The mage is fierce

Chapter 16 Liu Mingtong

Next, a group of people will talk about some allusions and other heroes. It didn't walk very fast, but after all, there were horses. After only half an hour and a little twenty-five miles, I felt warm, and the cold and disgusting feeling gradually dissipated, and it was already out of the dangerous range of the dirty land.

Two abandoned villages were also passed on the road, but there were many broken bones scattered in them, which should have been cleaned up for Gavin and others.

In a dirty place, although there are vegetation, they are all dry and brittle. The same withered yellow always feels like a dark feeling.

Out of this range, looking at the weak stems and leaves of the dead grass on the roadside, although there are occasionally leaves broken by the wind, after all, there is still a trace of flying fibers on it, which inexplicably makes people feel warm and angry. Thirteen people in the group breathed a long breath almost at the same time:

The feeling of life is so good.

Gu Cheng turned his head and looked around the crowd and said:

"Look, my count is waiting at the entrance of the village in front of you!"

Su Minghai looked up and looked at the tree at the entrance of the village about half a miles away, and there were more than ten people standing there.

He will not be sentimental, and he will think that Liu Mingtong is here to welcome him as a "little hero". Even if he is really a direct family and extremely useful, he will not let a magician offend the team he has trained for several years and stand in the cold wind to wait.

He sighed in his heart that it was almost noon, that is, almost one o'clock in the afternoon. Liu Mingtong would rather be hungry than wait for this group of four- and five-level young soldiers to fight back. He is a person with 90 years of life experience. Can you see whether this is a true affectionate or a sensational drama. How can this group of teenagers have such an eye? I'm afraid that they will be willing to be fascinated by the count immediately.

At this point, the horses will take a little more steps and arrive in a blink of an eye. Seeing the count waiting outside, the group disared thirty steps away and walked forward.

This is also an abandoned village, with only a dozen families. There are monsters next to it. The villagers dare not live here and have already fled. This Jinhuzhou is vast and sparsely populated. As long as the people are willing to be a wild man, it is easy to survive.

As a result, this place has become a top camp in Luowu Town in the past, so the yard occupied by Count Liu and his group is often renovated by pedestrians, which is extremely intact.

When Liu Mingtong saw that everyone got off the horse far away, he did not wait in place. He brought six young warriors and greeted them. There was also an old man in his fifties next to him, with four attendants, who seemed to be an aristocrat.

At a glance, Liu Mingtong does not have much power. At the age of 42, his face is yellow and hair is full of black hair, and his eyes are a little sunken. He should have some silver blood. He is well-looking, his robe is loose, and his eyes are restrained. He seems that he doesn't care about anything in the world. His expressions and manners are extremely chic, and there is no rigorous style of nobles at all.

On the contrary, they are the nobles next to them, with strict clothes and rules. The expression is more than modest, and the smile on his face is not a little bit, like everyone's demeanor.

Gavin. Kozmo stepped forward quickly, with his right fist on his chest, solemnly, and shouted, "Your Excellency, we have found the bones of Liu Guanghui and his friends, which have been disposed of, and his relics have also been brought!"

Su Minghai's heart was stunned, and he immediately knew that Liu Mingtong was afraid that he was ambitious, so his subordinates had to be so polite. But Gavin looked at the aristocratic man next to him and said, "Kenny. Vernon's relics are also here.

After saying that, two teenagers took off two cloth bags from the horse and held them in front of Liu Mingtong and the old nobleman.

At this time, the nobleman looked slightly excited and took the cloth bag with trembling hands.

Liu Mingtong's eyes passed over everyone's faces and said, "It's been a lot of hard work for you to return from this bloody battle." The words are quite sincere.

He took the cloth bag in front of him, held it in one hand and opened it thinly with the other - inside was a rusty sword and a pair of broken chain armor: the sword was slightly better, and there were only twelve or three deep and shallow openings on it; the chain armor was only half a double shoulder cap, and he could only barely know the true face of this thing from the structure.

It turned out that Liu Guanghui was the servant sent by the Liu family after Liu Mingtong was promoted to his title. I have been following you, and the two of them have a good relationship. But in the past few years, Liu Mingtong has become a quasi-magician, and many people around him who are not as good as his martial arts have also been promoted to high-level warriors. Liu Guanghui has been staying at the peak of level 6 and can't break through. He has been suffering for more than ten years. If he really can't stand it, he will be ruthless and go out to travel. Later, he met the son of the baron and several companions next to him and entered the Luowu Town together. As a result, he died in it.

Liu Mingtong is located more than a thousand miles away from here, and the news is isolated, so he has never known about this matter.

Later, the baron waited for his son not to return for a long time and knew that he should have died in it. Because he was unable to enter Luowu Town to retrieve his son's relics, he tried his best to find Cangshan to ask for action. Only then did Liu Mingtong know that his companion had died here.

Like him, he can win over many masters, and he usually acts with a lot of righteousness. After learning about this, he immediately brought three masters and 20 young people here. When Su Minghai met, it happened that this group of people killed their old companions and took back the relics that they would startle many skeletons in the town.

