The mage is fierce

Chapter 42 Attack

It turned out that Zuo Shaofei pressed his left palm on the table just now, turned his wrist, and picked up a vegetable plate. The technique was fast, and no one in the field saw it. After getting out of the window, his body folded and rotated, jumped back from another window, and hit this thing as a hidden weapon at Cloud King Kong.

This plate was originally disincarnated, but it was slapped vigorously by Yun Jingang and broken into fifteen or sixteen pieces. The edge was sharp, and it became a hidden weapon if it was not a hidden weapon!

At this time, all those with low martial arts skills in the field, except for a Lin Laosan, have run away. There were only three or five heroes sitting on the left. This time, they couldn't dodge and jumped up one after another. One of them also wiped a blood on his face.

These people are all rough and bold people who often draw swords. How can they give up after suffering such a big loss this time? I immediately rubbed my hands and rushed up!

Cloud King Kong patted the plate with his left palm and stepped on his right foot.

When he took this step, everyone saw a flash in front of them. Obviously, Yun King Kong was still in front of him just now, and suddenly he arrived at the side of the two pillars beside the building. He stretched out his left palm and grabbed him to the left Shaofei, hoping to throw this guy out of the window again!

When Zuo Shaofei saw that the other party covered himself in five or six directions, he hurriedly put his hands together, or punched or palms, and attacked four or five moves in a row.

Cloud King Kong turned into a circle, and drew a large circle from the bottom to the right with his left and from the right to the left, which has circled Zuo Shaofei's many moves out of the door. Turn your right hand and slap it out immediately!

Zuo Shaofei's body flashed and changed his position, but he saw that Yun Jingang was about to hit the air, but his palm shook and came in front of him again!

He was stimulated by the palm wind, floated obliquely like a leaf, and then looked up: there was still a fan-sized palm in front of him, as if he had been waiting there for a long time.

What a Zuo Shaofei! At this time, his body did not grow old, and he flashed again. This time, he hid behind the pillar.

Yun Jingang's palm was like a trace, followed, and hit the thick pillar of the house with a bang.

Everyone felt that their feet were shaking, but Yun Jingang's palm was so strong that they shook the huge Juying Building. The tiles slid down astringently, and there was a sound of tiles breaking outside the window.

If the master moves, he should also pay attention to the benefits of the terrain. If he is in the wilderness mountains and forests, Zuo Shaofei is light and has room for maneuver. Cloud King Kong can't catch up with it. Seven or eight out of ten can take advantage. However, on the second floor of this Juying Building, the door god's casual punch can almost cover half of the room. Zuo Shaofei's body is limited, and he is no match for Yun King Kong.

Zuo Shaofei saw that Yun Jingang's fist was powerful and irresistible. He didn't wait for him to take action again. He flashed his body and hid behind this group of middle-level soldiers.

At this time, Yun King Kong immediately seemed to prick his hands and feet. His fists were strong and he was often injured by mistake. This group of warriors have a lot of opinions about him, and sometimes they have to sneak attacks. Yun Jingang turned a few times and couldn't catch up with Zuo Shaofei. He was furious and grabbed a five-level warrior and threw it out!

The man's hands and feet were open, his mouth screamed, and he flew out of the window and disappeared.

There are two brothers in this group of warriors, and the cooperation is extremely tacit. At this time, he saw that Zuo Shaofei was so sinister that he actually used them as a shield. His face was blown by Yunjingang's fist, and the pain was very painful, and he really suffered a lot. They winked at each other. When Zuo Shaofei came back, the younger brother stretched out his leg and staggered Zuo Shaofei. He fell down and reached out to hold his right leg.

Zuo Shaofei's body was unbalanced and rushed forward. He was caught by his brother's hands. The two brothers worked hard together, just like swinging, and also threw Zuo Shaofei out!

The shopkeeper of Juying Building didn't care when he heard the noise upstairs. He is known as Juying Building. There are always fights every three or five days, and he is used to it. Usually, these warriors are also quite reasonable. If they break things, they will take the initiative to compensate. On the contrary, it has increased many reputations of the Juying Building.

After a long time, he put his hands behind his back and swung to the front. As soon as I entered the courtyard door, I saw a bang in the whole building and fell down a lot of tiles: "Do you still want to demolish my house?" Under the pain, I couldn't help frowning.

After a while, a five-level warrior flew out with his hands and feet, fell to the ground, barely got up, and saw the shopkeeper beside him, which was very embarrassing.

After a while, another person flew in the window, but this time he fell on the eaves and crawled around. I don't know how many tiles he had caught. The smoke and dust slipped to the eaves, and then fell down with a lot of garbage and dust.

At a glance, it turned out to be "Han Xing" Zuo Shaofei: "Hey, this man also fell today, which is very rare."

He opened two bubble eyes, and there was a lot of blood in it. He coughed and opened his mouth: "Xie Tieding is coming! Xie Tieding is here!" The sound is loud, like an eagle, ringing through the sky.

The surroundings corresponded, and immediately became as quiet as a mess of graves, and even a sound could not be heard. After a while, the sound was so bad that it sounded again:

"Stop fighting, Xie Tieding is coming..."

