The mage is fierce

Chapter 52 Can yellow shirts be embroidered?

Zhao Hongzhi and Xie Pengce listened carefully. Su Minghai thought about the words and said:

"Actually... I'm not from Shuikou County, Fengxiang Province!"

Zhao Hongyi was shocked: "You are not..."

"I'm not! I'm just an orphan. I was raised by wolves in Fog Forest.

Zhao Hongzhi and Xie Pengce can't believe it: although there have been legends since ancient times, they have never personally confirmed it.

"At that time, I was muddle-headed and couldn't speak. I would only follow the old wolf to look up to the sky and roar at the moon. When I was hungry, I would eat some prey and drink blood and eat raw. It was not until the age of 11 or 12 that he was adopted by the master, studied and practiced martial arts, and knew the difference between human and beasts.

Su Minghai smiled and said to Zhao Hong, "I really hate simple food, so I usually pay so much attention to diet, which Brother Zhao knows well."

Zhao Hongzhi suddenly realized that Su Minghai's taste for delicious food was the reason. But he didn't even know that this set of words was casually fabricated by Su Minghai to deceive people.

"Later, I entered the high level. Master felt that no matter how much I taught alone, I could not improve anything, so he drifted away and let me go out to practice."

It can raise a martial artist without experience and rely on teachers and apprentices alone to reach the level of a high-level warrior, at least an experienced magician. When Su Minghai said this, he naturally raised his value again, * and it was three points thicker.

"After I broke through the magician, my consciousness was opened up, and I had some impression of my childhood memory: but I remember that it was in a valley at that time, my family seemed to be a businessman. When I was attacked and killed by bandits on the road, I was thrown aside by the thief and fainted. Then I was lucky enough to escape and woke up in the wolf's nest... But at that time, I He should be only two or three years old, but he can't even remember what his family looks like.

"This area of Cangshan is next to the Fog Forest, which is also an important place leading to the Wendy Federation. The mountains and forests I live in and this place can be seen in a straight line, but five or six hundred miles, I carefully considered the location of the incident at that time and felt that the greatest possibility should be in this area.

In the Cangshan area, to the west is the remnants of the Fog Forest. From southwest to northeast, it extends to Shizhuguan, which is called Goose Mountain. If you look at the map, Su Minghai is equivalent to going from * to the northeast, then east to Yongping, and then to the Shizhu Pass. After leaving the Shizhu Pass, he has to go southwest along the Wujiang River, almost 400 to 500 miles southeast. It's nothing more than this section of the road that is impassable, and it can only be so far away for more than 1,500 miles.

Xie Pengze knew what Su Minghai was looking for, and he listened more and more attentively. Su Minghai continued:

"Thank you, since you have been operating here for 15 or six years, although I didn't think of any case files to be retained, or there are still well-informed parties, so I want you to help me check it. It's just that after so many years, most of this matter has been confused. If there is really no result, it's just that. I'm just asking for peace of mind, but it requires adults to work hard.

Xie Pengce said: "This is not difficult. Although Juhua Lance is an enemy country, it is related to huge commercial interests all the way. Therefore, Shizhuguan and Xinbiguan still communicate with each other about the robbery and murder of merchants. Therefore, whether it is from Juhua to Lance or from Lance to Juhua, there are personnel proofread it every six months. Moreover, there are also cases of robberies. If this really happens here, it will definitely be found.

Su Minghai said this, which is nothing more than a high-sounding formal identity. As an important town of the border gate, Shizhuguan left a file of past personnel, which was also expected by him. Moreover, even if there is no suitable case file, he wants this identity. Under the premise of taking the initiative, he is not afraid of not getting what he wants. I believe that Xie Pengce, an old and cunning guy, can naturally understand what he means.

The two said lightly, but Zhao Hongzhi was very nervous and quickly ordered Xie Peng to investigate carefully.

Xie Peng ordered his men to come in, dragged out Xie Guang's body, and then left to look for Su Minghai's identity. Zhao Hongzhi hasn't slept well these days, and Su Minghai is also a little tired. He went inside and rested for a long time. It was nearly noon before he came out.

After walking twice in front of the hall, I saw Zhao Hongzhi and Qin Yin coming together, and Lin Zhuqin followed. But it turned out that there was only one day away, and the beautiful girl also arrived with her sixth aunt and two girls. Ga Ga smiled and said, "If Shiliulang is not afraid of the people who take Cangshan to poison again, why don't you go out with me to find a delicious place and enjoy a good meal!"

Su Minghai can only eat dry food in his cell these days, and he has long felt that the bird was about to fade out of his mouth. He is in good condition now, so he is really poisonous and not afraid. He immediately moved his index finger and flowed his mouth: "If you are not afraid of being involved by me, then go out together."

You pulled me and got to the street. Qin Yindao:

"Shizhuguan needs to count food and food, and the Tianlou is a masterpiece. It doesn't care about the taste inside. It's seven floors high. You can look down at the Hongqiao lying waves, the white sails, and the circumference of the city is more than ten miles. It's all as it is now, and it's worth going."

Su Minghai also heard the reputation of Tianlou in Shizhuguan for a long time. This building is built in the south of Shizhuguan, with a pillow fog river. You can see it when you enter the gate, which is quite the style of the Yellow Crane Tower in his previous life. Seeing that the people were so noisy, it was up to them to go up to the fifth floor of the Tianlou - the upper two floors are military. There are soldiers stationed all year round to observe the surrounding environment, but they can't go up.

