The mage is fierce

Chapter 48 Su Minghai's calculation

The old man stopped the execution and turned to Xie Guangdao:

"Your Excellency, this prisoner's life is barely saved now. If he picks his tendons and hamstrings like this, I'm afraid he won't live tomorrow."

Xie Guang was silent, but the person who grabbed Su Minghai's hands and feet did not do anything more, but still put the knife on his skin and continued to compress his sensory nerves.

After a long time, Xie Guangfang began to speak:

"Well, then lock his hands and feet in heavy shackles and arrange it to the armor. It's just Mr. Lin, do you think you still need to give him some ginseng soup so that he can be more energetic tomorrow.

"It doesn't matter. My life-saving elixir is enough to protect his life for three or five days. With the recovery ability of this high-level soldier, there should be a lot of improvement tomorrow. However, if the general needs to use more means, it is better to give him some ginseng soup to be safe.

Xie Guang muttered, "In this case, just give him some to save some surprises. It's just that he has entered the cell and needs to pay attention from time to time. Don't let him recover too much.

Xie Guang is also a young and high-level figure, with a long history and rich experience. I have a deep understanding of how much the injuries of high-level soldiers can recover overnight. Seeing that Su Minghai was so seriously injured, he was not afraid of any moth. He followed his finger to get ginseng soup and fed Su Minghai. Another person came up and took off the high-value leather armor on his body before putting on thick and long shackles.

Su Minghai's talent was about his own affairs, and his mind was a little confused for a moment, which really scared these people a little confused.

But at this moment, he gradually understood what Xie Guang was thinking. He knew that he would not take his noble life in three or five days without asking for his confession. It was nothing more than suffering. Therefore, while listening to the old and young acting with each other, they were relieved. Thinking slowly, I thought about how to escape this disaster.

While several people around him put down his hands and feet and pretended to breathe a sigh of relief, he fell into a coma. He sneered in his heart and said:

"I just want to add some more thoughts to you and deal with you slowly tomorrow."

Just now, these people brought Su Minghai in and dared not move on the stretcher for fear of shocking the wound and killing him. At this time, two ferocious men with soap armor came forward and carried him out. There were also two groups of standard battle teams, which should be guarding against someone from the outside world coming to silence.

Gis a continuous sense of oppression to prisoners seems to have become the instinct of these people. Although Su Minghai was "comatose", the two still did not lift him from the sun and walked away from a gloomy wall. The wall is no more than four feet wide, and there are some holes on the side. I feel that the arrow holes are more functional than windows, and they should also have military uses. The narrow and long small lane is dark. Even in such a broad daylight, there are several fluorites hanging sporadically along the way, and several of them even have begun to flash. Obviously, they are not bright enough, but they are still not replaced.

These cold-looking men carried Su Minghai and walked high and low for a while before entering an empty hall. The surroundings are all made of boulders, and the walls are wet, and even moss has grown. In addition to the flashing light, there are some hanging chains and iron rings used for fixing, and there is nothing, and even the top window is not opened. The air inside was much colder in an instant, showing a gloomy and horrible atmosphere for no reason.

Su Minghai did not know that this lobby was built according to the tomb of the nobles. Although it was hung with chains, it did not need to be tortured. It's just to put mental pressure on the incoming prisoners. The space and furnishings inside have been repeatedly studied by torture experts, so they show such a gloomy feeling.

There is only one entrance and one exit in this tomb. The place I just entered were two open heavy iron gates. Those people carried Su Minghai to the exit, but there was a thick iron fence, only four feet wide, deeply embedded in a heavy boulder. The passage inside is a little wider, almost six feet.

A person next to it turned the winch on the wall, and the iron fence made a harsh sound and slowly rose up.

The lower end of the iron fence is sharp and sharp, grinding brightly on the bluestone floor. The narrow corridor inside is dim, shining with cold fluorite light in the distance. Occasionally, there are one or two prisoner's moans and sad screams, as if a prehistoric beast has opened its bloody mouth. .

Next, it was a continuous downward process. These people carried him down a section of stairs repeatedly, as if there was no end. It took him a long time before he reached the cell.