Liu Mingtong held these two things in his hands. I don't know how many battles he has experienced. Looking at the long-lasting companions around him, now even the bones have been burned down, and there is only such a thing left to talk about as a souvenir. He couldn't help but be excited. He looked up to the sky and cried three times and shouted:

"Wanghui! Guanghui! Do you know it's back now?! Mingtong brought his brothers to pick you up!!"

The surrounding teenagers and Gavin, Gu Cheng and Jiang Bo Bird also sang in unison:

"The soul...returns...the soul...returns...the soul...returns..."

Everyone was sad and sad, and the scene was chaotic for a moment.

After a long time, Liu Mingtong calmed down a little and shouted:

"This search for a thousand miles should set an example for me! In the future, if any brother is in trouble, even if it is difficult and dangerous, it should be saved; if the brothers are scattered, even if it is thousands of miles, it should also be found!"

More than a dozen teenagers around listened, and their faces were all red and their hearts were excited. All kneeling on one knee, with hands attached to the chest as a gift, and shouted in unison:

"I'm willing to die for the count!"

There was also a voice from afar in the village, but the young warriors who were the directors of the village also spoke out to show their loyalty.

Baron came up and thanked him attentively.

When Liu Mingtong saw the old baron, he was indescribably disgusted and irritable, but this matter was originally Liu Guanghui and Kenny. Vernon's group did it themselves, and neither side could bear any responsibility, nor could they blame him. But I couldn't be happy in my heart, and there was no smile on my face. I reluctantly said:

"Mr. Vernon's words are serious. Speaking of which, I would also like to thank the Baron for coming thousands of miles to inform the news of Guanghui's death... However, Guanghui died miserably. I'm also in a bad mood. I need to be quiet for a while, so I won't leave the Baron. Please forgive me."

Although Baron Vernon took back his son's relics with the help of Liu Mingtong, to be honest, his feeling when he saw Liu Mingtong was completely different from the magician's mood when he saw him. The two territories are close to thousands of miles apart, and there is usually no intersection, and he doesn't want to stay in this sad place. However, he still took care of politeness, expressed his gratitude and peace according to the rules, and then took his entourage away.

For a while, everyone felt a little sad.


Su Minghai saw it beside him, and his heart was inevitably sad and desolate, and he stood silently for a moment. Liu Mingtong had refreshed at this time. He came up, held Su Minghai's hands and watched carefully. He laughed:

"Okay, okay, this is the first time I've seen this 17-year-old seventh-order warrior, which can be said to be a great blessing in my life!"

He opened his mouth to explain why he knew Su Minghai's skills: "I came to report it first. I don't really believe it. Now that I can see it, he is really worthy of being a young hero, which is still above my imagination." Wave your hand:

"Come on, let me introduce you to a few friends here."

I took him through one by one in front of his men:

"Gvin. Kozmo has been with me for 12 years and has long been a baron. Although he has reached level 8, he still refuses to leave me. It's still mine.

"Jiang Bo bird has been with me for three years and four months. His body is first-class. He is meticulous and thoughtful, and even I have to be reminded by him in many places. The Cangshan Falcon Team depends on his **.

"Gu Cheng is bold and like Gavin. He is an old friend who drank blood with me on the battlefield. I can go around three or four hundred miles around Cangshan Mountain. What a credit this beard.

He took Su Minghai's hand and took him to the village courtyard. As he walked, he said:

"These four geese are all my brothers. You must be a little familiar with them all the way. However, these 20 people in black are also excellent figures. Come here, you are about the same age. You should be closer in the future..."

These twenty-year-old warriors, the small one is 19 and only 21 years old. Liu Mingtong created Cangshan at the beginning of the year. When he was a little stable, he has selected the twelve or three-year-old boy who had just begun to practice martial arts under his jurisdiction. He gave him grace and established rules and refined these 20 people, all dressed in black. Therefore, the people in black are all geniuses who have stepped into the middle-level warriors.

Liu Mingtong's words are all-inclusive. Rao's two geese are all old rivers and lakes, and they can't help but feel glorious on their faces; the people in black are even more excited to hear the Lord's mention; although Su Minghai is old and cunning, he does not feel that he has just been left alone, but it is like a spring breeze.

Su Minghai is already a little familiar with the teenagers who accompanied him all the way. But they only smiled and dared to come forward and shake hands when the count was introduced. Two captains in black are among them, one is Ji Xingfei, whose leg is injured, and the other is Zong Gu, all of whom have a six-level level.

One of the six people around Liu Mingtong is a seven-level warrior, 21 years old, but he is the leader of the people in black.

This man is handsome, with the same texture on his skin, as crystal as jade, and faintly shining. The so-called "Huangzhong gradually becomes rational and moisturizes the skin", which is the phenomenon of Yuanli overflowing and improving the skin after the martial artist enters the advanced level.

He is Liu Mingtong's nephew, named Guan Tianxu. He is a young man with ambition and a little arrogant on his face. But like other people in black, when Liu Mingtong introduced him, he smiled and shook hands.