The mage is fierce

Chapter 30 also framed others

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew killed four idle men and bowed to Su Minghai:

"Your Excellency, Jianghu affairs, Jianghu. From then on, the two of us returned to the world and never returned to Taoxi County! I don't remember what happened today. Please let go of our two lives."

They are usually careful in the village and don't teach their children much martial arts, for fear that they will cause trouble when they go out. Not to mention the past of robing the house, it is the peak of the sixth level, which is usually hidden from the descendants. Now that my children have married and have a career, even my grandchildren are in their teens, and I don't care about them anymore. Much of the money is not left at home, but buried outside. You can start a new life outside.

... Mosquito's small legs are also meat! Su Minghai sighed that he didn't get the experience of these four people.

... When the old couple saw that Su Minghai stopped talking, they immediately turned over and flew out. Su Minghai was stunned and said, "Come back!"

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew looked back at Su Minghai, frightened, and couldn't help sweating from their foreheads.

Su Minghai looked at the girl's body and said to the old couple:

"When you leave, take the steps away and find a place to throw them away."

The two immediately breathed a sigh of relief. They are old rivers and lakes. Hearing this, they naturally know what Su Minghai means.

The girl's skull is just subverted, and there is not much brain plasma flowing out. Matthew moved the body aside, put it in a posture of falling down, and then moved the steps away. There was basically no trace.

took water again and washed away the remaining blood stains on the ground.

At this time, his wife had taken a stone from the forest instead of the original step, with a clump of yellow grass leaves on it, just like the original - this step was originally paved with random stones.

The good people of this old couple have done it very thoroughly, and even the steps of Chaliao are their own stones. All the materials donated by guests have been used to build bridges and pave roads, and other places have not been used at all.

Su Minghai looked at the skilled movements of Matthew and his wife and sighed: he is worthy of being an expert in repairing bridges and paving roads - the old couple covered all this up in a moment. After saying goodbye to Su Minghai, they resisted the big stone and flew away without even returning home.

Now everything is perfect: Gao Qing was killed by a master who was good at close combat. Three of his followers died of the fast sword, the girl died of the blunt weapon, and four idle men were killed by two hidden weapons! The ground is even more bumpy and chaotic, which is completely a scene of chaos.

There are also their unspoken rules among warriors: the so-called rivers and lakes, all those who know will not say it. Maybe if the boat gang has this ability in the future, they will ask him to calculate this account, but this possibility is very small, because the reason is actually on his side.

Su Minghai walked to the bodies of Gao Qing's three attendants, squatted down beside the one whose lungs were damaged, pinched his fingers, and wrote a word "Liu" deep and shallowly under him. Then he took a rag, stained it with blood, and wrote ten big words on the big mulberry tree: "The people in black clothes of Cangshan killed here!"

Haha! Disgusting me? First wipe your crotch yellow mud, so that you are both shit and shit!

--As long as there is no *, no matter who is right or wrong, whether there is evidence or not, it cannot be involved in the lawsuit.

Su Minghai also experienced more than ten or twenty years ago, and has been a thief for more than ten years. I have a clear understanding of the government's means of making money on both sides of the lawsuit.

For example, if you suddenly encounter*, rise up to resist or act bravely for justice, stabbing a person and scare the robber to run away. Although it is stipulated that others have unlimited defense rights when committing crimes such as murder, murder, rape, *, and kidnapping. But if you are not strong*, do you want to get such a judgment? Don't even think about it:

Officials will first characterize * as robbery. With this change, it can be upgraded to *. Moreover, under the premise of being robbed and resisting, it is not too bad to use a knife, and it is not too much to be sentenced to death; it can be reduced to extortion, and it is not easy to arrest for only a few days.

What about dealing with being robbed? First determine that you have suffered extortion, and then there is always a conflict of words in the confrontation, right? Make sure that there is a quarrel, and then judge that you hurt people because of the anger. If that's serious, you can be armed to hurt people. And it doesn't count that you hurt someone, and you continue to hurt the next one (otherwise why did the robbers run away?) and it doesn't count as sitting for seven or eight years, right? It is normal to be over-defended and avoid punishment.

In this way, there is a great room for floating on both sides, so he can play in the middle. Next, he will naturally see which side has more money and which side has strong power.

Of course, if you are killed bravely, if the other party is nothing more than poor kids. Then you will send some money, and you will be a martyr, and you will be greatly compensated and make great achievements for yourself. As the saying goes, the pension is everyone's, and the political achievements are their own.

Su Minghai can fully imagine the action of Taoxi County Shou:

If there is *, Su Minghai has no fixed place and is alone, and there is no interest in finding him; while Liu Mingtong has a promise to do everything. Once the encirclement and suppresses are successful, they will naturally be able to share! Therefore, the case must fall on Liu Mingtong.

