The mage is fierce

Chapter 19 Killing and Writing Good Poems

Guan Tianxu just saw that his uncle valued Su Minghai so much. He thought that he was at the same level 7 as Su 16. Although he was four years older, his true strength was also above the other party, so he was quite unconvinced. At this moment, seeing Su Minghai like this, he found a reason to take the first two steps into the house. I want to show this boy a show of his prestige first. If the elders blame him, he only pushes him for a moment and doesn't hear it clearly, and he will punish me nowhere.

Others came in, but it was not easy to show their faces to everyone. They just smiled and pretended to be angry:

"16 Lang, it's wrong for you to talk about what happened two or three years ago in public. Come on, let's go outside to compete.

He spoke gently, but the three of them frowned: What happened to the count in those years was the love and closeness of the despicable wild people! Why can't we talk about it in public? If you talk like this, is it still something that can't be seen? - They only think that Su XVI is a seven-level genius warrior.

How did you suddenly change from everyone's legitimate son to a despicable wild man?

Why did you tell the adult about throwing him into the pigsty?

These strange places are still confused and can't hover for a moment. But as a warrior, he encountered such strange things and instinctively refused to remove his palm from the weapon.

Liu Mingtong, Count Liu, has already said:


This tone is plain, with no joy or anger, just like a neighbor meeting and saying that he had dinner.

In this moment, he has thought of a transparent white hand before and after:

- Although Su Lingnan had reached level 8 in those years, he obviously did not break through the magician in the past six years. Otherwise, the family would have been brought out long ago - as long as the identity of the magician is placed, the family can naturally stand in broad daylight - which is almost like treason, but the Juhua Empire still does not respond.

- No matter how rich Wendy's business alliance is, it will not feud with a magician. After all, the two sides have not killed anyone, and there is no irresolveable hatred.

โ€”โ€”* He has also been there, but there are 170 people, less than 100 men, and half of them are old, weak, sick and disabled. Although there are level 8 or 9 people, they can easily destroy them with the strength of Cangshan and not lose one person.

- Although this teenager is talented, the advanced magician depends on luck - even if he becomes a magician, he is not his person. He is nothing more than a good relationship in advance and more affection. And this kind of love is not worth 1,300 gold coins.

Even if he tried his best to attract this teenager, at least half of him may be from the Suringnan ethnic group, which has greatly reduced its value. Moreover, this teenager seems to have hidden feelings. He will never tell the truth without means. If he uses means, then naturally, many of the thoughts spent in front of him will be wasted.

Once the teenager is caught and forced to question, he must be killed afterwards - there are masters living in seclusion, never heard of, and there must be secrets in the future - and the villagers will not let such a master lose in their own hands. Therefore, after killing this teenager, whether there is Su Lingnan and his wife in the village, they still have to slaughter all of them.

The most critical point: * It is not known whether it is the reclusive place of the Su family, but as the superior, suspicion is confirmation.

This young genius has become a chicken rib for him. Kill him and kill him. He can prove himself afterwards!

Su Minghai spoke more before Liu Mingtong. When he saw Guan Tianxu's words, he immediately took advantage of the topic. He took something in his hand and knocked on the steamer three times. He raised his eyebrows and said to Guan Tianxu:

"I talked to your lord, and you also interrupted me!"

The sound was so loud that it aroused bursts of echoes in the room. As soon as he moved his finger, he threw the object in his hand at Guan Tianxu. His words were very different from the peaceful and respectful attitude in front of him, and everyone in the seat was stunned.

There was no strength in this throw. Guan Tianxu moved slightly and let go. When there was a ratt, it fell a few days before a case by the door. When everyone looked at it, it turned out to be a white and bloody rib! I don't know who Su Minghai dug out from in an instant.

Guan Tianxu was furious, raised his sword, his whole body was swollen, his strength was overflowing, and his momentum continued to rise. Shout:

"Cut the dragon at night!"

I want to cut down with a sword.

Liu Mingtong has been a quasi-magician for seven or eight years. As long as he understands his unique skills, he can become a real magician. But maybe he doesn't have enough talent, maybe he will be happy after becoming a prospective magician, or maybe he hasn't had a chance. No matter how hard he practices this unique skill, he has never been able to understand it. However, in these seven or eight years, he also thought about some martial arts skills, which can fully give full play to the true strength characteristics of high-level warriors. He has begun to pursue the skills of real power operation and get out of the barrier of martial arts that pay attention to the use of moves. This "night dragon" is one of the moves.

Guan Tianxu usually and the opponents in black, every move is to shout the name of the move, and the people in black will use the corresponding tricks to break it.

At this time, if you want to attack Su Minghai, you also instinctively shout. He has calculated that he is kneeling on the table and can't fight. There was a ferocious smile on the corners of his mouth, and he was already imagining that the slender figure of the sixteenth man had been cut in half.

Su Minghai fell in a word and jumped up. His right foot was a little above the case, and his left foot stepped on the white and tender face of the beautiful maid. The right foot crossed again, and in front of Guan Tianxu, the word "night" of the embroidered pillow began to come out.


At the exit of Guan Tianxu's "cut" word, Su Minghai inexplicably had a large triangular scraper on his right hand, pooh, and pricked Guan Tianxu three times between his chest and abdomen.