The width of this walkway has been reduced to less than four feet, and the cell door is only two feet three to four, all made of iron, with a thickness of more than an inch. The two people carrying Su Minghai had to shrink their stretchers slightly to enter. There is a small window that can be opened under the door, and there is a small window about 14 meters above. The grille above is actually dug on an iron plate, obviously to prevent prisoners inside from attacking through this small window. Entering the door, there is a nearly three-foot-high step, and the room is only two square meters round, and water can drip from the wall. There are two small windows with two fists on the opposite side, and the skylight penetrates.

These people put Su Minghai and his people on a stretcher** without saying much. They turned around and locked the door and went out.

Su Minghai also knew that he would carry himself out for torture tomorrow. Therefore, as soon as the footsteps outside were far away, he immediately began to recover.

But he was seriously injured this time, and even his whole body was almost half less blood, and his body was indeed extremely weak. It is impossible to supplement by converting the body's strength. It can only be compensated by absorbing the magic of heaven and earth.

He calmed down, first transported three weeks, and then coughed out the remaining fragments and blood in his lungs and vomited a pool of two feet on the ground.

The sad sound of almost coughing out the internal organs was completely hidden in the corridor and came from afar.

The servants outside listened from afar for fear of something wrong and hurried to observe. Later, he probably reported that the old doctor also came in a hurry. He saw that he had spit out nothing but some blood outside the door, and scolded the jailer in a low voice before walking away.

This straightens out the way to communicate the magic of heaven and earth. Su Minghai is sleepless, regardless of whether it will damage the body's function or not. He continues to run on Sunday to make up for the damage to the liver. Only when his consciousness is tired can he take a rest.

In the early morning of the next day, he suddenly heard the sound of footsteps outside, and echoes came from afar in the aisle. Su Minghai was shocked and immediately pretended to be asleep.

When the iron door banged, the two ferocious men came in yesterday, patted Su Minghai on the cheek rudely, and said fiercely:

"You little thief! Get up quickly, it's time for you to go through the hall!"

As soon as Su Minghai opened his eyes in a daze, the two raised their stretchers and muttered that they wanted to do such hard work and walked into the aisle. Two combat teams were still arranged, a total of ten people, and the defense was extremely tight.

After walking for a long time, he did not enter the lobby of yesterday's questioning, but to the torture room in this prison.

Xie Guang hasn't come yet. There is a thin man standing alone in the room, with pale skin and dull, as if he had never seen sunshine. There were also many white marks on his face and hands, and the white faintly showed a trace of sick red. Seeing Su Minghai come in, he tilted his face and showed three or five black dental caries, which seemed to be laughing, but gave people a feeling of crying.

Two ferocious men put Su Minghai on a long case. The man came forward, seemed to appreciate Su Minghai's skin very much, and reached out and touched his face. There is an inexplicable smell on the body, as if every pore has been rotting for two or three days, but it is fresh and bloody.

Su Minghai lost a lot of blood and his body was cold, but the slender man's hands were even colder than Su Minghai, as if he had a wet and sticky piece of ice on his face, which made him shiver.

When he was distracted, Xie Guang suddenly came in outside the door. There was no sound between walking, and his footsteps seemed to be as if he were floating. If Su Minghai hadn't had divine consciousness, he would hardly have known that such a person had come to him.

Xie Guang was quite kind when he entered the door and said to Su Minghai with a smile, "How's it going? Is Shiliulang in better?"

Su Minghai touched the man's wet hand on his face, forced a smile, and said with some hard:

"Thank you for your concern. I feel much better now."

Xie Guang smiled more sincerely and said warmly:

"Did you sleep well last night? After thinking about it all night, there should be something more to say..."

Su Minghai has already thought about what he wants to say today:

"Your Excellency... Everything I said yesterday is true, and now the third son is visiting the Qin family in Chuanshan County... It's only been two or three days since I went back and forth, and my lord sent his men to ask..."

After a night of recuperation, he already knew that when Zhao Hongzhi learned about the situation, no matter how he rushed, he could basically recover - at that time, he, the magician, sold his third son of Zhao's face and did not make a scene in Shizhuguan, instead of Mr. Zhao's third son saving him Su Minghai in a desperate situation.

