glue the eyebrows, and the hair color is messy. The eyes are small and clear. This time, he took off his shackles and felt comfortable, with a slight smile, showing a kind of seductive bend. The bridge of the nose is thin and boneless, and the mouth is slightly smaller. It's just the left cheek, because it has been stuck with rubber bands for four years, which is a little uneven compared with the right side. The place of sticking all year round still has a slightly white skin tone, like a faint scar. Let the whole person reveal a feeling of unrestrained and flying.

This canyon is already part of the dirty land, and the plants on the ground are gradually affected. The same vegetation is getting more and more lignified. Su Minghai walked for a long time and suddenly saw a cluster of dead grass thirty-six steps away swinging differently from the wind direction.

In the past three months, Su Minghai's consciousness has also begun to get on the right track. Without deliberately, you can sense the shape, speed and size of objects within 123 steps, that is, within 20 meters. At the same time, it can also filter the feeling like vision - such as ignoring harmless animals, vegetation, stones on the ground, etc., to highlight the sensing of dangerous objects.

When focusing on the divine consciousness, this distance can be extended almost five or six times, at the cost of completely disappearing the sensing area outside the focusing range. Thirty-five or six steps, which is only a little more than 50 meters, is already within his focus range.

But the existence of the weed has a great impact on divine consciousness, and can only roughly sense the existence of the living things behind it. Su Minghai stopped the horned horse carrying his luggage, hung his tiger fork on the horse's back, took down the hunting bow, and hesitated for a moment.

There are some things to pay attention to when passing through this dirty place during the day. First, don't make big noise and don't stay in the same place for a long time. Second, no matter what happens around you, or even occasionally appear monsters in your vision, don't pay attention to it and pass or detour as soon as possible. Third, there are occasional monsters chasing, as much as possible. Escape and don't fight. Blood and violent mental fluctuations during the battle will attract more monsters.

But the grass is on the road that Su Minghai must pass. No matter how you take a detour, the nearest place is less than ten meters away. The general choice of the team is to go back to the safe area and wait for another day. Su Minghai stood still and calmed the horse's restlessness. After thinking about it for a long time, I finally didn't want to look back.

Pull the hunting bow away, and the arrows are flying fast!

The arrow penetrated the grass in an instant, and the dead grass was smashed by the strong wind, blowing out a mass of yellow and white powder, and then blown away by the fierce northwest wind.

Suddenly, the whole piece of dead grass burst, blowing up a larger mass of dust! In the sound of the wind, it converges into a spiral. The dark shadow flashed and ran out, but it was a demonized lone wolf! There is a faint red light in his eyes, which looks particularly fierce. At this time, the center of its abdomen was penetrated by Su Minghai with an arrow. Under the pain, its four claws only touched the ground three times and rushed forward more than ten steps.

Su Minghai's right leg took a step back, buzzed, and returned an arrow. The arrow was 15 or six steps away, nailed straight into the skull of the lone wolf and inserted into the inner cavity of the body through the neck.

The lone wolf was completely offset by the arrow, but its four legs continued to exert strength, and the man stood up and fell down again. This canyon is a steep slope. The lone wolf instinctively twitched on the ground and rolled down to the stream next to it. Su Minghai's heart tightened and quickly raised another arrow to nail the wolf corpse to the slope.

If the wolf corpse rolls into the stream and the blood flows down, then Su Minghai doesn't know how many monsters he has to deal with along the way.

Su Minghai took a sigh of breath and took the horse forward. The blood of the magic wolf's wound flowed out, which was much more than that of ordinary wolves. It seemed that his body was full of blood, emitting a strange fishy smell. After Su Minghai confirmed that the blood would not flow into the stream, he quickly left.

He was in a hurry all the way, and he didn't encounter any monsters in the way. All the way to the outside of Luowu Town, I was in trouble again.

Because this Luowu Town is located in the wilderness, there are also walls outside the town, with a height of more than four meters. After more than 30 years of wind and rain, it has already overgrown with weeds and even collapsed in many places. After all, the town is a small town, with a small area of less than 300 meters square, guarding the side of the anxious arrow stream. The road passes through the center of the town, and the barren fields are distributed on the other side of the stream, which are already covered with shrubs and groves.

Su Minghai saw five or six skeletons gathered together at the collapse of the nearby wall, about 50 meters away from the road.

He knows that as long as people pass quickly, it is generally fine during the day. Therefore, I just increased my vigilance and continued to move forward. But somehow, these murderers were very excited when he came to the gate of the town. Unexpectedly, he jumped down and rushed to Su Minghai.

Seeing that things were not good, Su Minghai put the luggage on the horse into the game space and rushed to the town. He dares not run. These monsters are similar to beasts. When he sees the other party running, he will provoke his character and chase them endlessly.

The horned horse behind him was frightened and gave a long cry, but it turned around and ran away. The sound of horses' hoofs came from far away from the mountains. These skeletons really went to chase the horses and ignored the young man who looked much smaller.

But with a long hissing in his ears, Su Minghai secretly said that it was not good. Although he was very clear in his previous life, after all, he did not have this kind of hunting experience, and he made a mistake when it came to the end.

