The mage is fierce

Chapter 13 Riding Warriors

The skeleton also knew that it was not good, and his right hand loosened and immediately stabbed the other party's eyes. Su Minghai's five fingers were pinched into monkey claws, bent his elbow, and chiseled down the skull's thumb.

He has refined the monkey fist for four years, and he has been crushing the old Maozhu for four years with five fingers. This close body is very comfortable to deal with the skeleton of this body.

Although there is no thumb, the lethality of the skeleton's right hand has no effect. The skeleton hit back with a backhand, and it was as powerful as the wind. Su Minghai was not in a hurry. He bent his elbow and pushed it again, and then chiseled off the radial bone of the skeleton. Then he bent his elbow and pushed it into the shoulder socket of the skeleton. With a sudden force, he pulled off the whole right arm of the skeleton!

This right arm lost the support of the skeleton itself and immediately scattered and fell on the ground. The poor skeleton was almost heartbroken at this time, only hating that he had no moisture all over his body and couldn't cry like rain.

-It was shot out, and it was okay to be hit on the head by the opponent, but it was still attached to the boy. The back elbow came up, but the wrist was leaning on its wrist and could not be taken off; when it was chiseled again, the elbow was still in the middle of its own arm, and it still could not be opened; the back elbow was pushed, but the wrist came to its own elbow... Sometimes it exhausted its methods and exerted its strength seven times, but the pair of hands were like a ball of shit, sticking to the arm, and it was as awkward as it was.

Su Minghai was full of heroism, "haha" smiled and rushed forward. He had rushed past the other party's side, waved a knife with his backhand, cut off half of the skull, and put 45 points of experience into the bag.

Although the two sides have passed seven or eight moves in this match, it is only a little time since they rushed from a distance to the wrong body. At this time, the second skeleton fell to the ground, danced out of a knife flower, and suddenly jumped on it.

At this moment, Su Minghai did not ask for closeness, but only held the sword to meet the other party from a distance and waved freely. The two sides fought against each other, and there was a sound. Just like two people pushing a big grinding disc, Su Minghai was in the west and the skeleton was in the east. After five or six swords, they circled around and became Su Minghai in the east and the skeleton in the west.

The situation is already under the control of this teenager.

But at this time, something suddenly happened: in the consciousness, a skeleton came again, and it was about to jump out of the courtyard wall.

It's just that the skeleton is not fast and not strong in Su Minghai's induction. The first two skeletons are about the level of level 7 or 8 warriors, but later one is afraid that they have just stepped into level 4 or 5. Su Minghai did not ask to kill the enemy, but just wanted to paralyze the combat power of this guy in front of him first.

The teenager suddenly became a sword with two hands, and the sword immediately increased by three points. Zhengzheng" split or stabbed the skull head, and three swords came out. The skeleton was caught off guard, waved with a knife, and was in a hurry. Su Minghai was short, and his right foot suddenly stepped out, and the "dragon claws" launched!

This time, he came out of his leg with all his strength, afraid that there would be no 17 or 18 points of damage, and he was stepping on the knee of the skeleton's front leg. The skeleton was hit by this blow, and the knee bone was immediately smashed, that is, the calf tibia, which was also broken into 17 or 18 pieces.

At this time, five white penetrating finger bones were suddenly put on the wall of the courtyard, and the skeleton inside suddenly jumped out, and the knife suddenly came out in the air, and he cut straight down to Su Minghai's shoulder straps and back! And the fifteen or sixteen skeletons in the original lane also gathered the five murderers just now and ran roaring more than ten meters away.

Su Minghai did not panic. He turned his right wrist and put the long sword back to his shoulder. A Su Qin's sword was strong, but he took this powerful knife.

- He had no choice at this time. The long street of less than 300 meters had rushed nearly 200 meters for him. As long as he bypassed this guy, he could rush out of the town within ten seconds. At that time, there was space to move, which was really called "the sea is wide and the fish jumps, and the sky is high for birds to fly". Even if three or five magicians come, don't want to stop him.

When the swords hit each other on his back, Su Minghai suddenly felt that his chest and abdomen were sweet and fishy, and he actually rushed out with this knife! The blood strip jumped down and was cut off 18 points of blood by this knife!


This skeleton is less than 1.7 meters tall, but it was born as a power warrior before his death. No wonder it is not fast. Su Minghai smiled bitterly in his heart: This guy ran out of the nest of the first two seven- or eight-level skeletons. He actually thought this was a four- or five-level guy, isn't he confused?

This guy seems to be a specialized force. Su Minghai suffered this, which was more uncomfortable than Su Lingnan's full blow! He rushed out and barely took three steps. He couldn't stand it anymore. He rolled forward and rolled into the pile of skeletons.

I only saw the denseness in front of my eyes, and I don't know how many skeletons and feet there are. He kicked out and smashed a tibia.

I couldn't stop the rest of the situation and continued to roll forward in front of the skeleton without a footboard. He supported the ground with his left hand and waved the sword in his right hand, and cut off the two shins of the skeleton. The tip of the sword was a little on the ground, and an oolong twisted tail. There was only a loud noise, which twisted the skeleton's thigh bones, vertebrae, arm bones, ribs and neck into a mess. He stood up, raised his foot and stepped down, crushed the skull, and got this 35 points of experience.

