The mage is fierce

Chapter 82 Living Alone

These people vomited like this, and their hearts were much better. Then, most of the road, there were more and more scattered bodies. But these who can be explored first can be said to be elite warriors, ranging from three to five to dozens of them, and there are many lives. The corpses are much more insightful, but they will not spit out again. Entering the ruins of Shuanglongzhai, most of them were charred torso, many of which were even burned out, leaving only broken bones and a wrinkled stomach, and immediately felt that the air was much fresher. In less than an hour, the Shuanglongzhai group was searched and no living person was seen.

After the village is a lush hillside. Somehow, the fire only rolled up most of it and did not burn up to the mountain. It is estimated that it is due to the change of wind direction.

Although he knew that the evil star had mostly left, Zhong Cheng couldn't help but hesitate in his heart. He stared at the hillside for a long time before he said harshly:

"Go! Keep moving forward. Now that we are here, we will always travel all over the two dragon islands!" Walk up the mountain.

The population of Shuanglongzhai may also have caused a backfire at that time. On the contrary, it was safe in the direction of the dock, and most of them were concerned about fleeing to the dock. There were not many corpses on this hillside. When I walked to the top of the mountain, only four were found, all of which were killed by arrows in the back.

The burning of the forest stops at the ridge, and there is a green behind it. Behind it is a small mountain depression, with a pond about 20 mu in size below, leaning on a sparse forest next to it, and many newly sown land. The edge of the forest faintly revealed a corner of the hut.

Seeing that the scene here was completely different from just now, several people planned to take a rest in the hut.

After only a few steps, several people suddenly jumped back almost at the same time!

There are five corpses in front of them. At present, their eyes are protruding, and their eyes are almost half the size of eggs. He knelt on his knees, crawled forward, supported his left hand, but his right hand stretched out obliquely and raised in mid-air, as if he was speechless to ask the sky. But the skin and flesh of the whole person wrinkled and turned into a piece of wood that had been roasted on the fire for a long time, which was extremely strange.

The other four are almost the same, either bowing, and the back of the head can almost touch the heel; or the body is bent and shrinking so that it can be stuffed into the rice bough; or the mouth is half the size of a face, as if it were spitting flames at that time. All of them are burnt yellow and wrinkled, and their bodies are only half the size of ordinary people. After more than ten days, no corpse has decayed, and their faces are ferocious and crazy, except for skin and wrinkle, they are no different from living people.

In his life, Zhong Cheng has killed as many as 37 people. He has seen thousands of dead people, but he has never seen such a way of death.

Several people had a cold war, and their whole body hair stood up one by one. Starting from the bottom of their hearts, they were a little cold and cold to the soles of their feet. Three or four people couldn't even bite their teeth, and they kept shaking. Zhong Cheng was more knowledgeable and more afraid than these subordinates. He trembled:

"Don't...don't get close...this...I'm afraid it's the mage's means..."

Eleven people held their breath and walked around 20 feet from afar. Then they relaxed their feet and walked to the hare.

It didn't take long to turn around the forest. As Zhong Cheng was walking, he suddenly stopped, stretched out his hand and shouted:


The ten men immediately came out with their swords, leaning against each other, and alerted on all sides.

"Who! Come out!"

"Come out, we saw you. What are you hiding from?"

Zhong Cheng pricked up his ears, listened attentively for a long time, drew a bow and arrow, slowly pulled it away, and said to a bush outside five feet:

"Friends there, don't hide, come out!"

I stayed for a while, didn't see any movement, and shouted:

"Friends behind the bush, come out!"

The bow string loosened, and an arrow shot into the left side of the bush, and then put an arrow:

"If you don't come out, I can shoot into people!"

The bush finally sounded astringently, but after waiting for a long time, no one came out. Zhong Cheng hesitated for a while, and finally didn't shoot an arrow. He said to his men:

"Liu Wu, take five people to have a look. If nothing happens, don't hurt that person."

Liu Wu is a hook-nosed man with a strong figure. Seeing Zhong Cheng's words, he was a little bloody. He summoned up the courage and took five people to inspect it. Turning around the bush, he saw a relaxed look on his face. He turned his head and said, "It's okay, it's an old woman..."

Without waiting for his men, he directly came forward and dragged out a 67-eight-old woman.

The old man did not resist, and his eyes were dull. Liu Wu pulled her in front of Zhong Cheng, but he still had some respect for the old man and gently put the old man down. But the old man obviously couldn't stand it. As soon as he loosened his hand, his body softened. Only one face was straight, his eyes were stunned, and he didn't know where he was looking at. Zhong Cheng shook his hand in front of her, without blinking, and said, "Hey! Hello!" After shouting twice, he came to his senses.

Zhong Cheng was obviously a person who was good at the hall and the kitchen. He was extremely patient and comforted him carefully for a long time. Seeing that the old man was a little sober, he began to ask questions. He speaks very skillfully. Instead of asking the clues that may stimulate the mood, he starts from another way:

"Madam, how many days have you been here?"

"How many days? How many days? Five days...eight days..."

"At the beginning, is it the end of the month or the middle of the month..." Zhong Chengjian's old lady was still a little confused and changed his question.

"The moon, the moon is round, and there is still more than half."

This is about March 20. There is also a rough estimate on the side of these master temples. Zhong Cheng is no longer talkative and asks:

"What have you eaten for so many days?"

"Eat! There is food... Where is the food? Where is it?"

When the old man heard the word "eat", she was immediately refreshed. She turned her hands on the ground, dug up the soil, pulled up the tender grass and watched it. After searching for a long time, she couldn't find it. She grabbed Zhong Cheng's trouser legs and said with a ferocious face:

"Quickly! Say it quickly! What about food! Where is the food!!"

Zhong Cheng quickly took out the pancake and handed it over. The old man didn't care about the dirty hands, grabbed it, took a few bites, choked his throat, and turned his face red, but he refused to give up and swallowed the food in his mouth in vain. A man next to him put the kettle next to the old woman's mouth and took a few sips before slowly recovering his breath.

These bites of food, the old woman finally had a movement in her eyes, and she shed two strings of turbid old tears, saying:

"If you have anything to eat, just eat mulberry leaves, knead them, and make a ball before you can swallow them. If you are lucky, you can suffer some yellow essence yam.

"At that time, thanks to this pond, I saw the continuous hiss in the distance. I didn't know it well. I leaned on a reed pipe and soaked under the water by the pond for three days. I couldn't help but be hungry before I dared to get up..."

Zhong Chengdao:

"Have you seen it by anyone else these days?"

The old woman finally cried and cursed:

"Are you blind? Except for my old lady, you can see the second living person!"