Seeing his answer like this, Xie Guang knew that before the arrival of the third prince, he was afraid that there would be only one sentence. His face gradually came down from the floor and said:

"Do you have nothing else to say to me?"

Su Minghai still smiled and pretended to be weak and said, "How about the details? Adults will know in a few days. If I really say what a spy of the Lance Empire is, I dare to recruit, hey, adults dare not write."

He thinks that he is familiar with the habits of these superiors - if such a three princes really come near the small county in his previous life, he can almost stir up more than nine levels of dignitaries - the rest of the floor is often looked down on by others and rushed out.

He expected that Xie Guang would send many soldiers to protect along the road as soon as he heard the news, and even Xie Guang himself would rush there day and night. If he still wants to put Su Minghai on foreign spies, as long as he grits his teeth and doesn't recognize him, won't Zhao Hongzhi be charged with treason on his master's head? He doesn't have the courage to measure this nail face!

Seeing Su Minghai's arrogant answer, Xie Guang was furious and said with an upright face:

"Although you were stabbed yesterday, there were 23 civilian bodies at the scene, 19 of which were killed by you, and eight of them were taken by you to block the arrows! Instead, you killed four assassins. Could it be that you are the subordinate of the third son..."

"I just thought I could treat these civilians with low martial arts as ants!"

"The people of the world can't use it as a shield for you!"

"You can only take away from such a lawless thief!"

He said three "no" in a tone, which showed that he was really angry and almost incoherent.

Su Minghai knew in his heart that there were only nine assassins dressed as civilians below the third level he killed yesterday, and the remaining ten should be Jiang Boji and others who disguised the civilians they shot as the civilians he used to block arrows and even kill them directly with a sword. I'm afraid Xie Guang's personality is a little special, and he also bypassed a group of people in Cangshan.

But he is also strange: Is there really such a considerate official? How did this fool live to be now? Even if his father was Li Gang, an official like this would have been rotten, right?

In fact, the world is really not as bad as Su Minghai imagined. After all, the influence of the people's families is still great, and the world is still the world of hundreds of surnames. Although the superior is also mercenary and intrigued, his mind is still clear - he knows that the family needs to be composed of members, not his personal property, and he is nothing more than a housekeeper - although this housekeeper is scrambling to do it. I also know that my own chickens, ducks, pigs and dogs need to be fed and taken care of every day. In the era of Su Minghai, science and technology were prosperous and the output was extremely profitable. Everyone was fascinated by it. They only regarded themselves as other people's livestock and did not forget to go to the chicken coop every day to take out two chickens to make hot pot seasoning. Instead of thinking about so many ingredients, whether you can eat it or not.

Xie Guang was aroused by a series of murders yesterday. He was quite a leader of his own people, and because of his own background, he hated the warriors who killed civilians indiscriminately. Moreover, his father is the county guard of Shizhuguan. Although he usually acts in a style that is not afraid of power and repeatedly infringes on the interests of the superiors, everyone also looks at his father and dares not touch him. However, Su Minghai was un Coincident yesterday. After he branded it, he revealed the relationship with Zhao Hongzhi - he was angry at that time and didn't believe what Su Minghai said, so today he tried to continue to ask questions:

If Zhao and others are the local emperors of Yongparallel Province, not to mention that they are just a guard general, no matter how big the officials are, as long as they work in this Yongparallel Province, they are also a migrant worker under Duke Zhao. Therefore, even if they are not humane, he knows that he must figure it out.

But what Su Minghai said just now was so accurate that he couldn't help but believe it:

There are only two dukes in the Juhua Empire. One is sealed in the west of Juhua, which is the Pingshan Province at the border with Jinhuzui, and the other is Zhao Yu. The whole Yong parallel province is his fiefdom.

But his soldering iron is equivalent to completely offending Su Minghai - or Su Minghai doesn't have this idea, but no matter how loyal and straightforward Xie Guang is, he is also a guard general who knows the demeanor of officialdom. He knows that the superiors are basically ungrateful villains - and knows the horror of these villains!

Xie Guang thought for a moment and immediately paid attention to it. In any case, when things have reached this point, he will never let go of this thief who killed the people indiscriminately!