Su Minghai took two deep breaths, calmed the vibration of his chest and abdomen, and slowly raised his head. A pair of eyes are as red as the eyes of these skeletons, as red as blood drops!

At this time, he almost returned to the middle of the long street, facing 20 skeletons with intact combat effectiveness. After a plan, they were all empty! Forgive him such a young hero, he can't help but feel the hero's dusk.

Su Minghai took advantage of the unorganized skeleton formation, shouted for a long time, rushed up, waved a sword, and cut off the arm blocked by a skeleton, and inserted the front finger of the sword straight into the skull's eyes. The body continued to rush in, driving the dead skeleton, crashing into it and washing down a murderous object behind it to the ground.

A knife and a claw came directly on both sides. Su Minghai's shoulders shook left and right and took these two blows one after another. The power flowed and the muscles twisted, sliding away all two blows.

When the warrior reaches the middle level and advanced level, he can be lucky enough to remove the blows of some blunt objects. At a high level, you can control the subtle movement of muscles and avoid cutting with sharp weapons. And stepping into the magician like him, he has learned a profound understanding of the changes of power, true power and body. To deal with ordinary middle-level warriors, as long as they are not hit head-on and unavoidable, most of the damage can be basically avoided.

Of course, people should not be distracted. If two attacks are hit at the same time or within very short intervals, this control can only be used to avoid one attack.

Su Minghai used his shoulders to shake to lengthen the interval between the two strikes.

The skeleton on Su Minghai's sword could not be supported by the underworld, and after this collision, it was also smashed. He kept rushing forward and bumping into a skeleton's arms. The hilt of the sword came out and smashed a section of the skeleton's lumbar spine in a mess of bone powder. He held the handle in both hands and pointed forward with the long sword. The sword momentum led the body and suddenly split forward.

The skeleton's long knife and white bones around him were together, but Su Minghai's body shook, and the real force was only one claw. He also eliminated most of its momentum, only 3 points of blood was lost, and the blood volume became 41 points.

At this time, the skeleton warrior had also rushed forward. The wind was awe-inspiring, and the two met their swords and burst into a dazzling spark. Although Su Minghai was not as strong as the other party, he poured in the real force, shook his wrist, and forced the opponent's knife to the left. The long sword kept pressing the opponent's long knife, and his body borrowed his strength and rushed out to the right!

These skeletons were caught off guard and knocked down another one, but these skeletons stood densely, and seven or eight bone claw rust knives stretched out almost at the same time and slammed down!


Su Minghai was as tall as electricity. Taking advantage of the carelessness of these skeletons, he smashed a door next to him and turned to guard the door.

Due to this sprint, he received three more blows and removed two knives, but he was firmly scratched, and his blood volume dropped to 31 points, but he was greatly relieved. It turned out that his consciousness was released all the time, and he had already known that there was no murder in the room. There was only a back door, but it was still closed.

When he is guarding the door, he only needs to deal with one or two skeletons at a time. With his martial arts skills, he can deal with it freely. Just worry about whether these skeletons can break through the window or have murderers breaking in outside the back door.

What's more, whether these skeletons can have such wisdom is still between two.

Su Minghai knows that these high-level skeleton soldiers should have more than 45 points of experience. The one just killed also got 35 points, so the experience of the middle-order skeleton also has more than 30 points. His current experience is also 626/1500 points. If he is lucky, the skeleton does not attack from behind, killing 256 is not a problem at all, and then he can rise to the next level.

- But this is almost impossible. Now he only thinks that these skeletons can't react for a moment and are attracted to the door. At that time, he can run to the window, and once he comes out of the window, he will have a chance to run away immediately.

These skeletons were indeed as he expected, and they all squeezed into the door.

Su Minghai and a skeleton in front of the door made a few moves and slightly repelled it. When they were about to run to the window, they suddenly heard the sound of horses' hoofs outside. In the divine consciousness, I saw a big horse outside, eight feet tall, with a strange head and tail. Immediately, a big man with eight horses, and people and horses rushed like electricity.

The man galloped his horse and crashed straight into the middle!

This group of skeletons are huddled outside the door of the house and gathered together. How could they dodge? At the collision, four or five skeletons hit and flew away!

The skeleton warrior Zhou's body was shrouded in the momentum of a big man and was unavoidable. The red light flashed in his eyes, and he actually sat on the horse with a knife. He wanted to break through the strong and catch the other party's momentum!

Who knows that the big man has no intention of coincidence. He shouted like thunder and stood upright. First, he broke the long knife into two, and he was still strong!

Press the skeleton arm back and push it straight into the 24 ribs. Pick up the skeleton, put it on the top, run out another 20 steps, and hit the wall next to it!

These courtyard walls are made of bluestone and extremely hard. The skeleton hit its head and was immediately smashed to pieces, so that there was no scum left!

The strong man relied on the horse, and the reins in his hand were strangled. The horseman stood up, stepped on two steps, and turned around:

"The people inside, don't go quickly!"