But this possibility is almost zero. Liu Mingtong has become independent in disguise, and the Juhua Empire did not settle accounts with him. This has only destroyed 70 or 80 people, and it's enough to protest.

The county guard is unable to fight, so it is simpler: he can't report to his superiors: "The murderer is a person with no name and no fixed residence." Unless he doesn't want his own official. Although Liu Mingtong did not abolish his earldom, it was actually an independent kingdom. Therefore, he is still the best scapegoat. The discovery of "hostile forces destroying" is sometimes even a credit. Therefore, Su Minghai is safer!

No one will regard a person who can't be caught at all as a criminal, because the above will not consider the problem that this person can't be caught. As an agent, if you can't catch people, it is dereliction of duty. Therefore, what Su Minghai has to do now is to put yellow mud on the crotch of a man with a family business! And he happens to have such an object!

Su Minghai sighed at his poor calligraphy, and then looked at Gao Qing's purple and gold crown with saliva: What a lot of rubies!

But after thinking about it for a long time, he still didn't do anything. After all, death is the most successful, and Su XVI has principles! Moreover, Gao Qing and his three attendants are still relatively rich. Gold coins and silver coins add up to provide him with almost 30 gold coins.

Jiang Bo bird looked at the dust here from afar and looked gloomy. The man in black suddenly stood up and said:

"Your Excellency, would you like to let me check one or two so that I can know some details?"

Jiang Bo bird sighed: "You should know, we all know... There are such evils in the world! Seventeen-year-old magician, no one will believe it!"

"Although we have horses, there are many mountains all the way, and the road is still light, but once we meet this sixteen Lang, it will be a little difficult to escape. We went to a crowded place to argue with him! He pointed to the two people casually and said harshly:

"You two, open five or six miles back and forth, and go to Cangshan to report the experience here in detail. If the count asks, Jiang Boming is determined to fight with this thief all the way. If this scourge can't be eliminated, it is that Jiang died under Sixteen Lang. Please be kind to my family, but I don't care if I can avenge in the future!"

He was full of confidence before, but at this moment he has a sense of ulterior...

From Taoling to the east, most of the way through mountains and mountains coincides with the first month, and there are few people. Su Minghai didn't care about this. He walked slowly all the way, just looking at the scenery along the way, asking some cultural allusions, or summarizing the combat experience of this period. Along the way, I passed the three counties of Hongtan, Changtian and Quanxi, and traveled more than 600 miles. On this day, I arrived at Fengtong County at the border of Wude and Yongping. He walked more than 600 miles for seven days and kept practicing swordsmanship and boxing all the way. In addition, he was afraid of two groups of mountain thieves and shot three people. His experience slowly reached 1297/1500, and he could see that he was going to upgrade again.

Su Minghai gradually knew that this was not a game after all. Compared with experienced opponents such as Zhuang Jing, there are still many gaps.

Whether in his previous life or this life, he is proficient in practicing fists and feet. The exquisite moves are above the level of the Esch continent, and what is missing is nothing more than experience against the enemy. But this blade is my weakness all the way.

For example, in terms of this Wudang swordsmanship, the move refers to the enemy's wrist. Many places rely on the strength of their own wrists. The blade falls on the other party, but 30 to 40 pounds of strength. When it comes to the other party's meridians and tendons, I can't use skill to cut and wipe the belt, and I can only rely on these 30 to 40 pounds of brute force. Accurate landing is also a problem, and the understanding of the structure of the human body is even more unfamiliar. If you accidentally get stuck in the bones of others, the following moves will inevitably be affected.

And this can't be solved by hard work at all. Compared with Zhuang Jing and others, they took a 37 catties of machete as a shield. They used a fast sword of 5 catties and 9 taels, but Zhuang Jing can rely on a knife surface more than ten centimeters wide to block all his moves and borrow from it. A single "handful" is far away from the world.

The whole western and southern parts of Wude Province are mountainous, with few residents. The same is true of Fengtong County. The wall is only two feet high, with a circumference of more than * miles, and there are more than 6,000 residents in the city. But the mountains and rivers here are beautiful, and a beautiful stream is a famous beauty of martial arts. Many fruits such as peaches, plums, apricots and other fruits taste different from others, which are also recorded in several ancient books of Su Linghan.

Su Minghai did not force him to stay in the village shop all the way, and only ate at will on the roadside. Therefore, when he entered Fengtong County, his mouth became more secreted. I carefully searched for a teahouse and went in. It was almost noon, and the teahouse was scattered and full of people. Su Minghai looked for a table, but suddenly there was a voice next to him:

"Brother, this teahouse is full. Is it okay for me to set up a seat?"