"Puff", this is the sound of piercing.

"Boh", this is the sound of drawing a knife.

When Su Minghai was 14 years old, he once stabbed 18 times on a big man who was kicked down by Jesslow. His heart was about to stop beating, and his whole body trembled, but his brain became clearer and clearer. After two or three quarters of the event, the muscles of the whole body will jump uncontrollably.

Why do almost all the guys who kill people with daggers involuntarily stab each other with more than a dozen knives?

He is an experienced person and knows that this is not fear, let alone disgusting.

This is exciting! This is exciting! This is irresistible!

"Bang, bang, bang, bang..."

Su Minghai's heart was beating faster and faster, almost jumping out of his cavity.

But his thoughts became calmer and calmer, so calm that a mosquito could see the ripples on the lake when he fell.

When the knife is pierced, it has a sense of penetration like a ball; when the knife is pulled out, the muscle bites the inhalation.

This is like...

The ugly weapon of a man...

The excitement of piercing the body of a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl!

Let Su Minghai secrete adrenaline sharply at this moment, and the whole body is like sucking a lot of big and numbness, which is indescribably sweet and refreshing, pleasant and comfortable!


Su Minghai's murder weapon has shifted from Guan Tianxu's chest and abdomen to his waist and ribs.

"Puff, puff, puff, puff."

The faster the knife is stabbed, the faster it is, and four knives penetrate the meat.

- His nerves are getting tighter and tighter, like a hairline flying in the wind.

- His muscles are becoming more and more sensitive, and his blood almost explodes out.

Su Minghai resisted the feeling of every inch of muscle and every pore under Zhou's body involuntarily beating, pushed Guan Tianxu away, stepped out obliquely, and arrived at the door in one step.


The word Guan Tianxu is said on the ground...

His heart, lungs, waist and kidneys were stabbed into a honeycomb, and blood stimulated out, and the sound of sneered for a long time made the ground dust. There was also bloodyonging up in the throat, and the word "dragon" could not be said halfway.

Su Minghai suddenly smiled, suddenly unruly, and suddenly threw out a bloody rib. All the masters in the seat were stunned for a moment. At this time, he jumped up like a wasp and looked at the door. In the middle of this word, Su Minghai had already climbed over the hospital wall and Hongfei was defied.

However, Ji Xingfei, who was the first of Su Ming's sea, had just crushed a few corners of the case, but at this time, it was a "ar" sound, shaking the long case in front of him into two pieces, and the cup and plate on the case slipped to the ground.

It turned out that Su Minghai was chiseled on his weak ribs in an instant!

This soft rib has only one end fixed on the human vertebrae, and the skin and flesh are thin. Being pinched in Su Minghai's hand and gently pulled it, he broke the body surface and took it as a steamer.

But the situation just now has changed, which is a little overwhelming, even if you take a breath. This Ji Xingfei didn't even know that he had taken ribs from others. At this moment, he jumped up and knew that his whole body had lost strength, and he couldn't help falling softly to the ground.

At this time, he opened such a big opening in his chest, and the outside air flowed in, and the negative pressure inside became positive pressure, shrinking his lungs into a ball and could no longer breathe. Tears and snot came out at once, and they could only "cluck" between the soup dishes on the ground.

Gu Cheng regarded Su Minghai as a genius who could be brought back happily, but he didn't want to bring such a evil star, which can be said to be ashamed and angry. Arched to Liu Mingtong:

"Your Excellency, wait for me to chase up and smash this thief into ten thousand pieces!" After saying that, he turned around and strode away.

Liu Mingtong just looked motionless and easily said the word "kill". He was really unrestrained and quite a big man. Unexpectedly, the thief showed his decondity before he opened his mouth, and let his words have no unexpected effect at all, which can be said to have greatly reduced his face.

As the superior, his nephew died, and it didn't matter if the captain died, but once the authority was shaken... The count was so angry that he couldn't speak for a moment.

Gu Cheng strode out of the door. His mount was in the courtyard and immediately turned over his horse. Without waiting for service, he circled the horse, picked up the eight-foot horse leaning next to him, shouted, and rode the horse forward. His wrist shook, waved the horse, and in the smoke and dust, he picked out the roof of the courtyard door!

The horse also seemed to feel the owner's anger, his neck and hiss, rolling four hooves, and running out.

This area is already a wilderness. How can the Su thief compare with the rare fierce horses among these knights alone? Gu Cheng is burning with anger at this moment. In this flat place, not to mention that the thief is only seven levels, his body is thin and does not have much strength. Even Liu Mingtong, a master, is also very sure that he will take advantage of the horse to kill him!

Liu Mingtong heard that the sound of Gu Cheng's horse's hoofs gradually faded away and calmed down. Next to Gavin. Kozmo's face was resolute, his eyes flashed, and he stepped forward:

"Lord, I'm afraid Gu Cheng can't stop him. Wait for me to take someone forward and kill him together."

He is very old, now in his 40s, and he has experienced life and death for a long time. He has been following Liu Mingtong for 12 years, and has not been directly stimulated emotionally just now. Therefore, it is calmer and faster than Liu Mingtong.