"You are dead! Xie Yanwang is here, why don't you go quickly!"

"Go quickly, why are you walking so slowly? Give Xie Tieding to see you and it's over..."

These people didn't have time to take the stairs and jumped out of the window and stepped on the tiles in a mess. Yun Jingang's body was heavy, and he suddenly fell into a big hole in the eaves. I finally stood firmly on the ground and punched the shopkeeper: "Golden shopkeeper, it's up to me that I broke today. Don't miss my meal here..."

ran out of the hospital one after another. As for the two who fell on the ground, they got up early and hurriedly left without anyone.

In a blink of an eye, the upstairs walked cleanly, leaving Lin Laosan curled aside alone. Other guests with no martial arts ran away as early as the beginning of the conflict.

Lin Laosan smiled miserably, picked up a broken chopstick, put it in his heart, patted hard, and inserted the chopsticks straight into his body! He struggled on the ground a few times, vomited blood in his mouth, and soon died.

In private, it was the dark line of Liu Mingtong lying here. The stone pillar was close to the gate of Cangshan Mountain. Like this fine work of running in the hall, buying and selling fruits, carrying firewood for salt, Liu Mingtong did not know how many he had sent. All of them are low-level people whose families are all in Cangshan and loyal to Liu Mingtong.

The order above is to let a group of warriors fight, one must die, and preferably civilians. He didn't expect that there were two high-level soldiers today and had no chance to do it at all. If the civilians are all gone, then he is the only one who dies...

This Xie Tieding is a general of Shizhuguan, with extremely high skills. He is only 267 years old, and there are many pimples on his face, and the color of the cut is black, as if he had hit many nails in.

This person is rigorous, selfless, cool, and usually cares for the people. It's okay for ordinary warriors to fight. If they bully civilians and encounter him, it's like being nailed, and small things will also be put on the line and become a big crime. However, the reason is often on his side, so many masters are a little fussy when they hear his name, so they call out a nickname of "iron nail".

"This group of lawless warriors!"

Xie Guang is very upright, so he is very annoying! Touching my cheek, I felt impatient and seemed to have a few more pimples.

He looked helplessly at the soldiers who came to report, shouted, and drove his horse away. Although Xie Guang is the guard general of Shizhuguan, the matter of maintaining public security also falls on him - he has always been loyal to his duty.

Today's Shizhuguan, there are many people fighting!

First, the second runner of Juying Building knocked over the vegetable plate of a high-level soldier, which was pushed out by the adult and knocked over the cup and plate of another adult. Then four or five adults took action together, damaging a staircase, two windows, four tables, and a civilian life in the Juying Building!

Then there was a vegetable seller on Jiuqu Street, which aroused the anger of the two masters. Five innocent people in the past were injured at the scene!


Now Siqian Street is the fifth scene. It is said that nine warriors have been involved in the fight, and the specific casualties are still unknown...


This is a cabbage, which was thrown in front of the foot and smashed to pieces.

There are sticks flying in the pile of people in front of them, and occasionally raw eggs and winter cabbages are flying and jumping, and a lot of pedestrians are watching the fun. Block a street tightly.

As soon as Su Minghai finished eating and walked around the street, he found that someone was fighting on the way back.

He was cautious by nature. After arriving at Shizhu Pass, he did not want to be crowded in the crowd, and even staying in an inn was a small courtyard. So after looking at it, I turned to a small lane next to me and wanted to leave the street behind and take a detour back to the inn to rest.

It's said to be a small one, but in fact, it's eight feet wide, which is a small street. There are also doors on both sides, but the courtyard wall is very strong, which is also a feature of the border county on the front line, which can be used as a shelter for street fighting after the enemy breaks through the customs. The road is not as beautiful as the main street, only a few pieces of inlaid stone, and many places are still made of loess. However, there were few people on the street. Several households were still open, and they probably ran to see the bustle.

It's almost three months now, and many people stick out a bamboo pole on the roof and fill the quilts and winter clothes while it's sunny. Otherwise, in the rainy season of March, it will be a little troublesome to dry the quilt.

This small street is not long. Su Minghai has just walked halfway, and a quilt on his head suddenly slipped off!

Su Minghai instinctively looked up and was ready to take down the bedding. The quilt was about to crack, and the powder suddenly flew across the air, his eyes were tingling, and a spicy smell came into his nose!

This quilt actually contains a lot of quicklime!

Su Minghai wasware of being plotted every day, but he didn't expect to sprinkle people with lime.

In shock, his palms turned over and his palms gushed out, shaking the remaining half of the quilt straight out. But there was a sound in the house more than 30 meters away behind him, and its sound was vigorous!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

There were more than ten fierce launches at the same time!

Although Su Minghai has never heard the sound of *, he is usually used to the crossbow used for hunting beasts. Although the sound was a little different, when I was neutral, I knew that the power of these strong crossbows was still above the crossbows that hunted fierce beasts!

These crossbows are not fired around, but have to ambush in the back to shoot - this is to force yourself to escape!