After only 70 or 80 steps on the straight road of the town, I saw two skeletons turned out one in front of the next wall. Seeing Su Minghai, he seemed to be stunned, so he rushed to him.

He has never played Diablo 2, but he has always played several similar games, knowing that this kind of skeleton is just a scum with experience in the game. However, he was not very afraid. Instead, he grabbed the first step, took a tiger fork in his hands, took the skeleton in front of him as his chest, and then turned left.

This hand is commonly used when hunting against beasts. It is pierced in. If you don't wait for the relay, turn it over to the left and remove the tiger and leopard. Then it can be repeated, or someone else will mend the knife. The beast was put on the ground by a tiger fork and couldn't get up at all.

But the skeleton has no skin, and its skeleton is slippery and tight. Su Minghai instinctively went away and turned aside without waiting to collide with the other party's bones. As a result, the tip of the fork slipped on the skeleton's sternum and slipped itself!

The skeleton was not affected by this blow. It continued to push forward and immediately came close to Su Minghai!

The murderer opened his five fingers with his hands, like five sharp knives, stabbing itself. Two or three feet away from people, full of dark air emanating, and it was already cold on my face!

Su Minghai was stunned. He withdrew with his left hand and pushed forward with his right hand. Unexpectedly, he used the tiger fork as a standing stick. He exhaled in horror, and the fork handle was rampant. First, he hit the white palm tiger, broke the skeleton's left finger, and then hit the skull's forehead door with a "click"!

This walking stick is an auxiliary tool for mountain people to carry burdens. It is about 1.5 meters long and has a fork on the top. When you are tired of walking, you can rest your feet under the shoulder pole, and you can also share the weight of one shoulder when carrying the shoulder. This move was learned occasionally by Su Linghan during his previous travels, and almost everyone in the village could do it. There are only a dozen movements, which are simple and practical. When you encounter a beast in the mountains, you can usually retreat completely, and I don't know how many people's lives have been saved in the village. Even if you fight with others, you can use it.

This fork is pushed horizontally, which has a back force. The skeleton suffered this blow and felt that its strength was not very strong, but it was just a shock to the head, but then the force was continuous. It tilted one head back, but its body rushed forward because it was running in a hurry.

Su Minghai saw the other party's flaws and kicked in from the skeleton's abdomen!

He took office as an assassin and became Jesslo's entourage for four years. How fierce this side kick was. With another "click", the bone crumbs flew and immediately kicked the spine of the skeleton to pieces!

The upper and lower half of the skeleton were kicked into two sections by him and fell to the ground. However, the vitality of these murderous objects is extremely tenacious. They can click and click on the ground, and they can crawl around with their hands. Su Minghai raised his hand and fell straight down, pierced his skull, and immediately died.

These skeletons are also intelligent and generally do not push up as much as in the game, but there is no emotional fluctuation. At this time, the second skeleton saw Su Minghai nailed his companion to the ground. It actually slipped around half a circle and moved to the back of Su Minghai and began to cross his claws. He half squatted and also aimed at the opponent's waist.

I don't know whether this move was intentional or unintentional, just when Su Minghai stabbed down and his body fell down, and he was about to be pulled out. The timing is just the right choice!

When Su Minghai was exerting a little effort to pull out the tiger fork, although the force was small, it was already old. It's impossible to even dodge by this skeleton like a needle! He took a wrong step and avoided grabbing, but he was still hit on his right waist.

He originally thought that these were just garbage monsters, but he didn't know that the claws were white bones, and the hardness was not much different from that of fine steel, and the way of fighting was much different from that of ordinary warriors.

Su Minghai used to practice with his companions in the village. Such methods are nothing more than familiar and can't use killing tricks. Occasionally, when he sees blood, he often goes up the mountain to hunt, bows and arrows first. Although he killed a few people, they all plan and calculate in advance. Without the experience of life and death, and suddenly encountering these murderous things that are completely different from ordinary people, they seem to be unfamiliar with their hands and feet.

Su Minghai's back waist was strong and scratched, and even his leather armor was cracked, and his waist and back were also injured. Fortunately, he immediately made up for it and restrained the wound, but he lost 14 points of blood.

He gritted his teeth to resist the blow, took the opportunity to grab the front, slipped his right hand, and the long handle of the tiger fork popped up and hit the skull's head. This skeleton squatted down and couldn't raise its head to unload its strength. After this beating, it took a step back!

Su Minghai took the opportunity to turn around, kneel down, hold the wooden handle on the tip of the fork with one hand, and his wrist trembled. "Du Du" made two more sounds, hit the fork handle twice in the same place, and pulled out the tiger fork. The skeleton took a step back. After being hit three times, he couldn't help taking three steps back.

This move is a change in the stick, called "Phoenix Three Nods". The original intention was to remove the attack of the beast. He stepped forward to the left step into a letter. He did not focus on his hand. He only clenched it with the middle finger of his thumb and purely used the elasticity of the stick to remove the opponent's attack. At this time, it was temporarily flexible by Su Minghai, which was used to shake off the spikes stuck in the skull and pull out the tiger fork.