The four walls of the building are full of celebrity poems. If you want to see the scenery, you have to go to the outside. The residential houses in Shizhuguan are only two floors high. When I go out and have a cursory look, I really feel that the mountains are small. Su Minghai saw too much of this landscape in his previous life, and he was not surprised. He casually looked at it and went back to the room to study the recipe.

He was not interested in the scenery, but he was really energetic. When everyone came back, he ordered all the famous dishes in Tianlou. Qin Yin came back and admired it very much. This dish was suitable for hot and cold, and the quantity just made everyone eat fast and full. Bisheng also included several special dishes of Tianlou, and couldn't help giving a thumbs up and saying, "Sixteen Lang, it's really a master!"

Su Minghai laughed and said, "I dare not. I'm coming. I always have to taste all the delicious food before I give up." Unexpectedly, he was not shameless and was praised by Qin Yin.

Zhao Hongzhi's interest hasn't arrived here yet, pulling Su Minghai Road:

"This Tianlou has a history of more than 500 years. Sixteen Lang, look, this wall is the inscription of the lord of Wanyan Liang of Wendy's empire. Wanyan Liang is very happy with the culture of our golden family. Under his physical practice, it has played a great role in the civilization of the silver and bronze clans in those years.

Eight hundred years ago, the golden family only took the south of the Yellow Spring River as the back garden of their own family and had no intention of establishing a country. As a result, after 200 years, the local ghosts first established the country, and the largest territory included the current Lance Empire, the Tianfeng Kingdom and the Windy Business Alliance, including the Stone Pillar Pass here. The gold family really suffered a great loss to their men.

Wanyan Liang was the third emperor of the Wendy Empire at that time. He has been smart and learningable since childhood and has a deep cultural foundation for the Golden Family. He is elegant and Confucian, good at poetry and literature, and likes to associate with Nandu celebrities who lived in the Windyde Empire. Tasting tea and chess, talking about the past and the present, can also be regarded as a person with both literature and martial arts. At that time, the second emperor was his brother. As a result, he was colluded by Wanyan Liang and successfully killed his brother and sat on the throne of the emperor. More than 20 years after his reign, he was abolished by his nephew, died and vented his hatred. In the end, he didn't even leave a grave. After Wendy's empire passed on to another emperor, it perished in the hands of Zhao Kebang, the hero at that time, and the Wanyan clan was slaughtered.

Su Minghai got up and walked to the wall pointed to by Zhao Hongzhi and found that the inscription was well protected. He made a wooden cabinet and wrapped it with blue gauze on his face, which was not inconvenient for anyone to watch. The title above is a song "Zhao Jun's Grievance. Snow:

"Yesterday's woodcutter village Yupu, today's Qiongchuan Yinzhu.

Look at the mountain roll curtain. Old peaks.

The beauty of JinzhangI was sleepy and didn't realize that Tiansun was cutting water.

The shocking question is Yanghua, it's Luhua.

(This place uses the poems of Wanyan Liang, the gold owner of that year, and it is pirated and pirated.)

He, who couldn't see these high-nosed and uncivilized races, read Zhao Hongzhi's meaning and turned back to the table and sat down. Barely praised:

"This Wanyan is bright and heroic, hehe, writing such soft words is also heroic..."

Zhao Hongzhi also heard Su Minghai's meaning and asked, "What else?"

Su Minghai was also rude and said, "It's like a thick arm hooked back the pattern, and the yellow shirt learns to embroider, and there is always something that can't be scratched."

Yellow shirt is a famous female magician 200 years ago. She crosses the three continents with a long sword in her hand, and the emperors of all countries bow their heads and are known as sword immortals. At that time, Du Ye, a great scholar and great poet, once had a poem "Watching the Yellow Shirts and Dance Swords" handed down to the world, and everyone thought it was a masterpiece. Ren Xiaolou, a calligrapher and painter, wrote "Yellow Shirt Sword Dance", which is also known as a masterpiece.

Qin Yin was a little unconvinced, so he giggled and said, "Sixteen Lang's literary talent is outstanding. Why don't you attach a rhyme to the side?"

Although Su Minghai read a lot at *, Su Linghan always thought that poetry was a path, so he did not do any poems and songs. However, he has been dating Zhao Hongzhi and Qin Yin for many days, and gradually picked up some young people's benequint. When he heard the words, he did not refuse. He said, "There is no pen in front of me, but what can I do!"

The inkstone next to her immediately took out the object from the package and smiled ghostly. When she studied the ink for Su Minghai, the boy also slowly thought of the sentence and moistened the pen. He really went to the edge of the Bisha cabinet and wrote a song:

"Cold moon lonely island fish, playing the flute and secluded river.

Poetry to be found, across the peaks.

I have never slept tonight, and I miss you like water.

Fly into the pear blossoms and into the peach blossoms.

Zhao Hongzhi watched him finish writing and said with a smile, "Haha! Sixteen Langchun's heart is also moved!"

Qin Yin's mind is more delicate, but he can see the "poetry" in front of him, which can naturally be explained by the feeling of remembrance. Besides, "to be found, across the peaks", that is, it can't be found, and there is no value of memory; the latter says "like water", and "in the pear blossoms, into the peach blossoms", naturally it is also gone, some of the rest, and even its His deeds are more valuable than Wanyan Liang's. Knowing Su Minghai's harmony and rhyme, most of them satirize Wanyan Liang's end. Just smile and stop talking.

At this time, a crisp voice came from the side:

"This gentleman, I don't know where you know that yellow shirts in those years can't be embroidered?"